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Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
Being the last of the signs I think we're supposed to have learned all the lessons every other sign has yet to experience, or something like that!
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Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
I did read that somewhere actually, Linda Goodman I think.
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Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
And you can't change your user name, you'd have to create a new account and thus a new name.
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
Yeah Aqua Boy I thought you were an Aqua - Tee hee - sorry!
This sign is ruled by Neptune. This planet is one of mystery and illusion.
Pisces symbolize the two fishes. This symbol dates back to Egypt around 2,300 BC. In the constellation of Pisces, one fish faces east and swims upward while the other swims west along the plane of the ecliptic, signifying a duality of nature. The eastern fish suggests an upward ascent or a heavenly/spiritual disposition; the western fish, a mundane/earthly alignment. Pisces're more likely to head toward the spiritual direction of the eastern fish, which seems most intent upon altering its course. The alternate reality pisces envision and create with fantasy, dreams, meditation and spiritual bliss is much more attractive to you than the trials, tribulations and sorrow you encounter on the material plane. In the extreme, you could become an ascetic addicted to spiritual attainment, turning your back on the world.
Pisces keyword is UNIFICATION. Rather than retreating into TV, drugs, or drinking, they can tune into your higher self through meditation. Those people can channel wisdom and guidance for your own and others' practical, earthly good. They have cake and eat it too by uniting thei inner spiritual aspirations with their physical experiences. Pisces enjoy practicing meditation in various forms including dance, yoga, loving devotion and contemplation. Its benefits will filter down into pisces everyday life, helping you rise above your emotions, fears, false imaginings and superstitions.
This is the sign of eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual rebirth. Pisces are described as being half-body and half-spirit, pulled between material existence and spiritual concerns, possessed of the knowledge that you will never be entirely at home in the real. Pisces is a water sign, emotional and compassionate.
Pisces have the ability to see deeply into the human psyche. They are born with the gift of prophecy. Their element is water. Pisces are enormously influenced by their surroundings and by the people who touch their life. Pisces have a unique ability to get under another person's skin, to take another person's problems, joys and woes as their own. At times pisces give away the very strength and emotional security they need for themselves.
Pisces possess superb intuitions and a seemingly bottomless understanding of other people, yet their extraordinary sensitivity can cause them to be most vulnerable. Pisces are
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
Pisces are extremely impressionable to each passing influence, too susceptible to someone else's hard luck story or plea for help. Learning to say NO can be their lifetime project.
Picses must fight hard for stability, for the strength of purpose and balance needed to combat the negativity of laziness, carelessness and emotional confusion.
Pisces are capable of great sacrifice and hard work in the service of a cause or an ideal. Creative and intensely imaginative, Pisces are successful as a writer, musician, or artist. Pisces is the sign of the poet and the dreamer, and they strive to create a world that comes closer to their own unique vision. It's important to bring these dreams into the physical realms, instead of just in their mind. They are also loyal, unselfish, and generous, and always ready to help a friend who has fallen on hard times. They are not concerned with the superficial and with what others see on the surface. Pisces look at the inner soul, the essence. There is no more sensitive, perceptive friend, nor one more warmhearted, caring, devoted, and sentimental.
Just like Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents beginnings, Pisces is the twelfth and last sign, and represents eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual rebirth. Pisceans are said to have deep intuitions into the human psyche. They have a sensitivity to their surroundings unmatched in the zodiac and are therefore highly spiritual beings. Since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion and mystery, their personality is elusive and even harder to define. Because Pisces are the last sign of the zodiac,they are cleaning up the odds and ends that have not been cleared in the other eleven signs. Some people call this "the dustpan of the zodiac." In Pisces, one fish swims downstream representing the personality, the other fish swimming upstream represents the soul. Either the soul captures the personality and it becomes the servant, or the soul is bound and made captive by the personality. The spiritual motto of Pisces is "serve or suffer." Make the choice.
Pisces is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac and emotions are strong and deep in this sign. Pisces could be moody and introspective and hard to understand. Their need to escape from the world is great. Pisces need to retreat from the world from time to time in order to retain their equilibrium. When Pisces are connected with the inner source of their Being Pisces are capable of great achievements.
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
Be aware of deeply hidden inner pride.
Pisceans also suffer from an inferiority complex and a sense of unworthiness. They never feel that they never do enough, so they often get overworked, putting stress and strain on the physical body. Avoid being too self-indulgent and avoid wallowing in your emotions.
