What do we look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Ormas on Saturday, October 20, 2012 and has 23 replies.
Not to hijack this topic on another board, I just make a new one just for us.
What are the qualities that attract and retain you for a long term partner?
None of that temporary crap people, dig deep -going deep again- and really find out what gets your motor running.
For me?
-Loyalty. Since you're getting my absolute devotion, I expect nothing less from you to make this work.
-Trust. I wont question your motives for everything -if I don't know them already- but always be honest and just talk to me. No need for a detailed schedule of everything, but I like to be in the general known.
-The ability to make me get goosebumps and hot flashes with just a look. Oh yes, please torture me this way cause I love it.
-Matching humor and being open to have me cheer you up. I don't like to see people I care about sad or angry, will do everything in my power to change this.
-Not being a sourpuss. I spend most of my time awake smiling and being happy, there's a limit to the amount of negativity I can tolerate.
-Possessive but not jealous. I want you to claim me as yours but never become overprotective or smothering/jealous.
-Hot on the trail of the previous, physical! I freaking LOVE to cuddle or just be touched. A lingering hand, a quick kiss, your hand through my hair, scratching your nail down the nape of my neck, hug me from behind while I'm cooking.. it's the small affectionate things that really make me melt. Not the grand gestures or fancy once every months type of things.
-Open up to me slowly. Let me take in how wonderful you are in every inch of your person, don't rush me.
-Love food and the good life. I'm ruled by my stomach and love delicious food & drinks.
-Enjoy nature that you'll be willing to go for walks with me, work in the garden with me and enjoy the peace & quiet.
-Respect my personal space. I have a need for downtime and want you to respect this. I love being with you, but need my own life to not die. You can do your thing while I do mine, but I'll always come home to roost.
-Sex. Make me forget time and space, I don't even want to be able to remember my own name. Dig in! Like the corrs once said 'Go on, leave me breathless'.
-Let me romance you. Not the premade corny commercial crap but REAL romance. I hope you're ready for this because I'm a very resourceful romantic. When I'm yours, you'll darn well notice.
My Taurus is nailing this list so hard, I think he got my manual.
good topic, thanks....
for me, i am looking for stability and structure...i look for a woman who is grounded, feet firmly planted on the ground, who can provide gentle guidance when needed for my spacey-ass...it's not that i lack discipline, i am just totally void of ANY earth in my chart...lol my chart consists of a freakishly high water influence, and a secondary influence in air...so i'm way out there although i don't mean to be...also, my ASC is cancer (so my DSC [7th house/marriage] is capricorn)...i'm almost certain that an earth sign (with the exception of virgo, no offense...tried that twice, didn't work) is what i need....
as far as qualities go, intelligence is a must...with such a heavy water influence AND being blessed with an aquarius mercury, she HAS to be able to keep up with me when it comes to conversation, thought process and communication in general...
honestly, security, and a real love for one another...the cancer in me longs for a secure, strong woman...the pisces in me longs for a woman who will just be good to me and accept me for all that i am...
i guess i'm more of a handful that i thought lol...but this is the hand i was dealt smile
and if i were to elaborate on the physical aspect (which i probably shouldnt but liquor is making me lol), short (5'1 - 5'3), and dark hair are definitely plusses Tongue
To all of that, add.. don't let me run roughshod all over you. Cuz I will, if given the opportunity. I'm uncontrollable, you simply cannot control me.. but you can rule WITH me, I'd like that.
Not at all sweety, you're right on the money here. People just need to learn to hear what you're saying. Good looks are very subjective and thus you're not being shallow at all. Where is it written that we only go for the inside only and cannot enjoy a nice packaging?
There are a lot of models, celebs, athletes I find hot and attractive, often even lust after, but that doesn't mean I'd date them or fall in love with them. There's a difference between who I'd -sometimes wish I could do this- sleep with for fun and take home to meet my parents. We don't have to like everyone so why should we find everyone attractive? If you say I want a goodlooking/decent man, then that's the honest truth so many people are afraid to speak out loud.
I'm 10000% behind you here! Winking
I've fallen for people with less than perfect features, crooked noses, chubby, balding.. but their personality drew me in and that made them attractive. Now as I've grown over the years, I discovered that we don't need to say 'personality' above all. It's a combination of both personality and looks, as you learn more about the other person, you decide what's important to you. Personality will shine through but it's no law that you cannot have it wrapped up in a -subjective- hunky platter of beef. *bites lip*
Not sure if anyone mentioned... I LOVE SMART men... something about being cerebral is a huge turn on for me. Of course after the physical appearance passed the test.
Oh, forgot. Love one who is also sophisticated, charismatic, passionate. Depth of character. Humble and unpretentious yet confident, and a bit dominating....sexy without trying, a little jealousy is proof that they care a lot, a little possesiveness is ok too, makes me feel wanted... I love my Virgo guy he makes me feel like a woman.

