What signs will power struggle with each other?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by virgoOPPP on Friday, April 12, 2019 and has 40 replies.
not sure if it's maybe my Leo venus feeling a power struggle with this Scorpio man but as things go south romantically between us, i feel myself going back to familiar patterns where everything becomes a matter of pride.

is this a square thing?
It's more like one of you is an actual asshole thing.
Posted by GuardianAnu

It's more like one of you is an actual asshole thing.
but how do i win?
Posted by Hapis

Your Taurus moon opposite his sun probably isnt the best. Both are all about power, just different approaches

Opposites are either extremely good or extremely bad.
the sex is so good and he feels stable/safe when he's not bullshitting me gemini moon style .

it doesn't feel like we're opposites.

but before i once met this Scorpio sun/Pisces moon and he felt like my complete opposite. i did NOT like him at all. he creeped me out. and we just CAN'T intuitively understand each other.
Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

It's more like one of you is an actual asshole thing.
but how do i win?
click to expand
You talking about the Scorpio? You win with them by calling their bluff. They say a lot they don’t mean just to see what your reaction will be. Start being agreeable and watch them start backpedaling and getting worried 🤣🤣🤣
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

It's more like one of you is an actual asshole thing.
but how do i win?
You talking about the Scorpio? You win with them by calling their bluff. They say a lot they don’t mean just to see what your reaction will be. Start being agreeable and watch them start backpedaling and getting worried 🤣🤣🤣
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so i just have to act like i believe everything they say and do?
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

It's more like one of you is an actual asshole thing.
but how do i win?
click to expand
With a Scorpio?

What is it you are looking to win? If it is about you winning, you will lose because they will cut off their own tail before they let you win. Be vulnerable as you can and have the guts to stand up for yourself in a firm manner but don't act like you want a fight or the mitts are off.
Pisceans are smarter than Leos.

It's like the old parable of the rabbit smoking the pipe and the approaching fox. The fox thinks he is smarter than the rabbit, but the opposite is actually true.

We are also more ethical, responsible, charming, and decent to work with.

That being said, Leos will always be outwitted and undermined by Pisceans who see right through their narcissism and psychopathic tendencies.

....And Leos will try to get revenge on Pisceans, only to have it backfire on them in a massive way.

They are too stupid to understand the Ancient Chinese parable.

"Before going on a quest for revenge, you must first dig two graves."
Wait, you just said he has a Gemini Moon.

I'm out.
Don't be vulnerable with a Gem moon. Just go out and have a fucking beer.
Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
Posted by Effortless

Pisceans are smarter than Leos.

It's like the old parable of the rabbit smoking the pipe and the approaching fox. The fox thinks he is smarter than the rabbit, but the opposite is actually true.

We are also more ethical, responsible, charming, and decent to work with.

That being said, Leos will always be outwitted and undermined by Pisceans who see right through their narcissism and psychopathic tendencies.

....And Leos will try to get revenge on Pisceans, only to have it backfire on them in a massive way.

They are too stupid to understand the Ancient Chinese parable.

"Before going on a quest for revenge, you must first dig two graves."
but don't Pisceans fangirl over Leos?
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

It's more like one of you is an actual asshole thing.
but how do i win?
You talking about the Scorpio? You win with them by calling their bluff. They say a lot they don’t mean just to see what your reaction will be. Start being agreeable and watch them start backpedaling and getting worried 🤣🤣🤣
so i just have to act like i believe everything they say and do?
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No. I meant agreeing to whatever made up scenarios they have of you.

They can make up some ridiculous accusations when they don’t know what’s up with you.

It’s a little bit hard when both signs are insecure, no shade meant, but it won’t be good if your worried about the consequences of you agreeing with him.

Sometimes it can be so far fetched he won’t be able to believe even himself.

What power struggles are you having though?
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by Effortless

Pisceans are smarter than Leos.

It's like the old parable of the rabbit smoking the pipe and the approaching fox. The fox thinks he is smarter than the rabbit, but the opposite is actually true.

We are also more ethical, responsible, charming, and decent to work with.

That being said, Leos will always be outwitted and undermined by Pisceans who see right through their narcissism and psychopathic tendencies.

