Do Pisces men come back?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by TaurusAngel on Saturday, September 21, 2013 and has 23 replies.
Do Pisces men ever change their mind and come back? Particularly if you had a rocky start because of (mainly) his problems and issues.
He is a pisces sun and also Venus in pisces, mars in pisces and cancer rising.
I am taurus sun, taurus moon, gemini Venus, libra rising, mars in Leo.
I met this pisces man online. Our first date didn't go too well, mainly because he was quite shy and nervous and he made me shy.
The next time we met was much better, lovely date, drinks, dinner and I ended up going home with him as I warmed up to him and it felt right.
He blew hot and cold with a lot. He never called, most of the time I had to initiate contact by text to which he would reply quite quickly. I had to take the lead and suggest things. He was flaky, saying he'd want to do something and not get round to it.
But he was very sweet, gentle and caring when we were together. I felt well looked after and special to him. He asked questions about my leave and was I taking vacations as he may want to come.
He aired his dirty laundry quite early on. Told me of his ex who left him a few months ago when they were together 4 years. She wasn't right for him, years older and clinically depressed. He said he doesn't like being single either.
He had job problems: he was in a bad job that made him depressed and he left it. He was between jobs when we met. He got another job when we were together the new job was bad too. His mood declined badly when he started his new job.
I noticed he has very dark moods. He couldn't switch off and leave work behind, he let it affect everything, most of all, us. I was caring and sympathetic and listened to him and tried to make.him feel better.
We had a lovely date about 3 weeks ago. He'd been having a rough time at work with long hours. He stayed in touch by text for days afterwards. Then he vanished for nearly a week. I finally asked what was wrong and he text me back and said work was awful not in the right frame of mind for dating anyone.
I was upset so probed further and he then said I'm a great person but we've got nothing in common for long term. I pointed out its only been 6 dates and too early to assess as all we did was have dinner and talk about work. He didn't know me well enough to.tell and he had said no one falls for.him until they know him well.
I gave him a hard time slightly as I was hurt but I made it clear I liked him. I apologised a few days later on text but its now 2 weeks since I heard
It cut the last of my paragraph off........

