The confusion

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Sssupes on Sunday, June 26, 2016 and has 100 replies.
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I'm too focused on myself to read those threads to be honest.
Posted by themagnetoreborn

I'm too focused on myself to read those threads to be honest.
Then why are you even replying? Oh yea, I forgot you're an attention whore.
Yes I definetly agree. They confuse sex with a relationship, or they go into it just for sex but end up catching feelings. I understand this is human nature for some but if you know you fall hard it's best not to have sexual relationships until you know where the friendship/relationship stands.

That's how I am...I avoid all the drama, mind games, emotional set backs because I treat everyone like a friend. I have had no problem getting men, keeping men, having fun, going on dates. I just had 2 wonderful dates this week.

BTW ladies this thread is coming from a Leo man one of the most sexual signs. He's trying to keep it real with you. I'm dating a Leo for almost 2 months sex and I can't see him going anywhere because we are so cool together. But if he does what have I lost. Nothing. I still have my sanity, dignity and respect. Far more important then any man.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Yes I definetly agree. They confuse sex with a relationship, or they go into it just for sex but end up catching feelings. I understand this is human nature for some but if you know you fall hard it's best not to have sexual relationships until you know where the friendship/relationship stands.

That's how I am...I avoid all the drama, mind games, emotional set backs because I treat everyone like a friend. I have had no problem getting men, keeping men, having fun, going on dates. I just had 2 wonderful dates this week.

BTW ladies this thread is coming from a Leo man one of the most sexual signs. He's trying to keep it real with you. I'm dating a Leo for almost 2 months sex and I can't see him going anywhere because we are so cool together. But if he does what have I lost. Nothing. I still have my sanity, dignity and respect. Far more important then any man.

I like the way you implied that....."this is a leo man ladies, SEXUAL!!!", "I'm only 2 months in and no sex yet..."

POETRY loving!


User Submitted Image

anyway congratulations on your relationship. sounds happy!!
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by themagnetoreborn

I'm too focused on myself to read those threads to be honest.
Then why are you even replying? Oh yea, I forgot you're an attention whore.
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Because I can. Why else?
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Yes I definetly agree. They confuse sex with a relationship, or they go into it just for sex but end up catching feelings. I understand this is human nature for some but if you know you fall hard it's best not to have sexual relationships until you know where the friendship/relationship stands.

That's how I am...I avoid all the drama, mind games, emotional set backs because I treat everyone like a friend. I have had no problem getting men, keeping men, having fun, going on dates. I just had 2 wonderful dates this week.

BTW ladies this thread is coming from a Leo man one of the most sexual signs. He's trying to keep it real with you. I'm dating a Leo for almost 2 months sex and I can't see him going anywhere because we are so cool together. But if he does what have I lost. Nothing. I still have my sanity, dignity and respect. Far more important then any man.

I like the way you implied that....."this is a leo man ladies, SEXUAL!!!", "I'm only 2 months in and no sex yet..."

POETRY loving!


User Submitted Image

anyway congratulations on your relationship. sounds happy!!
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"Yet".....who says he was getting it. He don't know that.

But we are cool, laughing and joking without sex. My ex was a Leo he married me without sex. What's your point?

I love sex too but I love myself more. I've had enough sex to last me 2 lifetimes. I'm not starving and hungry like some of y'all.
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Posted by tiziani
Maybe you can direct them to where they can find positive relationships rather than just saying do nothing, do less. I think that's where a lot gets lost in translation - some people, men and women alike, are looking for where to invest their energy rather than just being passive to it all.
But less is more.

Patience, respect, wisdom
Posted by Sssupes

I see tons of threads stating that people are confused about where they stand in a relationship.

I don't see that and I read a lot of threads in here.

I see that people say the word, "confused", but, that's not what they describe of their actions.

Just about every time they use the word, "confused" ... they actually talk about how miserable they are, and talk about unhappiness and disrespect, and unworthiness .. they don't talk about how it's a mystery and that they've been living all this time with this person and are clueless. They aren't clueless.

They are in denial. They are denying the relationship is either ..