I am VB. And I approve this message.
Posted by venusianbull

I am VB. And I approve this message.

Omg I'm crying here, have tears running down my cheeks..
Everyone, meet VenusianBull.
One of the many fiiiiiine example of udderly lovable Taurus people. Winking
LOL *deep curtsy* And I thank you sir. Behold! Ormas. One of the many wonderful Fish in my sphere. Big Grin
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by yellow01gt
as far as qualities go, intelligence is a must...with such a heavy water influence AND being blessed with an aquarius mercury, she HAS to be able to keep up with me when it comes to conversation, thought process and communication in general...

Interesting you say this ^^^ yellow
I can completely relate!!
Without that is a no go...
As for the rest, I am more lenient...
It depends on the combination of vices and virtues

PS.... I could really use and edit button... really
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most definitely...intellect is a must for me...i'm glad someone else can relate to me on this...
i may appear spaced out and distant, but i have an afflicted mercury, a horrible ADHD and an very high IQ...i think, speak and move at a very fast pace...and i lose interest in things even more than a pisces normally does...so a quick minded woman is definitely a must have...
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by yellow01gt
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by yellow01gt
as far as qualities go, intelligence is a must...with such a heavy water influence AND being blessed with an aquarius mercury, she HAS to be able to keep up with me when it comes to conversation, thought process and communication in general...

Interesting you say this ^^^ yellow
I can completely relate!!
It depends on the combination of vices and virtues

PS.... I could really use and edit button... really

most definitely...intellect is a must for me...i'm glad someone else can relate to me on this...

Oh my goodness
Yup...down to the T
I've always said my brain has a serious case of ADHD
One may even notice by the amount of my typos
I also have merc in Aqua and to say I have million and one thought running through my mind at any given moment is an understatement
I feel you all so much with that
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cool! another pisces with an aquarius mercury...very similar, we are smile i love it!
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Question for you yellow
Do you find that in order to develop any emotional attachment to a person of interest you have to have that mental stimulation?

for a person 'of interest', i'm assuming you mean like a love interest or something of the sort?
if that is what you are referring to, then the answer is
Elusive, I found this article i thought you might enjoy reading (we are at the VERY bottom lol):
Sun in Pisces / Mercury in Aquarius
When the Sun is in Pisces and Mercury is in Aquarius, the temperament is more artistically than scientifically inclined. This is a fine position for a performer who communicates to a large audience via radio or television. These sensitive souls are convinced that they are different from others and are prone to feel misunderstood. They are acutely responsive to the ideas and impressions that assail their minds.
Piscean emotions will be countered by the ability to think objectively. They can be detached from their feelings, so are not usually overwhelmed by them.
Piscean sympathy and kindness blend well with the humanitarian element of Mercury in Aquarius - help is given because it is seen to be needed, as well as because they are moved by a surge of emotion. The imagination is good and can be used originally and creatively, but Piscean self-confidence may need boosting if the most is to be made of this potential. Again, Mercury will help, since it enables Pisces to think positively.
Source: http://www.mindfire.ca/The% 20Planets% 20Through% 20the% 20Signs/Mercury% 20Though% 20the% 20Signs/Mercury% 20in% 20Aquarius.htm">Sun-Mercury Combinations
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by yellow01gt
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Question for you yellow
Do you find that in order to develop any emotional attachment to a person of interest you have to have that mental stimulation?

