can this work out? I've heard that recently through the years, air is forming a more compatible relationship with water, as is fire with earth.
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May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Once again, this is dependant on their moon signs.They get along VERY well, but its pisces clingness that drives away the libra after awhile, becuase the libra is soo sensual, that they let go, and thats what scares off the Libra
No, but sometimes I think I'm being too clingy with him (I'm Libra, he's Pisces). Like, I always need constant hugs, or reassurance that I'm doing everything the right way, but he seems so chilled out and laid back, it is very rare for him to actually be the one who wants a cuddle. My moon's in Leo, and his is in Libra.
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May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
thats why, your moon in leo, i the one that needs all the reassurance.Moon in leos need CONSTANT, attention and reassurance, and LIBRA moon...would be an air sign, and is of course on the down side detached.
So even though his sun is pisces, the moon sigh iswhat feels, and we all know how air signs are, with feelings
Kali, you shouldn't really care about the compatibility of the sign. I can give you lots of example how water and air can have compatible relationship. My own parent is one of the examples of marriage between air and water. My current boyfriend of 5 years is Libra and I'm Pisces. On the other side, others can give you examples of non-working relationship.
Site says the most compatible sign for Pisces is Scorpio and Cancer but I've found Scorpio male are too intense which scares me. As friends, they are ok but not for relationship. They say air sign is detached but my Gemini brother is much more sensitive and emotional than me.
But if you really want to apply your relationship based on astrology then maybe like Evo Fish says, you need to look at your moon. My moon is Aquarius, my brother's moon is Pisces (that explains why he's such an emotional and moody person)
Oh, I see. Thanks for your help Evo Fish
It would be great help though, if you could read my 'Venus in Scorpio' thread in the Scorpio board, and help me out there too, if you can please. Azuchan your post just popped out from nowhere lol! But thank you so much, I feel a little weight lifting off now you've said that. And the fact that I'm basing astrology on our compatibility, is because after doing his and mine birth charts, I've really understood our differences, and how we can try to figure each other out a little more better. I see my planets as the complete opposite of his:
My sun sign : Libra
His sun sign: Pisces
My moon sign: Leo
His moon sign: Libra
My venus sign: Scorpio
His venus sign: Aquarius
So it's just that we're aloof and intense in love and life in our own different ways, and it's really confusing me!
Signed Up:
May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Wow,his venus is in Aquaris...VERY interesting
Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 67
Hey Ya'll,
Do you really need you birth time in order to figure out your Acendant Sign? I would ask my mom for my birth time and I gotten so irritated of how she doesn't remember. I know all of my other planetary signs, but my rising sign is a mystery to me.
Evo Fish - could you explain why that is interesting please?
unreal - well yes, I can definately say he's a womanizer, and the Venus in Scorpio in me, does not take that very lightly lol. His mars is in Taurus, I was slightly worried for a moment lol.
I also want to know if Pisces men are serious when it comes to thinking about the future, and marriage and stuff like that.
Signed Up:
May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
I couldn't quite word it properly, so I found a site that gave the best description
Venus in Aquarius - Aquarius Venus
Venus in Aquarius indicates an independent, non-traditional approach to romantic and social affairs. A magnetic, original, sparkling, glamorous and effervescent nature makes you socially popular, with many friends. You are likely to have a number of love affairs before considering marriage. When you do take the plunge it is likely that you choose a partner who is able to satisfy your need for intellectual stimulation, companionship and variety of experience. Your strong love of emotional freedom may cause some problems in your domestic life.
As for pisces man being serious, "thinking" about the future and marriage lolol.If you want to scare him off.just START talking about the future in detail, and marriage to him, and you will get your reaction hahaha
Thank you Evo Fish, you've been alot of help!
If anyone else has anything more to contribute, please do so. Question, what do Pisceans think of Librans? It seems that Libras are enticed by Pisceans, but Pisceans never show any interest. And please do not say we're not interesting, because that is pure bullbutter. 
Hey Kali
IM a male pices and my spouse is a libra. You guys tend to be too clingy. It irks me at times when she wants to hear "i lov u" im an affectionate guy....but im not going to constanltly tell u how wonderful ur or how my wrld revolves around u..thats not me. And if hes like me..he wont be the one talking marriage. Just FYI
I'm a Pisces with a Libran moon and I can't even begin to tell you how much me, myself and I all adore one another. Thanks for asking!
Toodles... wcthrill -
Hey, and yes I definately agree, I am very clingy towards him. But aren't Pisceans VERY compatible with Cancerians, and they tend to be emotionally clingy right? I'm not trying to set myself as a Cancer, because I'm not, and I never want to be. Though, I was just assuming that Pisceans wouldn't be all too bothered by that.
However, you're right about my need of constant affection. My Leo moon thrives on that lol.
