Pisces & Scorpio - It's TWUE!

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Sea Siren on Monday, March 24, 2008 and has 150 replies.
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"Pisces girls and Scorpio boys are often drawn together, because your physical chemistry is so sizzling hot! The two of you will also share a very special and intimate bond. You "connect" in a way that few other combinations of signs can. It's almost an unspoken thing where you feel what each other is feeling, and you know what the other is thinking without them having to explain. This match will make you feel romantic and passionate and his strong and loyal nature will give you the security and grounded-ness that you need. An out-of-this-world soulmate match. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )"
"Some relationships are built for the long haul, and Pisces girl and Scorpio guy harbor enormous potential. You're both water signs, and you feel at home and understood when you're together. On the flip side, you can both be a little possessive of each other and sometimes have unrealistic expectations. Two people can't agree on everything. Respect each other's differences, and you've got a golden opportunity. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology)"
Okay, now I've seen this again in the books, and on websites. My past experience w/Scorpios had me thinking it was all a load of crap. Then I met someone in Jan. Didn't find out his birthday until Feb. and LO AND BEHOLD. Scorpio. This scared the shit out of me, initially, but it's going very well. He's completely different, and I have to say, the above is pretty right on. That intuitive connection was always there with the others, but this time, it's even stronger. Three times now, I've just been thinking I need to call him, and he's called. We finish each others sentences and all that rot. PLUS.....we both love 80s music and aren't afraid to admit it. smile
Any fishes or Scorps want to share their experiences with this pairing? I can relate to the good AND the bad.
Also...WTF? Why do I keep attracting this sign? Before I knew his birthday I was thinking he could be either a Taurus or a Cap.....or maybe it was a subconscious wish based on past experience. Tongue
I can relate to you, I'm a Pisces male and the few serious relationships I've been in have been with Scorps. This dates back to high school before I was familiar with astrology. I've had my share of Caps that didn't work out so great.
By the way, I def hear what you're saying with the intuitive connection.
Funny that you would post this now .... just last night I was at our poker tournament and there is this couple we play with. They are just so perfect for each other .. you can see it in the way they move together, like a dance. She only has to give him a glance and he knows what she is saying ... he only has to lift his shoulders a certain way and she knows what he's feeling, what he's needing.
It's really beautiful to watch them together ... and the penetrating looks they give each other makes us all catch our breath.
Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and HAD to ask ... she's a Pisces, he's a Scorpio. They're perfectly matched, no question and every person in their presence knows it.
"that you have to see that your reality proved the completely opposite of what you said:"
Yes, it has, and I wouldn't say I'm at ease yet. If I never am, that will be a problem.
"scorpio/pisces is a bad match but with your last exception."
Exactly! I felt it would be unfair (and childish) of me to discriminate against him based on his sun sign. So far he has been completely different from the others. He's done all the pursuing, which is a refreshing change, and he deals well with my crazy schedule. Only time will tell. If I'm on here in a couple months typing in all caps "THAT RAT BASTARD!" we'll all know....I should have discriminated against him based on his sun sign. smile
"They are just so perfect for each other .. you can see it in the way they move together, like a dance."
PERFECT analogy. Now, my last few were like a tango to hell. Exciting, but with violent endings. Still a strong, passionate dance, though. I'm hoping for just a little tango and maybe more waltz this time.
"Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and HAD to ask ... she's a Pisces, he's a Scorpio. They're perfectly matched, no question and every person in their presence knows it."
How are they at Poker, P? Me a Mr. Scorp kicked some serious ass at euchre a few weeks ago. We had secret signals, which is technically cheating, but ShhhHHHhhh...don't tell anyone. Winking

P-Angel: "...she's a Pisces, he's a Scorpio."
I could see that working better than the other way around. Scorpio Woman wants a strong man who can take her sh1t, and I don't think Pisces man could / would take it...
Scorpio Man wants to be understood, and a sweet Fish Girl would SO GET HIM, he'd be hard-pressed to find a better sympathetic connection...
Maybe I should help my Scorp brother find a Pisces chick? Sure couldn't hurt! Thus far, his 5 ex-wives have been predominantly Earth Girls. Big fans of his in the sack, but probably lacking in the empathy factor...
Naw, it works in reverse, too. My best friend is a scorp and she married her pisces last year. They've been together since college. They're one of the reasons I never completely lost hope in the pairing, actually. He's the only person who can calm her when she's upset and they are very passionate about each other. She's pretty tough, but she STILL gets all gooey and mooshy if the topic turns to him. Even when she's bitching about him, the affection she has for him is very plain.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but other signs are very compatible with Scorpio women, Dy. LOL Capricorn is another one.
I like the usage of TWUE in the tread title. That is all continue with what you were doing.
Yes, and you, of course, will recognize that it is from "Blazing Saddles," although used in a different context. Winking
"I've had my share of Caps that didn't work out so great."
Me, too, Chi. It's a shame because I'm very fond of Cappies, but maybe we are better as friends. I did reconnect recently with my ex cappie, and we're great friends now. Maybe that can happen for you later.
"Often times I find myself connecting with folks who either are a Scorpio or has Scorpio in their charts."
Me too, SD. Several of my dearest friends are Scorps, and there are quite a few in my family, too. Do you have anything in Scorp in your chart? I do, so I wonder if it's a case of like attracts like?
Actually, I steal from him quite often on here. If you're going to plagerize, steal from the masters! smile
Which is why I like you so much. You and your Mel Brooksiness. HAHAHAHA!

