
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by PhishFood on Sunday, August 12, 2018 and has 32 replies.
How, why and/or what made you choose your present or past username here.

Do you relate to it or is it something random ?
Mine relates to an ice cream where choclatePhish (fish) are hidden in the tub and to find them you need to get through the tub lol
Posted by ASCoppVenus

Its the part of my chart that I found interesting. My ascendant apparently is sag. And my venus is apparently in cancer. And this is supposed to make me appear “attractive” based on what I read 😂😂😂
Your pic is very pretty. I'm assuming it's you smile

And interesting choice of username
Posted by GemLover

Just random
You don't love a Gemini?
Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Its the part of my chart that I found interesting. My ascendant apparently is sag. And my venus is apparently in cancer. And this is supposed to make me appear “attractive” based on what I read 😂😂😂
Your pic is very pretty. I'm assuming it's you smile

And interesting choice of username
Nah! Thats Natalie Portman. We have the same sun and moon smile Gemini Sun and Virgo moon smile mind you, i just discovered my real chart yesterday... i found my time of birth and realized my entire life was a lie coz all my houses and my rising and moon changed. 😂😂😂😂😂
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Lol how did you found out your birth time or more importantly how did you got it wrong?

Does your new chart make more sense to you ? You relate more to it?
Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Mine relates to an ice cream where choclatePhish (fish) are hidden in the tub and to find them you need to get through the tub lol
Hahaha! Omg. That sounds yum!!!! Lol
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Its got a deeper meaning too, in life you need to get through quite a lot to get what you like smile

One too many to drink I guess, the philosopher is coming out !
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing

I was reading dxp one month prior to register here. I wanted my sign to show up in my user name. Wolf in ram's clothing idea came naturally to mind. I love wolves and It also involved my Aries (ram) sign. Then, I started to look for a picture to match. And I found it! It's a drawing, wolf is cute and ram is even cuter, and the Wolf is sitting by a computer. I was thrilled, lol.
I don't see that picture.

Your profile shows a lady in black as pic
Posted by GemLover

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by GemLover

Just random
You don't love a Gemini?
Shoot I don't know. I just came up with anything that came to mind. I'm tired imitating as a female. That shit gets old fast.
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Imitating as female ? Elucidate
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by WolfInRamsClothing

I was reading dxp one month prior to register here. I wanted my sign to show up in my user name. Wolf in ram's clothing idea came naturally to mind. I love wolves and It also involved my Aries (ram) sign. Then, I started to look for a picture to match. And I found it! It's a drawing, wolf is cute and ram is even cuter, and the Wolf is sitting by a computer. I was thrilled, lol.
I don't see that picture.

Your profile shows a lady in black as pic
Click on my username and click on photos.
click to expand
Ah I get it now.

Does it also supposed to mean that people tend (and can and will) portray themselves as sheep or wolf from behind a screen, that is, hiding their real selves.
Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Its the part of my chart that I found interesting. My ascendant apparently is sag. And my venus is apparently in cancer. And this is supposed to make me appear “attractive” based on what I read 😂😂😂
Your pic is very pretty. I'm assuming it's you smile

And interesting choice of username
Nah! Thats Natalie Portman. We have the same sun and moon smile Gemini Sun and Virgo moon smile mind you, i just discovered my real chart yesterday... i found my time of birth and realized my entire life was a lie coz all my houses and my rising and moon changed. 😂😂😂😂😂
Lol how did you found out your birth time or more importantly how did you got it wrong?

Does your new chart make more sense to you ? You relate more to it?

I asked my mother and she made a mistake in what she told me hahaha. So before I turned out to be a Virgo rising and a Leo moon. Yesterday, I saw my actual birth certificate with exact birth time and used it to make sure and just out of curiosity.

