A study on OkCupid

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Damnata on Friday, April 25, 2014 and has 83 replies.
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If some of you people are on there also, please feel free to add. Big Grin
I first got on that site when it had nothing to do with dating and it was mainly a tests site. Still enjoy the tests there.
I met a lot of nice people, based on that percentage match they do.
I've been thinking for a while to add some stuff I've seen:
- Way too many Virgos on there lol
- A lot of racist people. There is a question there that goes by "Would you date someone from another race?". I see a lot of "Depends on what race" answers.
- The regular DXP user is Mensa smart compared to what I've seen on there.
- A lot of people when asked "How important is your parents decision in your life?" answer with "I only care about their decision". It boggles my mind.
- Excited about having a high match with someone? Look at how many questions they answered and if you answer more of theirs, you'll see that match drop like women's panties.
- People still don't know who Darwin is. No judgment if you approve his theory or not but to have never heard of it?
Lol I had one for a bit but I always encountered the opposite answers. I think it varies, one by area and two by how you've answered questions that are somewhat relative. For the race one, I usually saw that it doesn't matter, but some no's. No one cared what their parents thought...hmmm I'm from socal and now live in Seattle. So who knowssss, maybe that matters?
Yes, the diversity across the nations is really interesting.
I like how you can search matches by sun sign. It's funny to see percentages of high matches to you. It's always been fire/water for me.
Posted by strudel
oh damnata... darwin was my high school classmate

You look kinda egyptian like to me, yes.
I do have an OkCupid profile but I prefer to keep DxpNet separated from everything else.
Same as you I came there for the tests. In fact I joined the site before it became a dating site when I was underage
Posted by TigerCap
I do have an OkCupid profile but I prefer to keep DxpNet separated from everything else.
Same as you I came there for the tests. In fact I joined the site before it became a dating site when I was underage

I was 16 Big Grin
Posted by Gobshite

I read their blog a lot.
I really liked the statistics they pulled on men messaging average women WAY more than extremely hot ones.
Take that, gorgeous bitches...hmpfh
The math they use for the match percentage is still chinese to me.
Posted by strudel
i don't get it damny!

I kept trying to answer both for that one... I love sex.
Posted by Gobshite
Posted by scorchedearth
i just rechecked your profile and we are a 68% match. Straight Face

Disappointed that you missed out by one percent?
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thats a funny site for sure!
Posted by TigerCap
I do have an OkCupid profile but I prefer to keep DxpNet separated from everything else.
Same as you I came there for the tests. In fact I joined the site before it became a dating site when I was underage

I thought you were serious about your Virgo?
Posted by strudel
bahahahaha this site is hilarious!!!
someone took a pic in a furniture shop probably trying to get people to think it's her home!!!

The tests are awesome.

Posted by LilyTree
Ignore my grammar mistakes. I know you can't, but just be aware that I'm already aware of them.

Posted by strudel
i'm going to make one damny!

ahahaha dude it says you're less sex driven than I am.
slayer life here I come. leaving you and roman in the dust.
Posted by PVandJelleh
Damn some of these people don't even have their signs listed. So much for my scientific experiment. Sad

you doing an experiment? Tongue *shakes fist* stop that!! you're electrocuting everyone.
Well, it shouldn't be surprising that a lot of people have different priorities & won't necessarily be on the same page as you.
People come from all walks of life & have reasons for why they are the way they are. Of course it's easy to judge b/c those questions are subjective & often have an untold story behind them. Nonetheless, a person only has 30 seconds to impress you, so of course some people won't make the cut.
Those questions are brilliant b/c it saves you a lot of time trying to weed out who's mentally on the same page with you. Of course it sucks, but hey some people may even think that your reasoning may be screwed up simply b/c you don't agree with them or share their views lol
I'm sure some people lie & put whatever answers they only think others would like even though they secretly feel differently inside. However, from what you've seen, it sounds like lots of people are being painfully honest. The last thing you'd want is for people to start being dishonest when answering those questions just b/c it may offend some people. There's someone for everybody!!
Kind of like on those questionnaires for job applicants asking how often a person uses drugs. I'm sure some idiot chose the "Often" response lmao Can't blame them for being brutally honest!! Hahaha
Posted by Peanutbutter
Posted by TigerCap
I do have an OkCupid profile but I prefer to keep DxpNet separated from everything else.
Same as you I came there for the tests. In fact I joined the site before it became a dating site when I was underage

