why do pisces talk endlessly about...
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Themselves?!? And how brilliant they (you) are? Its always I'm this, I'm that. Or is this just the insecure ones that must proclaim who they are (or who they think they are) time and time again. Just stuck in delusions of grandeur.
What is that? So much talk about themselves and how spiritually evolved they are. But little to no action.
Where does the enlightenment go when a pisces is upset or put off by something or someone?
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
yeah for pisces doesnt make sense when ppl say you take no action. Ppl expect too much, we have nice and bad qualities, but dont push us or try to change us. If you accept us we will be the best you can think of. If you are always complaining how we are you may be disppointed.
Otherwise, when we try to be romantic ppl sometimes are not in mood, we are always in mood. Usually ppl stick to little stupid problems that dont make sense and are nothing compared to love, to share all with the persons you love, to be happy.
Answering the question "Where does the enlightenment go when a pisces is upset or put off by something or someone?" Pisces will take all to emotions, we may be not very rational when we are upset, hide if you can, we can be have very sharp teeth as a shark.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"It seems you first said that Pisces talk about themselves all the time, and that makes them seem insecure (uh, don't insecure people talk BADLY about themselves? people with good self-image talk positively about themselves)."
Oh dear, is someone complaining that they've come to a message board entitled "Pisces" only to find the topic of discussion is...PISCES? GOOD GOD, MAN! Something must be done! It's spread to the other boards as well! Taureans are talking about Taureans! Scorpios are talking about Scorpios! Cancers are talking about Cancers! This must be stopped at once! A visit from Mr. Obvious would also be quite helpful.
I swear, everyday my faith in the average I.Q. of the populous decreases at an alarming rate. 
I think that insecure people do talk about themselves a lot as a way to validate themselves through other people...not all pisces people do this but some do..i think that the men do it more than the women though..
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Sea siren,
This post is not neccesarily about the pisces on this board. Get your head out of your ass. Ms scorpion explained it perfectly. Thanks for commenting tho.
Lol@ ms.pisces. If that was an attempt to get me to talk about my "kitty" on this message board, fuggetaboutit! I don't swing that way. No disrespect to you lesbians tho. That's just not my thing to discuss my lady parts with another girl. Nope...
Lost pisces...that's interesting. But why is it that pisces are free to express disappointment with someone else? Then when another person does the same to them they act like its the end of the world. Respect is a two way street. But back to the topic at hand....
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Bijou are you not aware that people who talk about themselves endlessly are typically the most insecure? Its almost as if they are trying to convince you they are great. Instead of just being....great. Instead of exemplifying that which they speak endlessly about they talk about it, and exemplify something totally different.
A dog cannot bark and bite at the same time. Some people talk the talk, others walk the walk, those of us that are in touch with our spiritual and flesh walk and talk.
Seriously, I think the best way to lose a pisces is to stop believing them. I have stopped believing a pisces before but I've never stopped believing IN them. Like u see potential in a person but you stop believing all of their stories about what they're gonna do..lol.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
It was just shown in this thread by two pisces!
Just look at how condescending sea siren was at the end of her post. Look at ms. Pisces' comment.
I bet I could dig up comments from both of these people talking about how enlightened pisces are. How sensitive pisces are, how spiritual pisces are. Yet where is this sensitivity when dealing with others? Where is it when you're dealing with people or situations that are not necessarily what you like?
Anybody can be enlightened, spiritual & sensitive when the situation is good. Where does the higher self go when things get bad?
This is the thing pisces don't like to be called out on. Showing and proving. Not just talking a good game. Luckily, pisces are charmers and most will be entranced by the time they actually realize they are with someone who doesn't take themselves seriously.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Adw cool, thanks for commenting. I don't think you fall under what I'm talking about tho.
Unless you've ever said something like my pisces friend:
"Yeah you know I'm a natural designer. Because everytime I go out I wear some wild clothes. (Me thinking to myself, umm when we go out u don't wear anything wild) Everybody asks me where I got it from. Yeah cuz I'm in tune with what people like. This dude came up to me yesterday and said man u look like u should be a celebrity. Cuz I got my own flavor you know."
