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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
My top 3 came out:
#1 - Leo
#2 - Libra
#3 - Aqua

Sounds right Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
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Mar 18, 2011Comments: 42 · Posts: 2899 · Topics: 50
oh dear lol
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Did anyone guess at the end which their top pick would be, and were you right?
I picked Libra and it was my I was close
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Yeah it was still in your top 3!
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Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
1. Virgo
2. Scorpio
3. Cancer
4. Taurus
5. Cap
6. Pisces
7. Leo
8. Aqua
9. Gemini
10. Sag
11. Libra
12. Aries
Ahhhh Virgo and me are inseparable
and somewhere my Aries Venus is weeping xD Signed Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by aPiscesPrincess
lol Me and you got exactly the same all the way through 5.. just the top 3 were switched around
And for some reason I got Leo instead of Pisces for number 6 =/
You got a earth and water too??
I would have prefered Cappy as #1 though
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Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
*all. I type like I'm drunk sometimes.
Posted by PiscesPosterBoy
1 - Leo
2 - Libra
3 - Aquarius
4 - Gemini
5 - Sagittarius
6 - Aries
7 - Cancer
8 - Virgo
9 - Taurus
10 - Pisces
11 - Scorpio
12 - Capricorn
LMAO Everything I've ever known about astrology, CONTRADICTED 
hahaha I bet you didn't pick any of the boring answers
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Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by PurrrrHissss
These tests always say "Cancer" when you ask for a loving, loyal, romantic, affectionate partner. 
That's why I didn't get Cancer!! I said I don't want romantic
I swear I fail as a Pisces lolSigned Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Had they said sentimental I would have been all over that
but romantic makes me think of gifts and gestures that leave me feeling empty. Clearly I've not been properly romanced - it's what I get for dating masculine signs
jk Signed Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by hiplove79
Oh god no.
1. Cancer
2. Leo
3. Libra
4. Taurus
5. Virgo
hmm.. maybe i need to retake.
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Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by PurrrrHissss
I know what you mean. Romance needs to be personal to mean something to me. IDGAF about random expensive jewelry, flowers, etc. That means zilch to me. When thought is put into something and it's exclusive to our relationship or our lives/family, I melt like butter.
Same hereSigned Up:
Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Virgo
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Libra
Okay. The first two are not an option for me. The 3rd is the best match for sure. He is a stickler for details (virgo) and is home-bound (cancer) in alot of ways, so it works great for me.
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aquarius
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Gemini
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Sagittarius---The one I guessed.
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aries
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Mar 18, 2011Comments: 42 · Posts: 2899 · Topics: 50
say everyone answered honestly. then i reckon the results are who we'd do best in a relationship with, but we usually aren't interested in the people that we suit the most
and i bet the people whose results made sense are with someone now who they're well suited to.
i'm thinking of myself, iceredrobot and feminitywild here
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Mar 18, 2011Comments: 42 · Posts: 2899 · Topics: 50
sorry, i don't mean to sound like a stalker, lol i've just see ice's posts about her virgo and fw's thread about the drawing see did for her taurus (which by the way is gorgeous and looks like a tattoo, but with added class
and yeah i'm sure people have seen me clap on about my sag-venus-in-libra, lol Signed Up:
Sep 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1049 · Topics: 72
Here are my top 3-
1. Aquarius
2. Gemini
3. Leo
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May 19, 2010Comments: 9 · Posts: 2945 · Topics: 22
1)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer ????
2)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Scorpio ????
3)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Taurus ????
4)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Virgo ????
5)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Capricorn ????
6)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Pisces ????
7)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Leo ????
8)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Libra ????
9)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aquarius ????
10)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aries ????
11)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Gemini ????
12)Sun, Venus, or Mars in Sagittarius ????
I like how all the fire and air are at the bottom half. I thought Leo would be up there but whatever. I'm also concerned that the moon sign isn't included. Shouldn't it?
Moon in Cancer for me sounds alright too.
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
1 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Libra
2 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aquarius
3 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Gemini
4 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Leo
5 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Sagittarius
6 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aries
7 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Virgo
8 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Capricorn
9 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Taurus
10 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer
11 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Pisces
12 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Scorpio
Does anyone else notice the CREEPY way the elements are GROUPED for me?!
But it sounds about right.. Air at the top, Water dead last for me.
1. Cancer
2. Taurus
3. Virgo
Actually that's pretty right on for me. I kinda swore off virgos a long time ago though. 
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
1. Virgo
2. Leo
3. Aquarius
4. Gemini
5. Libra
6. Sagittarius
7. Cancer
8. Capricorn
9. Scorpio
10. Aries
11. Taurus
12. Pisces
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Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by nimbue
say everyone answered honestly. then i reckon the results are who we'd do best in a relationship with, but we usually aren't interested in the people that we suit the most
and i bet the people whose results made sense are with someone now who they're well suited to.
i'm thinking of myself, iceredrobot and feminitywild here
I was thinking the same. Like I say I don't want someone who acts a fool in public - strikes out all fire sign guys
But in reality I find it endearing. My head took the quiz, but if I answered them with my heart - which essentially rules my decisions - I'm sure it would be different hmmm.... lemme try!
