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Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Do all Virgos act like big babies when they don't get their way? Do you get pissed off at someone that you care about for hanging around someone you don't like at all? Sometimes I think the Virguy I know is way too moody and to wishy washy. He has all these dreams but, does not follow through on making them happen. Ever time he starts to he gives up like he has been defeated, so why bother, at least that's what I observe. He doesn't return calls unless he needs something or when it is on his terms. Too much drama and too emotional. What is with that?
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
In Law, you're right...Taurus are too trusting...i think you said that....or maybe i thought that...either way.
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Jul 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 544 · Topics: 13
good thing you did that before the vino
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
you're right scorppt...sorry can't type numbers right now
From what I hear since they are out opposite that connection can either be really good or really bad.
I had a bad experience with a cap. If I was to judge caps by that person, I'd say they are a bit too fusy and argumentative for me....kind of like some virgos (I also know that virgos are capricorn's best match so it all m akes sense). A lot of capricorns can be workaholics which is good in once sense but bad when they run to their work everytime there is a problem at home...they are known to be neglectful in the sack and drive many cancers to cheat.....
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May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Alright,I I need to hear from the Virgo FEMALES, on this one, about cancers and scorpio
I have know this aqua man for a few years now I would say we were aquaintances..not friends..well within the last few weeks we have ran into each other alot at diffrent functions, he invited me to a small party his friend was having so I gave him my number and told him to call me with directions..I went to the get together and the next day he called me and we talked for about an hour he started calling me daily sometimes twice a day or more, when we talk its mainly about everyday things going on in our first i wasnt to interested in him but as we talk more I am finding myself more and more attracted to him..we have hung out one time at his house and just kinda watched t.v. and talked a little bit when i was leaving he gave me a hug and it almost seemed like he wanted to kiss me but I pulled away and left.when we do talk its never about us..or anything regarding getting together "hooking" up its more on a freinds level..he has a ton of friends and is very sociable..I just cant tell if he is interested in me at all..I mean with him calling so much and us staying on the phone for long periods of time it just seems like he might aqua men like to be friends first before then make a move?..or should I bring it up when he calls me again?...I dont want to scare him off..I guess I am looking for some good advice.