guys who don't fix their hair


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Posted by starwars
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by starwars
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by starwars
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by starwars


As Venusian as I am, I'm just not that mentally quick enough to be considered 1st tier.

It takes me literally days to come up with a good comeback or a snappy comment.

Or, I'm like Winston on The New Girl and what I think are great gotcha moments are completely over the top and unappreciated.

you got cap moon though, that makes you naturally alpha and 1st tier material

we edgy bro

you can pull it off

Big Grin
I mask my inadequacies by convincing myself I'm above all these labels, lol


this is one smart tech. alpha tech. 1st tire tech

So when you join do you get a lot of PMs? I don't like them, can't keep up. Unless there's money, I'm out. Big Grin


you can always let the Gemini handle the PMs and fan mails

while you be swimming on money
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My mom?

Look at his actions and you'll know if it's real. I don't know why women invest so much on words?!!!!? Sorry, it's all about actions with anyone.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Miscorpion
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Miscorpion
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Miscorpion
I have this Capricorn guy in my life, we are in a LDR. He is coming to my city for a long weekend so I have booked a beautiful room with a spa (which I intend on thrashing) Would love some creative ways to surprise him as he has been under a lot of pressure and has stressed he is near burnout. So I've had a couple of ideas rattling round in my head, mostly I want him to relax and enjoy his time with me. So I was thinking chilled wine, his favourite meal delivered to our room and some other wee appetisers like massage oils etc ? He arrives while I'm working so I'll slip out and pick him up and take him to our surprise room where I'll meet up shortly after. He lights up when he sees me in my admin clothes so I was thinking that with a cute heel and some new sexy lingerie hiding beneath. Is there anything else I could chuck in the mix? Aiming for a hot n steamy time moreso laced with his favourite things..any ideas would be fab!!!
Did you pay for the room?

That surprised me enough...
Yes I'm paying for the room and I'll collect the keys prior to picking him up and put his favourite beers in the fridge as well as nibbles. I've also jacked up that our meal (his fav) be delivered to the room ?

Wow! I guess a lot of us would come to that room!!!

So you can choose and pick and do whatever...

So he will just need to come and lay down? I am assuming you will undress and unpack as well?

Are you Japanese? Lol
Bhaha no I'm not Japanese ? and he can unpack himself...when he gets a chance that is!!!!!

Oh! Keep us posted please...and open bar for him so you can show him your love...unconditional one!

Had he ever booked room for you?

You didn't say can we come? Just to watch? No touching...except the bar?
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Haha still a wee way off yet. I'm in his city next month then he is down the following. Yes, he has booked rooms and done sweet gestures. He portrays that he isn't a candles and rose petals kinda guy which suits hence why I'm here for some refreshing creative ways of showing him how special he is!!!

Posted by starwars
Posted by Soul
Posted by starwars
Posted by Soul
BaaaaaaaHAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAA!!!! *cough*.....

Remember that one time my internet magically went out before I could message AD? Me either!

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you still have time.
Your party actually trusts me?

User Submitted Image

unfortunately we do

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I wouldn't have.
I have no idea what is going on or what to expect with this man. I am an aries and I have only been this upset over a guy one other time.

So I became sexually with a Scorpio man and everything was great in the beginning. We use to work together and the relationship started after I left. We had sex and we talked for two days after then he went ghost for 3 days. We talked everyday for 2 months before we had sex, so i left it was weird and it kinda made me feel like "what the hell just happened".

A week later we are texting and he says " when were you going to tell me you talk to my brother". I know his brother also and him and I had this really cool friendship. We would talk about food and wine and that was the extent of it. I just thought it was weird he would ask that because he already knew i was friendly with hsi brother. It also threw me off because it gave me a sign that he liked me.

we hooked up again and the next day i had this feeling like something isn't right. I was out with a guy that i am friends with and again my scorpio knows him and I are friends. My scorpio knew I came out to see him and he made another Jealous like comment and it kinda hurt. but we had sex that night. so i told him the next day that maybe him and I shouldn't talk to each other for a while. I couldn't understand what he was doing and he scared me.

A few days later i reflected a lot and I reached out to him because I wanted to tell him that I really liked him and i wasn't sure what he was doing or if he felt the same. He was just cold and mean. I tried for a while to talk to him and and at least have a friendship out of us. He wouldn't budge.

