Never be silent!!

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by tryandguess on Monday, January 9, 2012 and has 61 replies.
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Animals used for food, clothing and exploited in a myriad of other ways have been striped of their voice! Even if you eat animals, you can still help by not supporting the circus, not buying leather or silk, and maybe even volunteering at your local pet shelter!
Posted by MzSagittarius
Kudos to you for taking the higher road.

Aww thanx
Posted by DazedScorp
Don't you walk your dog on a leash?

Posted by tryandguess
Dazed-stop stalking my every post. If you weren't such a c r e e p it would actually be amusing. And it's obvious your doing it, I'm not the only person who's noticed.
Hun, I've been following and debating on this thread way before you even stepped foot in it.
You, my dear, are stalking me."

Yup. I rest my case.
Posted by tryandguess
Posted by DazedScorp
Don't you walk your dog on a leash?

Posted by tryandguess
Dazed-stop stalking my every post. If you weren't such a c r e e p it would actually be amusing. And it's obvious your doing it, I'm not the only person who's noticed.
Hun, I've been following and debating on this thread way before you even stepped foot in it.
You, my dear, are stalking me."

Yup. I rest my case.
click to expand

sup tiny crime fighter... "huh" Stalking....
Posted by scorchedearth
if he knows it bothers you'll he'll keep doing it just to get the reaction.

It does not bother me-lol I just enjoy airing him out for the fool he is!
Posted by ianthepisces
I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game
pursued.?? I see the animal not only as a target but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have.?? I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, and with the sure knowledge that nature's ways of fang and claw or exposure and starvation are a far crueler fate than I bestow.
Fred Bear

I have to say that out of the lot of murderers, I do respect hunters the most. I mean a huge issue I have with the consumption of meat is the conditions animals are kept in. Plus unlike most people hunters are doing away with the middle man. Thanks for sharing your view point Ian.
Posted by scorchedearth
now we'll see if she actually wants your attention or not.

Not as much as you seem to darling Winking
Posted by aliennation
Posted by cowpuncher
I'm still waiting for you to pick which animal I have to murder this week from the following list: Bunny, squirrel, deer, feral pig, feral cat. If you don't pick I'll have to take out multiple animals just to be sure I have my bases covered.
Btw, it's winter folks, if your hands get cold, and you want something that will keep them toasty warm, pick up some rabbit fur lined mittens or gloves. You can also get rabbit fur lined hats. MUCH warmer than anything else you can buy... good stuff!

You'd eat squirrel? O___o
(I've had dog meat before, so I won't get on your case about cat meat...)
click to expand

Aren't you a vegan?
Good luck with this oneBig Grin
Posted by cowpuncher
wgamador2: Ever had an outbreak of rabies in your area, and nearly been bitten by a rabid skunk? My sister and I nearly were, but luckily I had a great beagle at the time that ran the skunk away from us, and mom had a 22 rifle handy just inside the door. She's also a crack shot. It took 6 shots to the head to stop that rabid skunk. That's what happens when you don't control populations of some of these animals.
Other diseases that end up taking their toll are things like mange, which decimated quite a few fox populations at various times.
I wholeheartedly agree that animal cruelty is wrong. The problem is activists who try to twist the meaning of that to make things like hunting, and wildlife management, to define them as cruel.
I can hold high to compensate my shot with a 22 rifle, and consistently hit golf balls at 100 yards. I've done it at 150 yards before as well. When an animal is in my sights, it gets a quick end that is much faster and much less painful than any end it would see otherwise. With a .223 double that range on the same shot, and understand that I can hold that shot to a dinner-plate sized circle or smaller out to 400 yards with my .223, .270, .30-06, etc. That's the size of the vital area on a deer, so that's the distance I can quickly and cleanly kill that animal.
What is your definition of animal cruelty?

