More misogyny from a gay guy

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by The_eleventh_sign_11 on Saturday, January 23, 2016 and has 28 replies.
do you find what I wrote mysoginistic??

It's down below....
Here's the thing..

Women get abused, women get sexually assaulted, women have toxic stereotypes that they are expected to live up to. This is a problem and I am more than willing to have discussion about this and talk about what can/should be done about the issue. If you bring it up as its own topic.

HOWEVER if you bring it up as an attempt to override discussions about men, I will not,listen to you. If you really cared about women's issues you'd bring it up another time, not only when we're discussing about men. That's you not caring about women's issues that's you not wanting to talk about men's issues because you want everything to be about women.
Omg obviously not the hidden one but the one below it
Oh for fucks sake!!!!! It's not gay just me!!!!

A woman posted this on Facebook who I consider a friend but the pronouns were reversed, it's supposed to say "MEN get abused, MEN get assaulted" etc etc..

I've had a really fucked up week and I need some sort of therapy for anger management, I messaged a friend who is a psychologist and she referred me to the Men's resource center so I could get counselling of sorts, so I called the place and the line was dead, I go there the next day and it has completely shut down, the only place in My home town that's supposed to deal with men and their problems has shut down and I'm on the waiting list to see a doctor so I can get a referral.

I was on Facebook and I see my friend post that and I can't help but feel like I can't talk to her about my shit and it really upsets me.

No sexes problems are worse than the other, men problems affect women's problems and vice versa and this polarity affects the fucking children and I'm sick of it!
Posted by LuckyLibra979
So is this a topic for gay men only? Cuz if so, I'll leave. If not, I have my own input on this

yeah, cause you're not gay right! *wink wink*
I'm more of a man he'll ever be, more woman he'll ever get.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
I'm more of a man he'll ever be, more woman he'll ever get.

And you're directing this towards who? Don't be offended by my directness all I asked was a simple question. If that's how you measure yourself, cool have all the women u want but I doubt that you more masculine than me homeboy not in this life nor the next so stick to the topic or we can turn this thread into something else its on u
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I wanted to know if women felt offended from reading that post after I had reversed the pronouns, to see if they felt secluded and reluctant to share their feelings....

It's an open discussion for both sexes I guess......I dunno it's mainly a rant on my part trying to get shit off my shoulders so I can go to bed
And I meant to say that I'm more woman that you'll ever get
Men deal with the same shit but don't speak up on it because they're told "man up and deal with ut".

Still a more honorable alternative than marching aound with signs whining about how society won't cater to your feelings.
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
And I meant to say that I'm more woman that you'll ever get

Lol no way a man a be more of a woman than an actual woman but to each its own

But by all means, carry on

Sometimes I wonder - some drag queens are capable of being more woman than a basic biological bitch.
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I guess it depends on your definition of a woman. If you just define a woman by what's between her legs... Then yes he's not a woman. But if you define a woman by her mind...

Personally, I'd rather be defined by my mind and not my body.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I define a woman by both. The essence of a woman can only be held by a woman. Not a man. You can't describe the essence But you Can feel it from eye contact forward.

To say a man can possess that is a discredit to woman and subtle homosexuality

I don't think so but ok.

My femininity is self defined and is not dependant on others. It's how I see myself. How a "man" sees himself as feminine is not going to change that.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by xtina
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I define a woman by both. The essence of a woman can only be held by a woman. Not a man. You can't describe the essence But you Can feel it from eye contact forward.

To say a man can possess that is a discredit to woman and subtle homosexuality

I don't think so but ok.

My femininity is self defined and is not dependant on others. It's how I see myself. How a "man" sees himself as feminine is not going to change that.

I never said it was dependent on anything but it definitely can not be possessed by a man
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I guess I'm looking at it as a state of mind.
back to the op. as a woman i am not offended by that statement.

but i do agree with your comment that no ones problem is worse than the other and they each sex affects the other. neither sex exists in vacuum, we are interconnected despite what certain factions of the men's movement or the women's movement would like to believe.
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Oh for fucks sake!!!!! It's not gay just me!!!!

A woman posted this on Facebook who I consider a friend but the pronouns were reversed, it's supposed to say "MEN get abused, MEN get assaulted" etc etc..

I've had a really fucked up week and I need some sort of therapy for anger management, I messaged a friend who is a psychologist and she referred me to the Men's resource center so I could get counselling of sorts, so I called the place and the line was dead, I go there the next day and it has completely shut down, the only place in My home town that's supposed to deal with men and their problems has shut down and I'm on the waiting list to see a doctor so I can get a referral.

I was on Facebook and I see my friend post that and I can't help but feel like I can't talk to her about my shit and it really upsets me.

No sexes problems are worse than the other, men problems affect women's problems and vice versa and this polarity affects the fucking children and I'm sick of it!

Your male privilege is showing.
No, I don't think it's misogynistic.

Also, no one likes a hi-jacker.
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
No, I don't think it's misogynistic.

