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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 705 · Topics: 18
I have read across the boards and heard IRL about how women who have extramarital affairs will eventually get "theirs".
What kind of karma are we speaking?
Has anyone ever gotten karma back from having an extramarital affair?
Has anyone ever known anyone who has gotten karma back from having one?
Just curious about what the threat is. I mean is it just that a woman who has cheated with a man will one day have her man cheating on her. Or, is it that she will one day be in love and have her heart shattered into a gazillion pieces due to her man cheating.
Also, with this karma circle... When does it stop? Because it takes a woman to cheat with a man in order for the original "other woman" to get hers back.
Help me understand please. Thanks!
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 705 · Topics: 18
I'm wondering, if the wife/girlfriend never finds out is that still hurting her, intentionally?
For those consequences above, they are easy to get pass. I don't know anyone who is in love with an unavailable man not willing to risk that for him.
My idea of karma, would be a sexually transmitted disease from the man you're cheating with. Or the wife kills you. Something along those lines.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 705 · Topics: 18
I wonder what the ratio of people who have NEVER been the other woman/man to the ones who have. I wonder is good outweighing bad. I agree it's wrong and I can believe that consequences stem from our actions. However, I am wondering how is it equal justive if a woman who clearly has no problem cheating WITH can be upset that she's cheated ON.
It's like forgetting that stuff like that happens and can happen to anyone. Why get bent out of shape if your man/woman cheats on you IF you've done it to someone else. So, I need to know if karma comes worse than that.
A broken heart usually is mendable. So, if the only thing that happens is you get cheated on then I don't see a reason for anyone to think twice. But, I am not saying that such an act should carry deadly consequences, just that what's the excitement all about with karma.
Maybe it's just me.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 360 · Topics: 24
You last two examples would also be good LOL. If she never finds out will it still be hurting her intentionally, maybe not but who it should be hurting is the other woman, Why? because in her heart she knows what she's doing is wrong. How could she possibly feel good about herself knowing what she's doing, knowing that she's participating in the destruction of another not only person, but woman's life & possibly family, if children are involved.
"I don't know anyone who is in love with an unavailable man not willing to risk that for him."
Why would anyone allow themselves to fall in love with a unavailable man? No one is powerless, not even in love. You don't meet someone & fall in love in the 1st 5 minutes of that initial meeting so during the course of conversation, You say, "are you married?" & he says "Yes I am, but I'm not happy & haven't been for years" Here are some good responses:
1. Oh I'm sorry to hear that & then you walk away
2. I know a really good marriage councilor & then you walkaway
3. Hey I can recommend a good book on repairing relationships & then you walk away
But you see, before you even allow feelings to develop, you walk away! Things can get sticky when the married man isn't honest from the beginning & after you've developed feelings you find out he's married, however you still have free will & the ability to walk away, yes it's harder when you love someone but, personally I'd be so pissed to find out he was lieing & leading a double life that I don't think it'd be too hard.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 705 · Topics: 18
Fourth paragraph should be "that ONCE the heart" not "wants"
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 705 · Topics: 18
The energy is NOW on them and not "not" Sheesh...
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Feb 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 166 · Topics: 12
Sometimes I really wonder if there is such a thing called ?karma?. I think that when we do something wrong we bring negativity into our lives thinking that we're going to pay in some kind of way for a terrible act we've done. I started to question this thing called "karma" when I encountered this guy who treats people like butter! Always been shady in his business dealings and has such a nasty disposition. He has had some disappointing things happen to him, but he ALWAYS comes out on top and he has never changed who he is. I would always question how can someone that's so evil have good things happen for him? I think "karma" is state of mind and that we will negative and bad things into our lives waiting for the ball to drop for something we've done in our past.
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Nov 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 384 · Topics: 58
I'm not sure I believe in karma to be honest, I think bad and good things can happen to anyone and it's not necessarily linked to how you've treated other people. For example, the Gem I dated (who had a gf, but didn't bother to tell me, but when I found out about 4-5 months later I finshed with him) doesn't seem to be having a really bad time. In fact, his gf had a baby last year. But saying that, he does sometimes moan to me about the fact they haven't slept together in about a 10 months(we work together so I still have to speak to him). But I don't know whether that's because he fancies having me on the side again! No thanks!! Plus, what about if you're with someone who loves you, but things aren't right for you, so you finish the relationship. That's hurting someone intentionally, but does that mean you deserve to have something bad happen to you?
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Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
The best example I have ever seen of karma in action from an extramarital affair was this: married guy I know from high school started messing around with a a gal he met on the job. They got very close and rumor was he planned on leaving his wife and kids for this new coworker. Well, she developed a case of Bells Paulsy, that facial paralysis disease where the entire side of her face lost definition and drooped down.
If thats not a clear example of karma, then I dont know what is.
Oh heres another one. Local businessman I know got involved with another woman while he was married with kids. He ends up leaving the wife for this new woman. She was succesfull herself and had alot of money. Well, apparently his business was having some financial problems, and the new girl had agreed to invest some of her money into his business to help save it. Unfortunately, she died in a car crash before they got married!! The business got bought out and he hasnt been heard from!
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Jun 25, 2015Comments: 744 · Posts: 2905 · Topics: 57
Instant karma in these cases are the worst kind...
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Bunch of silly bitches who think they shouldn't have to be accountable for their actions. Insecure AND entitled. Pieces of shit, you are.