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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
There appears to be people coming in here and talking about Pisces as if they know ... and then they state claims that are false. Which means you don't really get the Fish.
Pisces people LOVE to be alone.
Threads are being made stating that we don't want to be alone, or can't be alone .... are you fucking kidding me?
What we relish most in life is to left the fuck alone.
If you are going to come in here and state you've been dating us for any period of time and you don't know this .... then you've been so self absorbed, that you never really noticed our presence, because ....
:::: shakes head ::::
Stupid fucking people irritate the living fuck out me
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
I could see why people think this if you say it is contrary.
I wonder then if the attribute of "not wanting to be alone" could applied to any sign.
Or that one sign "Likes be in a relationship" more than another one.
I also am not sure if you are plural speaking of being left alone as in single or being left alone as in don't want to be social with anyone.
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Sep 25, 2012Comments: 43 · Posts: 565 · Topics: 34
Some people just don't get that need of 'being left alone'.
Barge in on that and you will be getting lightening eyes ^^
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Apr 14, 2013Comments: 76 · Posts: 810 · Topics: 82
What's worse is the people that keeps coming up to you wondering why you're so quiet and keeps asking you what's wrong that's when it rubs me up the wrong way. Hellooo.. I got my earphones on and my music blasting away.. that' a hint isn't it?
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 3 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 15
I agree. My wife (a Scorpio) can't understand why I like to be left alone. She will want us to go as a family to another couple's house. (her friends.) I don't want to go. I'd rather stay home, solitary. Not to mention, I have refused to meet any people. I hate it here in this town, and I want out ASAP. I don't want any new friends possibly making me want to stay. My wife can't understand that, and it has caused quite a few arguments.
Pisces people LOVE to be alone.
Actually I never understood this until I visited this forum. I could not figure out the disappearing act. After reading all this I completely understand now, thanks for the input, I appreciate it. Just wished I would of read this before he disappeared for good cause of something I said.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
People don't realize how hard it is to feel EVERY FUCKING THING
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You otherins really have no clue. You think that if you decide to think about something, then the thought is there ... if a situation requires you feel a certain way about something, then the feelings are there.
Not us ...... everything, everything !!!!!!!
If you are in the back of the grocery store and you have such a bad headache that you groan and winch with pain, and we have just walked through the door ..... WE FUCKING FEEL YOUR PAIN.
WE are in pain.
So, if your Fish says to leave him/her alone, he needs to be alone .... then leave him the fuck alone.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
On another note ... I love Libras !!!
Pisces people LOVE to be alone.
That explains why on a Friday evening I opted to stay in alone, even though was invited to a concert. Not only because of being tired, but I feel I can not handle anyone around me right now, and would just be irritable and stressed if I was dragged out.
I was feeling guilty about staying in too, until ran across this post. Now it all makes sense.
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
when I was with my pisces....we both like to be left alone (obviously for different reason of course) and I think virgos can understand that better than most signs can. Imo at least.
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
and if they really read into astrology they would see that most astrologers talk about Pisces need to retreat and be alone to regroup. The info is all out there, idk why they cant find it.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Yeah, I get what you're saying. I was with a pisces man for 7 years who needed lots of downtime. We never lived together and that worked for both of us. I was young at the time & not ready for a live in thing. In fact, we lasted as long as we did because we gave each other so much space. In that rela, I was like a man. I compartmentalized my life and it actually worked out well for me. Thurs or Fri evening I spent with my friends, Sat-Mon I spent with him and Tues-Wed/Thurs I hunkered down at home. Pisces do need freedom but if they dig you, they won't wander too far. That's part of what I like best about your sign. You're very independent and imaginative. And yes, moreso than cancers. Cancer men do absolutely nothing for me. They are needy mama's boys. Pisces are not.
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
Mm I looked mine up of the inspirational viable candidate and week of spirit. Doesn't really fit and I don't like sharing things with the Biebster or Ke $ ha. Haha
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Aug 03, 2006Comments: 73 · Posts: 3385 · Topics: 36
omg Jack.... I beg of you... to put yourself first!!!
Do it. And for god's sake. Don't feel bad about it!!! You've or you'll more than make up for it at some point in life!
I'm a march 5th Pisces too Jack.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
she has libra mars and her dream is to do co-op living when she gets old. i'd rather die lol
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Oct 05, 2014Comments: 81 · Posts: 3016 · Topics: 49
Yes Taurus, but Pisces want to be alone for different reasons than what you mentioned.. lots of signs do similar things but for very different reasons.
I recently did my Pullen and learned that Pisces is my #3 ranked energy. Ive been trying to figure out why I'm such a recluse Libra and now it makes more sense.. 12th house Sun and Merc. I get really cranky and can't think straight unless I get plenty of seclusion. For years I worked with the public, most recently in the medical field and prior to that waitressing/bartending and it felt like a slow torturous death interacting with so many people everyday. For the past year I work alone mostly at a desk and it's heaven.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
i'm such an ass. my strong sense of self preservation has made me emotionally detached from the suffering of others including my bff's. she has suicical thoughts when she is alone sometimes and i was here joking. i need to kick myself in the head and be her real bff be there for her. she needs to get better and WILL!!!