I'm thinking, maybe this would be slightly impressive if I didn't know u so well. I've seen your closet. I think this is why a pisces swims. After you're figured out, the thrill is gone for both parties involved. Then the cycle is repeated until they are found out again. At what point do pisces walk the walk?
I am speaking of the males specifically.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Sadly it seems that's the only thing that can spring a pisces into action. Them thinking nobody believes in them. Are you the type to let things unfold naturally? Or are you a self starter? I think the women are different than the men because my mom is a pisces and she's nothing like the men I know.
Its really bothering me because I suspect a friend of mine is losing confidence in himself and is slipping into self destruction mode. I kinda wish I didn't tell him not to tell me any of his MANY plans...& just do it. Now I'm afraid, he's afraid he's alone. But I do feel maybe this could be a turning point for him. He could get mad and actually do something for a change.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
"Anyway, ioflyfe - you say some stuff in here that is really relatable from my end. lots to think about."
wow thanks, I enjoy conversing with you as well.
I soooo agree with you imitation and electro....the pisces dude that i'm dealing with does this ALL the time..it's so annoying...i mean when do you just get real and stop putting on this facade like you're so great. I really want to tell him to knock it off. And the sad part is that i can see right through his little charade. He just wants me to make a comment about how great he is and boost his obviously low self esteem. He must be very used to pathetic women that fall all over him and treat him like a king, women that only see money when they look at him...Now that he's dealing with an independent woman who doesn't care about money or status, he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to impress me. I say, just be yourself.The thing about it is that i'm impressed with things about him that he wouldn't even realize. It's not the things that he brags about (material possessions, how great he dresses, how great he is in bed, his position at work) but it's the little things that i notice that i really admire (he's caring, he's imaginative, sensitive)...When will they learn????
They do. I've never seen a more arrogant sign. Even if I didn't know any pisces in real life (and I do. They're all incorrigible douchebags) just by coming to this site and seeing all these pisces talk about how great they are would be enough basis to render them completely obnoxious human beings. Glad other people are noticing what disgusting human beings these pisces really are. ABOUT TIME.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"I'm a pisces girl, and I usually talk about myself to help people gain insight to who i am or what's going on in my mind when i do things."
Everyone talks about themselves. It has nothing to do with astrological signs, despite the attempts of clueless posters lately to ascribe every sin of God and Man as belonging to Pisces. No, this is a direct result of a culture that is self-centered and egotistical.
I have noticed that those who complain about it are usually those who do it the most. They get irritated when someone else has the audacity to steal their limelight.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
lol .. me thinks that Pisceans being confident enough in themselves that they don't feel the need to defend themselves ... is driving some other people batty, in which case, has caused a situation in which these people keep attempting to get Pisces fins ruffled.
And our not defending ourselves ... because we know we don't have to .. is actually creating jealousy/envy. It's not normal for Pisceans to display an envy mind-set .. but, it seems so obvious here that it drives people nuts that we are completely comfortable in our own skins and don't NEED their approval/acceptance.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Isn't that a cop out tho? Saying other people are just jealous or envious? Doesn't answer the question at all. Just places the blame on someone else.
All the pisces I know are not stable with their self esteem. They go from thinking theyre the best thing in the world to thinking that there's something wrong with them. I've never met a pisces that was comfortable in their own skin for an extended period of time. Its always a series of highs and lows when it comes to their self esteem. Always. Pangel I think pisces wish they were stable and comfortable in that respect. Lord knows I've had to rescue many a pisces from pity parties. It baffles me because I'm like, weren't you the person that was just telling me how great u were a day or so ago? If you're so confident where does all the inner conflict come from?
I think it comes from them not wanting to be seen a certain way by others. Pisces are very sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others whether they admit to it or not. We all know how sensitive this sign is so lets not PRETEND pisces is above it all in any way shape or fashion.
Public opinion of them matters! An
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Pangel it sounds like you're describing an air sign to me.
