What zodiac sign couples do you know irl...

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by MidAtBest on Monday, March 17, 2025 and has 49 replies.
Where you think the men can definitely do better?

kittens idea thread #2 Love
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.
I think water seeks its own level and people stay together for a reason. whether karmic or because they're secretly happy in their own way

First example is my Gemini dad who:

has a degree, a doctor daughter (not me), never gets sick & works 30 12-hr shifts in a row;

& my Aries stepmom who:

dropped out of high school, is a stay-at-home wife who's too sore from having shingles before to clean or do laundry, her idea of a home-cooked meal for her husband is some microwaveable Banquet bullshit, and her Taurus son has 3 young kids who he and Pisces wife lost custody of because of a feces-infested home and possibly meth and she took the responsibility of those kids upon herself and my 59 year old dad. AND she insists on sleeping in separate beds bc of the residual shingles pain. she also talks while eating and spits out globs of food. and she has 2 previous marriages that all ended because she cheated

he's highly intelligent but has little water in his chart. very empathetic and sweet. I know he had an affair on Aries once before and I assume he still does, and that he works so many hrs to avoid her. once he told me if she was a horse he'd shoot her. I'm sure he loves her for valid reasons, but on the flip side I think he's a dark person (ive worked with him and seen how he cliques up with good-ol-boys who get up to criminal shit but are charismatic enough to get away with it) and he keeps her around to abuse emotionally
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.
scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
the aqua dude who I was obsessed with when I came here is married to a virgo who has an ex-parté on her record for child abuse filed by her ex-husband, it was dropped because he didn't show up to court and he soon after killed himself. she doesn't work, he climbed his way up to a nice, very well paying salaried job from nothing. he was making like $ 12 an hr 7 years ago. she had also been sued multiple times for nonpayment before he married her. he got me into normalizing fat-shaming, she was over 200 lbs until she had a gastric bypass around 6 years ago, I used to skip meals and treats out of fear of seeing him with a pooch lol. I know he has cheated (did w me for years, was a massive waste of my time) and he probably loves her because she's an unpresst Virgo who hopefully cheats too. 💅 I love Virgals and aquas together fr.

also so far my examples seem to be jealousy based lol I apologize.
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Possible 😂 bf claims she must be Taurus, no way she's anything else 😂 I kinda agree, can't imagine what other sign could she be
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Possible 😂 bf claims she must be Taurus, no way she's anything else 😂 I kinda agree, can't imagine what other sign could she be
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like Scott and Laci Peterson lol
I can think of tons of examples where the man is the "Venusian" and the woman is a troll but usually she makes up for it in some way, either she works, is ambitious, has an exciting life of her own or generally is easygoing with little baggage

an example that I'm not emotionally invested in: my old friend Bri (Sag) and my ex's friend Cainan (Libra). he's fine and looks just like young Dave Grohl, an ambitious and talented musician, and works. their house-apartment is in his name, he moved her in. she refuses to work or stay at a job, is obese, has become a radical SJW and has her many friends over all the time. he may like the social aspect and fun but also my ex told me she sits on the computer all day playing Second Life because she's insecure about being fat and lives vicariously through avatars. apparently Cainan's obsessed with her because her sex drive is insatiable.
oh yeah, my Pisces former coworker is married to this ugly Libra on disability with a huge room filled with MLM makeup that she'll never sell although she's an "inspiring influincer". but I guess she's a horndog and he definitely gropes others (he did to me)

I know another Pisces who cheats on his homely gf but I guess stays because she's alt and treats his twins well. and an aqua boss ( $ 30/hr, lots of OT) who's married to a hambeast cancer manicurist
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Possible 😂 bf claims she must be Taurus, no way she's anything else 😂 I kinda agree, can't imagine what other sign could she be
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like Scott and Laci Peterson lol
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She actually does look a little like her 😬
Posted by KimboSlice

