Do you like oral sex?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Sag89 on Saturday, March 9, 2013 and has 70 replies.
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I really hate it. I have slept with a lot of guys and it never feels good and it feels uncomfortable and wrong. The women I have slept with that did it was pretty good but still not great.
When I hear people orgasm from it, I think how? lol Same with squirting. How do you do these things with your body lol thanks
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
Are you able to stop thinking and completely give over to the sensation or do you continue to have a stream of conscious thought? Do you thoroughly trust your partner? Are you entirely comfortable with them or is there a part of you that's self-conscious? Are they intuitively responding to your body or focused on their techniques? There's a lot more that plays into something like that than the physical aspects of the act alone.
And also, some people just aren't that great at it lol.

Lol true.
Those are some good questions. I don't know. I'm starting to wonder if I'm frigit. I can only orgasm from missionary. It use to be on top as well but it's starting to fade out.
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
Maybe you just need to try "spicing" things up? Doing the same thing over and over again can burn out the passion in anyone's relationship and become mechanical. If nothing else you could always consider introducing a small vibrator to your intimate time for extra stimulation.

Yea I'm not in a relationship I just can't orgasm well I guess?
Posted by Purrrr
No. I don't like it because it's a psychological turn-off. It has nothing to do with skill or shame. It just doesn't do anything for me.

Yea that makes sense
Posted by ninjafish
Depends on the partner because that takes more trust for me than conventional sex. I prefer giving it to receiving it generally too, then the attention isn't all on me.

yea maybe it's a trust thing.
I wish I could! I mean I wanna be able to no matter what. Like they do in the movies lol
Posted by Purrrr
Saggy, what's your rising sign?

Posted by Purrrr
Posted by Sag89
Posted by Purrrr
Saggy, what's your rising sign?


Aww. You're so pretty. Not hitting on you; just saying.
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Haha thanks purr
I love it.
I think you may have issues with how you feel about your vagina.
As for squirting, that's physiological, not everyone can do it.
I can't. I've tried.
Posted by Sag89
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
Are you able to stop thinking and completely give over to the sensation or do you continue to have a stream of conscious thought? Do you thoroughly trust your partner? Are you entirely comfortable with them or is there a part of you that's self-conscious? Are they intuitively responding to your body or focused on their techniques? There's a lot more that plays into something like that than the physical aspects of the act alone.
And also, some people just aren't that great at it lol.

Lol true.
Those are some good questions. I don't know. I'm starting to wonder if I'm frigit. I can only orgasm from missionary. It use to be on top as well but it's starting to fade out.
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I love orgasms in missionary position because it's physical (hits the right spot) but also psychological (I like the man being on top).
However, I actually orgasmed from oral before I ever did from intercourse (though I prefer intercourse orgasms because they feel more intense) ...
So I think you are just "in your head person."
Sometimes I think I'm an "in my head" person, but I'm really not, I'm just an introvert. I'm actually very sensing, I hate being "in my head" during sex, that's terrible.
Just terrible.
But yeah if you could learn to "get into your body" that would help.
Do you work out? Dance? Anything like that? Feel your body.
Its almost an obsession for me
Squirting... seriously? All that is some chick urinating how hard is that to do lol ^.^? And why would you care about it furthermore?
Elle in a porno it's urine I don't care what you say ^.^
In real life well there are girls who excrete a lot more then others I have never seen any of them have that stuff shooting out of them though BUT I'm no sex guru so who knows maybe it's possible... All I know is that what you see in a porno is just that *urine*
Posted by ellessque
It depends on the partner.
I also think it depends on the level of comfort with your partner.
lol...stop watching porn for instruction. It's great for inspiring ideas but alot of that stuff is exaggerated.
It's really no different than when a woman performs oral sex and she's not into it. Men can tell. So, women are not any different.
I think receiving oral sex for a woman is more intimate and if you are not comfortable with your partner, you may not be able to relax and truly enjoy it.
You also have to understand that men are not born just knowing how to do it and all women's lady bits are not identical. If it's not being done in a way that is satisfying you, it's important for you to say so, or direct him.
One way that might help is masturbating in front of your partner...with the lights That way he can see which area is most stimulating to you. That also can build trust and comfort.
As far as squirting. Some say that's not something everyone can do. I don't know if I believe that. I do believe that you have to really understand and study your body. You need to explore everything and you probably need to do it alone before you attempt it with a partner. When women orgasm, you naturally contract or "squeeze".....consciously do the opposite....release. It might seem "weird" the first time and a bit surprising....but eventually it will just happen naturally without any thought.