I gave him a hard time slightly as I was hurt but I made it clear I liked him. I apologised a few days later on text but its now 2 weeks since I heard from him.
So my question is: we got on well, we had amazing sex, he didn't take the time to get to know me as he was always busy at work. He has very black moods and takes life and work stress very hard, he is very sensitive and can't seem to just shrug things off. In contrast, when I've had a bad day at work, I leave it behind
If / when he sorts his mess out is it likely he will change his mind and contact me?
What should I do? Leave him alone or stay in contact with him and what should I say?
I've been reading lots that pisces men always come back. How true is that?
Thank you.
They do come back. Sometimes on there own, sometimes you got to initiate. Be unpredictable
Too much work
I already asked how he was and apologised even though I had nothing to say sorry for. he hadn't replied. I just don't see there is anything else I can say to him if he hasn't replied.
Well I was kind, gentle, concerned for him, showed him attention and was passionate.
He had a horrible break up of a long term relationship only 3 months before we met and has moved jobs twice since November 2012 & they have both been disasters. He was in a foul mood after work and ge didn't talk about anything else. When he pulls the we have nothing in common card when he didn't try to get to know me. He said he isn't hear over heels for me but how can you be when you don't spend any time together, don't talk on the phone and don't do.anything but moan about work.
Is there any chance he was still sad over his gf leaving him and the job situation and it dulled his feelings? He does like solitude a lot. Ge sleeps a lot too.
Any chance this one will come.back?
When he was looking for a job he was worried about money and telling mw he couldn't wait to get his career and life back on track so hecould focus on me. But his new job was as bad as the last obey and Ge was miserable. maybe It dulled his feelings or
he had bigger problems to worry about than starring a new relationship.
Absolutely yes. I tried to help him. I made suggestions, allowed.him to vent to me and I also tried to be strong for him, making him feel better about it. I gave him so much support and we weren't together that ling. he still swam away telling me that work was rubbish and stressful and.he hadn't.been in the mood to contact anyone.
I don't think he'll go back to his ex. This is the second time they have broken up and I think it unlikely.they'll patch it up. She.left him and is now living elsewhere. He.has rented out their room in the house they shared and he the spare room. It was a very nasty break up.
Should I.just.leave him well alone? I already tried offering support and asking how he wad and he swam away.
It's a shame he was gentle and sweet when we were together. He just seemed very distracted with all his issues. he is in a good profession so its not messing around and I'm not surprised he is worried.
I doubt they'd get back together a third time. He spoke of having ti live out of their bedroom because of bad memories.
He and all of their friends have unfriended each other on Facebook.
Hopefully when he's sorted, he'll remember the kind.strong passionate woman that was good to him.
How are pisces men in a crisis: he kept speaking of needing lots of time to unwind. Do they like alone time
Yes they do...
I never forced anything on him. I let him be. He was the one who asked how much vacation I had left and what my plans were re re taking it as he'd like to spend some with me. There were lots of other things too.
As for his ex, she had mental health issues the whole time they dated & he supported her. But when he got depressed over work, she left him as she couldn't handle him. btw he doesn't want to get married & is not sure about children. his ex was 7 years older than him so I doubt she can have them.
The ONLY reason that makes me wonder is he was ok until he started work. We had dinner together to celebrate his new job and he said he would be getting his career and life back on track now. But the new job was as bad as the last and his life is up in the air again.
he also didn't know enough about me to assess long term potential as all I did in all those dates is focus on his career issues and listen to stories about his family. he didn't take the time to get to know me.
It's unlikely. But I will say this. my ex from last year: gemini, famous for moving on, split up with me during a mess with his life and job. he said the most horrid things to me, didn't love me anymore, I wasn't the one, & yet nearly a year later he is back in touch mailing and texting me and trying to get me to see him. you just never know. I hadn't heard from him for months & he was in no doubt about how he felt.
*head explodes*
Posted by TaurusAngel
Absolutely yes. I tried to help him. I made suggestions, allowed.him to vent to me and I also tried to be strong for him, making him feel better about it. I gave him so much support and we weren't together that ling. he still swam away telling me that work was rubbish and stressful and.he hadn't.been in the mood to contact anyone.
I don't think he'll go back to his ex. This is the second time they have broken up and I think it unlikely.they'll patch it up. She.left him and is now living elsewhere. He.has rented out their room in the house they shared and he the spare room. It was a very nasty break up.
Should I.just.leave him well alone? I already tried offering support and asking how he wad and he swam away.

lol you'd be very surprised what a Pisces would do for someone they love...doesn't matter the number of break ups...stuff happens but if there is any sign in their hearts that it's not over than yes they will go back to their messy ex...notice how he was messed up from work but it was her that let not him ?!
as for a 6 date rebound...nope...unfortunately you were his rebound by the sounds of it...
your big mistake was trying to help him so early on...and after being out of a relationship not too long ago...
Posted by piranhaparadiise
your big mistake was trying to help him so early on...and after being out of a relationship not too long ago...