you're welcome to participate. what sign man settles with high-baggage behemoths in your life
Posted by MidAtBest
I think water seeks its own level and people stay together for a reason. whether karmic or because they're secretly happy in their own way
First example is my Gemini dad who:
has a degree, a doctor daughter (not me), never gets sick & works 30 12-hr shifts in a row;
& my Aries stepmom who:
dropped out of high school, is a stay-at-home wife who's too sore from having shingles before to clean or do laundry, her idea of a home-cooked meal for her husband is some microwaveable Banquet bullshit, and her Taurus son has 3 young kids who he and Pisces wife lost custody of because of a feces-infested home and possibly meth and she took the responsibility of those kids upon herself and my 59 year old dad. AND she insists on sleeping in separate beds bc of the residual shingles pain. she also talks while eating and spits out globs of food. and she has 2 previous marriages that all ended because she cheated
he's highly intelligent but has little water in his chart. very empathetic and sweet. I know he had an affair on Aries once before and I assume he still does, and that he works so many hrs to avoid her. once he told me if she was a horse he'd shoot her. I'm sure he loves her for valid reasons, but on the flip side I think he's a dark person (ive worked with him and seen how he cliques up with good-ol-boys who get up to criminal shit but are charismatic enough to get away with it) and he keeps her around to abuse emotionally
Shingles 🤣
I think this wasn't kittens' best idea, this thread topic is a recurring one
All I know is both of my grandparents were Gemini. Lots of ups and downs, but my grandpa loved the hell out that woman even after she died. Then he would talk about how much he couldn't wait to pass and be reunited with her.

Not my experience with gems. 😅
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Water moons are pathetic. My bro is a pisces moon and he married a lazy entitled Leo with Cancer moon. She got married to him with an idealistic view of marriage where he and her would just be dating for life, even though for him having kids was a big part and he told her that. Her mom told her to have kids in order to save her marriage even though she didn’t want to have kids because that was the only way to keep the solid provider my bro is. She popped out two kids who are neglected despite that she’s a stay at home mom. My poor niece and nephew are lil Matildas that dress themselves, eat junk food that she leaves out for them when they wake up early, and my brother is not just the earner, financial provider but is also carrying the domestic weight. He’s madly in love with her despite that she’s a shameful mother and a homemaker. My brother is a definition of what men call a simp.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Water moons are pathetic. My bro is a pisces moon and he married a lazy entitled Leo with Cancer moon. She got married to him with an idealistic view of marriage where he and her would just be dating for life, even though for him having kids was a big part and he told her that. Her mom told her to have kids in order to save her marriage even though she didn’t want to have kids because that was the only way to keep the solid provider my bro is. She popped out two kids who are neglected despite that she’s a stay at home mom. My poor niece and nephew are lil Matildas that dress themselves, eat junk food that she leaves out for them when they wake up early, and my brother is not just the earner, financial provider but is also carrying the domestic weight. He’s madly in love with her despite that she’s a shameful mother and a homemaker. My brother is a definition of what men call a simp.
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in my personal life I have a lot of problems with scorpio moons. the people in this world I've always been the most impressed with are those blind to status and power. people can be beautiful, worthwhile and interesting while poor and unpopular. water moons are susceptible to games, I guess that plays into their attraction to power because some narc can persuade him overtly or covertly that he's beneath her and it makes him obsessed with chasing her despite looking and being sloppy (shit maybe they love those women more for that, whatever reduces competition). I think the Aries moons I've met are the most "caste"-blind. possibly libra too... as much as I hate to say it

I feel so bad for those kids, and if they suffer hopefully he realizes he's guilty for enabling her. the Leo needs to work. getting out and going to work is good for our mental health, interacting with different people, tackling small challenges, setting goals
Based pick me thread, OP.
Posted by Shamalamadingdongmcshlong
Based pick me thread, OP.
hi kimbo
Posted by MidAtBest
I think water seeks its own level and people stay together for a reason. whether karmic or because they're secretly happy in their own way
First example is my Gemini dad who:
has a degree, a doctor daughter (not me), never gets sick & works 30 12-hr shifts in a row;
& my Aries stepmom who:
dropped out of high school, is a stay-at-home wife who's too sore from having shingles before to clean or do laundry, her idea of a home-cooked meal for her husband is some microwaveable Banquet bullshit, and her Taurus son has 3 young kids who he and Pisces wife lost custody of because of a feces-infested home and possibly meth and she took the responsibility of those kids upon herself and my 59 year old dad. AND she insists on sleeping in separate beds bc of the residual shingles pain. she also talks while eating and spits out globs of food. and she has 2 previous marriages that all ended because she cheated
he's highly intelligent but has little water in his chart. very empathetic and sweet. I know he had an affair on Aries once before and I assume he still does, and that he works so many hrs to avoid her. once he told me if she was a horse he'd shoot her. I'm sure he loves her for valid reasons, but on the flip side I think he's a dark person (ive worked with him and seen how he cliques up with good-ol-boys who get up to criminal shit but are charismatic enough to get away with it) and he keeps her around to abuse emotionally
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by MidAtBest
I think water seeks its own level and people stay together for a reason. whether karmic or because they're secretly happy in their own way
First example is my Gemini dad who:
has a degree, a doctor daughter (not me), never gets sick & works 30 12-hr shifts in a row;
& my Aries stepmom who:
dropped out of high school, is a stay-at-home wife who's too sore from having shingles before to clean or do laundry, her idea of a home-cooked meal for her husband is some microwaveable Banquet bullshit, and her Taurus son has 3 young kids who he and Pisces wife lost custody of because of a feces-infested home and possibly meth and she took the responsibility of those kids upon herself and my 59 year old dad. AND she insists on sleeping in separate beds bc of the residual shingles pain. she also talks while eating and spits out globs of food. and she has 2 previous marriages that all ended because she cheated
he's highly intelligent but has little water in his chart. very empathetic and sweet. I know he had an affair on Aries once before and I assume he still does, and that he works so many hrs to avoid her. once he told me if she was a horse he'd shoot her. I'm sure he loves her for valid reasons, but on the flip side I think he's a dark person (ive worked with him and seen how he cliques up with good-ol-boys who get up to criminal shit but are charismatic enough to get away with it) and he keeps her around to abuse emotionally

