Whether he is an illegal alien or a space alien

Barack Obama is a thousand times preferable to the possibility of this as a US President... Palin backlash continues...

This topic was created in the Politics forum by SoftCookie on Friday, November 7, 2008 and has 81 replies.
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lol, maybe I'm in a mellow mood but Angel (I have a strange liking to that name by the way Winking) you soooo need to chill out smile lol
hehehehe, if we are still talking about intellignce here, I'm not the one to claim any smarts for last week. I partied and my brain was on "full-speed-ahead" for like three day, now I feel tired and listless ... BUT!!!!!! IT WAS ALL WORTH IT BABY smile smile smile
I'm so glad I didn't have sex with some random dude though ... I was totally gone but I wasn't that gone HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
cappysweetie, why are they strange comments? I believe they fit in perfectly and make my point. it's too bad I don't have a gang to cheer me on though lol
gang ??????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! yeah, okay Winking And of course you are going to think your comments fit perfectly, they belong to you smile They are entertaining though, so keep up the good work ^_^.
Actually, I wonder what Prime would think of all of this, since we are both independents smile
i thought it was just all the election stuff and excitement but im kinda thinkin aqi and cappy are just arrogant ass's and like to belittle people to feed thier ego's. i used to like u guys but no....not so much anymore Sad
Wait .... I just caught that! Awwww man, you and those darn zingers. Bye bye now miss Nassa
Damn, that the 2nd time you called me an arrogant ass cj7 LOL, what the hell dude Big Grin So belittling people is making comments after their posts. Yeah, okay, right I'm sooooo arrogant.
See, unlike you, I don't take politics "that" personal, but apparantly you do and thats not really my problem. Regardless to what you believe, I don't look at you differently but again, I don't take this stuff personal Winking
lol, I can't believe I'm the arrogant one here, thats what I can't get over. I make a few comments and people don't agree with them and then all of a sudden I'm attacking????

Thats bullshit smile Again, I guess I don't take things as personal as others do.
didnt ask u to care......just expressing myself. yep....dont like ya Winking
HAHA!!!! I soooo won't lose sleep over jack Winking Just remember that maturity is a virtue.
I can't believe I'm the younger one here saying this lol
I wasn't disputing what you said - I was referring to your constant desire to go around here belittling other people and their intelligence, acting like you're so much smarter than everyone else and have some special pirvelaged knowl;dged that the rest of us infedels will never comprehend. You're an idiot and a jackass, and as you keep pointing out that people have the right to voice their opinions[as do I, including my opinions of softcookie] I am happy to speak about and point out what an arrogant, self-righteous, simple minded, bitch you are. As you've proven here time and time again.
Emotional manipulation? Is that what it is Aqi ????? Really now ..... oooooo, thats the wrong thing to do to a person born under my sign Winking
and you have no idea what I do and do not know.... so you can't say that you know a lot of things that I never will..... but again - you just like to go around telling the world how much smarter you [think] you are than everyone else.... yet nothing you post supports that theory...
OMG .... now we are naming calling? Using words like asses and bitch to express ourselves??? Good-grief ................... my goodness. Tsk, tsk, tsk *shakes head*
I'm going to bring back an old saying, "Can't we all just get along" lol
Don't worry Aqi, I was attacked too -- and unfairly I might add. But hey, I guess thats what happens when you respond to posts on this particular board hey? Winking
you're so full of shit - I made comments and you came in here talking shit about me. Just like the other thread where you claimed I said stuff I never said. You go on the attack and then act like you were the one attacked for speaking your mind.... you are disgusting.
I use the adjectives that are approriate - she's a bitch, plain and simple.
very strong words angel, you might want to ask the mirror on the wall what he thinks of you...
Wait, I'm full of it ????? No way, you are, do you know why? Because I know what I posted about you, here it is:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh ......
I so want to make a comment but I'm too tired. I can't believe this lol!!!! As much as you have said "this and that" about yourself, you have the nerve to talk about Aqi ??????
So you need to stop it.

I was comparing you to Aqi because you both talk about your backgrounds -- now, he is that talking shit? I'm not the one speaking ill of anyone around so don't even put that on my back, I won't take it Winking
*threws it back to cj7 and Angel* Nope, I'm not taking that, you two can have it all to yourselves smile
And before you say I was picking on Vanessa too -- I was teasing her because she's very random and I barely see her around here.
HI! Softcookie Big Grin
I about to retire, I'm so tired tonight lol. Its too bad I don't have the energy for this thread or else I'd fire it up Winking Winking Winking
But no, I came here to say hi to Aqua, not to bicker back and forth like a ...... you know Winking
I wasn't talking to you cappie when I said that - only the second part of that post was directed at YOU - who needs to chill?.....
Okay okay....we all get it.... the only people who are allowed to speak are those with whom aqui agrees or who agree with her...we all know tha rules.... now kiss my ass, I'm nobody's puppet.
See, I didn't know you weren't talking to me? You didn't put names anywhere, you just typed Winking
But anyway, we all need to seriously get along here lol!!! This battling has been going on since the summer, for crying-out-loud, why is there so much miscomunication between an Aqua, a capricorn, a taurus and a cancer?
I'm not sure why this combo has problems with understanding -- I don't know if its deliberate or what. I know its not deliberate on my part, I don't intentionally take things the wrong -- I'm not saying anyone else does but I know I don't.