Lol....my saggitarius sister is exactly like you described. She is never defensive about who she is or what she believes in. "She's just like, well what's the need in saying anything about myself? If you would be able to get it you already got it and if you don't I guess you weren't meant to. I won't beat people upside the head with stuff."
This isn't a pisces. Lol. I have to stop my pisces sometimes like, "I've been knowing you forever why do you feel the need to tell me who you are? And if I or someone else sees you in another way, why are you so hell bent on TELLING us how we are wrong instead of SHOWING us?"
As evidenced in this thread how can you be such a secure person but can't discuss a topic objectively without hurling insults?
Pangel, sea siren, or outcast if every pisces is so secure explain Kurt Kobaine.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Relax this is a topic. I and a few others have noticed this in pisces. If its not you then good, be who you are and stop being so defensive.
If you are secure & confident & don't care what anyone thinks about you, why would it matter that someone is saying something about pisces? Why would u feel the need to type how upstream you are instead of just being? This is exactly what the topic is about the fact that you came in here to insult people and "defend urself" because of what is said about your sign, contradicts all that you just wrote.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
If it bothers you that much why are you here? And why the name calling? Did I hit a nerve? My topics don't have substance but you know what they do have? You, reading every last one of them...lol. You're not coming across very sure of yourself right now. I won't get offensive just because you're defensive. So peace.
Electroaqua...lol. Sounds like you couldn't get a word in edgewise. Maybe she was having one of those unsure days.
Msscorpio.....good question!
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"And our not defending ourselves ... because we know we don't have to .. is actually creating jealousy/envy."
Heehee! Actually I can't read any of the blocked posts by said haters. If we all did it, maybe we could get back to some topics that are actually interesting to us, instead of our board being filled with the negativity of the pisces-dumpee-embittered. 
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Adw,Lostpisces, & princepisces (sorry if I missed anyone else) commented without the negativity. Ironically they are not taking this topic as negative like Ms.Pisces, sea siren, and pangel.
Everything doesn't have to be about attacking pisces. And thankfully no one (except the few I mentioned) sees this as a "bash pisces" thread. Never the less, thanks to everyone for their comments thus far. I'm learning a lot.
I look at all the old topics and I see that there were a lot of pisces on here that used to state the truth about themselves and their sign-mates without getting defensive (even if things were not so good).
I don't know about all the negativity with pisces, but if you were actually "listening" to their posts then you would know that it just isn't pisces that talk highly about themselves. Not all pisces are like that. There are pisces that actually have accomplished many great things in their lives. I personally like Albert Einstein. It mostly depends on the person. Insecure people can talk highly of themselves to gain some reassurance to raise their self esteem. Secure people can boast to stroke their already high ego. It is all perspective. Now with pisces; yes some people will talk highly of themselves because they believe it to be true. They see it with their own "eyes," and do not need verification from others because they are insecure but because they believe it. Some who haven't gotten a reality check might still do that, but pisces isn't a me group normally (the upstream/downstream analogy). Sometimes, like someone said earlier, we need to talk about ourselves because it is our perspective (that is how opinions are passed). Pisces is a hard group to understand, so we try to say our viewpoint to get it the point across. You shouldn't stereotype a whole group.
Imitation, you are saying that they are getting defensive, but they are telling you their views. It is very frustrating having to continually repeat yourself to one that is not willing to listen. To take their comments without prejudice is important to any person.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
There were some pretty rude comments posted by some on here. I think you should go back and read the entire thread again. No one is saying all pisces. In my first post I asked or "is it just the insecure ones?"
Msscorpion came and further clarified. Not sure what you're reading but as I said earlier no one is attacking anyone. There was a hint of good rapport between pisces and non pisces in this thread which was great. Its just the usual suspects who jump on their condescending negativity wagon.
Thanks for commenting!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
I'm a gemini cancer. Cancimini. Or is it gemican...cangem...
Lol. I like them all.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Mspisces said:
"she has made a few good points that are true for some of the Pisces I know, and even myself at times."