....And Leos will try to get revenge on Pisceans, only to have it backfire on them in a massive way.

They are too stupid to understand the Ancient Chinese parable.

"Before going on a quest for revenge, you must first dig two graves."
but don't Pisceans fangirl over Leos?
click to expand
If they lack self-respect, then it's possible I suppose.

However, if they are wise enough to know better and cut through the bullshit....

That's a whole other story.
A person with any semblance of self-respect will not allow a leo into his/her personal life.
Posted by GuardianAnu

Don't be vulnerable with a Gem moon. Just go out and have a fucking beer.
so i need to just chill out?

i sent this man another dramatic goodbye text (i have Leo venus don't ask).

and now he wants to confront me over it but i don't wanna coz i have the flu, i'm tired and i don't feel adored.

i feel so neglected. this never happened with the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon.

why can't God send me a Scorpio moon man?
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
click to expand
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

click to expand
this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

Don't be vulnerable with a Gem moon. Just go out and have a fucking beer.
so i need to just chill out?

i sent this man another dramatic goodbye text (i have Leo venus don't ask).

and now he wants to confront me over it but i don't wanna coz i have the flu, i'm tired and i don't feel adored.

i feel so neglected. this never happened with the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon.

why can't God send me a Scorpio moon man?
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This guy likes you. This is what I love about Scorpios. The way they are super sweet and want to fix things when they feel guilty about you being hurt.

This is where you will find your power. They never get used to it and adapt. He will be the most caring in this time.

Girl you need to let him come to you. You’re tripping. You’re gonna cause insecurities in him.
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
click to expand
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
click to expand
the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon would've been perfect for me but he had a small penis. i knew it wasn't gonna work out.
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon would've been perfect for me but he had a small penis. i knew it wasn't gonna work out.
click to expand
Well I have no clue what Virgos even need.

Scorpios are easy because they are emotionally driven, even though they pretend they aren’t.

You can talk to Scorpios about anything. They are fixed. If they like you, they will accept you. You see how you’ve already been crazy with him and he doesn’t care. You’re still acting unreasonable and he is still trying to make it better.

Know what you have and accept what he’s trying to give you if you actually like him.

Open your mouth use your words. Scorpios are very understanding. You being vulnerable with him will ease his fears and he will be able to comfort yours.
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

Don't be vulnerable with a Gem moon. Just go out and have a fucking beer.
so i need to just chill out?

i sent this man another dramatic goodbye text (i have Leo venus don't ask).

and now he wants to confront me over it but i don't wanna coz i have the flu, i'm tired and i don't feel adored.

i feel so neglected. this never happened with the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon.

why can't God send me a Scorpio moon man?
click to expand
Lol I would just nope right out of there if I were you.
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

Don't be vulnerable with a Gem moon. Just go out and have a fucking beer.
so i need to just chill out?

i sent this man another dramatic goodbye text (i have Leo venus don't ask).

and now he wants to confront me over it but i don't wanna coz i have the flu, i'm tired and i don't feel adored.

i feel so neglected. this never happened with the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon.

why can't God send me a Scorpio moon man?
click to expand
Lol I would just nope right out of there if I were you.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon would've been perfect for me but he had a small penis. i knew it wasn't gonna work out.
Well I have no clue what Virgos even need.

Scorpios are easy because they are emotionally driven, even though they pretend they aren’t.

You can talk to Scorpios about anything. They are fixed. If they like you, they will accept you. You see how you’ve already been crazy with him and he doesn’t care. You’re still acting unreasonable and he is still trying to make it better.

Know what you have and accept what he’s trying to give you if you actually like him.

Open your mouth use your words. Scorpios are very understanding. You being vulnerable with him will ease his fears and he will be able to comfort yours.
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i went crazy jealous a week ago

can't just go crazy on him every week

why do i want this guy so much anyway?

i feel pathetic
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon would've been perfect for me but he had a small penis. i knew it wasn't gonna work out.
Well I have no clue what Virgos even need.

Scorpios are easy because they are emotionally driven, even though they pretend they aren’t.

