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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"if I ask for anything or guide him somewhere he gets in a strop. When we were first intimate last week I was asking him if what I was doing was good for him, and he went in a strop saying he doesn't like 20 questions! All I wanted was to know if he was enjoying it!"
copperhead, I can speak for myself, being a Pisces with this type of situation ..
We work from intuition on EVERYTHING .. if I'm with a sexual partner, I listen, watch, feel, from my senses .. if someone has to ASK me if I'm enjoying it, then, to me, this means that my partner isn't paying attention to my groans, or my silence.
If I hit a certain spot and there's no reaction .. I move on. I don't want to be told where to go .. I will instinctively get there from the other person's reactions.
If a person hits a certain spot on me, don't ask me if I like it .. pay attention to my body movements, listen to my vocal responses.
If someone doesn't "feel" me sexually .. I either go into a (strop ?), become cold in bed, or cut them off completely.
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 384 · Topics: 58
I totally see what you mean P-Angel, it's just he's very quiet and I want to make sure he's getting the best out of what I doing for him. He just sort of lies there not moving or saying anything. As DC says, I'm very open to suggestions if my partner comments on something. I'd rather be told than carry on doing something he doesn't particulary like.
Ha ha DC, definitely won't be telling him to grow up! He'd never forget that one! He's 23 and I'm 25. he's never mentioned any problems in the bedroom, but I get the feeling he sometimes isn't in to it. For instance we once didn't have time for a full sess so I hinted that it'd be nice to play for a bit, which we did and I 'finished' and told him I'd re-pay the favour - as you do. So from then on he wouldn't touch me intimately until I had re-paid this favour which I thought was totally out of order. When I asked him about it, he just said that I had promised to re-pay him and I shouldn't expect anything. It's like teasing taken to the next dimension!
It's quite a sensitive issue, for him especially, to talk about, so not sure what I could do to try smooth things over in that area.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Some people just never learn, though .. for instance, my husband.
Your man could be this way .. I'm assuming he's a Pisces, since you posted on this board. And this just doesn't sound like a Pisces thing .. we always aim to please sexually.
Maybe, it's not a sexual thing at all and it's just overflowing into the bedroom. Often times, to our determent .. things can way too heavy on us and if we can't sort it out, then it effects other areas in our life, as well.
Is there something else that is an issue and it's effecting him sexually?
What does strop mean?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Oh, then I shouldn't have used that word for myself in bed .. thanks for explaining.
You know .. I don't like to admit to this because it's a bad quality, but, it's the truth .. we Fish, will refute an attempt at control, even if it isn't present, except in our own minds. Seriously, what an issue, eh?
What I mean by this is .. when you suggest to go to bed earlier, he probably would actually liked it IF he came up with the idea .. pathetic, I know.
So, maybe try reverse psychology .. he'll pick up on it, but, might think it's cute because he'll realize that it's an attempt to nudge him. Tell him that you're gonna stay up for a while, give him a kiss on the forehead and send his ass off to bed by himself .. he'll wake up ASAP (hopefully).
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 384 · Topics: 58
P-Angel, he is a Pisces and he is under sone stress because he's having to move as his housemates moved out rather unexpectedly and he can't afford the rent on his own. He always hints that he's never had problems before, but maybe I'm a little too 'aggressive' in bed.
DC, he talks about sex being mutually fulfilling but I'm yet to see this unfortunately. I don't like to use the word selfish, but that's what it feels like.
We don't have an animal passion that I've had with other people, but the contentment and harmony is better for me cos I don't thrive on conflict and he's the same. Outside the bedroom everything is great, so hopefully this is just a glitch.
Also my Mars and Venus are in Taurus and his are in Scorp and Aqua, too many fixed signs in the lurrvve department methinks!! :p
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What really sucks, DC, is when you know it's there and they just won't talk about it. For instance, with my husband .. sometimes, when he thinks I'm asleep, he'll do things, body movements and groans and I can just tell by his actions, that he has fantasies running around in his brain .. I just KNOW, you know .. I can feel it .. but, he refuses to talk about anything sexual, or act any way that's not "proper" ..
Proper? Hello, I'm a Pisces ...........................
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
I hate to be asked too... but my ex scorp used to ask me for stuff all the time but thats because i went cold on him. well you guys all know the story with him and how bad he was, and i just couldnt be attracted to him at all. no matter how much i tried to have sex with him, my heart wasnt in it and i didnt care to please him back... i would just lay there thinking, gawwwwwd will he hurry up and get off me.
Signed Up:
May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Sounds like he's young and selfish...doesnt matter what the sign is.
he will learn in due time...