Oh elle, that sounds so inmate ewwwwww lol I see what your saying tho.
Posted by Marmotini
Posted by Sag89
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
Are you able to stop thinking and completely give over to the sensation or do you continue to have a stream of conscious thought? Do you thoroughly trust your partner? Are you entirely comfortable with them or is there a part of you that's self-conscious? Are they intuitively responding to your body or focused on their techniques? There's a lot more that plays into something like that than the physical aspects of the act alone.
And also, some people just aren't that great at it lol.

Lol true.
Those are some good questions. I don't know. I'm starting to wonder if I'm frigit. I can only orgasm from missionary. It use to be on top as well but it's starting to fade out.

I love orgasms in missionary position because it's physical (hits the right spot) but also psychological (I like the man being on top).
However, I actually orgasmed from oral before I ever did from intercourse (though I prefer intercourse orgasms because they feel more intense) ...
So I think you are just "in your head person."
Sometimes I think I'm an "in my head" person, but I'm really not, I'm just an introvert. I'm actually very sensing, I hate being "in my head" during sex, that's terrible.
Just terrible.
But yeah if you could learn to "get into your body" that would help.
Do you work out? Dance? Anything like that? Feel your body.
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How do you know if your in your body? Could you explain a little more sorry.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Squirting... seriously? All that is some chick urinating how hard is that to do lol ^.^? And why would you care about it furthermore?

It just seems like an achievement
Posted by harry99
omg can you say downer lol. I love it when the person does it.... right. Still no orgasms from it but that's probably bcuz I'm
not with people I really trust and also cuz they stopped too soon *pout* but omg when they know what to do good heavens can you say epic. The Leo marker was the best at it. Omg the things that boy did with his tongue. I wanted to marry him ....his tongue I mean.

have from it before though?
Posted by geminicandlelight
I think you can orgasm from both, it just depends on your state of mind, emotions and relationship to that person. You just need to relax and let the passion build up and overwhelm you until you have no choice but to cumWinking
Sagg89, do you think you secretly feel ashamed of being so exposed and in a vulnerable position? Because it does put one on the spot, I mean one thing is you both going at it, but another thing when he is all down there, lol.
Any body issues? You don't have to answer here, but kinda dig deeper to see where this is coming from, you know munchkin?smile

I don't know maybe I do. But I don't see how cause I enjoy sex usually, aLOT.
Posted by Purrrr
"Always make ya bishes go pee before." -Pssymonstaa

Wise words, people. Wise words.

Purr your just reading this thread for a good laugh and your own amusement aren't you ^.^
Hey look lol.. If chick shoots cool would be a turn on either way... I'm kinda dirty like that
I'm not hating on the erotica here.
And yes Sag89 that would be intimate.
One begs the question for why you have never thought to do this before? NOT so much with the intention of what elle proposed but just as a general turn on for you and the guy. This never crossed ya'lls mind before? I mean I don't got no big ego here... you seem to be far more experienced then me .. at least with number of partners/experiences you have said you've had. I've had my lion's share but only with girlfriends so a lot with the same person... and I've done this before so hmm maybe it's more something you do with someone your comfortable with I guess dunno. (I'm referring to the masterbation in front of partner part not squirting in case anyone thinks I was contradicting myself)
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Hey look lol.. If chick shoots cool would be a turn on either way... I'm kinda dirty like that
I'm not hating on the erotica here.
And yes Sag89 that would be intimate.
One begs the question for why you have never thought to do this before? NOT so much with the intention of what elle proposed but just as a general turn on for you and the guy. This never crossed ya'lls mind before? I mean I don't got no big ego here... you seem to be far more experienced then me .. at least with number of partners/experiences you have said you've had. I've had my lion's share but only with girlfriends so a lot with the same person... and I've done this before so hmm maybe it's more something you do with someone your comfortable with I guess dunno. (I'm referring to the masterbation in front of partner part not squirting in case anyone thinks I was contradicting myself)

Well sure I've done everything but not like in a emotional way if that makes sense?
Posted by geminicandlelight
Well, Sagg89, dont worry too much about it then. It may not be your cup of tea, so to speak, and that's okay. Not everyone likes the same things...
Do things sexually that you know you enjoy, at the same time exploring others.

