Ok we mention it often, so why, WHY do women love and want only ONE MAN?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by bricklemark on Friday, April 14, 2017 and has 36 replies.
*Happily Ever After*
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
it's societal and cultural construct, there are women who want many men simultaneously but they are shunned more readily than the men who want many women simultaneously.

Posted by Harukka

Because we're honest.
So are we...moreso than you!
Posted by Vageenka
Who said only women want one partner?

I feel like a man can want the same.

Unless I'm being a moron and misinterpreting this thread.
Posted by DeeLovesRed
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
Yours was the only sensible answer! And it's very sensible...they want to build, to make kids and raise them well together, in a loving unit.
because my moral compass dictates it?? We can all have our fun while we grow in age and maturity..... but never been into multiple partners...... age relates too, wanting to settle down and grow with one person??
Posted by DeeLovesRed
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
Right, women typically seek to form bonds and emotional connections in relationships. This can be time consuming and exhausting with more than one or two partners. Likewise the consistent process maintaining the attraction levels of multiple partners can also be tiring. Therefore it makes sense that a woman would want to focus her energy into a single mate.

That's not to say that a woman can't have multiple lovers or emotionless sex, but both men and women can be extremely territorial. If a woman is entertaining several men, then it's likely that she won't fully invest in one man. That means those men won't entirely bond with her either since they may be entertaining other women themselves. If a woman is looking for a partner who can provide (and even protect per se), this will put her at an obvious disadvantage.

This can become complicated if she is wants to build a family. Remember that women bear the brunt of childbearing, so it only makes sense a woman would want to lock down a loyal, supportive partner to rear children. As a species we have the longest time frame for child rearing, so making a long lasting bond with a single partner also makes sense. Since men are very territorial, there's no guarantee that a man will be loyal to a woman's family if he is not invested in the children.

It's no secret that men have the primal desire to mate as much as possible, so there must be an exchange to keep a man from doing that. As a result a woman offers her physical (and emotional) exclusivity to him and in return he provides his emotional (and physical) exclusivity to her. She gets the support that she desires and he gets a consistency he wants.

Of course this all pertains to our species in a general sense. To sum up, monogamy for both women and men boils down to creating consistency for each partner. Focusing on one mate ensures that women (and men) can secure certain advantages to mate.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by DeeLovesRed
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
Right, women typically seek to form bonds and emotional connections in relationships. This can be time consuming and exhausting with more than one or two partners. Likewise the consistent process maintaining the attraction levels of multiple partners can also be tiring. Therefore it makes sense that a woman would want to focus her energy into a single mate.

That's not to say that a woman can't have multiple lovers or emotionless sex, but both men and women can be extremely territorial. If a woman is entertaining several men, then it's likely that she won't fully invest in one man. That means those men won't entirely bond with her either since they may be entertaining other women themselves. If a woman is looking for a partner who can provide (and even protect per se), this will put her at an obvious disadvantage.

This can become complicated if she is wants to build a family. Remember that women bear the brunt of childbearing, so it only makes sense a woman would want to lock down a loyal, supportive partner to rear children. As a species we have the longest time frame for child rearing, so making a long lasting bond with a single partner also makes sense. Since men are very territorial, there's no guarantee that a man will be loyal to a woman's family if he is not invested in the children.

It's no secret that men have the primal desire to mate as much as possible, so there must be an exchange to keep a man from doing that. As a result a woman offers her physical (and emotional) exclusivity to him and in return he provides his emotional (and physical) exclusivity to her. She gets the support that she desires and he gets a consistency he wants.

Of course this all pertains to our species in a general sense. To sum up, monogamy for both women and men boils down to creating consistency for each partner. Focusing on one mate ensures that women (and men) can secure certain advantages to mate.
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Thank you for giving the long explanation... so now the dumb-dumbs can UNDERSTAND!!

Beautifully explained!!!

Keeping it short, women are programmed genetically to raise an offspring as part of a family, so they seek stability. The woman has the ultimate decision in relationships, choosing from the males that court her. The males are made to mate, so they are chasers by nature.
Posted by notsosure
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by DeeLovesRed
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
Right, women typically seek to form bonds and emotional connections in relationships. This can be time consuming and exhausting with more than one or two partners. Likewise the consistent process maintaining the attraction levels of multiple partners can also be tiring. Therefore it makes sense that a woman would want to focus her energy into a single mate.