Sea Siren: "...it is from "Blazing Saddles," although used in a different context."
I caught that, but surely you're not suggesting that Lili Von Shtupp was a Pisces, and Sheriff Bart was a Scorpio (or vice versa)...
According to my exhaustive research, she was a Libra, while he was a Gemini...

Sea Siren: "If you're going to plagerize, steal from the masters!"
Madame, I salute you!
Awww shucks. Is that my Virgin Alarm going off? HAHAHAHA!

SS: "Is that my Virgin Alarm going off?"
Better not be - I'm taken!
But seriously, what do y'all think about me trying to hook up Scorp Brother with a sweet Fish Girl?? Is she gonna care that he's been down the aisle too many times??
"I caught that, but surely you're not suggesting that Lili Von Shtupp was a Pisces, and Sheriff Bart was a Scorpio (or vice versa)..."
No, I was suggesting something else. *BG* I bet DK knows.
"Madame, I salute you!"
Awesome! I hope this means there will be a parade in my honor complete with baton twirlers. smile
"Is she gonna care that he's been down the aisle too many times??"
Dunno. She won't stick around long if he's a playa. I'm sure there are plenty of multi-divorced pisces. He just needs to find one of those.

"No, I was suggesting something else. *BG* I bet DK knows."
OK... well, everybody knows that Virgs got bigger dicks than Scorps, and Leos have bigger dicks than Virgs, so you Big Fish need to look elsewhere for deep trawlers...

"She won't stick around long if he's a playa."
He's not a Player - just a big kid. Charming, passionate, but apparently that wears thin after a while with the Earth Girls...
HAHAHA! I'm afraid that is just NOT TWUE. And the virgin alarm was for DK. Not that it matters. I'm afraid I lost the need for that a looong time ago *PUN INTENDED* smile
One of the softer Pisces would probably like his childish nature, DY. I think it's a good idea.

There's a sweet Fish Girl at work, about 5 years younger than him, so I may try to play match-maker...
That Matchmaker song from Fiddler on the Roof is now on repeat in my head. You are aware that if it doesn't work out, they will both blame you...FOREVER, aren't you? smile

That's OK...
To use another song, He ain't heavy, he's my brother!

You "connect" in a way that few other combinations of signs can. It's almost an unspoken thing where you feel what each other is feeling, and you know what the other is thinking without them having to explain.
I hate to admit it, but Pisces is much better at this intuitive interaction sh1t than Virgo. I have no problem reading my Scorp's body language / nonverbal cues, but if I try to tune-in to her emotional frequencies, it might as well be in Mandarin Chinese...
Her mental state? No problem! Her emotional state? Ain't got a friggin' clue - unless she's really obvious about it... Lots of times, I can see that she's in A Mood - but it takes me a while to figure out just what kind of mood it is... And, she has a similar difficulty reading me - just not as often!
It's gotten better over the last two years, but I doubt our connection will ever be as ethereal as P & S - Virgs are far too grounded for that nonsense... dammit!!
regarding your brother:
"...Thus far, his 5 ex-wives ..."
That's embarassing.
Sad Sad Sad
The Pisces effect on me is like seeing that peek of the sun in the sky when it's just rained and the skies were all gray and ugly. You know everything is gonna be alright and the days will be brighter. So much positivity and wtf-ness going on with them, i love it. Sad
Like coming in a warm, cozy, house after filling the chill outside. Sad
I can't...I just can't even hate my pisces if I tried
and believe me I have
but I think he kills me with kindness sometimes and it confuses me and makes me feel stupid for the grudge I hold.
He'll never know that though.
Then again he probably does know I really don't dislike him which is why he keeps on doing what he does. He tends to know things when I think he doesn't.
Oh...Pisces...the all knowing.
I just wanna fry you fishies and have you guys for dinner.

Update: I showed the Pisces chick a picture of my Scorp brother, and she's interested in meeting him... just gotta create the right setting & conditions for that critical first encounter...
I haven't played match-maker in a long time!
(And no, I'm not gonna talk about my success rate!!)
"I can't...I just can't even hate my pisces if I tried
and believe me I have"

yet I know what you mean
you can't stay angry at them though.
Pices are like big teddy bear , you just have to love themsmile
DyarStra?e, you know your brother needs to solve his committment problems, yet you set him up with a nice Piscean. Why? Have you no respect for her intelligence? You don't think someone could get hurt here? You think it will be interesting to watch two people crash and burn?