People stabbing dogs in the street, children torturing animals for laughs, animals being buried alive, slaughterhouse cruelty like kicking injured and sick animals, keeping a dog out in the cold in the winter, not providing clean water for an animal under your TRUST, beating an animal cause it took a piss or shit in the house...KNOW YOUR ANIMALS BATHROOM BEHAVOIR or DO NOT GET A PET!!!! Accidents will happen and with more frequency as the animal gets older.
For me animal cruelty is anything evil or malicious done to an animal on purpose or not. Treating its life with disrespect.
Some population control is fine as long as its HUMANE, unlike the Chinese who catch stray cats shove six to a small cage and then they drive out with 100's of these cages and throw them off these huge trucks onto the pavement breaking the poor cats legs and then they throw them in the ocean or a hole in the ground and bury them alive!! THATS FUCKING CRUEL!!!
Shooting deer, fine, but shoot the fucking dear
but shoot the fucking dear correctly so it doesnt suffer. Killing an animal attacking you or your family....completely acceptable.
Hunting for sport, well thats your problem. If you can live with the fact that you just killed an animal that was just trying to live its life for your amusement, man, more power to you. I admire you just wouldnt want to be you.
Posted by cowpuncher
I can agree with most of what you said.
Another favorite group for the Animal-rights extremists to attack is varmint hunters. Guys who shoot ground squirrels, prairie dogs, coyotes, etc. Ground squirrels and prairie dogs can absolutely ruin a ranch or orchard, in short order. For instance, let's say you have an almond orchard in California. Let's say a single ground squirrel eats 3 lbs of almonds from your orchard per month. They will probably eat more than that. Take that times a thousand, spread it out over about 9 months, look up the current price of almonds, and calculate the loss. Then understand that they multiply at lightning speed. How do you stay in business and produce the almonds people eat? Shoot the varmints.

Like I said, population control-- no issues with that -- as long as its humane.
I have more of a problem with the guy buying dogs and then neglecting it than the farmer protecting his crops from vermin.
Again to me animal cruelty is making an animal suffer uneccesarily for sport or amusement or neglect.
I have really got to stop opening these threads..... the cats in China thing was something I didn't know and wish I could unknow. Sad
Posted by ianthepisces
Here is a pic of a lovely red fox, just for you gems...

Aw man, it didn't show up!!!! Can you repost?
Posted by ianthepisces
Gems i see it, even in your post...

Aw man, I can't see it.... I even quoted it and then copy/pasted the html into a web browser and while it took me to the michagan sportsman it wanted me to log in before I could see pics. Sad
Although, I'm wondering..... did you post because you remember that I LOVE red foxes and have always wanted to own one????? And is it a sweet picture or a picture of a poor wittle deads one?????
Cow puncher! Where do you live that you have wild foxes???? Oh my gatto!!!! I want one soooooo bad. They are sooooooooo adorable.
Why do you say that Ian? They are only illegal to own when they are naturally occurring the area. However, I've done a lot of research and when domesticated (preferably sired by domesticated a few generations down) they make excellent pets!!!!
They are like having a cross between a dog and a cat, sly and playful yet loyal and cuddly. I would just die to have one, but even if I did the vets won't treat them because they are an illegal exotic for this area. So sad.... this girl.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Posted by GemsRaGalsBestPal
I have really got to stop opening these threads..... the cats in China thing was something I didn't know and wish I could unknow. Sad