A month later we ended up having sex again but he wouldn't kiss me this time. the following night i text him and he told me he was with someone else. My heart just dropped into my stomach. I flew to Florida the next day sounds dramatic but I just was crushed and I needed to get away and try to come back to reality. While i was down there i deleted him off of facebook and we didn't talk and when i got home a few days later I get a 2am text saying "ok". So i responded and he was a dick. I asked him what he wanted and he said nothing and i ended the conversation and he ended up saying good night an hour later. A few days pass and i sent him a text i was drunk and I asked to see him. we didn't but I told him how upset i was and how sad he was so nice and caring. he text me two nights later saying he hopes I am feeling better. We have sex again the next night. My worst sexually and most humiliating experience I have ever had with someone. as we are having sex he tells me "this is the last time, I better enjoy it" "is there anyone else you like, be with him". I am almost positive he was texting someone too. I left his house crying.

a few weeks later I had bought him a gift and it was on back order. It ended up coming and I was like ill give it to him. We barely talked to each other and I got him this chef coat with his name on it. This was before all of this happened and before we had sex. It just arrived after all the bullbutter with him and I. I gave him the coat one night after work. He was trying to get me to have sex with him. Then he tells me he has a girlfriend and I am like have her help you. Then he says "I am not with anyone, you know that". When I gave him the coat he didn't want to open it in front of me. Even though he was such a dick I was so happy to give him the chef coat. We ended up having sex and again he didnt kiss me. I thought that was weird, and when we finished he got up ran to the shower and he was like the is the last time. I felt so stupid. I am a strong person and I don't let anyone treat me like that. I shut down when I am around him.

Him and I would text hear and there an done night I was out with friends and I text him. I missed him. I missed him the guy I worked with and the guy he was before we had sex. I went to his house and we talked and I asked him how his brother is doing and he responds "I know you want him" Then he brought up another person him and I worked with. I went to lunch actually we went out for pizza for his brother day. My scorpio says " you went to dinner with william" like no. Why is he acting like this and treats me like butter. I dont get the back and forth nonsense. The next day he messages me asking if I was out with William the night before and I said yes, I was out with a group of people and he was mad. William gave his 2 weeks notice to the scorpio and I don't know what he was thinking and I didn't know William did that.

The scorpio and I get into a heated discussion and he says "you took me off facebook I dont know what you are doing in your life". OK so i add him again ( we are both 31 and 32) and he blocks me. and I told him the next day that I am done and that him and i shouldn't talk anymore. He seemed like he was upset. 3 weeks later of not talking I get 3am text and it was a thumbs up. So i said him to him and he blocks me from messenger.

it was so frustrating and over the holidays I got him a christmas gift and he never said thank you. Which is stupid. New years eve I text him and I told him that I had feelings for him and how much all of this has hurt me. He told me I was crazy. I didnt talk to him for another 3 weeks ( pattern) and I get a 1am text from him saying "thanks". the next day he told me he sent that to the wrong person. I am not in his recent contacts. again weird. A few nights later it was late and I text him. He was so nice and sweet and he asked if I could come out and see him, I said no because I was scared. i didn't want him to say or do something to destroy me and I am also very weak around him. I told him he can visit me at work and the coldness began again. He was being kind of mean. I stopped in his job to say to everyone and he was stand offish with me. I text him when I left and I told him I liked seeing him. He was an marker all over again. I was flying to ecuador later that night and we text a little the next night i text him and he told me he doesn't like me texting him. The only reason why he wanted to see me that night was to talk about our situation. This has been going on since August and Ive tried to talk to him and on his terms and at 2am he wants to talk. Talking doesn't happen at 2am and he was drinking. Sex happens at 2am.

A few days before valentine's day we got into a huge argument and I told him that I am really hurt and Its killing me. He told me he doesn't care. And then he would ask me another questiona nd then say he doesn't care, ask another and says doesn't care again. I ended up calling him an marker and he tried to call me but I was so angry that I just couldn't talk to him. Last night i text him and i apologized for calling him an marker. He tried calling but I had my daughter next to me and I told him i couldn't talk on the phone. He text me saying "I guess you dont want to talk" and then it starts. I dont feel anythign for you, I dont want anything with you, I dont like to talk to you, Youre crazy youre annoying. I told him that I just want him to apologize and I told him its hard because I do care about him and have feelings and I wouldnt put myself through this if I didnt feel this way about him. I also have self respect and I just cant have someone beating me down. I am too nice and I give a lot of chances, but im wearing thin and the aries in my is going to explode and ive hit my peak with him.