You can talk to Scorpios about anything. They are fixed. If they like you, they will accept you. You see how you’ve already been crazy with him and he doesn’t care. You’re still acting unreasonable and he is still trying to make it better.

Know what you have and accept what he’s trying to give you if you actually like him.

Open your mouth use your words. Scorpios are very understanding. You being vulnerable with him will ease his fears and he will be able to comfort yours.
i went crazy jealous a week ago

can't just go crazy on him every week

why do i want this guy so much anyway?

i feel pathetic
click to expand
He would love this if he knew how you felt. Lol. Be nice to this guy.

Scorpios don’t take advantage of feelings of love. It’s what they need.

If he’s having sex with you on a consistent basis and the sex is as good as you say, you have yourself a keeper.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon would've been perfect for me but he had a small penis. i knew it wasn't gonna work out.
Well I have no clue what Virgos even need.

Scorpios are easy because they are emotionally driven, even though they pretend they aren’t.

You can talk to Scorpios about anything. They are fixed. If they like you, they will accept you. You see how you’ve already been crazy with him and he doesn’t care. You’re still acting unreasonable and he is still trying to make it better.

Know what you have and accept what he’s trying to give you if you actually like him.

Open your mouth use your words. Scorpios are very understanding. You being vulnerable with him will ease his fears and he will be able to comfort yours.
i went crazy jealous a week ago

can't just go crazy on him every week

why do i want this guy so much anyway?

i feel pathetic
He would love this if he knew how you felt. Lol. Be nice to this guy.

Scorpios don’t take advantage of feelings of love. It’s what they need.

If he’s having sex with you on a consistent basis and the sex is as good as you say, you have yourself a keeper.
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how come you don't date Scorpios?

you seem to like them a lot
You should probably have some sort of discussion about what you guys are doing.

What’s the hold up? He probably won’t admit much anyways but maybe some of what he says will help.

I understand the frustrations.

I have a Leo Mars. I threw epic fits with my ex Scorpio. He didn’t care at all. He just used to look at me with hurt eyes and say “I know you hate me”

And I used to tell him that I could never hate him cause I loved him too much.

All this cause he didn’t spend time with me when I wanted him. Lol.

I’ve never been more dramatic than I was with him. He brought out the worst in me when he told me no for no damn reason


Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon would've been perfect for me but he had a small penis. i knew it wasn't gonna work out.
Well I have no clue what Virgos even need.

Scorpios are easy because they are emotionally driven, even though they pretend they aren’t.

You can talk to Scorpios about anything. They are fixed. If they like you, they will accept you. You see how you’ve already been crazy with him and he doesn’t care. You’re still acting unreasonable and he is still trying to make it better.

Know what you have and accept what he’s trying to give you if you actually like him.

Open your mouth use your words. Scorpios are very understanding. You being vulnerable with him will ease his fears and he will be able to comfort yours.
i went crazy jealous a week ago

can't just go crazy on him every week

why do i want this guy so much anyway?

i feel pathetic
He would love this if he knew how you felt. Lol. Be nice to this guy.

Scorpios don’t take advantage of feelings of love. It’s what they need.

If he’s having sex with you on a consistent basis and the sex is as good as you say, you have yourself a keeper.
how come you don't date Scorpios?

you seem to like them a lot
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I might try again but they are very time consuming. I wouldn’t want to play with their emotions.

I wouldn’t be able to date like I do now. And they know when you are lying, they can sense it. I don’t like lying to them. They seem to ask just the right questions.
Posted by ClairDeLune

I have seen Taurus and scorpios always have that sense of power struggle. They have an odd love hate relationship.
i am a Virgo
Posted by ClairDeLune

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by ClairDeLune

I have seen Taurus and scorpios always have that sense of power struggle. They have an odd love hate relationship.
i am a Virgo
Still got that Taurus moon, plus with your sun a double earth. Even more so reasons to stand your ground, what's the scorps moon and venus?
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he's Gemini moon/Scorpio venus
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by saggurl88

Sagittarius F and Virgo M

I can’t stand being told what to do and he’s already told me that he can help me with life in general since he knows so much about lots of things.

He told me I need to let him help with stuff.