Also, no one likes a hi-jacker.

I think this is stemming from his other thread where he dismissed the idea of statutory rape and wanted to sweep that aspect of the story under the rug so he could go on ranting about what a bitch some chick was on Facebook.

Aka gay misogyny. It's alarming how many gay dudes out there have similar shitty attitudes toward women as a whole, much like straight guys do.

Sure, it's shitty to speak ill of the dead, but it's even shittier to lie about the fucked up shit they did. Just because they're dead does not absolve them of any bad things they did in life. I hate when people sugarcoat who a person was after they died. It's just as disrespectful as speaking ill of them, tbh. There's a big difference between speaking badly and speaking the truth. If it's true, what the fuck is the problem?

People have blurred the lines and are willing to turn their heads at something that happens quite often in Hollywood- exploitation of the underaged. They get molested and raped more often than you think. I don't care if that child claims it was consensual. He was the adult more capable of logical thought and he preyed on that girl. He used his power to get what he wanted from her.

It was rather alarming that the OP decided to shrug this off when someone made a valid point about this problem. More or less "oh well, this isn't about that."

Oh, okay. Go ahead, ignore the actual wtfery in this information. It's all about you and your ignorant ranting.

In regard to your men's center story, you DO realize there ARE resources out there for counseling and it's not limited to gender specific clinics, right? Mental health is one of the most unsupported sectors of healthcare and it's a bitch for anyone to get appropriate mental healthcare. Is it sad that this one place was closed? Absolutely. But what the hell are YOU doing that you aren't doing your own research to find a place to help you? You're relying on people finding out for you because you're too busy bitching about some silly twat on Facebook. Come on now, dude. Be proactive about it and stop the woe is me shit.
Rocky You're a fucking coon for not understanding me and making this whole thing about feminism and misogyny, I called the hitch a feminist and forgot to put it quotation marks because she does nothing but sit on her fat ass being a keyboard warrior for all the wrong reasons, you don't even know what this bitch is like and you take her side. And you failed to see the context of Bowie and lori's relationship, I even agreed with you that his behaviour was predatorial and you throw it in my face allying me a misogynist or whatever, I'm actually not a misogynist, I love women but women like you and that bitch on Facebook who scream rape about dead guts when there was no rape involved are fucking coons.
Posted by Finbuff
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by hydorah
Posted by LuckyLibra979
So is this a topic for gay men only? Cuz if so, I'll leave. If not, I have my own input on this

yeah, cause you're not gay right! *wink wink*

No I'm not and it's not funny

LuckyLibra - don't take no shit from either one of those freak-sters. It's all psychobabble in this thread, designed to be understood by sicko's only.
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I,m just going so say this once fin buff because I feel sorry for you, but you do realise everyone ignores you?
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Oh for fucks sake!!!!! It's not gay just me!!!!

A woman posted this on Facebook who I consider a friend but the pronouns were reversed, it's supposed to say "MEN get abused, MEN get assaulted" etc etc..

I've had a really fucked up week and I need some sort of therapy for anger management, I messaged a friend who is a psychologist and she referred me to the Men's resource center so I could get counselling of sorts, so I called the place and the line was dead, I go there the next day and it has completely shut down, the only place in My home town that's supposed to deal with men and their problems has shut down and I'm on the waiting list to see a doctor so I can get a referral.

I was on Facebook and I see my friend post that and I can't help but feel like I can't talk to her about my shit and it really upsets me.

No sexes problems are worse than the other, men problems affect women's problems and vice versa and this polarity affects the fucking children and I'm sick of it!

Your male privilege is showing.
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No u cunt, my vulnerability is showing and you're being a cunt about it, go fuck yourselved in the ass
I don't know if it's because you're a libra that you're full of shit, but thanks for trying to be nice I guess....

I'm angry but not at women........I've had my fair share of "straight" guys for the sex and the novelty wore off really quick, yes I've been rejected and left for girls in the past and that's completely fine, sure the first guy I lost my virginity left me for a girl and it hurt but I got over it...for that though I am not angry and I could care less what a straight man does with his penis.

we live in polarised world where it's women and men striving for power and gay people just want to be considered equal. We've been mediators in relationships, go to people when either side has been down, we've been beaten and denied our rights when our novelty wears off we're put on the back burner, we are good enough to fight your wars, cure your sick, defend and trail you in court.

We now have to deal with straight people "coming out" as gender fluid, non binary, bisexual, pan sexual pretty much a big gay spectrum of non genuine, attention seeking whores who feel safe to come out of the shadows and slap a label on their heads without paying homage to the faggots that paved the way,

For this I'm not angry, I'm angry because there's a self righteous, vegan, non binary, feminist, bogan called Gemila on Facebook who gets my goat every time she posts something on facebook, who is so interwoven in my theatre family that if I went off at her on Facebook I'd probably never be able to work in theatre again which is why I'm here spitting hate on dxpnet, capiche? All good!
Also I'm super angry because she deleted me first
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Lmao equal??!??Jesus get off that pedastool. You don't know what oppression is and if you do its likely from your family

I give up you're going in the coon bin and take eTigre with you 👎ðŸ¾

People who aren't crazy, just help out everyone that you see need help around you.
It's SAD that as so as groups become involved, everyone losses focus on the main reason why people listen to the groups and instead do everything in their power to UNDERMINE and dispower other groups so their group can get all the attention, resources and pity.