That's not to say that a woman can't have multiple lovers or emotionless sex, but both men and women can be extremely territorial. If a woman is entertaining several men, then it's likely that she won't fully invest in one man. That means those men won't entirely bond with her either since they may be entertaining other women themselves. If a woman is looking for a partner who can provide (and even protect per se), this will put her at an obvious disadvantage.

This can become complicated if she is wants to build a family. Remember that women bear the brunt of childbearing, so it only makes sense a woman would want to lock down a loyal, supportive partner to rear children. As a species we have the longest time frame for child rearing, so making a long lasting bond with a single partner also makes sense. Since men are very territorial, there's no guarantee that a man will be loyal to a woman's family if he is not invested in the children.

It's no secret that men have the primal desire to mate as much as possible, so there must be an exchange to keep a man from doing that. As a result a woman offers her physical (and emotional) exclusivity to him and in return he provides his emotional (and physical) exclusivity to her. She gets the support that she desires and he gets a consistency he wants.

Of course this all pertains to our species in a general sense. To sum up, monogamy for both women and men boils down to creating consistency for each partner. Focusing on one mate ensures that women (and men) can secure certain advantages to mate.
Okay at question to the mating: wouldn't that be different now? It's supposed to be mate and spread seeds. But that's not what it's about today, is it? Isn't it more the social status of mating and getting girls? Not so much spreading seeds?
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It's the same as if ever was. It's true our behaviors have evolved and we have created more complex social structures. In the end though we are indeed still animals with basic drives.

Men still want to have sex with beautiful women. "Getting girls" is just the modern day equivalent of men displaying their own mating prowess (to potentially spread their seed). Women still want the most steadfast man they can find so that they can produce strong offspring. However they may not necessarily look for a mate who is physically the strongest. Nowadays our species has a more evolved approach to mating, but we still have the primal urge to seek out and mate with the most advantageous partners in the end.
Posted by DeeLovesRed
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by DeeLovesRed
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
Right, women typically seek to form bonds and emotional connections in relationships. This can be time consuming and exhausting with more than one or two partners. Likewise the consistent process maintaining the attraction levels of multiple partners can also be tiring. Therefore it makes sense that a woman would want to focus her energy into a single mate.

That's not to say that a woman can't have multiple lovers or emotionless sex, but both men and women can be extremely territorial. If a woman is entertaining several men, then it's likely that she won't fully invest in one man. That means those men won't entirely bond with her either since they may be entertaining other women themselves. If a woman is looking for a partner who can provide (and even protect per se), this will put her at an obvious disadvantage.

This can become complicated if she is wants to build a family. Remember that women bear the brunt of childbearing, so it only makes sense a woman would want to lock down a loyal, supportive partner to rear children. As a species we have the longest time frame for child rearing, so making a long lasting bond with a single partner also makes sense. Since men are very territorial, there's no guarantee that a man will be loyal to a woman's family if he is not invested in the children.

It's no secret that men have the primal desire to mate as much as possible, so there must be an exchange to keep a man from doing that. As a result a woman offers her physical (and emotional) exclusivity to him and in return he provides his emotional (and physical) exclusivity to her. She gets the support that she desires and he gets a consistency he wants.

Of course this all pertains to our species in a general sense. To sum up, monogamy for both women and men boils down to creating consistency for each partner. Focusing on one mate ensures that women (and men) can secure certain advantages to mate.
Thank you for giving the long explanation... so now the dumb-dumbs can UNDERSTAND!!

Beautifully explained!!!

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Hahah, all good.
Women connect with their hearts (in the main)

Men connect with their dicks (in the main)

So it is harder (generally speaking) for women to give their heart to too many people

Of course, there are always exceptions

Posted by MyStarsShine
Women connect with their hearts (in the main)

Men connect with their dicks (in the main)

So it is harder (generally speaking) for women to give their heart to too many people

Of course, there are always exceptions


Define "connect"

Men don't connect through their dicks, we use it as a release lol

Women actually connect after having sex
Posted by notsosure
A part of it is probably linked to being called a slut if we want more honestly. - a play on insecurity.

My married aries friend talked to me about lusting after other guys.