I don’t want to. I’m too independent and not some codependent broad.

So I let it go in one ear and out the other and he feels butt hurt.

I’m not sure what to do to remedy this.

I don’t even know what he wants to try and help with, but the answer will still be no 🤷‍♀️

He can help me plan a vacation, how bout dat. 💅🏽😏

tell him that

no idea what you'd ever want from a virgo man but that's your life

enjoy the whips and chains

until he finds a scorpio woman to be annoying with
He made promises of whips and chains. It’s part of what got my Scorpio Venus.

He has Virgo Mars and Virgo Venus.

He has good technique but is all talk and no action. He’s basic as hell.

I’ve told him this which is why he told me that I “NEED” to let him.

I don’t know what Virgo want to do when they say this though.

this man has Scorpio venus very aggressive sexually. tbh sex is the foundation of our whole relationship.
Yeah. It’s the foundation of all my relationships too. It’s what holds the relationship together for me. Men usually feel used by me.
the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon would've been perfect for me but he had a small penis. i knew it wasn't gonna work out.
Well I have no clue what Virgos even need.

Scorpios are easy because they are emotionally driven, even though they pretend they aren’t.

You can talk to Scorpios about anything. They are fixed. If they like you, they will accept you. You see how you’ve already been crazy with him and he doesn’t care. You’re still acting unreasonable and he is still trying to make it better.

Know what you have and accept what he’s trying to give you if you actually like him.

Open your mouth use your words. Scorpios are very understanding. You being vulnerable with him will ease his fears and he will be able to comfort yours.
i went crazy jealous a week ago

can't just go crazy on him every week

why do i want this guy so much anyway?

i feel pathetic
He would love this if he knew how you felt. Lol. Be nice to this guy.

Scorpios don’t take advantage of feelings of love. It’s what they need.

If he’s having sex with you on a consistent basis and the sex is as good as you say, you have yourself a keeper.
how come you don't date Scorpios?

you seem to like them a lot
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I just wanted to add one more thing. Not so optimistic.

I used to drown in my emotions with him. He always brought them out. I was either happy or sad. And I’m just not comfortable when I’m sad. I don’t like that type of energy.

Seems like I was always crying about one thing or another before the make up sex happened. This is part of the reason why I am staying away from Scorpio men for now.

They are emotionally draining for me. I don’t deal with this type of thing well. I can do it in small doses but not all the time.
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by Effortless

Pisceans are smarter than Leos.

It's like the old parable of the rabbit smoking the pipe and the approaching fox. The fox thinks he is smarter than the rabbit, but the opposite is actually true.

We are also more ethical, responsible, charming, and decent to work with.

That being said, Leos will always be outwitted and undermined by Pisceans who see right through their narcissism and psychopathic tendencies.

....And Leos will try to get revenge on Pisceans, only to have it backfire on them in a massive way.

They are too stupid to understand the Ancient Chinese parable.

"Before going on a quest for revenge, you must first dig two graves."
but don't Pisceans fangirl over Leos?
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Maybe in the beginning, but the right Fish can turn the tide (full water pun intended lol).

You gotta strike a balance. Let the Lion have seafood for breakfast and maybe lunch, but the Fish must take the reins & rule over dinner lol.

The Fish would need a lot of fire for that, and lucky for me my Aries stellium provides plenty of that. The Lion is the one fangirling over this Fish now. Hook, line & sinker.

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Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

Don't be vulnerable with a Gem moon. Just go out and have a fucking beer.
so i need to just chill out?

i sent this man another dramatic goodbye text (i have Leo venus don't ask).

and now he wants to confront me over it but i don't wanna coz i have the flu, i'm tired and i don't feel adored.

i feel so neglected. this never happened with the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon.

why can't God send me a Scorpio moon man?
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cause God loves you
Posted by Loyal

Posted by Effortless

A person with any semblance of self-respect will not allow a leo into his/her personal life.

Lol ♌ women aren't that bad.
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You will learn, young Padawan.
Aries and Scorpio
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by Effortless

Pisceans are smarter than Leos.

It's like the old parable of the rabbit smoking the pipe and the approaching fox. The fox thinks he is smarter than the rabbit, but the opposite is actually true.