Softcookie is a sweetheart, yes he is smile smile smile
Night people smile smile smile
Remember, "peace, love and coooooolness Big Grin"
CJ and Angel,
I do want to remind you there are plenty of sore loosers on the republican side too.
The media (fox news) saying that people voted specifically because he was a black man.
Now C'mon.....I know that did not sway my vote as an independent. I am also a Ron Paul and Nader supporter. I was really moved and inspired by the Barak Obama campaign. So much I was a volunteer canvass director on this campaign. David Plouffe did an amazing job on this campaign. If you saw the 60 minutes episode they said having a good guy to support was not hard to have one of the most historic campaigns ever run. It is the truth. I participated on some of the conference calls and specifically was on the 'Latinos for Obama' team and what this campaign did in a mostly hispanic community was amazing. We got hispanics registered, and to the polls voting. It was an amazing experience working on this campaign. I have worked on political campaigns before, but this one was different. The people wanted to get involved. In my neighboring community they had more volunteers than they new what to do with and they came and worked on the campaign in our community. I will also say not once when I was canvassing did I see McCain volunteers in our community. My state (Colorado) and county are specifically red.......we turned blue all the way with Senate and congress all blue.
My grandmother works a part-time job and she went into work and was harrassed by her boss because she knew my grand-mother is an Obama supporter. She was rude to her all day and it was completely uncalled for. My grand-mother did not gloat, or go in with an attitude. It was improfessional and rude.
I will agree with you on one thing Angel.....we do need to come together as one community regardless of who won or lost. You have to admit it is a historic moment. There is some major damage that needs to be cleaned up from this last administration. It is a HUGE job right now. *Sigh*
Be well, and don't
I got cut off. LOL (Con't)
Be well, and don't let the hecklers get the best of you. That is what I told my grand-mother. We have to support our community as we rebuild from the shambles of economic hardship.
G'nite and be well.
yes I know that - but I already said in another thread that if Obama had lost and people were ranting about it [which they would have] I wouldn't say anything, because it makes sense to be upset that your candidate lost - and if McCain won and his supporters were still talking shit about Obama I'd be telling them to get over it.... you see, losing sucks - people want to vent.... but there's no sense in picking apart the loser when you've WON - that's just petty.
and you know that if Obama had lost people would be saying it was because of racism - someone already said that in another thread where during the election they said [and I can't remember who said it, and don't feel like going back] something about it making sense that the southern states would vote for McCain because there's still so much hatred down there.... now come on - why can't people just admit that people didn't vote for Obama [even in the south] because they didn't think he would be a good president and NOT because they don't want a black president???
oh and - you're right, your grand-mothers boss was unprofessional and rude, and I say "thank you" to your grand-mother for not gloating. People at my job DID. In fact they more than gloated... a couple were overtly nasty with ME, and I didn't say a word about the election.....
And you know what? I haven't posted here in about a month - and the first thing I DID post was on the night of the election - I congratulated the Obama supporters for their win. And now here I am telling people that the fighting needs to stop and everyone needs to work together - and I'm the bad guy.
""Lol if you're really an intelligent person, you wouldn't need to prove it by saying you have a master's. It's amusing!""

- Wasn't it you who announced on this board that you'd debated with a "Harvard grad" regarding the election polls, or summat of the sort? As if to validate your debating skills and "prove" that they were superior to your dxp counterparts?
""it's too bad I don't have a gang to cheer me on though""
- only if by "gang" you mean "cappysweetie". and if by "cheer on" you mean "challenge and respond to posters besides aqi".
at a glance, it looks like aqi was defending herself against at least 3 users, while....yea, that's it.
An advanced degree may not be proof of intelligence, but it sure as hell is a good indicator.
It speaks also to the judgement, ambition, and self-discipline of the achiever.
Aqui, for someone who claims to be so intelligent you have a really hard time distinguishing between when someone is making things all about them versus when they're pointing out your idiocy in general.
You continue to prove me right about you everytime you post - and the bullshit that comes from people like you around here is exactly why it's not even worth posting here anymore.
It's all yours... you can play queen of the politics board all you want - there's no actual intelligent conversation going on here because you constantly ruin any opportunity for it by claiming anyone who disagrees with you is stupid and uneducated - which IS my point by the way - not specifically anything you've said in this thread - but your general lack of tolerance for anyone that doesn't agree with you and tell you how completely brilliant and enlightened you are....
And by the way - incase you have any interest at all in why others may or may not have the level of degree you [claim to] have [which I doubt you do have an interest in, since you're stuck in your own little world there....] I have been living on my own since I was 17, I didn't get to go straight to college out of high school - I went straight to work, working two full time jobs at once, and it wasn't until recently when I got MYSELF into a position to have one full time job, pay my bills, and go to school full time that I started college for the first time. And guess what? I'm still more intelligent than you on ALL levels. And I am still continuing my education - so make no judgement of my intelligence or education; you don't know anything about me, where I am, or where I'm going in life.
Enjoy your kingdom of illusion.
"If you possess a hefty IQ, plus any or all of these qualities, then I will eat my shoe."
hey there shit for brains - in that case, I suggest you put some salt on that shoe and bake it first, maybe a little white wine, butter and tarragon - wouldn't want you to gag on your smug superiority Winking