...actually, it's disgusting.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Oh for fucks sake!!!!! It's not gay just me!!!!

A woman posted this on Facebook who I consider a friend but the pronouns were reversed, it's supposed to say "MEN get abused, MEN get assaulted" etc etc..

I've had a really fucked up week and I need some sort of therapy for anger management, I messaged a friend who is a psychologist and she referred me to the Men's resource center so I could get counselling of sorts, so I called the place and the line was dead, I go there the next day and it has completely shut down, the only place in My home town that's supposed to deal with men and their problems has shut down and I'm on the waiting list to see a doctor so I can get a referral.

I was on Facebook and I see my friend post that and I can't help but feel like I can't talk to her about my shit and it really upsets me.

No sexes problems are worse than the other, men problems affect women's problems and vice versa and this polarity affects the fucking children and I'm sick of it!

Your male privilege is showing.
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No, your retardation is showing. Go throw yourself off a bridge. Your mom shoulda swallowed you.
I don't see a problem with it. I know inhate it when I am talking about a specific group of people and someone is all NOT ALL WOMEN/MEN.

It sounds like this person is tired of this very thing, and needed to vent. If it was a Facebook status, she is also free to say whatever she wants on her own wall, if she is making it a rule for a topic or any topic she brings up on her own wall, that is also fair, as she is giving fair warning. If this is a response to somebody who said something in her comment section on her wall, that could be either fair or rude, depending on the comment.

Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Oh for fucks sake!!!!! It's not gay just me!!!!

A woman posted this on Facebook who I consider a friend but the pronouns were reversed, it's supposed to say "MEN get abused, MEN get assaulted" etc etc..

I've had a really fucked up week and I need some sort of therapy for anger management, I messaged a friend who is a psychologist and she referred me to the Men's resource center so I could get counselling of sorts, so I called the place and the line was dead, I go there the next day and it has completely shut down, the only place in My home town that's supposed to deal with men and their problems has shut down and I'm on the waiting list to see a doctor so I can get a referral.

I was on Facebook and I see my friend post that and I can't help but feel like I can't talk to her about my shit and it really upsets me.

No sexes problems are worse than the other, men problems affect women's problems and vice versa and this polarity affects the fucking children and I'm sick of it!

Your male privilege is showing.

No, your retardation is showing. Go throw yourself off a bridge. Your mom shoulda swallowed you.
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You're a coon too and your mumma shat you out face first on the cement, fucking shmuck
Posted by BlackNova
Posted by xtina
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by xtina
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I define a woman by both. The essence of a woman can only be held by a woman. Not a man. You can't describe the essence But you Can feel it from eye contact forward.
To say a man can possess that is a discredit to woman and subtle homosexuality

I don't think so but ok.

My femininity is self defined and is not dependant on others. It's how I see myself. How a "man" sees himself as feminine is not going to change that.

I never said it was dependent on anything but it definitely can not be possessed by a man

I guess I'm looking at it as a state of mind.

That's fine, but you can't define yourself exclusively from a state of mind, when your physical biology & genetics is that of a female

This annoys me about some women who move their argument to the extreme...'accept and define me for my mind and ignore my body'.
That's essentially what you're saying.

Especially when at a woman's emotional core, you desire to be accepted as the 'whole' female, mind AND body, not just the mind.
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Please don't speak for me like you know me.
Posted by xtina
Posted by BlackNova
Posted by xtina
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by xtina
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I define a woman by both. The essence of a woman can only be held by a woman. Not a man. You can't describe the essence But you Can feel it from eye contact forward.
To say a man can possess that is a discredit to woman and subtle homosexuality

I don't think so but ok.

My femininity is self defined and is not dependant on others. It's how I see myself. How a "man" sees himself as feminine is not going to change that.

I never said it was dependent on anything but it definitely can not be possessed by a man

I guess I'm looking at it as a state of mind.

That's fine, but you can't define yourself exclusively from a state of mind, when your physical biology & genetics is that of a female

This annoys me about some women who move their argument to the extreme...'accept and define me for my mind and ignore my body'.
That's essentially what you're saying.

Especially when at a woman's emotional core, you desire to be accepted as the 'whole' female, mind AND body, not just the mind.

Please don't speak for me like you know me.

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1) accepting does not equal defining.

2) I don't define myself by my body. If I did my self-esteem would be a mess. I'm am more than what people see. Yes, people can let their bodies define them but not everyone is defined by it. Haven't you ever heard, don't ever judge a book by its cover.

So please don't talk like you know. You don't.