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May 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1078 · Topics: 68
Well, many of the problems of Pisces stems from the fact that we see everything as multi-faceted. We see things from our perspectives, yet recognize that others have equally valid truths. It's kinda like proving the null hypothesis -- we're open minded enough to realize that nothing is absolute, e=mc2, gravity, someone's level of trustworthiness, our self-image, .. regardless of how much evidence seems to exist in support of each of them. Everything can be disproven with the introduction of new information. And while the same applies to everyone, somehow only Pisces tend to realize this and let it affect them. Other people should be so humble, but rather proceed through life with some force-field around them, blind to everything, and without the ability to grow personally.
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
You just opened up so much understanding for me right there. I totally got everything you were saying. Now I see how that could seem wishy washy to a person that is on the outside looking in. You just don't know, but your post made somethings click for me. Some things I can't really put into words but you definitely hit the nail on the head.
As a cancer, I can say that its not that we "proceed thru life..blind to everything" but its just that we're a cardinal sign so we forge ahead in spite of most of the time. Some people view this as, "you can't tell us anything" but in general we're just not as easy to change our view points until we want to. I'll sit and say the sky is blue all day, someone else can say the sky is green and if I perceive it to be blue, I will say it's blue until I'm blue in the face. A pisces will say, yeah it does look green doesn't it, I suppose it wasn't blue after all, or maybe it's blue green. Kinda immediately incorporating the "all" in their opinion (which to some can seem wishy washy). After thinking about what you said for a while, I might say you know what I think it's green. And then turn around and be as confident in the green as I was in the blue. I think this is the difference in cardinal and mutable signs. We're just as changeable (not fixed) but not as easy to be changed.
That's cool @ ms.pisces. I like your views on things. Join in on the topic.
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
"I'm curious about this and I've thought about it many times. I've met numerous fishes and I seem to be the only one who is so - Arien! I mean, I'm very direct, harsh, confrontational - and yet, unlike the Ram, I do think about consequences, even if it's after-the-fact. So, what is my malfunction? Why am I so unlike other fish? Everyone else seems to be so nice and sweet. Why do I have these qualities? Does it have to do with other influences in my chart? If anyone knows, please tell me and don't worry about being frank because I expect people to tell me like it is, no matter how ugly! Thank you"
"I'll stand up and face anything without shedding a single drop and so, what's wrong with me?
"I guess you got me, I do beat myself up a lot! Looking for the door-mat? Here I am, lol. I know there are some qualities that are true, it just makes me crazy because I can be 'not nice' at times and all other fish are so sweet."
How soon do we forget P-angel. You typed all this in a thread you started, asking people were you weird for not being the typical fish (seeking validation). Then you want to put on an ACT in this thread like you're not affected by others opinions or don't care what others think. I wish you would get real.
Is this an example of what you were talking about?
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Lol....no response...no smilies or anything. So surprising.
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Mar 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 967 · Topics: 41
Pisces are gullible idiots.
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Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
You understand a pisces very well. This is the absolute truth!!
"I believe people think pisces will be easily hurt if they were straight foward when in fact it's the complete opposite. PISCES WANT YOU TO BE STRAIGHT FOWARD. They can not stand friends who need to hide their true selves or motives. So just be honest with your friend and tell her you don't feel like listening about her life today."
Signed Up:
Jul 26, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 569 · Topics: 69
Don't take it seriously. They're all lost.
Wow it just amazes me how these pisces people stick together and act like it's everyone else that has the problem...The more i deal with them and the more i read about other people that have dealt with them, i am really getting turned off and quite disgusted by them and their behavior...Pisces people play too many games and they lie too much...And everyone that i know that has ever been in a relationship or been friends with a pisces always says the same thing..and when you're in a relationship with one they try and hide their feelings but they are so paper thin that it's ridiculous...it seems to me like you just can't take them serious, they are just there to have fun with and then toss them aside like a tissue...who has time for it...They have low self-esteem and i don't care what anyone has to say about that because it will not change my beliefs. I mean of course all of them are not like that but most of the ones that i've met are and i've known quite a few..and in the end i always wind up cutting them off....as i said before i'm dealing with one now but i had to put him in check and let him know that i am not the one for those stupid games...