1. fucked up, or

2. over

And instead of holding themselves accountable for their part in the demise of the relationship, they pretend as if they have been fooled by this other person who isn't cooperating with their expectations.

Not one time, once I've ripped out the truth .. has the person ever been in the dark, nor confused about the dynamics of their relation.
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by Sssupes

I see tons of threads stating that people are confused about where they stand in a relationship.

I don't see that and I read a lot of threads in here.

I see that people say the word, "confused", but, that's not what they describe of their actions.

Just about every time they use the word, "confused" ... they actually talk about how miserable they are, and talk about unhappiness and disrespect, and unworthiness .. they don't talk about how it's a mystery and that they've been living all this time with this person and are clueless. They aren't clueless.

They are in denial. They are denying the relationship is either ..

1. fucked up, or

2. over

And instead of holding themselves accountable for their part in the demise of the relationship, they pretend as if they have been fooled by this other person who isn't cooperating with their expectations.

Not one time, once I've ripped out the truth .. has the person ever been in the dark, nor confused about the dynamics of their relation.
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that's diving deeper and opening a WHOLE different can of worms P. I'll get to that tomorrow night.
Posted by Moonbutter
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Be at the helm? That's bullshit power tripping. The pussy isn't gold and you can't use it to control anyone. It's abundant and if you treat it like its a prize then you are the one playing games
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by Sssupes

I see tons of threads stating that people are confused about where they stand in a relationship.

I don't see that and I read a lot of threads in here.

I see that people say the word, "confused", but, that's not what they describe of their actions.

Just about every time they use the word, "confused" ... they actually talk about how miserable they are, and talk about unhappiness and disrespect, and unworthiness .. they don't talk about how it's a mystery and that they've been living all this time with this person and are clueless. They aren't clueless.

They are in denial. They are denying the relationship is either ..

1. fucked up, or

2. over

And instead of holding themselves accountable for their part in the demise of the relationship, they pretend as if they have been fooled by this other person who isn't cooperating with their expectations.

Not one time, once I've ripped out the truth .. has the person ever been in the dark, nor confused about the dynamics of their relation.
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No they are confused too. First they wanna fawk then they want a relationship.

They were confused to begin with.
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Moonbutter
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Be at the helm? That's bullshit power tripping. The pussy isn't gold and you can't use it to control anyone. It's abundant and if you treat it like its a prize then you are the one playing games
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I don't see it as controlling the other person. They have many other options besides me. I see it as controlling myself and not getting clouded by lust and emotions.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.

the current quotes fails are driving me NUTS !!!!
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Moonbutter
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Be at the helm? That's bullshit power tripping. The pussy isn't gold and you can't use it to control anyone. It's abundant and if you treat it like its a prize then you are the one playing games
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No, I'm simply saying being in control of your emotions and not caught up in the moment of lust.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Moonbutter
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Be at the helm? That's bullshit power tripping. The pussy isn't gold and you can't use it to control anyone. It's abundant and if you treat it like its a prize then you are the one playing games
I don't see it as controlling the other person. They have many other options besides me. I see it as controlling myself and not getting clouded by lust and emotions.
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Yes, exactly!
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.
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What else would it be?!? They all act like their Sun Signs. Don't have time to do all that soul searching, chart investigating. I don't care about 10 percent of the equation.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Moonbutter
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Be at the helm? That's bullshit power tripping. The pussy isn't gold and you can't use it to control anyone. It's abundant and if you treat it like its a prize then you are the one playing games
I don't see it as controlling the other person. They have many other options besides me. I see it as controlling myself and not getting clouded by lust and emotions.
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This statement totally contradicts what you just said. Get straight.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.
What else would it be?!? They all act like their Sun Signs. Don't have time to do all that soul searching, chart investigating. I don't care about 10 percent of the equation.
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haha. I have a sister who IS aries sun, and shes married to a Libra sun.

