Virtues of Integrity

Yama will interpret that as being a selfish reason for having a high integrity I should imagine!

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Prime the guy who sang that song is gay smile
ie George Michael, formerly of Wham.
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Oh my...
Scorpio_Wreck..I am loving the broody look on your profile, the lips look suckalicious...bring it on...2 Scorpios...woohoooo
who's a lucky girl then Winking
Morning sweetness smile
How are you this fine morning?
YES..looks like I am in demand!!!..and of course loving it..
Scorpio wreck looks cute nah? I think I can take him under my wings Winking
Fabulous darrrrlink...
Well done to another Scorp & virgo sucess story..
Well its a start eh!..
**rolls eyes**
Aww...thanks dward and Cap...I love giving advice and helping in whatever way I can..My doors always open..or should I say my PM's are always open!
Dward: I strongly believe in 2nd chances..obviously depending on how strong the reason is...but yeah hang on in there..well cos it was early days and he may just be mixed up with his emotions..Us Scorps suck at those...We have so many we don't know what to do with them..
Cap: I think you've kind of made your mind up now good luck with your future endeavours..Even if you keep him as a friend, he'll be very loyal..but sometimes friendships where one person has more feelings than the other, aren't always a good idea..I am sure you know what your doing..
Isn't it strange, you feel so close to complete strangers on the internet!
Dward what sign are you? Aries or Taurus?