Wish I could unsee that Chinese stray cat video and one with the pigs, during the Swine Flu Virus thing, 1,000's of pigs were buried alive!!
It was so inhumane. But then again it was cheaper to slaughter them than to test each pig individually for the virus or put a bullet in each one's head i guess.
How about the turkeys that suffer cruelty when demand grows at the factories for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The turkeys that get injured or sick due to the inhospitable conditions are mistreated.
Treat animals with compassion-----thats all im saying.
Is it bad I put the well-being of cats above turkeys? Mmmnnn turkey....
I agree though.... compassion. However, I'll always believe there's a place for all god's creatures..... right next to the mashed potatoes. Mass genocide though is never ok when it's performed in such a vicious manner? Burned alive.... that's awful W. Just awful.
I hate that some things can't be unseen or unknown. I often just stop people when they are around me talking about things I know I won't be able to stomach. My high school sweetheart was so great to me, for four and a half years he'd lean over and cover my eyes any time we were passing roadkill..... just because he knew it would bother me.
I can barely watch scenes in movies where animals die, but make it through people deaths so much easier. #thatstotallyfuckedIknow I do always have a rough time though when they show the grief stricken people later in the movie.
Posted by ianthepisces
Well catching them, and selling them is illegal... but that was where the big money was back in the day.. as long as you had a buyer, which were probably using them as breeding stock... i was to young to get all the details back then.. i just knew that we had fox and coyotes in cages for awhile.. and them fuckers were hungry for whatever you would feed them... just keep your hands out of there if you valued them.. but these are wild animals... but even animals that we raised from babies would eventually turn on you... i had a raccoon that was my favorite.. she used to love to play hide and seek... id hide and she would find me... i didnt have any friends back then ya know, so i had to play with the animals... i had a little muskrat buddy for awhile too, found him while i was fishing... he swam right up to me and let me pick him up, so naturally i wanted to take him home with me, which my dad tried to talk me out of.. no luck though.. i put him in a fountain soda cup and took him home with me... kept him all summer, until that little bastard started biting me.. then i let him go..

This made me laugh..... I love your frankness. Sounds like you had quite the interesting childhood. I picture as a young Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn..... always dirty, pants rolled up, dragging home some creature and TONS of stories to tell. smile
Ian, that sounds fab! I spent the winters on my family's farm in Missouri(the grandparents would migrate south for the winter) and I always loved it!
I'm truly a city girl at heart, but I do love my days in the country. There's nothing like it..... and country boys are hot! Super sweet and mostly kind hearted with old fashioned values.
Posted by ianthepisces
And then after winter had settled, spring would start and we would hit the train tracks and woods in search of sponge mushrooms... back then you could find garbage bags full of yellows..
*wipes drool from chin*

Sponge mushrooms???? I'm unfamiliar! What's that? How do you prepare them?
Yummy sounding Ian!
SULTANA!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
Yummy sounding Ian!
SULTANA!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
Posted by cowpuncher
I know exactly what you mean. I've spent enough time with my chickens now, I can tell what's going on just by the sounds they are making outside when I have the window open.
"bawk Bawk BAwwwk?" - Hey buddy, can you spare some treats? Bread maybe? Sweet corn if you got it? Cornbread would be kickass?
"bawk BAwk BAAAAWWWKK???" - Hey clown, we cleaned up that old feed this morning, now it's afternoon and you haven't fed us again... what the fuck?
"BOK BOK BAKOWWWW!!!!!!!" - Goddamned Hawk flying overhead! Take cover!
"Bawk Bacaw! Bawk Bakaw!!! Bawk Bakaww!!!" - Hey guys, I just laid an egg, I kick ass!
I can tell when the squirrels are extra bitchy, but I don't know them like I know the chicken sounds. It really is like you learn their language. Ppl who haven't been around animals like that don't understand it so well, but with just a few different sounds, and different ways of stressing them, social animals can tell the rest of the group there's danger, what kind of danger, where the danger is, hey I found food, hey this is KICKASS food, here have some of this food (roosters make a kind of clucking chuckle and save special treats like worms for their favorite hens, it's really sweet to watch), I just laid an egg, get the FUCK away from my nestfull of chicks, and "goddamned horny rooster just tried to jump on and get some, AGAIN!"
Not kidding even a bit.

Sounds awesome man. Learning that chicken talk and behavoir.
Video them and call it The Chicken Whisperer.
Cowpuncher!!! - Cool, my family's farm was in Pilot Knob, are you familiar with it?
Ian - Flying squirrels you say? I had two flying squirrels as pets a long time ago, they lived a long time and were soooooo adorable. Incredibly attached to me..... they's literally jump me and then find cozy spots and fall asleep on me and stay there all day. squirrel/Kelleyhr13/flying_squirrel.jpg?o=3" target="_blank">
CP - TOTES DUDE!!!!!!! I know that story and visited the historic sites in town! They used to do reinactments and huge fireworks shows. I can remember being small sprawled out on blankets on the green lawn there many a time.
Thanks for the reminder though.... it truly is a great story. smile
Yeah, we have a rich family history in the area, especially through the Great Depression. I really, really looooove the area. I hope you get to visit some time soon!
I love that you boys (CP and Ian) are so intellegent and well versed in these areas! It's heart warming.... even though I don't really know why. I just find it charming and All American I guess. smile
Posted by cowpuncher
Many people think modern technology makes us soooo much smarter than they were. In reality we're spoiled, blithering idiots compared to our ancestors.