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Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Oh God, my head was SCREAMING at some of my answers. Okie dokie I answered them as *emotionally* and honestly as I could
1. Aries
2. Aquarius
3. Gemini
4. Sagittarius
5. Leo
6. Libra
7. Pisces
8. Cancer
9. Taurus
10. Capricorn
11. Scorpio
12. Virgo
Welllll.. I have always been attracted to the asshole type

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Mar 18, 2011Comments: 42 · Posts: 2899 · Topics: 50
lol, me too, i answered them thinking emotionally-if i had done it logically, i would have had scorpio in the top three. but ideally, i'm attracted to air types-even if that's just a venus placement 
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Apr 03, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1451 · Topics: 31
Posted by virg_goki
This looks screwed..
#1 - Libra (mmm uuukayhh)
#2 - Aqua (the detachedness is annoying)
#3 - Gem (God save the queen lol)
I'm one messed-up virgo
haha cmon baby just learn to love us a bit it can work haha 
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May 07, 2011Comments: 10 · Posts: 596 · Topics: 15
Sun ~ Venus ~ Mars ~ in Leo
Sun ~ Venus ~ Mars ~ in Sag
Sun ~ Venus ~ mars ~ in Libra
Sun ~ Venus ~ Mars ~ in Gemini
Sun ~ Venus ~ Mars ~ in Aqua
Sun ~ Venus ~ Mars ~ in Aries
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Mar 13, 2010Comments: 5 · Posts: 4244 · Topics: 258
Top 3 choices:
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Taurus
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Scorpio
Bottom 3 choices:
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Gemini
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Saggitarius
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aries
Go figure, I'm dating a Taurus who has his venus in Taurus. Score.
My top:
1) Aqua
2) Gem
3) Sag
My bottom:
Cancer, Cap and Pisces
That's a pretty fair guestimate I'd say.
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May 30, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 741 · Topics: 54
1. Leo
2. Libra
3. Cancer
4. Taurus
5. Aquarius
6. Gemini
Libra - not even if I was desparate.
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Libra
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Leo
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aquarius
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Gemini
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Sagittarius
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aries
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Pisces
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Taurus
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Virgo
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Scorpio
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Capricorn
So dead on for my top 5. not sure if my IDEAL match could be an aquarius and gemini since from what i experienced they FEARED commitment but i do love saggis and my fellow leos and finding libras to be quite interesting to me.
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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
ok wait every gets aqua is their top 3!!!
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Apr 07, 2011Comments: 1685 · Posts: 9901 · Topics: 213
Im disappointed in your tastes Signed Up:
Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
oh and happy birthday a month ago
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
1. Virgo
2. Cancer
3. Scorpio
4. Taurus
Did not expect Virgo at the top of that list, but Scorpio and Cancer makes sense.
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Mar 30, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 275 · Topics: 26
1) Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer
2) Sun, Venus, or Mars in Taurus
3) Sun, Venus, or Mars in Scorpio
LOL! I knew I'd get Cancer!
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Hey Tash 
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I'm great! How are you?
Yes do that 
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Jun 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2999 · Topics: 75
In order: 1.) Taurus
2.) Cancer
3.) Scorpio
4.) Virgo
5.) Leo
I am not surprised at all except for the order. I agree with Leo being at the bottom though. The top 4 signs are the ones that I usually end up with in some kind of significant relationship. I pretty much have no Scorpio friends, and have never dated one, but they seem to like me.
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Those should probably be in my top 5 as it is... not sure about the order.
My current lust has:
Pluto/Libra (I've never dated a Leeb)
Sounds about right on track to me!
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Aug 30, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 357 · Topics: 19
I see a lot of cancer/taurus/scorp or cancer/taurus/virgo as top three ideal match combos. wonder what made the difference.
I have an ongoing mutual attraction for cancer suns.
My latest connection was with a taurus sun/taurus venus/cancer mars. Awesomeness!
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Jul 31, 2010Comments: 1362 · Posts: 3255 · Topics: 19
Top 3
1.) Libra
2.) Gemini
3.) Aquarius
Bottom 3
Hmmmm, I've only been attracted to one Aqua in my life & my female Aqua friends all act like dudes. Top 2 is pretty spot on though (talking to a Gemini; my psychic said I'll end up with this Libra friend)
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Apr 01, 2011Comments: 145 · Posts: 2210 · Topics: 91
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Leo
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Taurus
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer
Sun, Venus, or Mars in Scorpio
...... wtf man.
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Sep 07, 2011Comments: 298 · Posts: 5049 · Topics: 48
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
Aqua, Gem, Sag...all 100%
That's actually spot on. I'm dating an Aqua and a Gem right now.
2. LEO
Hmmm, I've never dated a Cancer.