gimme a break. how come you aren't with an air sun, or any of the other air suns?
why are the quotes all weird? lol
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Moonbutter
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Be at the helm? That's bullshit power tripping. The pussy isn't gold and you can't use it to control anyone. It's abundant and if you treat it like its a prize then you are the one playing games
I don't see it as controlling the other person. They have many other options besides me. I see it as controlling myself and not getting clouded by lust and emotions.
This statement totally contradicts what you just said. Get straight.
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Who are you referring this too. Me or moonbutter?
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.
What else would it be?!? They all act like their Sun Signs. Don't have time to do all that soul searching, chart investigating. I don't care about 10 percent of the equation.
haha. I have a sister who IS aries sun, and shes married to a Libra sun.

gimme a break. how come you aren't with an air sun, or any of the other air suns?
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I don't like Aquarius or Libra. Libras are stalkers and Aquarius too wild. Gemini I can deal with, haven't met any decent ones.

I like Fire Signs. But this Scorpio is cool, he treats me very good. We have a great time together, but I know it's only temporary because I would never settle with him.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.
What else would it be?!? They all act like their Sun Signs. Don't have time to do all that soul searching, chart investigating. I don't care about 10 percent of the equation.
haha. I have a sister who IS aries sun, and shes married to a Libra sun.

gimme a break. how come you aren't with an air sun, or any of the other air suns?
I don't like Aquarius or Libra. Libras are stalkers and Aquarius too wild. Gemini I can deal with, haven't met any decent ones.

I like Fire Signs. But this Scorpio is cool, he treats me very good. We have a great time together, but I know it's only temporary because I would never settle with him.
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what are your planets? I cant deal with any of the air sun men. lol I don't even like air moon men or air venus men. The women I like platonically. (well actually I like them all platonically but i'm biased cause...i'm married!!) so no offense to the others.
Gahhhh!! the quotings are annoying!
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Moonbutter
That's why they say sex confuses things... For the ladies! If you want to be at the helm of the relationship don't bring sex into the picture until you know where it's going. ladies are at the wheel of a relationship, so if it's not going where you want or you need to stop and ask for directions then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place.

Ladies, by having sex with the guy you are handing him the wheel and then guess what? You are just a passenger in the "relationship" and he will drive it off a cliff at 90 miles an hour. But, oh yeah you guys wore "seat belts" so it's ok you will be just fine Winking
Be at the helm? That's bullshit power tripping. The pussy isn't gold and you can't use it to control anyone. It's abundant and if you treat it like its a prize then you are the one playing games
I don't see it as controlling the other person. They have many other options besides me. I see it as controlling myself and not getting clouded by lust and emotions.
This statement totally contradicts what you just said. Get straight.
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You must be referring to moonbutter. I'm not trying to control anyone but myself and the pace of our friendship. My friends are free to do as they choose until we have set certain boundaries. I give them respect when they are with me and vice versa.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.
What else would it be?!? They all act like their Sun Signs. Don't have time to do all that soul searching, chart investigating. I don't care about 10 percent of the equation.
haha. I have a sister who IS aries sun, and shes married to a Libra sun.

gimme a break. how come you aren't with an air sun, or any of the other air suns?
I don't like Aquarius or Libra. Libras are stalkers and Aquarius too wild. Gemini I can deal with, haven't met any decent ones.

I like Fire Signs. But this Scorpio is cool, he treats me very good. We have a great time together, but I know it's only temporary because I would never settle with him.
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So, you're a user. Got it.
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
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Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
I don't want anyone's leftovers. I'm just trying to understand how she has three and easily replace another. I've got zero. I'm curious as to where i can find at least one
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Finding a guy to have sex with is like deciding which fast food to eat from... They're easy to find, come with a price and you generally feel guilty afterwards. Why would you want that?
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.
What else would it be?!? They all act like their Sun Signs. Don't have time to do all that soul searching, chart investigating. I don't care about 10 percent of the equation.
haha. I have a sister who IS aries sun, and shes married to a Libra sun.

gimme a break. how come you aren't with an air sun, or any of the other air suns?
I don't like Aquarius or Libra. Libras are stalkers and Aquarius too wild. Gemini I can deal with, haven't met any decent ones.