I dont quite believe this to be true, the only thing that has changed is our priorities and focus (which are obviously currently in part quite debatable from an ethical point of view, they have brought us both positive and negative things) and this in turn was caused by a number of factors such as the development of new technologies and the endless possibilities they offer (a basic principle man has always strived for is for tasks/processes to be even more efficient and faster). With a world population of "only" 1.6 billion people 100 years ago (which is currently getting close to 7 billion) the demand for food was obviously lower and easy to cover, larger portions of land could be used moderately, in such a way re-using them was not a problem. Today we're facing the challenge that we're running out of fertile land to be able to cover the ever increasing demand of food and resources of a rapidly growing world population.
You cant possibly use standards of living conditions from 100 years ago to judge collective intelligence in our current society.

I don't like clicking on pics like these, but saw it on someone's like profile lately.. sure I'd eat more vegetables everyday and less meat.
I think a set number of animals are slaughtered daily.. even worse if there's some outbreak, heard they just dump them in soil or whatever low cost methods possible.. turning vegan/ vegetarian wont stop the slaughter.. it just lets the unused meat be rotted or frozen...
"when you gotta die, you gotta die.."

The long-standing Federal Meat Inspection Act also requires animals lying down to be removed, but gives discretion to federal inspectors to determine whether the livestock can recover sufficiently and become fit for slaughter and human consumption. That law expressly prohibits any state regulation "in addition to or different from" the federal requirements. It includes cattle, pigs, sheep and goats.
The Supreme Court has long ruled that interstate commerce is under federal jurisdiction, trumping any state efforts to regulate it.
The current case was brought by a meat trade group on behalf of pig farmers in California. The Obama administration sided with pork producers, a move criticized by a number of animal rights groups.
A federal appeals court in San Francisco last year had ruled in favor of the state law, labeling as "hogwash" an earlier judge's decision that favored the industry.
The law's enforcement has been put on hold pending the Supreme Court's decision, now in legal support of the industry.
Animal defenders blasted the high court's ruling, and urged the federal government to step up its enforcement and monitoring of slaughterhouses.
"This is a deeply troubling decision, preventing a wide range of actions by the states to protect animals and consumers from reckless practices by the meat industry, including the mishandling and slaughter of animals too sick or injured to walk," said Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States. "The fact is, Congress and the USDA have been in the grip of the agribusiness lobby for decades, and that's why our federal animal handling and food safety laws are so anemic. California tried to protect its citizens and the animals at slaughterhouses from acute and extreme abuses, but its effort was cannibalized by the federal government."
Pork producers in their legal brief estimated that about 3% of swine are non-ambulatory when they arrive at the slaughterhouse. Most of the downed beasts, they say, are merely overheated, fatigued or stubborn, and most are soon back on their feet. Animal rights activists challenge that assertion.
The meat industry argued being forced to immediately euthanize all downed animals would hurt its ability to detect and fight one particularly virulent disease: foot-and-mouth, which is highly contagious. The industry says federal inspection is preferred, since pre-slaughter inspections of sick animals are required. The state law would mandate immediate killing and disposal of the lying-down livestock.
California -- backed by animal rights groups -- also contended the two laws were compatible, allowing local conditions to be addressed and ensuring that moral and humane conditions would be part of meat processing rules.
The case is National Meat Association v. Harris (10-224).
McDonald's phasing out tiny cages for pigs
Feb. 14, 2012
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- McDonald's said it will get its pork suppliers to phase out the use of immobilizing cages for pregnant pigs, a move that was applauded by the Humane Society of the United States, but not the pork industry.
"McDonald's believes gestation stalls are not a sustainable production system for the future," said the fast food chain in a press release. "There are alternatives that we think are better for the welfare of sows."