But when you're bringing up kids it's just easier, if you're only two people who have to agree.
So women would want more men, but they don't cause people will call them a slut?
Posted by cheekyfaerie
I can only speak for myself on this one, but when I fall for someone, I get relationship blinders. It was a year and a half in before I even started watching porn again and largely because I realized he probably never stopped. I don't desire another person. I don't want to. I want to delve into all manner of obscenities with him and him alone. To do otherwise feels like a failure to me. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.
Dayum that's awesome! But even women don't know why. I guess it's not vital to know.
Posted by DeeLovesRed
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by DeeLovesRed
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
Right, women typically seek to form bonds and emotional connections in relationships. This can be time consuming and exhausting with more than one or two partners. Likewise the consistent process maintaining the attraction levels of multiple partners can also be tiring. Therefore it makes sense that a woman would want to focus her energy into a single mate.

That's not to say that a woman can't have multiple lovers or emotionless sex, but both men and women can be extremely territorial. If a woman is entertaining several men, then it's likely that she won't fully invest in one man. That means those men won't entirely bond with her either since they may be entertaining other women themselves. If a woman is looking for a partner who can provide (and even protect per se), this will put her at an obvious disadvantage.

This can become complicated if she is wants to build a family. Remember that women bear the brunt of childbearing, so it only makes sense a woman would want to lock down a loyal, supportive partner to rear children. As a species we have the longest time frame for child rearing, so making a long lasting bond with a single partner also makes sense. Since men are very territorial, there's no guarantee that a man will be loyal to a woman's family if he is not invested in the children.

It's no secret that men have the primal desire to mate as much as possible, so there must be an exchange to keep a man from doing that. As a result a woman offers her physical (and emotional) exclusivity to him and in return he provides his emotional (and physical) exclusivity to her. She gets the support that she desires and he gets a consistency he wants.

Of course this all pertains to our species in a general sense. To sum up, monogamy for both women and men boils down to creating consistency for each partner. Focusing on one mate ensures that women (and men) can secure certain advantages to mate.
Thank you for giving the long explanation... so now the dumb-dumbs can UNDERSTAND!!

Beautifully explained!!!

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I said what he said in two sentences...
Posted by Tom_Sawyer


Women are like cats, the one who's around to pet them - that's who they love.
Yes like reptiles...
My heart only has room for one partner at a time. When I'm in love with someone, he is the only man on my mind. There can be 1000 naked, hot men next to him and I wouldn't even notice.

That's why I had such a difficult time moving on from my Libra. Other men would come around but I wasn't interested. I couldn't be.

Love is dumb. Love is blind. Love is all consuming.
Posted by notsosure
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by notsosure
A part of it is probably linked to being called a slut if we want more honestly. - a play on insecurity.

My married aries friend talked to me about lusting after other guys.

But when you're bringing up kids it's just easier, if you're only two people who have to agree.
So women would want more men, but they don't cause people will call them a slut?
In some cases yeah. Today you would still have to explain yourself a lot if you don't go for marriage/steady relationship. If you don't that means a ton of stuff is wrong with you.

And yeah, if there wasn't as much slutshaming around, I mean if women didn't have to even go in to that battle, be belittled and try to explain and stand up for themselves, I think things would be so very different.

Maybe not always but for a time of life.

To me it's all just cultural standards. Rarely do people dare to live their life as they truly wish. Or even just have the capacity to think outside the box. Me too ofcours.

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I do...lol l wish people followed my lead. I grew up with violent sports, l guess that's where it starts. We should promote violent sports ?
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Vageenka
Who said only women want one partner?

I feel like a man can want the same.

Unless I'm being a moron and misinterpreting this thread.
I think he's focusing on the "one" part.

As in what about having five men?
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Posted by tiziani
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Vageenka
Who said only women want one partner?

I feel like a man can want the same.

Unless I'm being a moron and misinterpreting this thread.
I think he's focusing on the "one" part.

As in what about having five men?

I think a one on one relationship is complicated enough.

Can't imagine throwing another person into the mix, let alone five.

But different strokes for different folks. Kudos to the men and women who can do this. And congrats on the hot, steamy sex.


Yeah I was thinking about it just now and more or less came to the same conclusion.

I can't really explain why I've only ever wanted the one woman.

Except that thinking of two women, two different sets of problems... that's crazy talk.

You have to be very resourceful and wealthy to have the free time for polygamy.

So to answer OP's thread: because most men and women can't afford it. My best guess.

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Room for 2 cost the same as for 5!

So schedule is the key!

Give them at least an hour between and you are Tha Sheikh!
Posted by compy
Keeping it short, women are programmed genetically to raise an offspring as part of a family, so they seek stability. The woman has the ultimate decision in relationships, choosing from the males that court her. The males are made to mate, so they are chasers by nature.

So true

Female heart v Male dick

Posted by Tom_Sawyer


Women are like cats, the one who's around to pet them - that's who they love.
Unfortunately day shows tell us otherwise!