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🤣 this thread is ridiculous

it might have hit harder if I left out the context but yeah

I made my life sound really ghetto there 😰 (it is)
my aries sister : does nothing in the house, doesn't clean or cook, verbally abusive with everybody. Married to a virgo man who's pretty much her zealed janitor, cleans everything all the time. I noticed they installed a small bed in a room for him, like a boy bedroom, while she occupies the whole masters bedroom and has her shit spread around the room carelessly

VirgoM+aries F is a common trope
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by MidAtBest
I think water seeks its own level and people stay together for a reason. whether karmic or because they're secretly happy in their own way
First example is my Gemini dad who:
has a degree, a doctor daughter (not me), never gets sick & works 30 12-hr shifts in a row;
& my Aries stepmom who:
dropped out of high school, is a stay-at-home wife who's too sore from having shingles before to clean or do laundry, her idea of a home-cooked meal for her husband is some microwaveable Banquet bullshit, and her Taurus son has 3 young kids who he and Pisces wife lost custody of because of a feces-infested home and possibly meth and she took the responsibility of those kids upon herself and my 59 year old dad. AND she insists on sleeping in separate beds bc of the residual shingles pain. she also talks while eating and spits out globs of food. and she has 2 previous marriages that all ended because she cheated
he's highly intelligent but has little water in his chart. very empathetic and sweet. I know he had an affair on Aries once before and I assume he still does, and that he works so many hrs to avoid her. once he told me if she was a horse he'd shoot her. I'm sure he loves her for valid reasons, but on the flip side I think he's a dark person (ive worked with him and seen how he cliques up with good-ol-boys who get up to criminal shit but are charismatic enough to get away with it) and he keeps her around to abuse emotionally

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🤣 this thread is ridiculous
it might have hit harder if I left out the context but yeah
I made my life sound really ghetto there 😰 (it is)
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My dream is to be reincarnated as a young prince if the ghetto here and died at 20 🤣
But no one really dies here we just get old and multiply
Pisces man + Libra woman

She’s such an overbearing cunt and I don’t use that word lightly. She’s not attractive nor does she have a pleasant personality. She has the big gums/small teeth combo. She starts drama with his family and makes him choose her.

Same exact dynamic with Cancer man + Virgo woman.

Now that I’m thinking about it both of the women want to be perceived as a higher class than they are but they’re both trashy. The Virgo lost her license as a therapist because she slept with a patient.

Noticed Pisces men will simp for Libra women built like linebackers.
Have also seen Leo men simp over mentally ill Capricorn women. One was a raging alcoholic. She was gorgeous (after he bought her extensive plastic surgery) so I can see why he put up with it initially.

That’s another thing that’s interesting to me, paying for plastic surgery.
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Water moons are pathetic. My bro is a pisces moon and he married a lazy entitled Leo with Cancer moon. She got married to him with an idealistic view of marriage where he and her would just be dating for life, even though for him having kids was a big part and he told her that. Her mom told her to have kids in order to save her marriage even though she didn’t want to have kids because that was the only way to keep the solid provider my bro is. She popped out two kids who are neglected despite that she’s a stay at home mom. My poor niece and nephew are lil Matildas that dress themselves, eat junk food that she leaves out for them when they wake up early, and my brother is not just the earner, financial provider but is also carrying the domestic weight. He’s madly in love with her despite that she’s a shameful mother and a homemaker. My brother is a definition of what men call a simp.
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in my personal life I have a lot of problems with scorpio moons. the people in this world I've always been the most impressed with are those blind to status and power. people can be beautiful, worthwhile and interesting while poor and unpopular. water moons are susceptible to games, I guess that plays into their attraction to power because some narc can persuade him overtly or covertly that he's beneath her and it makes him obsessed with chasing her despite looking and being sloppy (shit maybe they love those women more for that, whatever reduces competition). I think the Aries moons I've met are the most "caste"-blind. possibly libra too... as much as I hate to say it
I feel so bad for those kids, and if they suffer hopefully he realizes he's guilty for enabling her. the Leo needs to work. getting out and going to work is good for our mental health, interacting with different people, tackling small challenges, setting goals
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A dark empath is the worst. At least a true narcissist makes it pretty obvious imo.
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.