for a person 'of interest', i'm assuming you mean like a love interest or something of the sort?
if that is what you are referring to, then the answer is

That is exactly what I meant. Thank yo for answering. I somehow found myself to be oddity in this respect and rather very difficult to precisely explain to others how this aspect affects my relationships or the lack thereof.
I found the article quite interesting and spot on for the most part.
1) It is so true that when they say we can detach from our emotions and look at things from a more objective standpoint. At least I try.
2) I also find, more times then not, I have to gather all the informations before I can make an (preferably) objective opinion. My mars in aqua just goes to make this particular trait even more so prominent I think
Much appreciated smile
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1) this is one of my favorite 'abilities' that comes from having this aspect...it really seems to throw some people off when they see the sensitive, compassionate pisces they know...just kinda 'step out of himself' at any given time and 'feel nothing' for lack of a better phrase, during chaotic situations, crisis, tragedies, etc.
2) i agree, i don't HAVE to gather all the info, i WILL, sometimes it's like my mind has 'taken over' so to speak...aquarius is a fixed sign and when i set my mind to something, i cannot stop thinking about it until i've reached a resolution or a satisfactory point. when i must know something, i become fiercely determined to learn whatever it may be...sometimes i cannot 'let go' of things, for better OR worse...
I guess your mars in aqua does magnify the thinking aspect of this...where my mars in pisces magnifys the feeling aspect of this...
this is good stuff!
talking to you is like talking to my own mind but in a different body lol...
Someone who's different and who stands out from the crowd.
Individuality above all else is what attracts me most.
Posted by Nemesis
idk ormas, i don??t go around with a check list of what i like or not......when i meet somebody and it feels right/good i go with that....i let things unfold, see how they develop. i do not have any physical preference - but of course there must be mutual attraction.
but after five minutes of conversing - i already know what potential it has or not. smile i don??t get involved with unevolved people.

Posted by MissPirate
Posted by Nemesis
idk ormas, i don??t go around with a check list of what i like or not......when i meet somebody and it feels right/good i go with that....i let things unfold, see how they develop. i do not have any physical preference - but of course there must be mutual attraction.
but after five minutes of conversing - i already know what potential it has or not. smile i don??t get involved with unevolved people.

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Oh I know, neither do I have a checklist before I start dating.
This is just a summary of the points that I've come to understand 'make or break' dating with me.
Still most people will get a shot at me.
Posted by Ormas
Posted by MissPirate
Posted by Nemesis
idk ormas, i don??t go around with a check list of what i like or not......when i meet somebody and it feels right/good i go with that....i let things unfold, see how they develop. i do not have any physical preference - but of course there must be mutual attraction.
but after five minutes of conversing - i already know what potential it has or not. smile i don??t get involved with unevolved people.


Still most people will get a shot at me.
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I know you didn't mean this "like that" but it made me laugh all the same. Tongue
Hahahaa dirty girl!
You said it mister.
Nothing, this is the reason why most Fish can never stay in a relationship ... whatever moves them at the time, they embrace without any forethought, and usually this moving is for the down trodden, and the Fish erroneously believes they are a saviour ..... only to get disillusioned because they never considered conditions or terms for themself.
Posted by BullGem
Hey! Hey! Ormas, I'm here! I made it! Whattup!!!!

A lotta fish in a bowl. Some goldfish, pretty fish, starfish, jelly fish.
On the other side I spot some sharks, piranha's and other dangerous fish.
Swim carefully you delicious piece of meat! *rawr*
I was thinking about this earlier and I realised something.
It's not always about what I see in them but what they see in ME.