What’s this dude’s problem?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by SassyKiwi on Saturday, April 29, 2023 and has 10 replies.
My husband has a nephew in elementary school who gets sick often. I happen to get along well with children but can only take them in very small doses. My husband’s nephew adores me but unfortunately I don’t have the energy or desire to play with him much. That does not stop him and his parents from coming over and visiting us often… even my husband has lost interest in entertaining them so often and give excuses like how we need to sleep or something. You’d think his parents would get the message and stop coming over but NAH.

I don’t like his sister and brother-in-law. Neither does their own relatives… I won’t get into why but I haven’t made much effort to hide it. Fast forward to my husband and I having our own baby this year. To keep relatives and others from coming over often, we made a rule of being masked for the first 3 months around our baby. Nearly everyone complied without much complaints except my husband’s brother-in-law…. oh how dare we make him and his young son wear a mask and ask the grade school child to at least sanitize his hands before touching the baby, you know like in-between him picking his nose and scratching his butt for the 10th time. He has never been so insulted in his life… went on about how he’s a scientist (like in the field of geology 🙄) and how this is so ridiculous. No one told him to come over! My husband and I held our ground on the matter. He now refuses to come over or talk to us even though the 3 months is up 😂 Like seriously? That’s what it took? Not the countless other times we were so dismissive towards them and his son? I find it extremely odd how he’s been taking this so personal. He’s a grown ass man in his 40s. He’s not even blood related to any of us.
O yeah we call those leechers. Careful they're worse than they seem. They have narcissistic qualities and will leech at any opportunity.

Also, don't give him attention, he's obviously got yours. Don't let him annoy you. Don't even let the leech grab hold.
Posted by Bumboklaat
O yeah we call those leechers. Careful they're worse than they seem. They have narcissistic qualities and will leech at any opportunity.

Also, don't give him attention, he's obviously got yours. Don't let him annoy you. Don't even let the leech grab hold.
YES. I refer to him as a leecher when I rant to my parents about him. I also often found him creepy. Literally out of everyone he was particularly passionate about me exclusively breastfeeding. No one asked him for his damn opinion on something so personal. It also rubbed me wrong when he was the only one who offered to change my baby girl’s diaper literally on the 1st day he met her. He has never had a daughter or niece to have taken care of like that plus I definitely don’t have that level of trust and closeness with him. There’s been other uncomfortable instances… my husband is oblivious to these things… I guess most guys would be to what appears to be small details…

I don’t give him attention at all, there’s been countless times I hadn’t left my room to greet him or his family. I feel like that caused him to come and bother us even more. They seem to have a lot of time on their hands to be petty.

Great work.
Posted by Bumboklaat
O yeah we call those leechers. Careful they're worse than they seem. They have narcissistic qualities and will leech at any opportunity.

Also, don't give him attention, he's obviously got yours. Don't let him annoy you. Don't even let the leech grab hold.
Yep. My parents are pathological narcs.

They are always the victim, always vilifying someone for having boundaries, always offended by something or someone, always creating drama out of thin air.

The solution is to bluntly tell them to shut the fuck up and ignore the shit out of them until they start speaking your language (non-narc communication) and start acting in ways you find acceptable.

Yeah I have an aunty and cousin like this. They've always taken advantage of my father and essentially cucked him and taken advantage of his good will. Takes so many resources from him and me and my sister. Taurus father being nice and kinda clueless to what what it going on they just walk all over him. They're psychotic chronic pot smokers.

Keep them away from your kids they will damage their mental health with snide remarks and power moves, constantly.

Never engage them in their bullshit arguments or games, they always win simply because pigs love to roll in shit and that's where they set their arguments, at pigshit level. Even if you win an argument with them, simply by engaging with them they have lowered your self respect and standards in order to argue, so don't. You'll feel horrible no matter what, and they won't care at all.

Good riddance 😂 🥳 🙌
You need special treatment and you're not good with people
He's a twatwaffle and reminds me of my ex husband. You gave him boundaries which made him feel lack of control and now he thinks he's punishing you. LOL...
Update: As if they can’t get anymore creepier… last week my husband and I went out for maybe like the 2nd or 3rd time since having the baby and had his mom babysit (which she’s done before)… guess who showed up when we weren’t home? My husband’s sister, brother-in-law and his nephew… it’s so fucking inappropriate how they came near our baby without her parents present OUT OF ALL THE DAYS. His brother-in-law is like weirdly best friends with my mother-in-law (I despise them both but you obviously can’t tell your spouse how much you hate their parents and point out how no one likes them because some love their parents no matter what and blindly trust them). My husband is shit at standing up to his parents and creating boundaries. But I also don’t understand why his sister’s family are so fucking obsessed with inappropriately visiting!! It’s so beyond creepy how they plan all this out behind our backs. Like WTF. Some people seriously have no life on a whole other level??

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