I know. my problem is I'm generous to a fault.
He knew I had been hurt recently....I told him that hence I didn't want more hurt and wanted to take it slowly. oh no, he pushes and pushes for what he wants & never took me seriously.
His ex left as he was depressed over work and in foul moods over it. well I saw them over a few dates: he can't leave it at the office.
I'm sorry you're going through this. I have gone through something similar with a Pisces. I agree with what other people have said, maybe it was too soon after his ex that he met you- it's possible that you could've been a rebound or that he still may be wounded from the break-up. Who knows, maybe he saw something in you that he didn't like or that scared him.
What I learned from my situation is that sometimes there is no explanation. I've woken up some days and have (out of the blue) felt differently about someone or something. Furthermore, I've had experiences where I've known that someone was perfect for me, but I just didn't FEEL anything.
To answer your question though, yes, they do come back. I dated one 6 mo. ago and I ended things because he wasn't ready for a relationship. A couple of months later he started pursuing me again, taking me out on dates and texting me non-stop, so we decided to try again. I notice they are extremely aggressive in the beginning, but then they back away for whatever reason. The second time around he still didn't want a relationship, but we've remained friends (occasionally with benefits lol).
I don't know if this is a Pisces trait, but he told me once after we were through that he doesn't take rejection well and that he "wants what he can't have." In retrospect, I guess I made it too easy for him- I tend to be extremely straight forward when it comes to relationships. I don't like leaving anyone in the dark and I tend to be very honest. This probably scared him away or took "the chase" away. He said one big reason why he didn't want to pursue anything with me was he didn't think enough time has passed since my last relationship.
My guy friends tell me that when a guy really likes/loves you, they're going to do whatever they can to be with you if they see that you're worth it. Would you ever ask him what went wrong? You owe it to yourself to know, just for closure. Get him drunk! That's when all the truth comes spilling out of them, trust me lol.
Be well and best of luck.
Posted by TaurusAngel

He said he isn't hear over heels for me but how can you be when you don't spend any time together, don't talk on the phone and don't do.anything but moan about work.

IMO, Pisces don't care about realistic base for falling for someone.
They just have to "feel it". If they don't, they will not got for it.
My pisces man came back after two weeks' silence. I don't know what happened in this time, but he came back very certain of wanting to be with me, giving it all and very much in love.
The difference here is that our dates were great and we were fantastic together. Until I made the mistake of not giving him his space when he needed it (problems at work, legal issues, change of jobs=hard decisions to make). But then, when I did, he ran back to me.
It is my fault then. Let me clarify that: our dates were good when we saw each other. We went to galleries twice, had dinner and cocktails a few times and we were always sweet together. I made him laugh a lot and he me. He was gentle and sweet and loving towards me and asked me about my future plans and could I spend holiday with him. But when his job started, the last two dates we had he was so stressed out and didn??t talk about much else and I noticed the change in him. He stopped contacting me so much and I got worried and chased him up. I should have left him alone then and let him sort his mess out.
The comment about him wanting things he can??t have may have some merit. At the beginning he pursued me hard. I was the evasive one. I though he was coming on far too strong and I kept dodging him and not answering texts from him some of the time as it was a bit full on. He was an absolute darling and kept going after me saying he wanted to get to know me more, doing anything he could to impress me and win me over. When he did win me over and we started seeing each other regularly, he then blew hot and cold a bit. I had no idea what to do. He sent me sweet insightful texts and let me know he was thinking of me and other times, he was quiet. His mood went pretty black when he started his new job. Instead of getting his life back on track, it created more problems. He was working 12 hour shifts, was exhausted, spent the weekends sleeping (I??m not surprised) and was obviously too tired in the evenings after work to socialise. He didn??t know what to do, stick with the job or start looking again. He started talking about work all the time and then he went quiet on me and then said he wasn??t in the right frame of mind.
Nothing I did apparently I??m a great person. I am direct, honest and simple in relationships. I don??t play games or hard to get, if I like someone??s company I let them know.
The earlier posters situation is different as she ended it with him. He ended it with me, although I should have ended it first. He didn??t seem to know what he wanted to do with his life and career and maybe the prospect of long term dating again was too much. Fair enough. But I wish I had recognised the signs and ended it first. I was being his therapist without getting too much in return. You live and learn??_oh well.
Posted by ninjutsu
And congrats on snaring yourself some good fish love there too

Thanks. I think it will be a challenge for me... The emotional baggage I carry can get heavy sometimes and makes me have certain expectations. But once I believe he's in it 100% and stop looking for signs of negativity or foul play and give him some space when he needs it witout reading too much from it, things are great, he feels at ease and gives me more love, more intense and romantic than I ever had in my life. And it's just the beginning...The more I open up to him, the more sincere I am, the more he appreciates it and gives back tenfold. Word of advice from my short adventure with my Piscean: they are more vulnerable than they might seem and they like to be appreciated for their efforts.
Ooshak you mean the baggage from him is heavy?
Posted by OOshak
Posted by ninjutsu
And congrats on snaring yourself some good fish love there too

