Posted by Basiccan’t have my cake and eat it too
Taste the goods first
Posted by alphabetmafiaWhy are you with your boyfriend
so I fell for my coworker while being in a relationship
I didn’t physically cheat on my bf, but emotionally this whole situation is really intense and I feel terrible about all this, so yes, I am aware I’m an asshole
so I ended up stringing this guy (Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Venus) along for like 3 months while trying to decide if I’m capable of actually leaving my current relationship (it’s long distance, 2 years) and I kinda decided to stay. the main reason why I’m sitting on the fence is I’m just terrified of making the wrong decision. and I am still unsure what to do, but now I’m afraid I have lost my chance with him completely...
a few days ago he gave me a weird ultimatum to stay over at his place or he’s never going to speak to me again, I refused and he blocked me literally everywhere. and this shit hurts like a mf.
he also told me he’s leaving in September and moving back to his hometown and parents, it’s a tiny town in the middle of a forest, because he doesn’t see a reason to stay. considering he has lived in the capital for more than 10 years and has a decent income, this seems very dramatic. I didn’t have the guts to ask if he’s doing this because of me, but I have a feeling it’s my fault. he also told me he wanted to start a family when I asked about his intentions and at first I didn’t believe him but now I think he really meant it
so I guess he’s doing all this to move on and he used this random ultimatum as a reason to cut me out completely. now he’s avoiding me and walking past me at work like if we were strangers. I’m fkn broken, but I can’t blame him, I knew what I was getting into, I broke his heart and he’s doing what I would do in his situation
is there a chance he’s going to talk to me again at some point?
or am I forever blocked?
I left him a letter saying I’ll just leave him alone for now and hopefully we’re going to speak again someday
sorry if this sounds cringe and desperate because I truly am
we’re both 28yo
I’m a Cancer Sun and Venus, Cap Moon, Libra asc btw
Posted by TruemaraI’m still waiting for him to move here, but I’m starting to run out of patience. we’ve had multiple discussions about this, he told me he’s only moving once he transfers to a different department at his job, which may take another year or even two. and this whole waiting is making me depressed not gonna lie, the resentment has been building up for a while, but I’m still trying to manage. I care about him, I feel like I can’t just leave him out of the blue, because I have feelingsPosted by alphabetmafia
so I fell for my coworker while being in a relationship
I didn’t physically cheat on my bf, but emotionally this whole situation is really intense and I feel terrible about all this, so yes, I am aware I’m an asshole
so I ended up stringing this guy (Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Venus) along for like 3 months while trying to decide if I’m capable of actually leaving my current relationship (it’s long distance, 2 years) and I kinda decided to stay. the main reason why I’m sitting on the fence is I’m just terrified of making the wrong decision. and I am still unsure what to do, but now I’m afraid I have lost my chance with him completely...
a few days ago he gave me a weird ultimatum to stay over at his place or he’s never going to speak to me again, I refused and he blocked me literally everywhere. and this shit hurts like a mf.
he also told me he’s leaving in September and moving back to his hometown and parents, it’s a tiny town in the middle of a forest, because he doesn’t see a reason to stay. considering he has lived in the capital for more than 10 years and has a decent income, this seems very dramatic. I didn’t have the guts to ask if he’s doing this because of me, but I have a feeling it’s my fault. he also told me he wanted to start a family when I asked about his intentions and at first I didn’t believe him but now I think he really meant it
so I guess he’s doing all this to move on and he used this random ultimatum as a reason to cut me out completely. now he’s avoiding me and walking past me at work like if we were strangers. I’m fkn broken, but I can’t blame him, I knew what I was getting into, I broke his heart and he’s doing what I would do in his situation
is there a chance he’s going to talk to me again at some point?
or am I forever blocked?
I left him a letter saying I’ll just leave him alone for now and hopefully we’re going to speak again someday
sorry if this sounds cringe and desperate because I truly am
we’re both 28yo
I’m a Cancer Sun and Venus, Cap Moon, Libra asc btw
Why are you with your boyfriend
I bet it’s safe for you because he is long distanceclick to expand
Posted by Truemarayep. idk if that’s the real reason or he just needed to make up a situation to block me lol
Also, did I read this right? He blocked you because you wouldn’t stay over?
Posted by Truemaralmao
You have feelings for two
Men mmm
Posted by Truemarawym what am I supposed to do now
Ok what I read is if you have feelings for two men the best to start from scratch because you will always wonder if you chose right
Posted by Mutyawell trust nobody, but I’m pretty sure. he has never acted suspicious around me, leaves his phone near me and always shows me who he’s talking to if I ask. so I assume he’s safe
The mention of long distance dries up my coochie for some reason. It almost never works and I'm still baffled at people who do it.