I thought you were serious about your Virgo?
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I am. I'm not responding to anyone on there and never even flirted or tried to set up a date. The account is pretty much dormant. But with over 1300 questions answered and a couple hundred tests I am not going to delete it just like that. Besides, I have it set to 'seeing someone'.
Damnata and I have a 72% match. Tongue

Makes me wonder though, where we differ in life style .
This is their summary of my personality:

I am definitely more independent than most. Big Grin
And that 'seeing someone' is the only option I think besides being full-blown married on this site.
Posted by strudel
I'll be waiting for the wedding invite any day now. What sign is he?
Posted by strudel

I'll be waiting for the wedding invite any day now. What sign is he?
Posted by strudel
indeed. i think u can make the trip. it'll be closer. Winking

Europe? Cap?
Posted by strudel
tbf i was in a cynical state of mind when i answered these. i'm all venus trine neptune again these days.

Yeah, I can see that by how you replied to some questions. Marrying someone before having sex with them is so not up your alley
If you want to see an accurate match though..go on the profile of someone you fancy and go through their questions.
You should have answered at least 250 on your profile to get a basic idea.
@StillWater, I met lovely people off that site and that match worked like a charm. I did meet someone I had a 80% enemy Straight Face with..and he told me he had answered all questions in jest.
I luurve the tests Big Grin
^^Answer questions and in the second part where they ask you what the partner would answer, pick the opposite and then mark the question as Very Important.
The people you'll have a high match with will be the opposite of you then.
@StillWater..their blog is really interesting Big Grin
Posted by StillWater
Damnata and I have a 50% match. Seems accurate.

Aries Moon - Libra Moon
50% -50%
Told you it's accurate Big Grin
About meeting men who claim they are taller..maybe they will put their wallet underneath their feet and climb on it? lol
I am thinking of doing some print screen of questions and adding them on here. Some really got me thinking.
Posted by StillWater
i was thinking 250 questions, that's a lot. HA! Losers!
Then i looked at my own profile 1,100 questions answered. -_-.

Wow, I need to catch up with you to have an accurate match between us.
On my first profile I had over 2000 and ast least 500 tests.
StillWater, did you take the Dating Persona test? What are you? My OkCupid won't load.
Btw my Cancer Venus will let you guys no there is an option to be invisible so people don't see you visited them. The downside is that you don't see who visited you, your whole list will vanish.
BUT if you switch it to invisible, stalk the person you're into and then turn it again to visible, you'll see your visitors from that point on, while that person will never know you visited their profile
*will let you guys know
Posted by StillWater
Which is bigger [the earth or the sun]?
[ands] - The earth

really, strudes??

Among the first messages I sent him, I told him exactly that
Posted by StillWater
Posted by Damnata
StillWater, did you take the Dating Persona test? What are you? My OkCupid won't load.

Nope. I had only taken two tests but now i'm browsing the ones you took to see if i like any. Did you? So i can just find it there.

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Yup. It's one of the first 5 tests they think it's important to take.
Posted by StillWater
Posted by Damnata
Btw my Cancer Venus will let you guys no there is an option to be invisible so people don't see you visited them. The downside is that you don't see who visited you, your whole list will vanish.
BUT if you switch it to invisible, stalk the person you're into and then turn it again to visible, you'll see your visitors from that point on, while that person will never know you visited their profile

Thanks Cancer Venus, but my Aqua Venus wants to say, "what's the point of stalking your object of interest if they don't get to know?" Winking
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My Cancer Venus will tell you "So you can see what they're into and send your first message about that, if you have common interests"
They won't know what hit them lol.
I think Ands is approaching this passively, like a Taurus.
He answers questions idiotically, crossed off people he has a high match with because they are obviously idiots..and then goes for the enemies since those are the smart people.
It fits his Taurus-Scorpio chart.
Posted by strudel

i messaged one... i asked her how she sliced her sandwiches, sideways or diagonally...
she said "why you asking me like that?"
lmaoooo!!! *moved to "pointless pussy" folder*