We are also more ethical, responsible, charming, and decent to work with.

That being said, Leos will always be outwitted and undermined by Pisceans who see right through their narcissism and psychopathic tendencies.

....And Leos will try to get revenge on Pisceans, only to have it backfire on them in a massive way.

They are too stupid to understand the Ancient Chinese parable.

"Before going on a quest for revenge, you must first dig two graves."
but don't Pisceans fangirl over Leos?
Maybe in the beginning, but the right Fish can turn the tide (full water pun intended lol).

You gotta strike a balance. Let the Lion have seafood for breakfast and maybe lunch, but the Fish must take the reins & rule over dinner lol.

The Fish would need a lot of fire for that, and lucky for me my Aries stellium provides plenty of that. The Lion is the one fangirling over this Fish now. Hook, line & sinker.

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i am a Virgo not a Leo

but Leo venus

Pisces men are hoes and i don't trust them
Posted by Bll

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by GuardianAnu

Don't be vulnerable with a Gem moon. Just go out and have a fucking beer.
so i need to just chill out?

i sent this man another dramatic goodbye text (i have Leo venus don't ask).

and now he wants to confront me over it but i don't wanna coz i have the flu, i'm tired and i don't feel adored.

i feel so neglected. this never happened with the Cancer sun/Scorpio moon.

why can't God send me a Scorpio moon man?
My virgo friend (with leo venus) dated a guy who I THINK was a scorp, and she often did the dramatic ‘let’s end this’ thing with him, too. She missed action and answers from him, so she would act impulsively and try to leave, instead of just talking it out with him. I told her she should just give him a fair chance before she runs away, lol. I don’t know why you guys do this, I don’t think she did either.

As for his gemini moon - yea, you can actually be vulnerable with them. It’s a myth that you can’t. From my experience, they tend to appreciate the honesty and you opening up to them. Some of my closest friends are gemini moons, and we are very open about our emotions and insecurities with each other. As long as it’s not ALL the time, I guess, so that it becomes emotionally draining. He’s a water sun, though, so maybe he wouldn’t mind that either, idk
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i want him so bad

but fuckkkk mannnnn
Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by virgoOPPP

Posted by Effortless

Pisceans are smarter than Leos.

It's like the old parable of the rabbit smoking the pipe and the approaching fox. The fox thinks he is smarter than the rabbit, but the opposite is actually true.

We are also more ethical, responsible, charming, and decent to work with.

That being said, Leos will always be outwitted and undermined by Pisceans who see right through their narcissism and psychopathic tendencies.

....And Leos will try to get revenge on Pisceans, only to have it backfire on them in a massive way.

They are too stupid to understand the Ancient Chinese parable.

"Before going on a quest for revenge, you must first dig two graves."
but don't Pisceans fangirl over Leos?
Maybe in the beginning, but the right Fish can turn the tide (full water pun intended lol).

You gotta strike a balance. Let the Lion have seafood for breakfast and maybe lunch, but the Fish must take the reins & rule over dinner lol.

The Fish would need a lot of fire for that, and lucky for me my Aries stellium provides plenty of that. The Lion is the one fangirling over this Fish now. Hook, line & sinker.

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i am a Virgo not a Leo

but Leo venus

Pisces men are hoes and i don't trust them
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Oh deer...

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It wasn't a Pisces man who went through the entire zodiac of dicks in 30 days lol. Just putting that out there. And no, I'm talking about my fiance, he's the Leo. I'm the Pisces.

Besides, it's not our fault we're so awesome that so many different people want a piece of us. We have no control over that.

Two Bulls, two Geminis, two Aquas, one Leo (maybe 2), one Cancer, two Scorpios (or maybe 3 Scorpios unless I'm misreading the 3rd). Oh wait, I forgot the Aries one. #lowkeybragFTW

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As I was saying, got no control over what they feel and who they want a piece of. They got good taste in men, I'll give them that. Beyond that, I'm just too damn loyal. Getting my rocks off with random people just isn't worth the can of worms it would open. Not bad for a so-called "easily bored" Aries Venus/Merc/Mars.

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