Posted by _Dazedlmao
Fanguy to Mike: "Something something work on your internalized persecution.."
Mike: *rolls eyes*
Mike to Aspen: "Name one thing you know about me.."
Aspen: "You're a Cancer"
Mike: "!!!!!!.. oh you mean the sign!"
smh LOL
Posted by _DazedNo he cast the winning vote after I finally got him to do so
Did the vote come down to a random Ebarka vote?
Posted by AfternoonDelights22Rahchel - AspenPosted by _Dazed
Did the vote come down to a random Ebarka vote?
No he cast the winning vote after I finally got him to do so
Infinity on the other hand left hers random tho lolclick to expand
Posted by _Dazedno Mike voted Aspen and Infinity's vote went for FanguyPosted by AfternoonDelights22Posted by _Dazed
Did the vote come down to a random Ebarka vote?
No he cast the winning vote after I finally got him to do so
Infinity on the other hand left hers random tho lol
Rahchel - Aspen
Ebarka - Aspen
Dazed - Fanguy
So Mike voted for Fanguy and Infinity's vote was random to Aspen????????????????click to expand
Posted by tizianilmao yeah I think that line sealed his character arc lol
“Did you really guarantee him final 2 though? Did you tell him you’d take him to the final 2?”
Fanguy: “Not since i told you i would take you to the final 2.”
HAHAHAHAHA classic Fanguy
Posted by tizianiI feel like Im in tribal council! lolPosted by AfternoonDelights22Posted by tiziani
“Did you really guarantee him final 2 though? Did you tell him you’d take him to the final 2?”
Fanguy: “Not since i told you i would take you to the final 2.”
HAHAHAHAHA classic Fanguy
lmao yeah I think that line sealed his character arc lol
So how do you feel about it? having wrapped up a season
Was it worth it? will you do it again?
do you picture this becoming like a “heats” territory for the show Survivor?
what did you picture the contestants getting out of this for themselves when you set out to make this? and what have you seen them get out of it now that you can look back on the season? 🤓click to expand
Posted by tizianiI agreePosted by AfternoonDelights22Posted by tizianiPosted by AfternoonDelights22Posted by tiziani
“Did you really guarantee him final 2 though? Did you tell him you’d take him to the final 2?”
Fanguy: “Not since i told you i would take you to the final 2.”
HAHAHAHAHA classic Fanguy
lmao yeah I think that line sealed his character arc lol
So how do you feel about it? having wrapped up a season
Was it worth it? will you do it again?
do you picture this becoming like a “heats” territory for the show Survivor?
what did you picture the contestants getting out of this for themselves when you set out to make this? and what have you seen them get out of it now that you can look back on the season? 🤓
I feel like Im in tribal council! lol
Yeah I will probably do it again. At this point tho Im just trying different games and seeing what sticks.
The game I recorded in April makes the drama in Online Survival look like Sesame Street lol
Idk if it would be anything for Survivor but if Aspen or someone got onto Survivor that would be cool
I was hoping the contestants would just get a fun ol time out of it and I think thats what happened. Take Mike for instance who was pretty upset after his elimination from the game, but I think he has enjoyed watching it all back. I think a lot would play a different game, or try out to play a bigger network game now tbh.
If I can find more casts like the one I did in April who not only want to play hard, but realize its being recorded for a series and play up for the camera, then I can really see people using these games as a stepping stone to something bigger. to expand
Posted by AfternoonDelights22So ready for this
Posted by AfternoonDelights22Great first episode
One hour till the premiere
Posted by AfternoonDelights22Interesting title once again lol
Posted by _Dazedwho said itPosted by AfternoonDelights22
Interesting title once again lolclick to expand
Posted by AfternoonDelights22Posted by _DazedPosted by AfternoonDelights22
Interesting title once again lol
who said itclick to expand