Charlie Sheen

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Candeh15 on Monday, February 28, 2011 and has 66 replies.
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He may possibly be beyond help, but he may have said the best things I have ever heard anyone say:
Why he's suing: "People a lot more important than me are relying on that money to fuel the magic." How much will he sue for? "Tons."
Why he deserves a raise: "I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total frickin' rock star from Mars. People can't figure me out, they can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain."
His new family: He has two live-in girlfriends he calls "the goddesses," one of whom is a porn star.
How he describes himself: "I'm extremely old-fashioned, I'm a nobleman, I'm chivalrous. I believe that chivalry is not dead, it's just been in a coma for a while."
Whether he's on drugs: "I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available because if you try it once you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body." (He did submit to urine and drug tests, both of which came back negative, although that only proves he's been clean for three days.)
Why people think he's on drugs: "People misinterpret my passion for anger. ... You borrow my brain for five seconds and just be, like, Dude! Can't handle it! Unplug this bastard! Because it fires in a way that is, I don't know, maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm."
Whether he has psychological problems: He says he's not bi-polar, but he is "bi-winning."
When he last took drugs: He claims not to remember, but says at that time, "I probably took more than anybody could survive. ... I was bangin' seven gram rocks and finishing them, because that's how I roll. I have one speed, I have one gear: go."
How he feels about his drug-fueled days: Proud, because "I exposed people to magic, I exposed them to something they're never otherwise gonna see in their boring, normal lives."
How he cured himself of addiction: "I closed my eyes and made it so."
Why he's special: He has "tiger blood" and "Adonis DNA."
On CBS: "They owe me a big [apology]. Publicly. While licking my feet."
Posted by EmotionalMoon
Posted by WynterBourne
Virgo, ain't he? But I'll bet he has a fire moon.

ha ha
Sun Virgo, Moon Sag, Ascendant Gem
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He's THAT virgo. lol
Posted by CappyyLuv30
I am so sick of hearing about this guy. Let him die already. Same with Lindsey. Enough!

I may or may not be quoting "I'm not bi-polar, I'm bi-winning" for the rest of my life.
i dont think charlie sheen needs help. i think he deserves a gold metal.
I'm on denise richards side if he aint good enough for her then hes not good enough for me.
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
I'm on denise richards side if he aint good enough for her then hes not good enough for me.

UM HELLO smile
Have you been around the whole time...?
Because I seriously thought you left/went missing and are just now popping back up....but I guess I'm wrong.
Cocaine is one hell of a drug.
Posted by WynterBourne
Posted by LoveBucket
Posted by EmotionalMoon
Posted by WynterBourne
Virgo, ain't he? But I'll bet he has a fire moon.

ha ha
Sun Virgo, Moon Sag, Ascendant Gem

WOW!! That's ALOT of mutable going on!! No wonder he's all over the place!! smile

Yeah huh smile Big time spaz.
The Sag part says the stupid shit, the Gem part makes him say a lot of it, and the Virgo part is convinced he's right about all the stupid shit, breaks it all down and thinks up more stupid shit.
Whew! lol

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This made me lol. I like the way you broke that down.
I thought it was a really desperate and slightly weird move wehn he handed over the drug test documents over to Piers Morgan on that CNN show live interview. The whole thing seemed like a pr stunt thing
Posted by brianafay
Have you been around the whole time...?
Because I seriously thought you left/went missing and are just now popping back up....but I guess I'm wrong.

I just recently popped my head bak in 2 see all the fuss was about smile how u been girly?
The saddest part is that he thinks he is being admired for doing something herotic ... and is clueluess to the fact that most people are thinking he's a fool.

He is so engulfed in his inflated ego ... that it blinds him to any truths.

I think it's sad ... and yay to getting those kids out of there.
Candeh, I would agree with you if those things were being said from a sane mind.

His actions are in complete contridiction of his words .. if words/actions don't match, then something is a deception.

Words can be calculated, where actions tend to reveal the true nature ... so, this leaves me to believe that those quotes of his are a product of an ego that has blinded him to reality, in which case I would have to pass on thinking they are anything more than insane.