You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Hm, I know a Scorpio man and a Capricorn man who could do waaaay much better (based on looks and personality - applies to Scorpio only, Cap's wife is a nice person tho too). But I don't know their wive's signs so can't respond to that part. As for everyone else I know - the men got lucky cause their wives are much better than them.

scorpio energy loves the drama of single moms and competing with her baby dad(s)
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Hm, these two have two kids together, been together long time I guess. She's everything opposite from him, she's short and thick and she's loud and bossy 😂 she's the boss of everyone in the house and she often screams at all three of them😂 he's quite nice from as much as I know him, very polite, quiet and well mannered. Also looks much better than her and plays sports
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I think that's a water sign man thing to crave a woman to control him
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Water moons are pathetic. My bro is a pisces moon and he married a lazy entitled Leo with Cancer moon. She got married to him with an idealistic view of marriage where he and her would just be dating for life, even though for him having kids was a big part and he told her that. Her mom told her to have kids in order to save her marriage even though she didn’t want to have kids because that was the only way to keep the solid provider my bro is. She popped out two kids who are neglected despite that she’s a stay at home mom. My poor niece and nephew are lil Matildas that dress themselves, eat junk food that she leaves out for them when they wake up early, and my brother is not just the earner, financial provider but is also carrying the domestic weight. He’s madly in love with her despite that she’s a shameful mother and a homemaker. My brother is a definition of what men call a simp.
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in my personal life I have a lot of problems with scorpio moons. the people in this world I've always been the most impressed with are those blind to status and power. people can be beautiful, worthwhile and interesting while poor and unpopular. water moons are susceptible to games, I guess that plays into their attraction to power because some narc can persuade him overtly or covertly that he's beneath her and it makes him obsessed with chasing her despite looking and being sloppy (shit maybe they love those women more for that, whatever reduces competition). I think the Aries moons I've met are the most "caste"-blind. possibly libra too... as much as I hate to say it
I feel so bad for those kids, and if they suffer hopefully he realizes he's guilty for enabling her. the Leo needs to work. getting out and going to work is good for our mental health, interacting with different people, tackling small challenges, setting goals
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Aries moons are goat and they are all about attaining power and success. I like them. Water moons are masochistic and pathetic. Anytime I see a person putting up with a user with no redeeming qualities, they are always water moons. My simp bro doesn’t even see how he’s hurting his kids by not getting her to pull her weight. The reason he doesn’t confront her or speak to her about her role as a mother is because he doesn’t want to rock the boat or disrupt his sex. He’s selfish and all about his needs. He doesn’t even care technically how his lack of backbone is affecting the kids.
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.
This thread is horrifying.

I'm thankful that even though I'm single and it can be lonely, I'm not stuck in an abusive relationship.

I've been there and woof, it was rough to get out. I was beaten (and the reason why I analyze, equip and strategize today).

I'm thankful for my guides and the universe.

I hope everyone who's a victim of abuse find clarity, strength, support and therapy they need to get out of the horrible relationship they're in.

Trauma is a lifetime healing but I hope it's not too late to start for the majority of people mentioned in this thread.

Posted by neveadrianne
Posted by MidAtBest
I think this wasn't kittens' best idea, this thread topic is a recurring one

My initial idea for the original post of this thread is actually a diss directed towards Aries women which goes something like this:
"Where you think the men can definitely do better?
My vote would be to:
Aquarius man - Aries woman
Taurus man - Aries woman
Cancer man - Aries woman
Scorpio man - Aries woman
Pisces man - Aries woman
Virgo man - Aries woman
Capricorn man - Aries woman
Libra man - Aries woman
Sagittarius man - Aries woman
Gemini man - Aries woman
Aries man - Aries woman
Leo man - Aries woman"


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🤣🤣🤣 Fire women are not faring well in this thread
Posted by aka_xy
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

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I know. I went down a rabbit hole when all of this happened. I didn’t even know motorcycle gangs were a thing. Apparently there is something called a 1% er, meaning they don’t abide by the laws, I think? There are real outlaw motorcycle gangs.
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.
Long labias are lowkey goated though

This is the definition of aqua m Virgo f, the men love the coldbloodedness
Posted by Stardustmopped
Posted by aka_xy
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

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I know. I went down a rabbit hole when all of this happened. I didn’t even know motorcycle gangs were a thing. Apparently there is something called a 1% er, meaning they don’t abide by the laws, I think? There are real outlaw motorcycle gangs.
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I know. Idk where you live but a bit more outskirt from the city and you can find jails from some of these areas with biker gangs.