Are you sure your long distance bf isn't screwing some other chick? And are you sure this Taurus is looking for something serious? Because if he knows you're committed, chances that he just wanna taste the goods and dump you are very high.
Posted by MelanthoI mean yes that’s childish and dramatic but what if he was done with me being indecisive and decided to just cut me out because I hurt his feelings, idk
Him asking you to stay over and then blocking you is such a red flag. He's not serious. You dodged a bullet. And leave your LDR, he's not the one either if you're thinking of straying.
Posted by ITSNOTENOUGHnot right now, but in 2 or 3 years I will
idk do you want kids rn?
Posted by MelanthoShe's holding herself accountable for her part in it.Posted by alphabetmafiaPosted by Melantho
Him asking you to stay over and then blocking you is such a red flag. He's not serious. You dodged a bullet. And leave your LDR, he's not the one either if you're thinking of straying.
I mean yes that’s childish and dramatic but what if he was done with me being indecisive and decided to just cut me out because I hurt his feelings, idk
or I’m just seeing things I want to see because I have feelings myself
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That's a HIM problem. He knew what he was getting into with someone who is partnered. Come on now?
Take the L and move on. IF he comes back he needs to severely change his attiude, but wouldn't wait for that if I were to expand
Posted by ITSNOTENOUGHI kinda feel that’s what I deserve, but the thought of fucking everything up eventually makes me wanna die fr
Honestly every time I see someone playing with two people they get nothing at the end, like for real.
Posted by TxOgaloh well just read in your comment that he knows you're in a relationship. That's just messed up
Girl, if he's forcing you to do anything, leave him.
My Ex bf (Taurus sun, Pisces moon) was controlling and manipulative, but it was subtle and in situations like the one you mentioned, so it appears like he's the victim n that you caused it.
I wonder if he knows that you're in a relationship?
To answer your question, I think if he would return it won't be soon and whatever you try doing may just push him further away.
There's more I wish to tell you, by stringing along 2 guys in your life, but it's your choice, I hope noone is hurt, cause betrayal is the worst thing to me
Posted by IceStormaww🥹Posted by alphabetmafiaPosted by ITSNOTENOUGH
Honestly every time I see someone playing with two people they get nothing at the end, like for real.
I kinda feel that’s what I deserve, but the thought of fucking everything up eventually makes me wanna die fr
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I knew that you were a libra rising before you even mentioned it. Lol that’s one of libra risings biggest problems to overcome… our indecision, our people-pleasing and our fear of hurting other peoples feelings or making the wrong decision. Pair that with your codependent cancer placements (I have libra asc and cancer moon, so I get it) but that combination complicates relationships because you want to keep everyone happy and doubt your own ability to make the right decision. I would look more into this if I were you, as this crippling fear of “making the wrong choice” often pops up in all areas of our life until we learn from it. M
I don’t like the fact that the Taurus/Aries blocked you simply because you wouldn’t stay though. That’s manipulative and super ewww. I get it, you guys are young, but if you would have given in, that would have shown him that you’re weak and lack boundaries. I’m glad you resisted and it most likely made you more attractive to him even if he won’t admit it now.
But regardless, the goal isn’t even about winning the attention or being attractive to him, the goal is to tap into your intuition to sense what is the best decision for you, and trust yourself enough to make that decision , even if it hurts the feelings of others. As long as you move with integrity (not cheating, not manipulating, not lying, etc) then you will know you made the right choice in the moment and can have peace in knowing that, even if someone’s feelings are hurt in the end. That’s just a natural part of relationships, sometimes we are the ones who are disappointed and sometimes we are the ones who disappoint others. Just move with integrity and you won’t have to expand
Posted by TxOgalhe knew right from the start, he backed off a few times like when I said I’m visiting my bf this week yada dada, but came back later when I counter ignored him lol
Girl, if he's forcing you to do anything, leave him.
My Ex bf (Taurus sun, Pisces moon) was controlling and manipulative, but it was subtle and in situations like the one you mentioned, so it appears like he's the victim n that you caused it.
I wonder if he knows that you're in a relationship?
To answer your question, I think if he would return it won't be soon and whatever you try doing may just push him further away.
