You know what I think is the worst...

I am gem and dating a Aquarius. Its so great!! We dont argue, we have the same interests and he gets me even before I have to say anything. They take their time to decide, but we all feel the need to be sure.And Libra, they are great too. Not leo please, they are funny and sweet initially, but they are just not the right match for gemini. They have ego problems,they dont respect your space, they want to boss around...

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Do you think that the cartoon character Fred Flintstone was a Taurus? If not what sign do you think he was? Apparently Wilma was supposed to be a Capricorn so it would fit (and I think she is like one). Betty seems like Pisces and Barney maybe Libra.
Stellium in Cancer for sale - 3 placements for the price of one! What a bargain!!
Don't all come running at once Winking
I wasn't being funny. Yes they do drugs together, smoke weed. And if you don't have any valuable information to help with my situation then just don't say anything at all. Funny how you can pick out stupid details in my story but you can't contribute to the thread in a productive way. Typical Americans. A bunch of worthless judgmental opinionated bs. This is why I don't come in this forum too often anymore. Thanks for nothing you worthless pieces of shit, I'll just go talk to her about this when I see her and stop using this site.
Posted by Magenta_Azure
Capricorns can be really spineless cowards when it comes to emotions. They hide how they feel, harbor their emotions, then blow up and act like total douchebags and leave you in the dark with no communication. It's TOTALLY and COMPLETELY abusive.

Fixed it. I don't think the "borderline" is correctly used here Big Grin
What signs need the most/least sleep? It seems to me that on the whole Fire and Air signs need least and Earth and Water signs need more (except perhaps Virgo, and I imagine that Scorpio can endure sleeplessness if necessary). I would guess that the sign that needs the most sleep is Pisces and the sign that needs the least sleep is Sagittarius. The guy who lives in the apartment below mine is a Libra but is mostly Fire and he seems pretty manic (although he is 47 years old) and apparently sleeps very litle (he told me just a couple of hours here and there).
hello again...
I know you mean he is not being nice.. but I have to admit I havent been either,, I broke up with him everytime we coudln't communicate ... we were both at fault.. I know that is true.
we spoke today and ... he has been saying all along he needs time to think because I hurt him when I broke up with him and blocked him out for 7 weeks. He is saying.. how can I just come back and expect it to all be back to normal when i didnt want to even know not so long ago.. he is saying I didnt care how he felt for those weeks and he gave me time... so why I cant do the same for him now...
he said .. he def needs time to think.. he doenst want to go back to same old arguing etc... he hasn't seen anything diferent so far from me because I kept getting annoyed the way it is now... and he thinks that i need to see how he felt during the 7 weeks when i didnt care how he felt.
he said he loves me and he just needs time...
he said he wants to miss me... he wants to see effort on my part etc.
but i dont know how to do that i feel if I go to him and try he doesnt show anything he is just watching what i do how i behave etc.. it makes me feel insecure. and i f i leave him alone he thinks I dont care.
when i said to him well then does this mean we are moving on he told me no.. he gets cranky if i mention moving on...I feel like he doesnt want me to move on but when i keep saying it he then gets angry and tells me well move on then... he said he is not gong to do anything or put effort in because he wants to see if I will change my ways and be more understanding.
he also said... he just needs to be sure if we get back together its not the same where i break up when we argue etc. he said he doesnt want people laughing at us. he loves me but he cant be going trough that again. he said he is torn and hurt. he tells me he loves me and that he is not saying he is moving on he just needs to think and doesnt want tot alk bout it anymore, yet he tells me he is going out.
i just feel insecure and that he is slippin away and him going out might just make him forget bout me.
I dont know how to go about it anymore.. if i let him be he will think i am careless if i keep at it he gets frustriated, he doesnt want to talk bout it anymore or me pushing him.
i know i have done that and i hate that i have because i feel so insecure now. I dont know what to do.
I sent him a msg saying.. that i understand he needs time and its only fair as he gave me the t
Posted by virgodog58
What signs need the most/least sleep? It seems to me that on the whole Fire and Air signs need least and Earth and Water signs need more (except perhaps Virgo, and I imagine that Scorpio can endure sleeplessness if necessary). I would guess that the sign that needs the most sleep is Pisces and the sign that needs the least sleep is Sagittarius. The guy who lives in the apartment below mine is a Libra but is mostly Fire and he seems pretty manic (although he is 47 years old) and apparently sleeps very litle (he told me just a couple of hours here and there).

i had a taurus friend who had a mars in pisces, she told me she sleeps about 12 or 13 hours, and takes a nap during afternoon as well. that's too much imo.
why would you kiss a woman who is with someone else? that alone is reason enough to not take you seriously.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
I agree with you ladies about the server or customer service thing. I work in customer service, and it always seems to me like they are being so rude because you really shouldn't be rude back. Like it's a power thing. They get no respect or people shit on them all day so they come to my job and try to push me around. That shit don't fly with me though lol. I'm here to help you, but if you wanna be rude I have an attitude also. I hate those kinds of people honestly.
My red flags are too many female friends, too social media. That's a cheater, or at least too much potential to cheat.
Bad relationship with mother. Maybe more specifically disrespectful to the mother. Def a sign of how they view women and how they will treat them.
No job or no steady job. Unreliable, no inner drive is such a bad quality for me. IME, that will never change, it either is there or isn't.
Liars. Catching them in little stupid lies. Catching them lying to others.