Animal activists oppose the use of gestation stalls, which are cages that keep individual sows in close confines while they're pregnant.
"Confining pigs in gestation crates is arguably the cruelest practice in factory farming," said Josh Balk, spokesman for the Humane Society of the U.S. "These are iron maidens that are barely larger than the pigs' own bodies."
Balk said that at the farms that use gestation stalls, sows spend most of their lives in the confining cages, where they have no room to move. He said that a better alternative is the use of large pen areas that "allow pigs to be more like pigs."
Balk added that the European Union and eight U.S. states have already banned the use of gestation stalls.
But the pork industry doesn't see it that way. Dave Warner, spokesman for the National Pork Producers Council, said that, contrary to popular opinion, pens aren't necessarily better than the stalls.
"Pens have some real problems," he said. "Let's say you put ten pregnant sows in a pen. They get mean."
McDonald's shamrock shake goes nationwide
The sows often bite each other, resulting in painful injuries, he said. When a farmer enters a pen to care for an injured sow, they'll attack the farmer, too, he added.
"When a worker goes into a pen with ten pregnant sows, there's a worker safety issue," he said.
John McGlone, director of the Pork Industry Institute at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, said that scientific studies of pens and stalls have determined that their impact on the pigs' quality of life is essentially the same. But he acknowledged that it doesn't matter, as far as the perception is concerned.
"What we have here is a situation where the science says the two systems are equal, but the public perception is bad," he said. "Some people have an ethical problem with placing a sow in a situation where she can't turn around or socialize with other animals. You cannot convince the majority of people that it's OK to house s
Aww Sad Poor elephant Sad
It's a fair bet that King Juan Carlos of Spain and his entourage slaughters one every year, along with any other African animal that wanders nearby.
Members of Royalty seem to exist in a different levels of reality, if you can call it reality. Too much privilege
Heheh, indeed. smile
I liked the part of the story where the King's grandson shot himself in the foot. Sounds promising - if we wait long enough perhaps the family will just exterminate themselves.
Posted by Wynter
Heheh, indeed. smile
I liked the part of the story where the King's grandson shot himself in the foot. Sounds promising - if we wait long enough perhaps the family will just exterminate themselves.

I didnt paste the second half of the article where you would have learned that this piece of shit King, KILLED HIS OWN BROTHER YEARS AGO ON A , YOU GUESSED IT!!!!
HUNTING TRIP!!!!! He accidentally killed his brother.
Now if that wasnt reason enough to stop hunting.
Look im not going to judge anyone cause, like where I grew up, if you got bored, you sold drugs.
In the country, if you are bored, you shoot critters.
I get that part of it...but I mean, one must get to a certain age where killing innocent animals shouldnt be considered fun. Maybe thats what happens, we make up for all the suffering we have dished out once we get elderly.
So here is to all you hunters who do it "FOR FUN", here's to you SHITTING ON YOUR BEDS and Pissing in your sleep once your kids lock you up in a nursing home and abandon that they can take their kids, you guessed it!!, HUNTING!!
Lol, damn royal mutants. Tongue
Ugh, posting the word "extermination" seem to trigger ads with cockroaches and termites crawling all over them. Sad
Posted by Wynter
Aww Sad Poor elephant Sad

God damn right. Poor elephant.
Who knows how many hungry lions he had fought or fellow elephants he defeated to survive.
Only to have pieces of shit like the Botswanian fuck-faces and these rich, BORED assholes work together to kill it.
That makes me sad and angry. I know in some places taking your children hunting and killing an animal is a "right of passage".....but fuck that...spare an animal...go with tequila and hookers instead.
Let the animal be killed by its natural predator. Not some fuck-hole with a gun and boredom.
Posted by Sizzurp
Hunting/trapping and fishing for meat are perfectly acceptable and natural in my book. I take serious issue with SPORT hunters because I think they are lower than dirt and have zero respect for the natural order. Additionally, the way animals are "kept" in the US is disgusting. Chickens for example, are kept immobile in cages that are barely larger than the chicken itself and turned into "egg machines." That's revolting but it does force one to question our ever-expanding population.