Yes! It made more sense to me. I have a friend who is a leo moon and we dont have the same way in processing emotions. I am very detached and she gets attached easily. And I always wondered why if we have the same sun and moon. Now it explains everything. Having Sag rising and having my Virgo moon in 9th house causes my detachment. And i wanted to get married which is a top priority for me when I date so I carefullg choose men and its all because of my Venus in Cancer in the 7th house. Which before, i thought was in 10th house and was supposed to make me marry my job. All the 6th house in my chart also explained why I am a workaholic but when it comes to family my 7th house does dominate. It was weird at first and i started to realize how much it all made sense.
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You seem to know A lot about astrology, how did you learnt that
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by WolfInRamsClothing

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by WolfInRamsClothing

I was reading dxp one month prior to register here. I wanted my sign to show up in my user name. Wolf in ram's clothing idea came naturally to mind. I love wolves and It also involved my Aries (ram) sign. Then, I started to look for a picture to match. And I found it! It's a drawing, wolf is cute and ram is even cuter, and the Wolf is sitting by a computer. I was thrilled, lol.
I don't see that picture.

Your profile shows a lady in black as pic
Click on my username and click on photos.
Ah I get it now.

Does it also supposed to mean that people tend (and can and will) portray themselves as sheep or wolf from behind a screen, that is, hiding their real selves.
Well I'm Wolfie, nice to meet you.
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Nice to meet you too.

I'm Maya, I pretend to come across as detached but I'm very emotional Winking
Posted by PhishFood

How, why and/or what made you choose your present or past username here.

Do you relate to it or is it something random ?
I am usually don’t care but still wondering for a long time about @UnusualVaginaDischarge...

Never asked though...lmao

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Its the part of my chart that I found interesting. My ascendant apparently is sag. And my venus is apparently in cancer. And this is supposed to make me appear “attractive” based on what I read 😂😂😂
Your pic is very pretty. I'm assuming it's you smile

And interesting choice of username
Nah! Thats Natalie Portman. We have the same sun and moon smile Gemini Sun and Virgo moon smile mind you, i just discovered my real chart yesterday... i found my time of birth and realized my entire life was a lie coz all my houses and my rising and moon changed. 😂😂😂😂😂
Lol how did you found out your birth time or more importantly how did you got it wrong?

Does your new chart make more sense to you ? You relate more to it?

I asked my mother and she made a mistake in what she told me hahaha. So before I turned out to be a Virgo rising and a Leo moon. Yesterday, I saw my actual birth certificate with exact birth time and used it to make sure and just out of curiosity.

Yes! It made more sense to me. I have a friend who is a leo moon and we dont have the same way in processing emotions. I am very detached and she gets attached easily. And I always wondered why if we have the same sun and moon. Now it explains everything. Having Sag rising and having my Virgo moon in 9th house causes my detachment. And i wanted to get married which is a top priority for me when I date so I carefullg choose men and its all because of my Venus in Cancer in the 7th house. Which before, i thought was in 10th house and was supposed to make me marry my job. All the 6th house in my chart also explained why I am a workaholic but when it comes to family my 7th house does dominate. It was weird at first and i started to realize how much it all made sense.
You seem to know A lot about astrology, how did you learnt that
I just kept reading about it. I dont know how to read charts but I focus more on understanding myself. Its the reason i got into astrology in the first place. But not relying on it 100% i also read psychology books, online stuff... I have gemini sun and some things I do arent normal 😂😂😂😂😂
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Normal is boring. I have some Gemini too on my chart but I stopped reading it when shit got too much go handle
Posted by Gemitati

Posted by PhishFood

How, why and/or what made you choose your present or past username here.

Do you relate to it or is it something random ?
I am usually don’t care but still wondering for a long time about @UnusualVaginaDischarge...

Never asked though...lmao

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What about your own username?

Your profile picture is quite sultry.
Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Its the part of my chart that I found interesting. My ascendant apparently is sag. And my venus is apparently in cancer. And this is supposed to make me appear “attractive” based on what I read 😂😂😂
Your pic is very pretty. I'm assuming it's you smile

And interesting choice of username
Nah! Thats Natalie Portman. We have the same sun and moon smile Gemini Sun and Virgo moon smile mind you, i just discovered my real chart yesterday... i found my time of birth and realized my entire life was a lie coz all my houses and my rising and moon changed. 😂😂😂😂😂
Lol how did you found out your birth time or more importantly how did you got it wrong?

Does your new chart make more sense to you ? You relate more to it?

I asked my mother and she made a mistake in what she told me hahaha. So before I turned out to be a Virgo rising and a Leo moon. Yesterday, I saw my actual birth certificate with exact birth time and used it to make sure and just out of curiosity.