Women love men who anise them and sleeping with their sisters not less or even more then those who pet them...
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by DeeLovesRed
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by DeeLovesRed
I think women love multiple times within their lives. Mightn't be all at the same time, but most (didn't say all) of the time they love one man at a time. And when they give their love to that man, they desire him.

The reason we desire a man is because we want to build. Now even the promiscuous women, there's always that one person she LOVES and WANTS. Reason being, because she want to build with that person in all aspects.

If that makes sense... not trying to give a long explanation..
Right, women typically seek to form bonds and emotional connections in relationships. This can be time consuming and exhausting with more than one or two partners. Likewise the consistent process maintaining the attraction levels of multiple partners can also be tiring. Therefore it makes sense that a woman would want to focus her energy into a single mate.

That's not to say that a woman can't have multiple lovers or emotionless sex, but both men and women can be extremely territorial. If a woman is entertaining several men, then it's likely that she won't fully invest in one man. That means those men won't entirely bond with her either since they may be entertaining other women themselves. If a woman is looking for a partner who can provide (and even protect per se), this will put her at an obvious disadvantage.

This can become complicated if she is wants to build a family. Remember that women bear the brunt of childbearing, so it only makes sense a woman would want to lock down a loyal, supportive partner to rear children. As a species we have the longest time frame for child rearing, so making a long lasting bond with a single partner also makes sense. Since men are very territorial, there's no guarantee that a man will be loyal to a woman's family if he is not invested in the children.

It's no secret that men have the primal desire to mate as much as possible, so there must be an exchange to keep a man from doing that. As a result a woman offers her physical (and emotional) exclusivity to him and in return he provides his emotional (and physical) exclusivity to her. She gets the support that she desires and he gets a consistency he wants.

Of course this all pertains to our species in a general sense. To sum up, monogamy for both women and men boils down to creating consistency for each partner. Focusing on one mate ensures that women (and men) can secure certain advantages to mate.
Thank you for giving the long explanation... so now the dumb-dumbs can UNDERSTAND!!

Beautifully explained!!!

I said what he said in two sentences...
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?? Yes you did, sorry for not acknowledging ??.. but yours was beautifully explained as well

Is this thread saying that man love many women while woman love just one?

Or something else? I am stuck!
I love many men, I have four brothers.

I'm in love with one man. I don't trust easily and I don't have enough sex to satisfy more than one. I like consistency and I mostly like predictability.
Because instinctively its was always in a woman’s best interest to develop strong bonds with men to manipulate them into protecting them and providing for them.

I would guess that women found it wasn’t in their best interest to do this with multiple men at the same time. Because men are territorial competitive and possessive.

Posted by ScorpioTruth
one man is headache enough, bruh. ?
Depends on a woman...

Posted by ScorpioTruth
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by ScorpioTruth
one man is headache enough, bruh. ?
Depends on a woman...

Well y'all geminis have multiple personalities so it makes sense that you would want more than one lol

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No! I don't want more than one.

That's I swear. Never had more than one at the time and always surprised how people pulled that off!
Because theyre selfish and want to keep all of your goodness to themselves ?

Do women love and want only one man...?

I think the most important thing is missing: the time frame! They may love and want a man on Thursday and a different one next Monday! Who are we to say what is in every woman's mind...?

I could say what is in mine's. I had lunch with Aqua yesterday and I definitely adore him. Exactly as much as I adore the Gem when dancing with him. I can afford to do that, because none of us is committed to someone.
Posted by ScorpioTruth
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by ScorpioTruth
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by ScorpioTruth
one man is headache enough, bruh. ?
Depends on a woman...

Well y'all geminis have multiple personalities so it makes sense that you would want more than one lol

No! I don't want more than one.

That's I swear. Never had more than one at the time and always surprised how people pulled that off!

But you have both your cap and scorp?

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I love the one and only but I have my obligation to keep others life comfortable.

Side bitches dont think so
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Astrobyn
Because instinctively its was always in a woman’s best interest to develop strong bonds with men to manipulate them into protecting them and providing for them.

I would guess that women found it wasn’t in their best interest to do this with multiple men at the same time. Because men are territorial competitive and possessive.

I'm none of the three lol (most days....but on the days I am, watch out. I make up for lost time)
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I feel like synastry and the aspects you have with someone can play's a part in all that. I could say "im not a jealous person" but then we have pluto aspects and i start to feel funny on the inside