Whoa now! Wait just one cotton-pickin' minute! My Scorp brother has his faults, and he's failed at marriage 5 times, but he does not have commitment issues! When he's with a woman, he's 100% loyal to her. The problem is, he's picked Earth Girls 3 out of 5 times, and they get tired of his immaturity (some quicker than others), even though they're swept up & away by his charms. My hope is that a Pisces Chick would get that he has a great big heart, and is just a big kid, and would be able to deal with his silly shit better than the other women.
Honestly, if she'd just shack-up with him, and not marry him, it might go better and for longer than any of his marriages. This Pisces is a grown woman, and can probably decide for herself if he's worth it. Plus, I have been and will be totally up-front about him -- I never try to pull the wool over anyone's eyes -- I don't fuck with people's lives.
She's a really cute lady, and he's way better than average-looking, and it sounds like Pisces & Scorpio could be a good match... Why not try it?? You never know, she may wind up being perfect for him... or, they may not hit it off at all!
"he ... is just a big kid" + "This Pisces is a grown woman..." = what?

If you don't see the conflict in this set-up, DS, I can't respect you as a true Virgo. Why would a grown woman want a big kid? You are insulting her. I don't care what you say.
You should talk to brother about this victim mentality he has instead of agreeing with him to blame everyone else. If you are not willing to help him be a responsible man on his own (because he apparently needs help), you are not helping him at all. What you appear to be doing is giving him a fish, instead of teaching him how to fish (no pun intended). Get to the heart of the matter.
Ooooh SS you smooth operator..didn't realise you'd bagged yourself a Scorp..nice one!...now go and enjoy!
Cha cha chop! (as opposed to Tango)
Re: the five times married Scorp.
Alls I know is Jesus said to forgive 70 times 7. We all need a lot of chances.
Geeez .. you mean we can screw up 490 times ?????
Then what happens at 491? Hell, for sure?
We are a sorry lot, indeed, if it's expected that we will need forgiving 490 times?

When did I say my brother has a victim mentality, or blames his ex-wives for his problems??
He's not stupid, just childish; and, he would be the first to admit (to me, anyway) that HE is the common denominator in his failed relationships...
Again: I've been candid with the Pisces Gal, and my Scorp has offered (OK, insisted!) that she talk to her as well before these two meet, since in her words, "Sweetheart, I love you, but you don't do well with people... Can't you be happy fixing up your cars?"
If after all this info, she still wants to meet him, I'll proceed... let the buyer beware!
MM!!!! Hope you get that home compy working again soon. I've missed you!
"Ooooh SS you smooth operator..didn't realise you'd bagged yourself a Scorp..nice one!...now go and enjoy!"
Actually, he bagged me, and was quite relentless. Of course, I enjoyed every minute of it. Winking Glad to hear things are going well with you and the fish man. And I still expect a full "kilts and commando" report when you get back from Scotland. OooHHH-la-la.

Well... so much for my match-making!
Debra was on the phone with the Pisces chick for about an hour yesterday afternoon, and she talked her out of meeting my brother. Basically told her that he was a selfish brat who came on strong and then turned cold, and that he'd break her heart...
It got me a little pissed at her, but since she's much better with relationships than I am, I guess I have to admit she's right about this one...
She said the Fish Gal had the wrong impression, and that she made her understand that my brother and I are nothing alike. In physical appearance, that's certainly true, but I don't seem him as that different from me, but Debra does not like him, and I'm sure the Pisces gal got that loud & clear...
Oh well! C'est la vie! Let's see how scorpio_wreck does with his Pisces chick...

* I don't seem him = I don't see him

Are you going to admit that some of the people on here were right about this one too?
DyarStra?e Hide | 3/25/2008 2:04:50 PM | ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
I hate to admit it, but Pisces is much better at this intuitive interaction sh1t than Virgo.
[I guess you missed that post.]
...do you not see how harshly you treated people on this board...
I think my treatment of Pisces on this Board is commensurate with the treatment Pisces give us Virgos on our Board...

"I'm not trying to provoke you here, I'm just pointing out my observations."
Cool! I'm not provoked, merely responding to your points with my points.
"Then it just seemed to be weird how you capitulated to that without acknowledging that others (pathfinder) pointed out the same thing."
Virgs are logical & mutable, and we'll accept the opinions & advice of those we respect. I have learned to value the assessments of my ScorpWife where people are concerned, and defer to her expertise - as she does to mine on other issues.
My values didn't shift, I simply dropped a project after an Expert weighed-in on it. I still love my Scorp Brother, and want the best for him. My ScorpWife has a very different opinion of him, and she's not gonna change that, either! We agree to disagree over him, and his personal life...
No surprise to learn you're an Aqua. I dated an AquaGal after my first divorce. Lots of interesting conversations, but completely unsatisfying in the sack - no "chemistry" at all...

"...neither one of us really want it to go any further than just adding some spice to being neighbors and enjoying each others' company..."
IMHO, that's the best arrangement for Aqua & Virgo.
"Well, your expert didn't really give you a choice, she just took it out of your hands."
That's because she knows she has to nip it in the bud with me, before I build up too much momentum (true Earth Sign here!), and overwhelm everyone with "facts" to support my inclinations...