Yes! It made more sense to me. I have a friend who is a leo moon and we dont have the same way in processing emotions. I am very detached and she gets attached easily. And I always wondered why if we have the same sun and moon. Now it explains everything. Having Sag rising and having my Virgo moon in 9th house causes my detachment. And i wanted to get married which is a top priority for me when I date so I carefullg choose men and its all because of my Venus in Cancer in the 7th house. Which before, i thought was in 10th house and was supposed to make me marry my job. All the 6th house in my chart also explained why I am a workaholic but when it comes to family my 7th house does dominate. It was weird at first and i started to realize how much it all made sense.
You seem to know A lot about astrology, how did you learnt that
I just kept reading about it. I dont know how to read charts but I focus more on understanding myself. Its the reason i got into astrology in the first place. But not relying on it 100% i also read psychology books, online stuff... I have gemini sun and some things I do arent normal 😂😂😂😂😂
Normal is boring. I have some Gemini too on my chart but I stopped reading it when shit got too much go handle
Ooooohhhhh interesting!!! Btw were u a user here before? U seem familiar!
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Yes, between 2016 and 2017.

Came back after a while on April this year?

Were you too ?
Posted by PhishFood

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by PhishFood

How, why and/or what made you choose your present or past username here.

Do you relate to it or is it something random ?
I am usually don’t care but still wondering for a long time about @UnusualVaginaDischarge...

Never asked though...lmao

What about your own username?

Your profile picture is quite sultry.
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I used to be no one wondering what sign am I. Like you...I am wondering...I thought you are Pisces. But apparently you are a Scorpio who in love with Pisces.

Next time you in love with someone else...your ‘tattoo’ will be invalid...

I stick to something that is forever.

‘tati’ part just came from nowhere...

I was just eager to get back and whatever came after Gemi wasn’t relevant!

I still think in THIS forum people should reveal their sing in the name to save time for others asking ‘what’s your sign’? Or in signature below the alias...unlike @tiziani has now ‘married’...WTF!!!

Tomorrow he will be tiziani guru of the all fucks! Or whatever...

and he claiming to be the smart one! My bigger...I hope! 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah...and my avatar was chosen for me by dxp members. Based on my posts. @theRabbit and @hydorah we’re idiotivally using same avatar to piss me off. It then they got tired...

See them using it now again...just morons having no life! Lmao

This is crazy place. Too bad you’ve missed @Secret animated movies.

That time passed...🤣💦💦

It should be on YouTube somewhere...ask around.
Posted by edgelord

my current name like my last one is WoW related.

the current expansion until tomorrow is legion. and the main guy in the expansion is named illidan stormrage. he's a demon hunter. any time someone talks about demon hunters or illidan they call them edgelords.
Do you play WoW? I quite like the concept. And your username.

Posted by Gemitati

Yeah...and my avatar was chosen for me by dxp members. Based on my posts. @theRabbit and @hydorah we’re idiotivally using same avatar to piss me off. It then they got tired...

See them using it now again...just morons having no life! Lmao

This is crazy place. Too bad you’ve missed @Secret animated movies.

That time passed...🤣💦💦

It should be on YouTube somewhere...ask around.
Based on your posts, I'll assume you are similar to your Avatar irl
Posted by PhishFood

Posted by Gemitati

Yeah...and my avatar was chosen for me by dxp members. Based on my posts. @theRabbit and @hydorah we’re idiotivally using same avatar to piss me off. It then they got tired...

See them using it now again...just morons having no life! Lmao

This is crazy place. Too bad you’ve missed @Secret animated movies.

That time passed...🤣💦💦

It should be on YouTube somewhere...ask around.
Based on your posts, I'll assume you are similar to your Avatar irl
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Very much except I need a few toilet paper rolls to achieve that bossom!

Everything else is IT!






at your

My first user name (Earthgoddess) was something a friend calls me for fun

Meaning: Virgo= earth sign and also known as the maiden= goddess

I got bored with it and just focused on my Earthy personality

No particular meaning. snoz is just a super old pet name this virgo had for me and when I signed up I was asking about her and wanted to remain anonymous.

