Hot Turkey Sangwich

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Wynter on Wednesday, November 27, 2013 and has 18 replies.
The day after Thanksgiving is almost as good as the day of. smileTongue
They're awesome for about a week...
And then you find yourself hoping the turkey is finally finished!
Posted by Arietteheart
why not just put it in a blender?

Posted by Arietteheart
why not just put it in a blender?

Oh, eww.
Posted by Arietteheart
Does anyone else love cranberry sauce as much as I do?

I'm shameless in my love for cranberry sauce.
Cranberry sauce on everything! Tongue
I absolutely love cranberry sauce. I could eat it year round.
What's a sangwich?
Posted by rockyroadicecream
What's a sangwich?

It's a badass sandwich.
If a sandwich could do this:

it would be a sangwich.
Posted by Rabbit
Cranberry sauce with Gran Marnier, orange zest, fresh ginger, and diced dried fruits is what I do.

Is all of your food infused with liquor Rabbit? Damn seventies baby.
Posted by Quest4Water
Posted by rockyroadicecream
What's a sangwich?

It's a badass sandwich.
If a sandwich could do this:

it would be a sangwich.
click to expand

Yeah, I hope so. Otherwise it's the dipshit spelling that people think how "sandwich" is supposed to be spelled. It disturbs me how much this misspelling is spreading. :/
But I like your explanation, haha.
Posted by caliberquiick
Posted by Nala13
I absolutely love cranberry sauce. I could eat it year round.

click to expand

LM f-ing AO!!!
:::rolls eyes:::
Rocky, go the fuck outside.
Maybe you'll acquire a sense of humor while you're out there.
Or get your ass into the kitchen and makes me a sammich, bitch.
Of course I have a sense of humor. I find your illiteracy absolutely hilarious. ESPECIALLY since you took offense to it.
Now shoo. I gots no time for your crazy.
Oh shit.
Ok, it appears the concept of slang is incomprehensible to you.

Words like sangwich, and sammich is known as slang.
SLANG. Look it up, you humorless mutant.
lol, I remember someone here describing that you need things explained to you in the most literal sense, otherwise you get frustrated and start trolling.
Must suck to be you.