Thank you for commenting!
unreal -
I see where you're coming from, but my Pisces is soo not like that. He brings up the issue of children, and marriage, and all sorts, and it really surprises me considering his aspects, that he considers the future. Although I very much believe in astrology, sometimes I think that in a few rare cases, such as my boyfriend, it's not true at all. Like, he told me that at his university, there's these girls that try to flirt with him, and he completely ignores them, but then they keep coming back for more! Is it to do with his whole laid back, mysterious, detached look, mainly from his Sun and Venus signs? He can be wishy-washy, and freedom loving most the time. Like he needs his space every day to do whatever (mainly playing Foozball lol) and then when he's "over" that, he's all for me. Also, we both know that sometimes we have communication difficulties, in the way we express ourselves and such (opposite mecury's), but there's this bond that feels right whenever we're together. Whether it's jus lying on the couch watching a movie, somehow it feels so natural. Then, whenever we're ready to talk, we instinctively know, and we can go on for hours.
Anyway, that's enough of my lovey dovey crapness, and yes I'll demand what I want or no phone calls, or maybe something a little more appealing to him haha. Thanks for commenting!
IloveMotherEarth -
Haha, so I'm guessing that you mean Pisces and Libras are likeable towards one another? Well thank you, but I already knew that. :p Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 67
Kali Aira,
How are you? I'm Dreamy-Eyez, the resident Enigma Piscean here. Trust me, if you saw my profile you'd see where Enigma came from, acording to my dear friend Acher. (YO ARCHER!! WHAT'S UP? lol!)Anyway, you're trying to figure out a Piscean male? Well, I'll tell you one thing. Pisceans can be quite independent. That side of us isn't really apparent, but it's there. Libra is the sign of partnerships, so don't fault yourself all because you like to do things together. The Moon and Venus says alot too, so you got to look at that, but can I ask you a question? What is it about this guy that you like so much? I mean, he's causing you to worry and that's not always good. Have you openly communicated with him of how you love spending time with him? I bet if you communicated with him in expressing how you love being around him, that you're self-proclaimed clinginess would become more endearing than annoying because you got thru to him. As a Pisces, I'm not very easy to get thru too if you only rely on emoting or relying on me to decode your actions on what it is you're trying to say. You got to really communicate with me in order for things to go smoothly. Trust me, not alot of folks really get that. (Look at my Capricorn Dad, and I'm sure you all have heard that story before.) But Kali Aira, just communicate with the guy and find out what he thinks of you and get him to take you seriously, because as a Pisces,I tend not to take Librans seriously unless they prove otherwise. Take Care. Dreamy-Eyez, out.
Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 67
Kali Aira,
You know what? I just read some of your posts. You don't have nothing to worry about. I'm going on and on thinking this is somebody you're trying to get with, but he's you're boyfriend. (DUH!) I'm too silly. Kali Aira, I think it's all good. Take Care. Dreamy-Eyez, out.
Thank you Dreamy-Eyez, and yes he is very independant and to himself most the time. The thing with communication is that we both has opposing Mercury's (mine in Virgo, his in Pisces), and it's really difficult for me to actually engage with him in a pleasant conversation. It's usually me wanting to find details, and him just providing them. But I've known from the beginning he's a harmless liar, so sometimes it's hard to make out if he's telling the truth or not. Also, he never himself wants to find out anything, and I find that uncomfortable that maybe he doesn't like talking to me? lol, you Pisceans are never direct, some rare occasions he just blurts out everything, what he feels, what he thinks, what he wants and needs. I don't know if that's a good thing for him, but it does slightly relieve me inside.
Thank you for your comments. 
have* ahh I hate spelling errors >.< lol
Signed Up:
Jul 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 67
Kali Aira,
You know something? It's true, Pisceans aren't direct. Look at me for instance.( Have you seen my posts about a Libra male whose been admiring me for almost a year now?) He's very handsome, but in the beggining I thought he was nothing but a shallow, flirtatious pretty boy who'll leave me alone to flirt with another. Apparently, with me, he's been really consistent with the conversations and actually showed genuine interest in how I'm doing. He's very attentive, but don't let anyone else bother him while he's listening to me. Man, I saw him cop an attitude with one of my co-workers when she mopped the floors where he was standing. I began writing him letters confiding in him like a friend about my thoughts, feelings, dreams and career move attempts. I have seen progress in our interaction with each other. He calls me by my name now and we even exchanged phone numbers. Sometimes, I feel as if there were some cues that I've missed, because when we exchanged numbers, he would start preening himself in front of me, saying things like, "Yeah, I look good in everything I wear." Or when I told him how it's awesome that he's so comfortable with me, because not alot of people are, then he said, "Yeah, what can I say? No one can be as good as me." What is that? Is he showcasing himself because he's attracted to me? I mean, what's up? With my Libra guy, things have been progressing rather slowly and now that we've exchanged numbers, I really don't know how or where it'll progress to next. Only God knows and I hope that the progression comes to make me happy. Take Care, Kali Aira.
I must say Evofish is really into the astro stuff..but he drops the ball when he says thats Pisces clingyness will ward off the my case being with a Libra its the opposite...maybe Im just a unique kinda fish...LOL
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
My best friend since grade school is a libra sun with a libra moon and she married a pisces guy. While they have some maritial discord, it seems kind of the normal every day stuff to me.
WE'RE ENGAGED! =D i'm so happy, i love him so much