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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1158 · Topics: 16
Don't put ANY doubt in his mind in the fact that you think he's great but at the same time - no drewling...
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Sep 17, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 21
Hi there scorps,
Ive read that scorpios like to choose friends/partners that are less confident or 'weaker' than themselves. If this is true, why is this so? Do scorpios feel uncomfortable around people who seem more confident than themselves? Do you act differently if you sense that someone may be 'better' than you? Im sure you powerful intuition can tell if someone if just putting up a front that seems confident, when deep down they are rather insecure. Does hanging around less confident/insecure people make you feel better about yourselves?
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Or even worse...maybe he's now avoiding me as 5 days is a long time for me!!!??!!
roxi, you sound exactly like me.... wish we could meet and go out and have fun!!! anyway, that is exactly what i do, get upset with him and then I I I am the one to come back and apologize with a sappy email telling him how sorry i am and how much i like him... GOD, i hate myself sometimes for being so weak! One friend said to me, i can't believe you are taking this crap from him, you wouldn't take it from anyone else! And i think sometimes about it, and think if i was single would i sit around pining for this guy who treats me this way... of course not... but that's not my situation, but still, i shouldn't.... anwyay, i want to email him and tell him i know he overreacted and i hated the way we talked to each other and to maybe call me.... so please help me to NOT do that! At least not until Monday.....
I'm a Leo girl, I recently met a Gemini guy who I felt an instant spark with... and of course, sexual attraction. Does anyone have any experience with a leo/gemini relationship?
I don't know, I don't know Leo to be too quiet about their feelings. If a Leo is in love, they tend to shower their partner with affection. Then again, I don't feel like a Leo would ever bother to stay with someone they weren't in love with. So who knows.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
That was an example of being concerned about your friends, not the item itself being "critical of you". My point was, to say you're not concerned about somebody, and then say, you want to help your friends, are referencing two different issues, however the same principal. The example was used for the sole purpose of relaying the concept of the word, "concern".
Second, to make an assumption of how one FEELS would be illogical. If it appeared as though I was making an assumption about YOU, then that is because you choose to own it as such, when in reality, I was explaining WHY the Virgo cannot be helped with their inner workings and how they process.
I understand your concerns: They are as such: 1) you want to know if anybody has suggestions on how to cool Virgo's analytical thought processes, 2) that being analytical affects them negatively, mostly with how they see the world, 3) you want them to calm down, and, 4) you don't like seeing them get overworked and stressed so much.
Let me approach this from another angle . . imagine if you weren't allowed to crawl inside your shell to hide, or recover, or think, or whatever the reason is that you need to withdraw? You can't. Being a crab, you have to have your place for solitude.
Me, being a Pisces, if someone told me that living simultaneously between the real and the surreal was something that needed some assistance because they are worried about me . . I would consider them clinically insane . . because I am a fish, that is me. To live solely in reality means my death.
What if the Gemini was told that they could only have ONE friend, and no others? They HAVE to HAVE multitudes of people in their life to survive because that is who they are.
My point is that, the Virgo being worked up over something, their excessive analytical thought processes . . is their natural state in which they NEED to survive. I'm very understanding of the fact that you feel a need to aid them, or assist them, or find some avenue to cool this, and calm this down inside of them and what I'm telling you is that this is only YOUR need . . not theirs. The Virgo will stress until he drops dead because this is his safety zone, within his comtemplations and his constant analyzing, he is comfortable, he is content, he finds strength.
You are wanting to fix something in them that you think is broken, but, it's not broken. They don't WANT you to fix them. You want YOU to fix them.
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Sep 17, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 21
And what is exactly meant by "doomed with money" - If a cancer has money they will be doomed?? Hmm Im a cancer and I can tell you that I am very good with my money. I work hard and do overtime hours when neccessary and I do not blow it on unneccesary things, or gamble it. Cancers generally have good minds when it comes to dealing with money, because they like to have 'back-up funds' so to speak, to save for a rainy day. Cancers often feel insecure or depressed when they have little money. I know I can be a little uptight if Ive got no money or no job - mainly because I dont have any security. And when Ive got no money, it becomes pretty much my number one priority. I mean by this that when im almost broke i will work my ass off to get my bank balance back up. I think learning to handle money has alot more to do with common sense, intelligence etc and less to do with star signs.
Yeah, I just realized that what I left you probably wasn't the best...
When I think about an ex, when I'm looking at their picture... I think about where it went wrong mainly because I try to imagine how things could have worked out better... and when a break up didn't end in conflict, I usually still have feelings for the person.
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Sep 17, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 21
But if you are an immature, cookiemonstering, messed up cancer then yes, you are going to have problems with money. Mainly because your moods are going to dominate how you spend your money, rather than common sense. These cancers will find themselves spending money in order to make themselves happy etc or just getting carried away with their money when in a good mood.
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Sep 17, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 21
Hmm interesting. But if you are surrounded by people who are weak minded does your confidence grow? Do you feed off the insecurities of others? Im not having a go at you scorps at all, just curious.