I do the same shit with randomness.
StillWater, I always ask people to take that test and answer honestly.
When I first went on this site, 10 years ago...there were just a few tests.
Back then my result was:
Fiery. Hungry. Blatant. Sexual. Christ. You are Half-Cocked.
There??s a lot of wild lust inside you, banging around, that much is obvious. There??s also a lot of untamed emotion. When either escapes, look out. One minute you??re completely together, the next you??re a howling gale of hormones and opinions.
Outside relationships, your intense, mercurial personality makes you a charmer. You can be fiercely devoted, and it??s likely that many of your friends will be friends-for-life. Of course, your enemies are likewise certain and zealous, especially your exes and their therapists.
You will find the right person. In the short term, he??s someone virile who won??t sweat your imperfections. In the long term, he will be someone mature and caring who will grow to love them.
^^^I was 16 so cross off anything related to dating. But I was angry a lot and all my emotions ran wild nonstop. I was a mess and I knew I had issues with myself. It just made me go "wow" at how accurate that description was. I was way too intense for my own sake.
The Maid of Honor
Appreciated for your kindness and envied for all your experience, you are The Maid of Honor.
Charismatic, affectionate, and terrific in relationships, you are what many guys would call a ???perfect catch?????and you probably have many admirers, each wishing to capture your long-term love. You??re careful, extra careful, because the last thing you want is to hurt anyone. Especially some poor boy whose only crime was liking you.
We??ve deduced you??re fully capable of a dirty fling, but you do feel that post-coital attachment after hooking up. So, conscientious person that you are, you do your best to reserve physical affection for those you respect...so you can respect yourself.
Your biggest negative is the byproduct of your careful nature: indecision. You??re just as slow rejecting someone as you are accepting them.
^^This is pretty much me
Yeah, yeah StillWater, whatever you say Tongue
It's weird because that test really showed the difference between my Aries Moon/Mars and my Cancer Venus.
I use the moon and mars for getting things started and flirting. You'd never guess I am so much into commitment if you saw me with someone. But then the Venus takes over and carries the relationship through. At what point is anyone's guess.
Reconciling Moon square Venus is a bitch. You don't have that problem though so count yourself lucky.
Posted by StillWater
Posted by strudel
i can't remember how long ago i got manchild but i just took the test right now. boy next door.
damny and still are actually right up my alley. Winking

keep dreaming loverboy. You just want the papers, dontcha?!
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He wants to kill us and get the inheritance.
Won't happen ands, we signed a prenup.
StillWater, yeah I can relate to most of what you said.
I think, as a group, earth signs are closest to one another in terms of everything. One nation to rule them all.
Even the difference won't make up for the solid approach. How we get there is different for us but the end game is the same.
Also, on the light and fluff and banter and sarcasm. Yes, give me that.
If I don't feel an undercurrent of emotion that ties me to you, all of that will be pointless.
Posted by strudel
Posted by Damnata
Posted by StillWater
Posted by strudel
i can't remember how long ago i got manchild but i just took the test right now. boy next door.
damny and still are actually right up my alley. Winking

keep dreaming loverboy. You just want the papers, dontcha?!

He wants to kill us and get the inheritance.
Won't happen ands, we signed a prenup.

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I don't have enough space to go feral in a dungeon...
I can do catacombs though. Make more money and build that Big Grin
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Btw D, I stopped going to OKCupid after the first person to hit on me was a Sag.. A SAG! Ffs, I'd rather die alone. Sad

Well my cover has been blown. Damnata messaged me on there after I told her our match percentage. Tongue

I started out as the 'Boy next door', turned into 'The backrubber' and now this.
Do you feel it was accurate? The transition? I only got 2 results and both are accurate for where I was in my life.
This totally prompted me to check OKC.. but for the life of me I can't remember my login details.
OKAY I remember! Come on miss virgo let's see the compatibility Devil
I am here snoz. You can stare at me lol smile)
Did you remember your profile?
I am going to look through all your profiles and bring up some questions here Big Grin. I'm intrigued.
It's just e2ik I think. I can't believe all the crap I wrote on it haha!
Know that Maroon song "She will be loved?"
Well in my mind it always went like "She will be examined"