Can you do it gem? lol sorry if thats too personal
Posted by harry99
Posted by Sag89
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Hey look lol.. If chick shoots cool would be a turn on either way... I'm kinda dirty like that
I'm not hating on the erotica here.
And yes Sag89 that would be intimate.
One begs the question for why you have never thought to do this before? NOT so much with the intention of what elle proposed but just as a general turn on for you and the guy. This never crossed ya'lls mind before? I mean I don't got no big ego here... you seem to be far more experienced then me .. at least with number of partners/experiences you have said you've had. I've had my lion's share but only with girlfriends so a lot with the same person... and I've done this before so hmm maybe it's more something you do with someone your comfortable with I guess dunno. (I'm referring to the masterbation in front of partner part not squirting in case anyone thinks I was contradicting myself)

Well sure I've done everything but not like in a emotional way if that makes sense?

Well that's you and mys problem right there. You have to have the emotion. Remember we're women we're MORE emotional beings.
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What shall we do? lol
Posted by harry99
Posted by Sag89
Posted by harry99
Posted by Sag89
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Hey look lol.. If chick shoots cool would be a turn on either way... I'm kinda dirty like that
I'm not hating on the erotica here.
And yes Sag89 that would be intimate.
One begs the question for why you have never thought to do this before? NOT so much with the intention of what elle proposed but just as a general turn on for you and the guy. This never crossed ya'lls mind before? I mean I don't got no big ego here... you seem to be far more experienced then me .. at least with number of partners/experiences you have said you've had. I've had my lion's share but only with girlfriends so a lot with the same person... and I've done this before so hmm maybe it's more something you do with someone your comfortable with I guess dunno. (I'm referring to the masterbation in front of partner part not squirting in case anyone thinks I was contradicting myself)

Well sure I've done everything but not like in a emotional way if that makes sense?

Well that's you and mys problem right there. You have to have the emotion. Remember we're women we're MORE emotional beings.

What shall we do? lol

Meditate in a vast sea of clouds while getting massaged by sexy latino men and yeah lol roflmao
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best idea i have heard all day lol
Posted by Purrrr
LMFAO, Sag89.

hahah its how i feel about this thread
Posted by harry99
I love the cat photo and the caption. The cat looks like it's really driving the car soo funny.

Haha right? the things people try and do with cats smh
Posted by Purrrr
Posted by Sag89
Posted by Purrrr
LMFAO, Sag89.

hahah its how i feel about this thread

Same here, dude. It's really not a big deal. People make it into one, though. Haha.
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Lol yea its interesting
Pro oral *gets the diving gear*
Posted by ellessque
It depends on the partner.
I also think it depends on the level of comfort with your partner.
lol...stop watching porn for instruction. It's great for inspiring ideas but alot of that stuff is exaggerated.
It's really no different than when a woman performs oral sex and she's not into it. Men can tell. So, women are not any different.
I think receiving oral sex for a woman is more intimate and if you are not comfortable with your partner, you may not be able to relax and truly enjoy it.
You also have to understand that men are not born just knowing how to do it and all women's lady bits are not identical. If it's not being done in a way that is satisfying you, it's important for you to say so, or direct him.
One way that might help is masturbating in front of your partner...with the lights That way he can see which area is most stimulating to you. That also can build trust and comfort.
As far as squirting. Some say that's not something everyone can do. I don't know if I believe that. I do believe that you have to really understand and study your body. You need to explore everything and you probably need to do it alone before you attempt it with a partner. When women orgasm, you naturally contract or "squeeze".....consciously do the opposite....release. It might seem "weird" the first time and a bit surprising....but eventually it will just happen naturally without any thought.

This really is good advice.
Posted by harry99
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
Posted by msmarilynmanson
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
Oral sex in the shower.

anything in the shower smile

Allllllllllllrrrrrrriiiiighhht, allllllriiiiighht, allllllriiiiighhhht

You gon learn today
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It turns me on to know it turns you
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Squirting... seriously? All that is some chick urinating how hard is that to do lol ^.^?

Posted by Purrrr
"Always make ya bishes go pee before." -Pssymonstaa

Wise words, people. Wise words.

Well, sometimes if I've had a lot to drink (a full glass of water), I'll have to pee, and then a few min later, I can tell that there is new pee in my bladder. Not enough where I notice it, but where if I used the restroom for the hell of it, a ruby trinket of pee will come out.
So yes, even if one pees before sex, one could still risk pissing a little if force contents out.
Then you have to worry about queefing/farting, if you force it out. I messed around with a girl once, and she queefed. I researched it, and feared it ever since.
**tiny trinkle, NOT ruby trinket.... wtf autocorrect?
Posted by crunchy
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Squirting... seriously? All that is some chick urinating how hard is that to do lol ^.^?