Is this normal for a scorpio man? Like i said we are both in our early 30's. Clearly he doesnt like me or respect me but what the hell does he want from me? I dont understand.
Posted by ScorpioBoar
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by ScorpioBoar
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by ScorpioBoar

You're sweet ❤ If I was straight, I would love that very much.

Validation is all I need ??

We have a forum for that I think.

But I can't see the video :/

What is it?

A picture of my butt lol.
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Of course.

Posted by Miscorpion
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Miscorpion
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Miscorpion
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Miscorpion
I have this Capricorn guy in my life, we are in a LDR. He is coming to my city for a long weekend so I have booked a beautiful room with a spa (which I intend on thrashing) Would love some creative ways to surprise him as he has been under a lot of pressure and has stressed he is near burnout. So I've had a couple of ideas rattling round in my head, mostly I want him to relax and enjoy his time with me. So I was thinking chilled wine, his favourite meal delivered to our room and some other wee appetisers like massage oils etc ? He arrives while I'm working so I'll slip out and pick him up and take him to our surprise room where I'll meet up shortly after. He lights up when he sees me in my admin clothes so I was thinking that with a cute heel and some new sexy lingerie hiding beneath. Is there anything else I could chuck in the mix? Aiming for a hot n steamy time moreso laced with his favourite things..any ideas would be fab!!!
Did you pay for the room?

That surprised me enough...
Yes I'm paying for the room and I'll collect the keys prior to picking him up and put his favourite beers in the fridge as well as nibbles. I've also jacked up that our meal (his fav) be delivered to the room ?

Wow! I guess a lot of us would come to that room!!!

So you can choose and pick and do whatever...

So he will just need to come and lay down? I am assuming you will undress and unpack as well?

Are you Japanese? Lol
Bhaha no I'm not Japanese ? and he can unpack himself...when he gets a chance that is!!!!!

Oh! Keep us posted please...and open bar for him so you can show him your love...unconditional one!

Had he ever booked room for you?

You didn't say can we come? Just to watch? No touching...except the bar?
Haha still a wee way off yet. I'm in his city next month then he is down the following. Yes, he has booked rooms and done sweet gestures. He portrays that he isn't a candles and rose petals kinda guy which suits hence why I'm here for some refreshing creative ways of showing him how special he is!!!

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Enjoy! And report back will you?
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by ScorpioBoar
You're sweet ❤ If I was straight, I would love that very much.
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So? Become straight! Just stop bending...big deal! Lol
Posted by LadyNeptune
I think that the person your with can contribute immensely to the level of insecurity/security you feel.
I think so too.

my husband does make me feel confident.

he's a very confident man, to me.

he has a strong ego, which really helps me because I lack ego with having a 12th house moon.

when i'm not with him, I feel really depressed and sad.

he's with me everyday, even when i'm on here on the computer, reading, he's next to me.
Posted by -Flo-
Now that I'm single and have removed myself from toxic relationships. I'm more secure than ever, I'm going through an emotional healing process and I like where it's heading because I'm opening my heart towards new friends, opportunities, and life changes.

I just created a thread explaining how I'm happy with my body; flaws and all regardless of becoming older. I don't care to feed into negativity, I'm a lot more forgiving, I'm seeking peace within myself, and accepting what makes me feel good. So far this new year has been amazing. I'm definitely growing emotionally and mentally, this is exactly where I needed to be. It's only getting better and I'm excited..

I'm no longer searching for someone, I'm will wait til he's placed in my life because when that happens it will be the right time and when I least expect it.

I have surrounded myself with beautiful new hobbies and loving people who genuinely care about me. That's a lot to say for such an introverted person but I had to open up and let people love me. It was the only way I could learn to trust and finally let go. Focusing on my Education has also been a huge step for me to accomplish, so I'm heading in the right direction.

that sounds really sweet.