Charles Manson also thought this way .. still does.
Another thing about him is that in Mayan astrology he is a Blue Crystal Night ... and in being one, his challenge is the Red Skywalker.
The Red Skywalker is a very hard challenge for it causes a persons reality to change with every point of reference .... which causes the person to fear changes, obviously.
So, he has two choices before him ... strike out out of fear .. or, cower down out of fear.
Yeah, the guys a flapjack. I had heard a few quotes from him on the radio that I LOVED! I love unfiltered! I love blunt, politically incorrect honesty! But...I can't get with the rudeness. There's where he loses me.
It's weird...You can take a paragraph long speech by him and I'm likely to love half of it and really be turned off by the other half.
Posted by P-Angel
Another thing about him is that in Mayan astrology he is a Blue Crystal Night ... and in being one, his challenge is the Red Skywalker.
The Red Skywalker is a very hard challenge for it causes a persons reality to change with every point of reference .... which causes the person to fear changes, obviously.
So, he has two choices before him ... strike out out of fear .. or, cower down out of fear.

I don't know much about Mayan Astrology. Do you know any good detailed sites about it?
Candeh, I PM'ed you the link.
He will be dead within a year.
There's nothing wrong with Charlie Sheen. No more than there is with any Hollywood druggie whore monger out there. It's Hollywood!!! There are people who's worlds are coming to an end (if not your own). Nine children were shot and killed in Afghanistan by U.S. troops, that's news. The Midwest has been having earthquakes, the Gulf of Mexico is dying (if it's not already dead). Charlie Sheen is not news, he's a very large Hollywood statistic.
But, this is what happens when a Virgo male breaks free from their self-built prisons and recognize the illusions of control, time, rules, and protocol. People dismiss it as "Crazy" and "He needs help". Bullshit. It's dismissive because people don't understand him or his actions, so people try to psychoanalyze the guy. Charlie Sheen just woke up and embraced his true self, and if and when he dies, I'll bet that he'll die with a smile on his face. Kudos to him. How many of you will be able to do that?
Posted by 69virgo
Sept,3 bad boy..Winking we don't take no shit!

I sec that im a sep 3 virgo as well its a know fact that we have tiger blood and adonis DNA. I love this guy keep it up wining lol.
Here is a break down of his chart check out his sag in the 8th house he will be here for some time
Sun Virgo 11.22 Ascendant Gemini 1.57
Moon Sagittarius 25.57 II Gemini 25.48
Mercury Leo 23.30 III Cancer 16.29
Venus Libra 18.33 IV Leo 8.36
Mars Scorpio 9.26 V Virgo 6.41
Jupiter Gemini 28.06 VI Libra 15.50
Saturn Pisces 14.01 R VII Sagittarius 1.57
Uranus Virgo 14.59 VIII Sagittarius 25.48
Neptune Scorpio 17.36 IX Capricorn 16.29
Pluto Virgo 15.57 Midheaven Aquarius 8.36
Lilith Aquarius 6.39 XI Pisces 6.41
Asc node Gemini 8.44 XII Aries 15.50
Sun conjunct Pluto: he is suspicious of happiness and this makes him destructive.
Sun conjunct Uranus: he invites unusual and adventurous experiences into his life.
Uranus in V house: he likes dubious distractions. His amorous adventures are numerous and very complicated.
Moon in VIII house: a constant need to change sexual partners.
Mars in Scorpio: attracted to taboos.
Mars conjunction Neptune: possibility to become a sex-addict if the rest of the chart indicates so.
Mercury square Neptune: possibility to become a drugs-addict if the rest of the chart indicates so.
Neptune in VI house: he is prone to the bad influence of alcohol, medicines and drugs.
Aries in the XII house (Secrets/Loss): he is drawn to people who have a questionable reputation.
Chiron in Pisces: his life is riddled with painful experiences that result from his lack of boundaries. Issues with the legal system relating to drugs and alcohol.
House VIII in Sagittarius: Death in a foreign land due to overindulgence. Nevertheless this will happen after a long life.
I'm just glad someone came to their senses and got those children out of there.

JesusChrist ... they are little Pisceans, which means even at their young age, they are extremely impressionable ... and here is dad bringing women in and out of their lives, sharing beds, talking crazy shit ... a dangerous cocktail to mix for little Fish, who can easily get confused.

Virgo's are extremely disturbing when they protect for the sake of Virgo, and not for the sake of sanity.
I want to know what his older daughter thinks of this she is 25 she has not said anything so far. She would be the best to judge him on how good or bad a father he is.
Posted by P-Angel
Virgo's are extremely disturbing when they protect for the sake of Virgo, and not for the sake of sanity.