Did the aqua seek justice for his dad?
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.
I thought you meant plastic surgery we can see 🤣

I’d pay for plastic surgery
Posted by neveadrianne
Posted by neveadrianne
Posted by MidAtBest
I think this wasn't kittens' best idea, this thread topic is a recurring one

My initial idea for the original post of this thread is actually a diss directed towards Aries women which goes something like this:
"Where you think the men can definitely do better?
My vote would be to:
Aquarius man - Aries woman
Taurus man - Aries woman
Cancer man - Aries woman
Scorpio man - Aries woman
Pisces man - Aries woman
Virgo man - Aries woman
Capricorn man - Aries woman
Libra man - Aries woman
Sagittarius man - Aries woman
Gemini man - Aries woman
Aries man - Aries woman
Leo man - Aries woman"


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But i'm past my controversial era and decided for the vanilla, harmless one.
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You have my support either way, we just want you here
Posted by neveadrianne
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

Wtf this is insane...💀
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Trust me, I know. Look it up if you’re ever bored enough. There are tons of outlaw motorcycle gangs.
Posted by neveadrianne
Posted by MidAtBest
I think this wasn't kittens' best idea, this thread topic is a recurring one

My initial idea for the original post of this thread is actually a diss directed towards Aries women which goes something like this:
"Where you think the men can definitely do better?
My vote would be to:
Aquarius man - Aries woman
Taurus man - Aries woman
Cancer man - Aries woman
Scorpio man - Aries woman
Pisces man - Aries woman
Virgo man - Aries woman
Capricorn man - Aries woman
Libra man - Aries woman
Sagittarius man - Aries woman
Gemini man - Aries woman
Aries man - Aries woman
Leo man - Aries woman"


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Kittens had known best all this time

If only we all had taken note
Posted by aka_xy
Posted by Stardustmopped
Posted by aka_xy
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

click to expand

I know. I went down a rabbit hole when all of this happened. I didn’t even know motorcycle gangs were a thing. Apparently there is something called a 1% er, meaning they don’t abide by the laws, I think? There are real outlaw motorcycle gangs.
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I know. Idk where you live but a bit more outskirt from the city and you can find jails from some of these areas with biker gangs.
Did the aqua seek justice for his dad?
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I don’t think so. Unless he’s letting the resentment simmer for the perfect moment
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

Long labias are lowkey goated though
This is the definition of aqua m Virgo f, the men love the coldbloodedness
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I don’t have a labia preference. I saw on Reddit they can shrink in menopause though, which is terrifying. Just trying to enjoy mine before they disappear.
Posted by Stardustmopped
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

Long labias are lowkey goated though
This is the definition of aqua m Virgo f, the men love the coldbloodedness
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I don’t have a labia preference. I saw on Reddit they can shrink in menopause though, which is terrifying. Just trying to enjoy mine before they disappear.
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The long ones envelop the dick as it pulls out like a soft vacuumy vagina extension. And it looks aesthetic too. Sounds obvious but I had no idea till my ex shot a porno of us. Ok end of tmi but I'll have to check that out. Another horrifying reddit thing I learned is that the husband stitch is real 😳
Posted by Stardustmopped
Posted by aka_xy
Posted by Stardustmopped
Posted by aka_xy
Posted by Stardustmopped
I know an Aquarius that paid for labiaplasty for a Virgo and she cheated on him immediately after with a guy in a motorcycle gang that killed his Dad.
You think I am mean for being strategic and matching energies but I am not ‘cheat on you with the new labia minora you just bought me and get your Dad killed’ mean.

click to expand

I know. I went down a rabbit hole when all of this happened. I didn’t even know motorcycle gangs were a thing. Apparently there is something called a 1% er, meaning they don’t abide by the laws, I think? There are real outlaw motorcycle gangs.
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I know. Idk where you live but a bit more outskirt from the city and you can find jails from some of these areas with biker gangs.
Did the aqua seek justice for his dad?
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I don’t think so. Unless he’s letting the resentment simmer for the perfect moment
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That's possible.