Leo Lies or truths?

This is what im still unsure of, I want to be able to exist with him however my heart whats what it wants.
me being a very open Saggy i tell him how it is.. that i love him deeply but i dont know if i can handle this not sure if i can stay with him because this is something i want in my life.. he tries to convince me that he is totally commited and doesnt think in those terms but then he gets frusterated and says you do what it is you need to do to be happy if leaving me is it then fine thats your decision to make..
this then makes me feel even less important in his life.
I hope and pray things turn around I don??t know if I can handle another poor judgment on my part.

Related Messages

Posted by tiziani
Maybe he just wants to build a relationship with you that isn't based on sex. I've been with women I like where we talk about them sleeping with other guys. It bypasses a lot of unnecessary drama and mind games but yes obviously there are other ways to go about seeking trust in a relationship.

I think there has to be a deep level of comfort and friendship to be able to have that type of conversation.
Thus far the only guy I could ever talk to about other guys and sex was a Bull with Sag moon.
Giving you an unsolicited example, on my birthday I was offered oral sex from some random guys my friends told was my birthday.
These guys showed up at the door where I was having my party.
I told this Bull about it and he knew instantly that the idea turned me on.
We talked about it and I just loved that we could speak about it without him getting jealous, angry or flustered.
lol really guys
You guys missed the bottom line of what I was trying to say. I'm fully aware that men & women in general are different, regardless of sign. Never denied that.
My point was that when trying to determine whether or not someone is interested in you, male or female, it's just best to measure that by their actions, not their words. Honesty is not a sign of interest. It's a personality trait that you either have or you don't.
And some people naturally assume that if an Aries is honest/blunt/possessive with you, that it means they're very interested. But if that's who they are anyways with everyone, how could you use THAT to determine interest? If you want me to insult Aries women & take back what I said about Aries (in general) being honest, I will =)
they're all mouth
< width="640" height="360" ="
Posted by DMV
Tahiry can do much better

I think they can both do better. At 1st I thought Joe was the main culprit b/c that's the way the media sold the story
But then it hit me! Any woman who can't get enough of such a man lie him must be crazy & have plenty of demons herself! She may not have F'd a bunch of guys or played him in the exact same ways he's betrayed her, BUT if the big picture is that she's just as toxic of a person as he is, then there's no use in casting her as the victim. She's not a victim. She may have been 10 years ago when all of this 1st started. But now? Nope. She knows exactly what she's doing. She knows & she's ok with that. We have to accept that some women are actually ok with bullsh**t.
I figure guys have their own way of determining who is right for them.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
A couple of my ex's were Libras. And regardless of who called the relationship off, the Libra always came back 1st.
But keep in mind that I used to be the typical overly-stubborn Aquarius. And they knew this. And it killed them inside b/c they knew that they didn't have a chance in hell at me giving in unless they made the 1st move.
Sometimes I think the Libras came back not b/c they wanted me back, but b/c they hate the silent treatment. It's like they want you to still be at home in bed, crying over them even if it was their idea to go separate ways. Libras know just how hard Aquarians love, so it throws them off when we can completely disappear even though we gave them the impression the whole relationship that our life would be completely F'd up without them.
It's like they come back just to test the waters. They hate making enemies with people, so sometimes they wait until the storm has settled before finally coming back & giving their apologizes and saying their peace/closure. To the other person, it may seem like a Libra is just playing mind games or is playing the push/pull game.
But now that I know more about Libras after having dealt with so many, I realize that this is not their intention. They hate tension. Whereas others completely stop caring about how they're perceived once a relationship is over, Libras STILL care! Even if they have a reason to hate you for the rest of their life, they can't necessarily stomach you hating them, even if they never intend on rekindling anything with you!
This is 1 of those things that may only make sense to Libras lol
Posted by CuteGem
Posted by VirgoChyld
Posted by CuteGem
Posted by VirgoChyld
I want to know what item(s) you wouldn't want me or people to find in your room?

notes with lyrics that I write. This is what is in my heart.
I wouldn't care about dirty clothes or dirty dishes or dildos etc. These are common things.
I just wouldn't want anyone to know what I am thinking..

personal lyrics, can you give an excerpt of your lyrics?
Why you don't want people to know what your thinking?

because I want to chose who I am going to open up.. and to truly open up to someone I need to have a really deep connection and trust..
So if you would go in my room, because I don't have this deep connection I wouldn't want you to read them.
click to expand

I can appreciate your honesty, I overstand what the lyrics mean to you
Yeah your all probably right, however he is no longer with that girl as she was "too intense" and well as of 2 weeks ago, we are back to the benefits. I've made my bed, and i guess im lying in it. Im trying to keep everything in check this time, and am just enjoying the time together when it happens.. No longer have any hopes of anything more. Feeling quite disappointed in myself for going back there, and the lack of will power to resist haha oh jeeze!!