Are leos clingy? Because I saw this girl who is a leo who is going out with a pieces male. She wants his company all the time and she is a student of collage university and was writing an speech for her assignment and she needed his help and suddenly his mate rang for him to come over his place and she hates his mate because he backstabed
like broke her trust and anyway the fish dude said he had to moe the lawn for a few minutes and after she texted him no reply so she rang his home place he was apperently at his mates place and the fish dude did promised to help or be there for her this weekend and she starts cying because he rather be with someone who is a man whore and broke the trust of his girl. Like what the hell she cried for hours I had no idea what to do for her she loves him but he can be a jerk to her. When he becomes a jerk I understand why she be a cookiemonster back to him. Is he worth it for her what should I do and is this a typical leo?
I don't want to talk about me talk about the girl
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Sounds to me like this girl needs to re-evaluate her self-confidence, for there appears to be a serious trust issue within herself, NOT the people around her.
"his mate because he backstabed like broke her trust"
"he rather be with someone who is a man whore and broke the trust of his girl"
Those quotes refer to two different men, same girl .. so, when describing her problems to you, HER NOT TRUSTING other people seems to have hurt her feelings .. there lies the problem.
She needs to fix herself ..
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"suddenly his mate rang for him to come over his place and she hates his mate because he backstabed
like broke her trust and anyway the fish dude said he had to moe the lawn for a few minutes and after she texted him no reply so she rang his home place he was apperently at his mates place and the fish dude did promised to help or be there for her this weekend and she starts cying because he rather be with someone who is a man whore and broke the trust of his girl."
Seriously .. I don't know how to get people to finally comprehend this. It's unfathomable how many times people come in here with this same damn issue, over and over and over and over again. And not just Leo's, all signs ..
PISCES WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED .. we lead our lives, we direct what, where, when and why we live our lives .. if the intent is to have some kind of mastery over us .. then save yourself the heartache and leave now.
If you tell us we aren't allowed to do something at our own discretion .. then expect to be decieved, lied to
I was thinking If the chic has cancer in venus I read many times that Fish people and cancer people match like chocolate?
Why Does it sound like there was a lie about that?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Why Does it sound like there was a lie about that?"
Because what the below quote means ... his mate rang him, and because his girlfriend doesn't trust his mate, he made an excuse to go mow the lawn for a few minutes, but, when she couldn't find him, he was actually at the mates house.
Which means, he lied to her about cutting the grass, so he could go see his friend.
"his mate rang for him to come over his place and she hates his mate because he backstabed
like broke her trust and anyway the fish dude said he had to moe the lawn for a few minutes and after she texted him no reply so she rang his home place he was apperently at his mates place"
Signed Up:
Jul 28, 2007Comments: 28 · Posts: 921 · Topics: 39
PISCES WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED .. we lead our lives, we direct what, where, when and why we live our lives .. if the intent is to have some kind of mastery over us .. then save yourself the heartache and leave now.
(applause) i couldn't have worded it better myself...just let us be =) lions can't keep up with what we are about anyways...
Signed Up:
Jul 28, 2007Comments: 28 · Posts: 921 · Topics: 39
Fish people and cancer people match like chocolate
that is true in most cases...or at least in my experiences...
and for the reference..."cancer people" are commonly referred to "crab"...gahh lol