I applaud McDonald's for firing those farmers who were containing pigs in tiny cages. I would become CEO of McDonald's just to change the way animals are treated. Most farmers complain that its expensive to make these facilities more humane. There shouldnt be a price to being HUMAN. I hope I never end up in hell. I would miss animals there.
I think i posted the article a few pages back in here.
I wish animal suffering didnt affect me so much. I love animals. Insects too.
So i watched a program about an expedition to New Guniea and there is this crater that is basically closed off from human contact, it was explored and they found "the biggest rat on Earth", when they found it, the rat WAS NOT AFRAID of the humans and just chilled with them, just like your family pet is chillin' with you right now.
It showed no fear, never showed any aggression. It was a nice moment to witness this animal who had no idea how horrible human beings can be to it. When I die, i want to go there, to that place.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
It's starting to read like the King is picking off his relatives bit by bit.

I thought that was standard practice in the monarchy. Tongue
Posted by wgamador2
Posted by Sizzurp
Hunting/trapping and fishing for meat are perfectly acceptable and natural in my book. I take serious issue with SPORT hunters because I think they are lower than dirt and have zero respect for the natural order. Additionally, the way animals are "kept" in the US is disgusting. Chickens for example, are kept immobile in cages that are barely larger than the chicken itself and turned into "egg machines." That's revolting but it does force one to question our ever-expanding population.

I applaud McDonald's for firing those farmers who were containing pigs in tiny cages. I would become CEO of McDonald's just to change the way animals are treated. Most farmers complain that its expensive to make these facilities more humane. There shouldn't be a price to being HUMAN. I hope I never end up in hell. I would miss animals there.
I think i posted the article a few pages back in here.
I wish animal suffering didn't affect me so much. I love animals. Insects too.
So i watched a program about an expedition to New Guinea and there is this crater that is basically closed off from human contact, it was explored and they found "the biggest rat on Earth", when they found it, the rat WAS NOT AFRAID of the humans and just chilled with them, just like your family pet is chillin' with you right now.
It showed no fear, never showed any aggression. It was a nice moment to witness this animal who had no idea how horrible human beings can be to it. When I die, I want to go there, to that place.
click to expand

The thought of that rats sack dragging the ground sends a shiver through me.
Posted by Sizzurp
I truly despise people that fight dogs. If a dog fighter wants to see blood so badly, perhaps they should strap on a pair of gloves? The entire "sport" is cowardly and truly showcases some of the worst human characteristics. This assessment extends to cockfighting, bull fighting or any other form of "malicious entertainment." I for one, take particular pleasure in watching bulls skewer some fool bullfighter Big Grin

LOL So do I. I am always hoping for some maiming during the running of the bulls.
I really think anyone that fights animals should be skewered a la Vlad Dracula. A nice rich port, delicately sipped by candlelight would round out the scene.
Posted by Sizzurp
Cruelty to animals is one of the distinguishing
vices of low and base minds. Wherever it is found, it
is a certain mark of ignorance and meanness; a mark
which all the external advantages of wealth,
splendour, and nobility, cannot obliterate. It is
consistent neither with learning nor true civility.
- William Jones

x 99,999,999,999,789,999,325,000,000,999,999,985,239,999,885,999,456,999
Posted by Sizzurp
Posted by cowpuncher
Dammit, you've convinced me to add one more thing to my bucket list: African Safari, to bag an elephant. Big Grin Anything that gets vegetarians that stirred up is something I have to think about doing at some point. lol

Ever seem an enraged bull elephant?
click to expand

Still no match for a bullet. Unfortunately.
A wild angry elephant finds its way into a village and starts killing and destroying people....hey one has to do what one has to do.
But to enter into the elephants habitat and kill it for fun or for a stupid fucking 'tusk trophy' is just plain hot garbage.