2008 Resolutions

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Thetis on Sunday, December 30, 2007 and has 74 replies.
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Do you have any? Do you believe in them?
My New Years resolution is to stop being a numpty!
Easier said than done btw! Tongue
Hahahaha! Nope there's not, which is just as well! Tongue
Shaka what's your deal, are you always so down on people or what?
lol @ Spachtel. I guess some of us have trouble accepting that!
< has no trouble at all. Tongue
1) Try to reduce my sarcastic responses to less than 50% (I'm at about 90% , so this one is doomed to failure.)
2) Pay more attention to studies. (As a Pisces, paying attention to anything for more than 20 minutes is tricky at best, this one is also doomed to failure.)
3) Stop making resolutions that will not work. (I'm almost there on this one)
4) Encourage DC to use the Smiley in response to everything Shaka2 posts.

"Shaka what's your deal, are you always so down on people or what?"

...and yes i know i've just thrown the troll a breadcrumb
lol @ Dc, that face is freaky I have to say, sorta like Pacman on acid or something!
Hey LK, chart twin lol. Tongue
My eyes my eyes!!!
Oi Shaka I have nowt against Virgo's but leave Sagi alone.
Hahahahaha! Class Spachtel I'm with you on that!
Well it must otherwise you wouldn't still be posting.
I haven't .... I notice how people hate other people who ONLY think life is about "being" funny.

Maybe, we should start a thread that says what others think each of us should do for a resolution .. that way, we all can please others, instead of ourselves.
Yay !!!!!! Happy New Year !!!!!
lmao @ Lady M!
Satan is definitely among us! Tongue
I just had to do it...*shrugs*

*evil laughter*
lol Sagi I'm not that great at having a war of words trust me, I have too much of a temper, I usually just prefer to give someone a slap!
Must be because I'm Scottish. Tongue
Hey Shaka! Im good.
I do miss the banter b/n Nice and I.
Come on Shaka if you're going to insult me surely you can do better than that!
And anyway you're just jumping on me because I said I'm not really into having a war of words.
if only i could plan my whole day according to what i want out of it.
What's all about alcohol?
or maybe i should change my moon,it might make me feel better
Hey Devil! How are you?
I'll swap you my Gemini moon lol, whatever you have cannot possibly be as bad as that!
yo DC!!
**chest bump**
Well there's nothing wrong with honesty I guess even if it is alcohol induced.
haahaa thetis,gemini moon? i think i am already very charged up with my virgo moon.
it likes order,whereas my aquarian sun wants to wander off on its own whim.
Well my Gemini moon causes me to be a total scatterbrain fickle as hell with the attention span of a goldfish.
I think I win. Tongue
Hey Devil! How are you?

i am good,how have you been chucky?
btw i was watching child's play 3 just a few days backWinking,kind of missed you thenTongue
Well my Gemini moon causes me to be a total scatterbrain fickle as hell with the attention span of a goldfish.

oh boy,now thats baaad.and in an unknown country,you know what can happen to me with that moon?
oh devil what are you on about? if it werent for your virgo moon you would have probably never noticed Nyx in the first place!

haahaa,your point is strong.i agree.smile
must like my moon now,i mean just a little OCD of organisation is not that much.is it?
when i get nyx in return
"btw i was watching child's play 3 just a few days back,kind of missed you then"
Hahaha! It's funny someone said that to me the other day, sun was shining straight on my face and they went "hey your eyes remind me of that freaky doll that killed everyone!" I was so touched. Tongue
Glad to hear you are doing well! smile
My moon kills me honestly my chart's actually pretty good with the exception of my moon, it's gotten me into some mad situations let me tell you! And that's without a drink haha!
of course! my moon is in Virgo too!
Besides, I read somewhere that Virgo rules the moon in esoteric astrology so be proud, be VERY proud.

i should have knownWinking
**holds the virgo moon flag up**
as for chucky,keep your moon,i cannot even speak the lingo here,i might land in jail because of the gemini moon.what a badaass!haahaa
Shaka I said that because 1) I'm Scottish and it's well known we like a drink and, 2) I'm also a Pisces therefore I'm automatically classed as being a drunkard.
But I take your point thank you.
And I don't bash people I know nothing of.
you type correctly even after being drunk>>sure shot way to identify a virgo influence.
Yes you're right I was I was drawn to your excellent spelling whilst drunk inherent Virgo-ness it turns me on.
Devil I have no Virgo in my chart but I do that too!
And he's not that much of a Virgo hell he doesn't even punctuate correctly or put capital letters at the start of his sentences so blah! Tongue
Shaka what's your tipple?
Devil I have no Virgo in my chart but I do that too!

maybe because pisceans are perpetually and eternally drunkTongue
Shaka what's your tipple?
lol noooooo Devil that's not what I meant.
Your toying with me. Tongue
That's "you're" before you saying anything Mr Virgo.
so i think pisceans get used to it and can therefore write and type correctly.
of course Im a goddamn robot, we're taking over the world very soon, be afraid!

i have no worries,i am half robot myself,and also have one at my side,so i'll be inWinking
lol noooooo Devil that's not what I meant.
Your toying with me.

i toy with chuckyTongue
Now that's a good drink I'll give you that. You drink it straight?
I'll toy with you if you keep going! I'll turn you to stone with one of my "chucky" looks lol.
I have a bottle of jack daniels right here on my table..

i have been drinking a lot in these last few days.woo haahaa
had some red wine today,no make that a lot.