Their only true freedom with this sign comes through spiritual orientation. When Pisces are true to their real nature they have a high and holy destiny and are a true savior and servant of mankind. Pisces have a great sense of compassion and sacrifice themrselves in utter devotion for the redemption of the world.
Pisces rules the feet, and Pisces exhibit their creative energy in the dance world. Pisces rules the lymphatic system. When their emotions are held back the lymphatic system can become congested, giving rise to swollen lymph glands and nodes. Their feet may be prone to aches, bunions, athlete's feet, and corns. Ill-fitting shoes are a particular hazard to Pisceans.
Pisceans open doors through heir charm, humor, and sympathy. They are gentle and kind, but often tend to suffer from extreme mood swings that typify their dual nature. This moodiness can be irritating to others who can't relate to their sensitivity. Inner conflicts, negativity, carelessness, jealousy, and emotional confusion are all traits that afflict those born under this sign.
However, Pisceans harbor an inner confidence that allows them to persevere. Pisceans enjoy retreating to a dream world where they can make the rules. Often the result is uninhibited creativity and intense imagination. Indeed, many of the world's finest poets, writers, artists, and dancers have been Pisceans. If they can temper their fatalistic moods, Pisceans can be great assets as friends. They are blind to outward appearances and can often lead their partners to new levels of perception.
Pisces are the most romantic and loving sign of the zodiac, and approach love emotionally, seeking a relationship based on security, comfort and nurturing. Pisces often link love and procreation.Pisces admire people who are receptive, industrious, conscientious, economical, domestic, maternal, sociable, sympathetic and protective. Their mom might introduce Pisces to their type, or Pisces could find a partner at ocean resorts, water sport events, grocery stores, in hotels, restaurants, public gardens, laundries, on ships or boats, or working in catering, politics, real estate or sports.
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
Whether Pisces are an employer or employee, they need to occupy themselves with work that makes Pisces proud, showcases their talents, and allows growth and freedom of choice. Pisces love to work in surroundings of grandeur, and prefer traveling first class. Pisces are motivated by their passion for creative self-expression and adventure rather than money. Their first approach should be to seek work that will bring Pisces fulfillment on these levels. Pisces could work in the entertainment field as a musician, actor, dancer, comedian or master of ceremonies. Pisces are well suited to be a personality in film, radio or television. For a long-term career choice, consider aviation, the legal field, the judicial system, sports, publishing, theology, writing, journalism, counseling and education.
Their feet and heart need special attention and care. Always wear well fitted shoes and get immediate care if any foot problems arise. Consider reflexology as a remedial approach. By reducing their intake of dairy products and white flour, Pisces could cure their tendency to produce a lot of mucus and phlegm, and their heart will do better as well. Drugs and alcohol (including cigarettes and coffee, which are ruled by your sign) can be even more dangerous to their health if Pisces are attempting to drown their fears, confusion, or sorrows in them. Pursue an artistic or creative hobby as an outlet and schedule regular retreats to shed accumulated vibrations Pisces have absorbed from others. Visit beaches, bathing resorts and waterfalls, or indulge in other aquatic pleasures for healing therapy.
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
12th House
This is the House of Secrets, Sorrows and Self-Undoing. It is the most mystical of all the Houses, and it closes the circle of the astrological chart. You don't have to look at this place as being negative, but it does define your limitations in life. This house governs disappointments, accidents, troubles and self-defeat. The unseen forces, secret enemies, asylums, hospitals and prisons are part of this house. This is also the House of Karma, or the House of spiritual debt, for it contains the rewards and punishments for the crimes you commit. This is the final house and it is where you finally have the opportunity to discover the meaning of life.
If Pisces have the Sun in this house you have chosen a life of privacy and quiet, enjoying meditation and reflection. Pisces may have difficulty expressing yourself and are close to only a few people. Their success will come later in life. However, Pisces will gain a deep spiritual understanding in this life, however, Pisces may tend to lead a secluded or lonely existence. Their keynote is to transcend.
With the Sun in this house it shows Pisces are in the depths of their own soul. This is the house that represents the subconscious mind, and it shows what lies hidden in the submerged and unknown part of ourselves. Pisces can either choose to "serve" or to "suffer", the choice is thei. Pisces will probably work behind the scenes, and would make a good doctor, researcher and would work well with people who are limited and afflicted in some way.
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
Zodiac Sign
Ruling Planet
Positive Qualities
Negative Qualities
George Frederick Handel:
Xerxes, largo
Conquering Hero Comes
God Mastery
The Human doormat