Things have changed but yeah I kinda like this username but I sorta like the word aqua in general too.
there's this friend of mine and his username in Blizzard is 'imnotrussian', which is actually right cuz we bulgarians. i thought 'imnotvirgo' is cool, idk why, even tho im a virg9, eh
My accounts make themselves. The first was Darkfire. It was every aspect of evil. I forced myself to get banned just to get away from it. Then I made Soul, which is a combination of everything. Funny, dry, deep, shallow, real, fake, sarcastic, direct, intelligent, stupid, and everything else. I've tried to delete Soul 3 times now, but it doesn't work. So I guess I'm stuck like this.

I made the chill music thread, which is a milestone on this platform. I give the thread ownership to those who posted in it. Everyone made that thread.

Other than that I'm just everything and nothing at the exact same time. I don't want to be here as much as I do. I'm an anomaly.

It’s actually my real name, with little change 😄
Posted by Soul

My accounts make themselves. The first was Darkfire. It was every aspect of evil. I forced myself to get banned just to get away from it. Then I made Soul, which is a combination of everything. Funny, dry, deep, shallow, real, fake, sarcastic, direct, intelligent, stupid, and everything else. I've tried to delete Soul 3 times now, but it doesn't work. So I guess I'm stuck like this.

I made the chill music thread, which is a milestone on this platform. I give the thread ownership to those who posted in it. Everyone made that thread.

Other than that I'm just everything and nothing at the exact same time. I don't want to be here as much as I do. I'm an anomaly.

Forced yourself to get banned, how so?

Why didn’t you just delete!!?
Posted by Haruuka

Posted by Soul

My accounts make themselves. The first was Darkfire. It was every aspect of evil. I forced myself to get banned just to get away from it. Then I made Soul, which is a combination of everything. Funny, dry, deep, shallow, real, fake, sarcastic, direct, intelligent, stupid, and everything else. I've tried to delete Soul 3 times now, but it doesn't work. So I guess I'm stuck like this.

I made the chill music thread, which is a milestone on this platform. I give the thread ownership to those who posted in it. Everyone made that thread.

Other than that I'm just everything and nothing at the exact same time. I don't want to be here as much as I do. I'm an anomaly.

Forced yourself to get banned, how so?

Why didn’t you just delete!!?
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I just blew up the front page with threads and the feed section with "Delete this account" for like 15 minutes straight, and then it was gone. I felt like I was free, but then made Soul like 2 weeks later.

Dxpnet always had this weird pull towards me. Other veteran members will relate. No matter how hard you try to leave, some just can't. And never will.
Posted by Soul

Posted by Haruuka

Posted by Soul

My accounts make themselves. The first was Darkfire. It was every aspect of evil. I forced myself to get banned just to get away from it. Then I made Soul, which is a combination of everything. Funny, dry, deep, shallow, real, fake, sarcastic, direct, intelligent, stupid, and everything else. I've tried to delete Soul 3 times now, but it doesn't work. So I guess I'm stuck like this.

I made the chill music thread, which is a milestone on this platform. I give the thread ownership to those who posted in it. Everyone made that thread.

Other than that I'm just everything and nothing at the exact same time. I don't want to be here as much as I do. I'm an anomaly.

Forced yourself to get banned, how so?

Why didn’t you just delete!!?
I just blew up the front page with threads and the feed section with "Delete this account" for like 15 minutes straight, and then it was gone. I felt like I was free, but then made Soul like 2 weeks later.

Dxpnet always had this weird pull towards me. Other veteran members will relate. No matter how hard you try to leave, some just can't. And never will.
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Aha, got it now

I know what you’re talking about it, but for me, I always take breaks, they are very good for my soul, not you but my own soul 😂

Sometimes I feel deep down.. that someday I will leave this place for ever, I just don’t know when or even why.
This is my first account. I was rushing joining on my phone and made a typo with Muderface. Its actually Murrderface, my friends call me that cos I dont smile in group pics lol
Posted by blvckphvse

I've had a few accounts, but they have all been different versions of my original - blackphase..

Derives from the Black Phase Wolf & also in reference to being stuck in the dark phase of life.

I also used wiseblood for awhile, also derives from my love of Wolves.
Do you like werewolves?