I like Fire Signs. But this Scorpio is cool, he treats me very good. We have a great time together, but I know it's only temporary because I would never settle with him.
So, you're a user. Got it.
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How am I using him? We are friends. I don't lead him on, I never told him anything more than he is cool. We used to work together. He's not stupid, but I don't plan on marrying dude. I got my own sh1t I don't have to use anyone.
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
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Everywhere....gym, grocery store, church, work, online.

I'm sexy AF
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
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Lol chill dude. They are not broke. They have good jobs so do I. Money ain't life to everybody. A real man can throw a lil to make a women feel special.

They don't have to take me out. They choose too. Sometimes we chill at the crib and talk. But they like to enjoy life.
I'm not in a relationship with anyone. What's wrong with dating a few guys at a time?! They aren't obligated to me, they can date whoever they want. I'm not the jealous type.

I just like to enjoy life, I got my own everything I don't need to use anyone. I don't disrespect any of these guys. I tell them thank you, even cooked a dish for the Aries-Taurus. He said he likes a good meal lol.

Posted by Ryoko
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
I don't want anyone's leftovers. I'm just trying to understand how she has three and easily replace another. I've got zero. I'm curious as to where i can find at least one
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Invest in yourself. A pretty, sexy woman has no problem
Posted by Impulsv
Yeah I just don't bother if I have no interest

Do t date for sake of dating
Even if the person is cool and a friend? I don't go out with him every week. But he might call me and say you wanna check out this spot with me or this movie just came out you wanna go see it. I turn him down sometimes when I'm not in the mood.

Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
I don't want anyone's leftovers. I'm just trying to understand how she has three and easily replace another. I've got zero. I'm curious as to where i can find at least one

Finding a guy to have sex with is like deciding which fast food to eat from... They're easy to find, come with a price and you generally feel guilty afterwards. Why would you want that?
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I'm not having sex with no one. Don't have to. That's why I got 3 and they can be replaced.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
I don't want anyone's leftovers. I'm just trying to understand how she has three and easily replace another. I've got zero. I'm curious as to where i can find at least one

Finding a guy to have sex with is like deciding which fast food to eat from... They're easy to find, come with a price and you generally feel guilty afterwards. Why would you want that?
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Obviously you didn't read my first post on the first page.
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
I don't want anyone's leftovers. I'm just trying to understand how she has three and easily replace another. I've got zero. I'm curious as to where i can find at least one

Finding a guy to have sex with is like deciding which fast food to eat from... They're easy to find, come with a price and you generally feel guilty afterwards. Why would you want that?
Obviously you didn't read my first post on the first page.
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Whoops.. I mistakes you for another user. Good for you not giving it up easily smile
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Why? You want her leftovers? She uses them till they get sick of her shit and they broke AF trying to keep her.
I don't want anyone's leftovers. I'm just trying to understand how she has three and easily replace another. I've got zero. I'm curious as to where i can find at least one

Finding a guy to have sex with is like deciding which fast food to eat from... They're easy to find, come with a price and you generally feel guilty afterwards. Why would you want that?
Obviously you didn't read my first post on the first page.
Whoops.. I mistakes you for another user. Good for you not giving it up easily smile
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Yeah I had to change my account. DXP deleted it.
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Impulsv
Yeah I just don't bother if I have no interest

Do t date for sake of dating
Even if the person is cool and a friend? I don't go out with him every week. But he might call me and say you wanna check out this spot with me or this movie just came out you wanna go see it. I turn him down sometimes when I'm not in the mood.

If I knew his intentions were for more, no.

Because I already know it's going no where n I'd be stringing them along. Even if they said just Freinds n said they understood but underlin they want more n are hoping

Still no.

If Freind n cool then we go but mainly with group of Friends

Maybe sometimes alone but it's clear both nothing more. So in that case it's not dating
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I'm an Aries I'm a guys friend. I don't string him along, we don't talk about sex, relationship or nothing. Yeah he probably does like me but he's not trying to marry me. He's dating like me. Some people like company, fun and good convo.
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Ryoko
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
Where do you meet guys?
Everywhere....gym, grocery store, church, work, online.

