Posted by GemitatiSkeptics have always motivated me.Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428He doesn't want you to save his money!!!
That planning sound awesome but maybe alittle less expensive at first like Universal Studios, dinner, and there's the Saddleback Ranch there too. or something she likes......If ya really spontaneous then get a hotel it's right up the street on a hill.
He just want to bullshit you into believing he ca do all that wriiten!
Secret admirer my ass!!!click to expand
Posted by RicherCapSays the Capricorn
Ask her to come over to your place and fuck you.
It's simple and to the point, and if she is as "into you" as you suggest she won't mind.
In fact she'll respect you more for that than the deluded little fantasy that you've got going on here.
Posted by RicherCapShe did two weeks after we met. I turned her down. I had relatives staying with me at the time.Posted by AdreamuponwakingWell how about you test fate by asking her to come over and fuck you? If she's the girl for you she'll spend her time and money and come over and do thatPosted by pisceanloves
You have planned everything without her. You don't even know if she likes the idea travel across the world or not. I wouldn't like that, you sound so much like a scorpio. You expect only positive answer, you actually demand it. You said she has her own life, things going on, you want her to drop everything for someone who she has no idea about?
I sound so much like a Scorpio? lol
I'm going to take that as a compliment!
She's a World-traveler...who I think may have visited Morrocco once during her time studying abroad in undergrad. I also think she has some Moroccan friends.This is just some of the things I've picked up from her during our brief conversations.
She also seems like the type to take risks. One of her current favorite hobbies is mountain climbing.
But all of this is beside the point. If she's the girl for me..she'll be on the plane.
I'm not testing her. I'm testing fate.
In fact if she's the girl for you why hasn't she done that already?click to expand
Posted by RicherCapI don't want to purpose marriage as I don't really see her as the mother of my future children however I'd be lying though if I said I didn't consider her to be possible a long time sexual partner.Posted by AdreamuponwakingSo instead of bringing her home and fucking her you told her she couldn't. So the reality is you don't want to fuck herPosted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflakeWe had dinner and she tried making up an excuse to stay at my place for the night.I made up an excuse and told her she couldn't.Posted by AdreamuponwakingPosted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflakeI just jokingly proposed to her underneath her most recent Instagram picture.
Not sure why you are waiting a year for a first date. She could be married by then. You're swept up in the fantasy.
If she joking responds back or responds at all I think I'm in the green.
If she doesn't then I got my
But honestly, I don't care anymore.I can't play it cool anymore.
Good. You have to get things moving with a Pisces. Because while you are waiting on bated breath, someone else will step right in. Luck favors the bold with us. While you're waiting for the perfect timing or perfect set up, some masculine sun guy will have beat you to the punch. Make your interest clearly known and get this train in motion.
Instead you want to propose marriage, take her to morroco, pose as a secret admirer bla bla
If I was her I would be fucking nervous around you tooclick to expand
Posted by RicherCapHow long do you wait even if it's chemistry between one another? To determine long term? @RicherCap.Posted by AdreamuponwakingYou haven't slept with her, you have no idea whether she's compatible. Yet you're considering her a "long time sex partner"Posted by RicherCapI don't want to purpose marriage as I don't really see her as the mother of my future children however I'd be lying though if I said I didn't consider her to be possible a long time sexual partner.Posted by AdreamuponwakingSo instead of bringing her home and fucking her you told her she couldn't. So the reality is you don't want to fuck herPosted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflakeWe had dinner and she tried making up an excuse to stay at my place for the night.I made up an excuse and told her she couldn't.Posted by AdreamuponwakingPosted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflakeI just jokingly proposed to her underneath her most recent Instagram picture.
Not sure why you are waiting a year for a first date. She could be married by then. You're swept up in the fantasy.
If she joking responds back or responds at all I think I'm in the green.
If she doesn't then I got my
But honestly, I don't care anymore.I can't play it cool anymore.
Good. You have to get things moving with a Pisces. Because while you are waiting on bated breath, someone else will step right in. Luck favors the bold with us. While you're waiting for the perfect timing or perfect set up, some masculine sun guy will have beat you to the punch. Make your interest clearly known and get this train in motion.
Instead you want to propose marriage, take her to morroco, pose as a secret admirer bla bla
If I was her I would be fucking nervous around you too
I wonder whether she gets any say in your fantasy?click to expand
Posted by FknNerd
If she meets you there, you know she's out of her mind like you. Perfect pairing. Go for it.
Posted by RoanaYou sound like the woman of my dreams. What are sign placements?lol
Mmmm as Pisces... I will say I would not be thrilled about getting a plane ticket without knowing from whom it is. There is a person who likes adventures and thrill and there is just a person who doesn't care about safety.
I climb mountains, I deep dive and travel all around the world since I am an archaeologist but I would never use the ticket to meet with an unknown person.
That type of thing can be very romantic if you are already in relationship and you give her the ticket as a surprise and she knows it's you.
At least don't make it anonymous.
Posted by AdreamuponwakingI am sun pisces, moon aries, and ascendant capricornPosted by RoanaYou sound like the woman of my dreams. What are sign placements?lol
Mmmm as Pisces... I will say I would not be thrilled about getting a plane ticket without knowing from whom it is. There is a person who likes adventures and thrill and there is just a person who doesn't care about safety.
I climb mountains, I deep dive and travel all around the world since I am an archaeologist but I would never use the ticket to meet with an unknown person.
That type of thing can be very romantic if you are already in relationship and you give her the ticket as a surprise and she knows it's you.
At least don't make it anonymous.
And thanks for the constructive feedback. I really appreciate to expand