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Crunchy I presumed she was referring to what is seen in a porno ....
If such a thing exist that is not what I said cool...
Like I said some women do have more coming out down there then others but I never seen it like how it's been described in this thread... I've seen stuff ooze out, drip out, but never 'squirt' out.
I eat and breathe cock....I want it in and around my face.....
I don't waste time with young guys that dont know how to give head....and I always find guys that have the biggest lips and nicest mouthes
Ive never met a guy I didn't wanna blow except for my first ex....he was a cocky type and didn't clean himself properly because he thought soap was too harsh wateva.....anyways he had the nerve to get shitty with me cos I would not suck his cock so I dumped him hahahaha
Love it!!! but it has to be with the right person...I dont let just anybody go down to kitty town.

as far as squirting...found this video a while you go guys, start practicing Winking
And yes it actually does work Winking
Posted by tiziani
Just touched down in kitty town.
Thanks for the educational material, LostInMyMind.'re welcome! The girl in the vid is annoying but its whats being done to her that counts Winking
^^^ they are saying it's not pee February16Aqua
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^^ they are saying it's not pee February16Aqua

Even if it was all pee....its not like its going in your mouth! Give the women what they want! lol
Posted by tiziani
Yeah she's a little too intense but just knowing about the two middle finger routine is a good starting base.

Yes, yes it is Winking
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^^ they are saying it's not pee February16Aqua

Even if it was all pee....its not like its going in your mouth! Give the women what they want! lol
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^^^well that goes for if you not trying to give her oral and fingering her at the same time and then trying to catch it in your mouth as she squirting lol Which if you can do need to take your act on the road lol
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Love it!!! but it has to be with the right person...I dont let just anybody go down to kitty town.

as far as squirting...found this video a while you go guys, start practicing Winking
And yes it actually does work Winking

I'm going to look into this lol
Posted by Sag89
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Love it!!! but it has to be with the right person...I dont let just anybody go down to kitty town.

as far as squirting...found this video a while you go guys, start practicing Winking
And yes it actually does work Winking

I'm going to look into this lol
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It does work....its hard to do on your own though...well at least for me, I have short arms hahaha
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by LostinmyMind11

^^^well that goes for if you not trying to give her oral and fingering her at the same time and then trying to catch it in your mouth as she squirting lol Which if you can do need to take your act on the road lol

He's not going anywhere!!! He's mine! lol
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Hahaha...he is all yours! I'm not against teaching but I like my men to kinda already know what they are doing
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by LostinmyMind11

Hahaha...he is all yours! I'm not against teaching but I like my men to kinda already know what they are doing

Oh yes! ME TOO smile That is so sexy...a real barbarian taking me and just doing what he wants with me, like I have no choice in the matter. He's GOT to know what he's doing.
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+100000000000000000000 lol
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by LostinmyMind11

Oh yes! ME TOO smile That is so sexy...a real barbarian taking me and just doing what he wants with me, like I have no choice in the matter. He's GOT to know what he's doing.

A real barbarian? yeah....right. I bet with the mind stimulation Aqua's 'll be on high and can finish with a touch.
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Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by LostinmyMind11

^^^well that goes for if you not trying to give her oral and fingering her at the same time and then trying to catch it in your mouth as she squirting lol Which if you can do need to take your act on the road lol

He's not going anywhere!!! He's mine! lol

Hahaha...he is all yours! I'm not against teaching but I like my men to kinda already know what they are doing
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My virgoness is regretting saying this...about the men part. lol I have not been with a lot of men ...I just got really lucky with the ones I have been with that they knew what they were doing.
^^ had to clear that up...ahhh I feel better now lol
You know it's not the part about her peeing or not peeing lol... It's about saying its not that is what I can't relate to because I have never seen anything like that happen that was not pee... I'm a pretty big perv so I don't see me caring one way or the other honestly.
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by geminidude

A real barbarian? yeah....right. I bet with the mind stimulation Aqua's 'll be on high and can finish with a touch.

It can be so stimulating, the mind connection, the eyes, feeling his sexual energy so close to mine, and just that essential touch....**head spinning OFF**
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Oh boy its gona be like in the movie 9 1/2 weeks.