What is sanity it just someone opinion half the people on dxp think you are insane p they all can't be right.... right Winking
Posted by Lena282
The man is racist, anti-Semitic and violent. He's Mel Gibson part deux

i haven't seen anything racist what did he say
"Sanity" is for losers who try to put shit in a box. Miserable people. Anti-Semetic would include ALL people from the middle east. Not just for the Johnny-come-lately Khazar Jews. Also, Fox "Sheeple" News isn't a valid news source.
Posted by Lena282
Posted by virgoking
Posted by Lena282
The man is racist, anti-Semitic and violent. He's Mel Gibson part deux

i haven't seen anything racist what did he say,2933,368942,00.html
click to expand

your using fox you know they lie alot in there news check out what they did to ron paul.
< title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" ="http:
He stuck with the family name?
Emillio was always my favorite fwiw. smile
You would think with all the egotism he has, and all that money he has .. that he would do something with his face, at least get the nose fixed.
Wow. Always back to the superficial, yet totally oblivious of the big picture. *smh*
Posted by 0987654321234567890
How did Emellio turn-out so well?

Maybe that Taurus in him knows how play the game without getting caught up? Or, maybe he's justa cool MoFo! Yeah, the latter, that's it.
Tis both!!! he's a cool mofo cuz he's a Taurus! smile
Posted by BellatheBull
Tis both!!! he's a cool mofo cuz he's a Taurus! smile

Ya DAMN skippy!!!
Posted by Lena282
let me try again

thanks I hope you don't look at gleen beck he is a liar as well check this out.
< title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" ="http:
*SMH* It never ceases to amaze me ho easy it is to manipulate today's youth. Wow.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I can't find a youtube link, but paraphrasing Bill Hicks
"more snickers, more coke ! more snickers, more coke !"

Man, I love Bill Hicks .. you turned me on to him the other day when you put up that clip about reading in the Waffle House. That dude fucking hilarious.
I've watched several clips from youtube, and I plan on watching everything I can find on him.
Shame he died, though Sad

I looked this morning for Sheen stuff and it looks like people are starting to get fed up with him so much that they aren't even interested in him anymore, nor his fame.

I think maybe he shot himself in the foot rather than bring a point to light.
I'd say he won.

He was fired
He lost his children
He lost visitation rights from his 2 older children
He's quickly losing respect from the viewers

Now that's victory !!!!!!
Charlie Sheen is a god amongst men.
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Posted by Prince_Pisces
< title="YouTube video player" width="425" height="349" ="http:

ROFL.. Libra giving a Gemini a PASS Big Grin
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Can we Gems give you Elizabeth Hasslebeck and you give us Howard Hughes?? I know he's dead, but I think it's still a good trade. Big Grin
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I don't know who those other chicks are but meow !

More like....WOOF!!
truen dat ?/ bruv

Alot of money can buy alot of pussy
His inner chart is like he's a whole another person.
Mars in scorpio? Yea I bet.
Posted by 0987654321234567890
You make a good point, however it is disappointing to learn of such gluttonous consumption! Crack is like a fine wine that should be sipped and savored, not gulped. When one gulps, one fails to develop one's pallet.
What happened to the days of moderation and sophistication? This is a perfect example of our county's inability to moderately consume toxic materials in a manner that is socially acceptable in practice. Everyone knows that a seven gram rock is the mass of crack to be hit by only the lower socio-economic classes, and he should be indulging in the more moderate 2 gram or less rocks and/or the more upscale freebase. Tiger blood or not, he needs to understand that crack use in moderation is what separates the rockstar, actor, politician, and circus performer from the common street bum.
I'm sure you can sense how passionate I am about this topic. He's going to make crackheads look bad, and this frightens me.

lol,that's supposed to be ♥
not & heats.
Sun Virgo, Moon Sag, Ascendant Gem.
Wow, that explains a lot. This must be the worst combination ever. Each of these signs are complex enough on their own... now put them together and you've basically got a person beyond rapair!
But I like Charlie, how can you not? haha
I want to give him some water. I feel like he could really use some water.
Posted by ellessque

Merc in leo makes him sound like an ass moreso with the crack.

Haha oh yes, definitely... he sounds like me when I'm running out of valid arguments. It's just downhill from there no matter what you say Big Grin