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Posted by SensitiveBluesPosted by NemiliciousPosted by SensitiveBlues
Thanks for the replies! Nemilicious you really make me hate PISCES ppl now that I know you're a Scorpio moon I'm starting to understand your projection and hate for yourself!
If I'm this person you think I am why do you bother responding to my threads or belittling Me!
I blocked you as CC due to your insecurity and negative posts towards me
I guess I'll have to do it again because you disgust me and honestly you have yet to give me any good or positive insight
I really couldn't even possibly wonder why anybody would ever want to be in your company
i will never suck up to you or tell you things you want to hear. enough of enabling.
you have serious issues; really - go and find help.
your reaction speaks volumes anyway.
have a nice life, CC.
You're like drinking poison! You spread your poison then blame the victim and call that reality and truth. Everything you say is poisonous
I can understand why you would be hated if you're like this in reality
I would fuking stay away
You're a witch. Seriously and you don't even see it!
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Posted by KinglyCrabPosted by JkatsPosted by KinglyCrab
I feel as if he may be to dependent on people for his happiness and that will end up being a problem. If you can get some professional help or at least a professional opinion. He may need some cognitive behavioral therapy. Codependency is not a pretty thing. He needs to find love in him not from others first. Then love from others will come.
I don't think that this is the case, he is not clingy at all, quite the opposite actually. Though at times, he will have spurts of neediness when it comes to texting. We both hate talking on the phone. Unless he's doing the whole, come off as aloof and cool so I don't think him weak. He has many friends and is close with his family, has a good job and is very smart and handsome, so idk why these words? We were just talking the other day, and I asked him why he never approached me, he goes, because i'm a Cancer and if i'm interested in a girl, I don't do that. I wait wait wait, and that's it. I also thought that you had a bf, was engaged or just wasn't into me.
All these good qualities and yet he's hesitant. I don't blame him social conditioning is a bitch. I just approach girls, if she has a boyfriend she does and that's ok but I still approach. I don't like what ifs. And it doesn't matter how good off you are depression and anxiety can happen to anyone. Don't take these to seriously these are just my musings.click to expand
Posted by asc_scorp1991
Hey. I forgot that activity of yours.
Im setting a reminder for it. Will do that tomorrow.
P.s: i think you are my favourite, based on the threads you post
Posted by HappyCapperPosted by LibraLovesHimPosted by HappyCapperPosted by LibraLovesHim
This is just how he is...I will not talk to him for 3-4 days and hell come back saying hes done this and hes done that at the house (acting all responsible for us) he doesnt work, and is a major procrastinator
I dont want to say ive gotten used to his behaviour but i think I have, I left before I wish now id just stayed away...
...and "spending time with you makes me feel physically sick" Seriously, what are you doing with this guy? Sounds a bit masochistic. If I were a psychologist, I would ask you if your parents used to talk to you like that in your childhood.
No my parents most definately did not, but I have a habit of forgiveness and trying to understand the other individual. Obviously this statement pushed me beyond it which I exactly just why I was looking for an outlet here in the meantime. Thank you anyway for your feedback.
That's great to hear!
I can understand that you reacted!
May I ask, do you have a pisces mars. I ask because I do and I have a tendency to see past too much as long as can understand it.click to expand
Posted by whatthecrab
You. You look so pretty in your picture ^_^
Posted by whatthecrab
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