Thanks. I think it will be a challenge for me... The emotional baggage I carry can get heavy sometimes and makes me have certain expectations. But once I believe he's in it 100% and stop looking for signs of negativity or foul play and give him some space when he needs it witout reading too much from it, things are great, he feels at ease and gives me more love, more intense and romantic than I ever had in my life. And it's just the beginning...The more I open up to him, the more sincere I am, the more he appreciates it and gives back tenfold. Word of advice from my short adventure with my Piscean: they are more vulnerable than they might seem and they like to be appreciated for their efforts.
click to expand

I'm trying to do this exact same thing and I am finding it very very challenging. I thought things got easier the older you got and at 41, I thought love would be a walk in the park by now. Boy was I ever wrong!
Pisces men tend to dwell on there past relationship for a long time, doubting that the next one will be of the same 'substance' as the previous. Even if the woman had cheated, treated him bad, ect, the pisces man is smart enough to know when to walk away but his emotions will never feel that way. If a pisces comes back, it is because his invested so much emotions and does see a brighter side of the relationship ( If actually right or wrong). But usually, a PIsces will emotionally stick around for a long time, even if communication with the woman is no longer into play. But if a Pisces guy meets a new girl and he feels strong for her, then I wouldn't bother even attempting ever again.
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense

I'm trying to do this exact same thing and I am finding it very very challenging. I thought things got easier the older you got and at 41, I thought love would be a walk in the park by now. Boy was I ever wrong!

It seems like they don't get easier, but tougher, sh*t! it's so hard... it's like I lost my usual self-confidence and compass... It's like I know nothing any more.
Posted by TaurusAngel
Ooshak you mean the baggage from him is heavy?

Nope, my own, from previous relationships plus upbringing (I am a very self-confident person raised to be insecure Winking )
Posted by Piscesdream89
Pisces men tend to dwell on there past relationship for a long time, doubting that the next one will be of the same 'substance' as the previous. Even if the woman had cheated, treated him bad, ect, the pisces man is smart enough to know when to walk away but his emotions will never feel that way. (...)
click to expand

We both got separated from our spouses in the beginning of December last year. We were both the ones to walk away, consiously choosing to be happy. We both have kids from previous relationships with them. I am not the one who did wrong to him. I'm the new gal.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
I just don't understand why it is so hard to let your guy have his personal space? I mean do you want him up in your shite 24/7 or what?
Darling, let the man go to his batcave in peace and be happy to see him when he comes back. Its not rocket science...

Personal space? the easiest thing:
M: sorry, I will be very busy this week
W: sure, no problem
M: you know, I have some things on my plate I need to concentrate on
W: sure, no problem
M: I know I told you I would call you every day and I enjoy doing so, but at this point I just can't, when I'm ready again, I'll be back, do you think you can do that?
W: sure, no problem
as opposed to:
W: sure, no problem????
I am a fan of personal space, I am practically a Gemini, Lord praise freedom! but I'm also a fan of communication and apparently he isn't.
Since then things have changed and settled for me, and I feel that
-I love him
-I don't have to see him
-whatever is going on for him, whether he's thinking over the whole thing, he's busy at work, preoccupied with his other problems, he doesn't want to be with me and won't ever be back, he is scared of his feelings for me or he's back with his ex-wife, it all doesn't matter, he has his own life to live and I have mine, if he ever comes back I will figure out what to do, but for now my door is always open for him, because
-I love him
andd yes, I know how pathetic it sounds.
He hasn't got one negative msg from me, I haven't nagged him for answers, I sent him like one msg a day warm and fuzzy and supportive, but not too much, with no expectations whatsoever.
Only once I let him know that I am open to any compromise we could think of, but it's up to him.
Ok, sharks, rip me to pieces Winking