I'm sexy AF
I don't generally make eye contact with people. Is that a big thing in this?
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Yes...I look at guys in the eye and then glance a way. It's like flirting.
Posted by Impulsv
Yes Royko

Start with eye contact lol

I don't either but because I don't want the attention because I mAy not interested or I'm just doing my thing n not looking

I'm not going to gyms looking to meet others but I admit I'm not wanting too

Ofcourse if attracted to someone I stare lol
I go to the gym to workout. But that is probably the best place to meet some nice looking guys. Police officers, military, firefighters, single men.
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Impulsv
Yeah I just don't bother if I have no interest

Do t date for sake of dating
Even if the person is cool and a friend? I don't go out with him every week. But he might call me and say you wanna check out this spot with me or this movie just came out you wanna go see it. I turn him down sometimes when I'm not in the mood.

If I knew his intentions were for more, no.

Because I already know it's going no where n I'd be stringing them along. Even if they said just Freinds n said they understood but underlin they want more n are hoping

Still no.

If Freind n cool then we go but mainly with group of Friends

Maybe sometimes alone but it's clear both nothing more. So in that case it's not dating
I'm an Aries I'm a guys friend. I don't string him along, we don't talk about sex, relationship or nothing. Yeah he probably does like me but he's not trying to marry me. He's dating like me. Some people like company, fun and good convo.
Yeah nothing wrong with that

True to scorp for me black n white

I don't do things without purpouse but hence my nnd lesson be more sag lol
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I had a purpose to have a good time.
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by Impulsv
Yes Royko

Start with eye contact lol

I don't either but because I don't want the attention because I mAy not interested or I'm just doing my thing n not looking

I'm not going to gyms looking to meet others but I admit I'm not wanting too

Ofcourse if attracted to someone I stare lol
I go to the gym to workout. But that is probably the best place to meet some nice looking guys. Police officers, military, firefighters, single men.

I work with them n know too much lol

Not easily impressed I guess. FYI

The remove the rings n not really single lol
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Thats why you keep them as friends just in case. If something is not right it'll come out.
Posted by Impulsv
It's Interesting the different style s

Nothing wrong with yours

Maybe when I decide I'm looking I'll try casual

Not sure if it's on our nature but I'll try it out

Since my life lesson is to be more sag like n throw wind by the wayside
I love my style . I have no heart aches I don't feel guilty about nothing. If a guy can't hang it's no loss. But if they leave because no sex, they usually come back. Because the women they played are on here complaining about FWB wanting a relationship.

Also I can weed out the good ones and bad ones. The ones only wanting sex.
Posted by Impulsv
Yeah I see nothing wrong with taking time but if I already know it's a no on my side why waste time

Good convo n fun I can have without them

That's what I don't get
Me too. I don't like females though. I like hanging around guys. Much more entertaining, better convo.

But I will marry one of the ones I date but until one gets on his knee that I like, I'll date who I want.
Posted by Foreverloveme
The confusion is when actions don't match words on either side.

I don't date just to date. If we're friends then we're friends. If we're dating then we're dating.

People will say we're friends then want to make!
But you have to know how to choose the right guys to date. If they can't respect you....cut them off.

You act like you can't say NO
Posted by Impulsv
Yeah I see nothing wrong with taking time but if I already know it's a no on my side why waste time

Good convo n fun I can have without them

That's what I don't get
It's only wasting time if you don't want to go. I can say NO very easily. But if I want to go to a concert or a movie and a decent guy friend invites me why would I say no. That doesn't make sense. Yes I can go alone but why?!? I'm not a home body, I like having fun. I have never even kissed this guy, he doesn't even ask for a kiss. I feel perfectly comfortable around him.
Posted by Foreverloveme
The confusion is when actions don't match words on either side.

I don't date just to date. If we're friends then we're friends. If we're dating then we're dating.

People will say we're friends then want to make!
And what do you call someone you're dating? Your man Lol.

He's a friend until you guys have decided on something different.

How do you get to know someone without dating then and being friends?

Y'all are some backwards females.