There's more I wish to tell you, by stringing along 2 guys in your life, but it's your choice, I hope noone is hurt, cause betrayal is the worst thing to me
Posted by alphabetmafiaIf he found out about it, he will be hurt. I don't know if you're willing to lose your bf over this. But the Taurus guy, he doesn't seem like a good idea from what you posted.Posted by TxOgal
Girl, if he's forcing you to do anything, leave him.
My Ex bf (Taurus sun, Pisces moon) was controlling and manipulative, but it was subtle and in situations like the one you mentioned, so it appears like he's the victim n that you caused it.
I wonder if he knows that you're in a relationship?
To answer your question, I think if he would return it won't be soon and whatever you try doing may just push him further away.
There's more I wish to tell you, by stringing along 2 guys in your life, but it's your choice, I hope noone is hurt, cause betrayal is the worst thing to me
he knew right from the start, he backed off a few times like when I said I’m visiting my bf this week yada dada, but came back later when I counter ignored him lol
my bf knows he exists as a coworker/friend, but obviously I haven’t told him about the emotional affair, so he technically isn’t hurt simply because he doesn’t know shit
and Taurus has admitted I’ve hurt himclick to expand
Posted by TxOgalI’ll keep this to myself, because telling my bf would only complicate things big time, there’s literally nothing to gain. if he ever asks me why I stopped hanging out with Taurus, I’ll tell him he wanted more than friendship so we went no contact. which is true, I’ll just skip my partPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by TxOgal
Girl, if he's forcing you to do anything, leave him.
My Ex bf (Taurus sun, Pisces moon) was controlling and manipulative, but it was subtle and in situations like the one you mentioned, so it appears like he's the victim n that you caused it.
I wonder if he knows that you're in a relationship?
To answer your question, I think if he would return it won't be soon and whatever you try doing may just push him further away.
There's more I wish to tell you, by stringing along 2 guys in your life, but it's your choice, I hope noone is hurt, cause betrayal is the worst thing to me
he knew right from the start, he backed off a few times like when I said I’m visiting my bf this week yada dada, but came back later when I counter ignored him lol
my bf knows he exists as a coworker/friend, but obviously I haven’t told him about the emotional affair, so he technically isn’t hurt simply because he doesn’t know shit
and Taurus has admitted I’ve hurt him
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If he found out about it, he will be hurt. I don't know if you're willing to lose your bf over this. But the Taurus guy, he doesn't seem like a good idea from what you to expand
Posted by EggrollLibra Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Venus, Scorp asc
What is long distance bf sign?
Posted by MelanthoIt's certainly not what you were saying.Posted by Walk_on_byPosted by MelanthoPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by Melantho
Him asking you to stay over and then blocking you is such a red flag. He's not serious. You dodged a bullet. And leave your LDR, he's not the one either if you're thinking of straying.
I mean yes that’s childish and dramatic but what if he was done with me being indecisive and decided to just cut me out because I hurt his feelings, idk
or I’m just seeing things I want to see because I have feelings myself
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That's a HIM problem. He knew what he was getting into with someone who is partnered. Come on now?
Take the L and move on. IF he comes back he needs to severely change his attitude, but wouldn't wait for that if I were you.
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She's holding herself accountable for her part in it.
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That goes without saying.
I was answering to the thread title, and at this point they have all to expand
Posted by MelanthoYeah true, don't even know what I'm going on about anymore. But yeah she's taking responsibility...kinda, that's probably the only thing positive here. She should tell her real long distance BF about all this and buy a golden retriever.Posted by Walk_on_byPosted by MelanthoPosted by Walk_on_byPosted by MelanthoPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by Melantho
Him asking you to stay over and then blocking you is such a red flag. He's not serious. You dodged a bullet. And leave your LDR, he's not the one either if you're thinking of straying.
I mean yes that’s childish and dramatic but what if he was done with me being indecisive and decided to just cut me out because I hurt his feelings, idk
or I’m just seeing things I want to see because I have feelings myself
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That's a HIM problem. He knew what he was getting into with someone who is partnered. Come on now?
Take the L and move on. IF he comes back he needs to severely change his attitude, but wouldn't wait for that if I were you.
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She's holding herself accountable for her part in it.
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That goes without saying.
I was answering to the thread title, and at this point they have all lost.
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It's certainly not what you were saying.
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If you read my first message, i to expand
Posted by MelanthoI did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m sayingPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad to expand
Posted by IceStormI'm beginning to think I'm a scorpio rising just by the way how you make Libra rising out to sound that way.Posted by alphabetmafiaPosted by ITSNOTENOUGH
Honestly every time I see someone playing with two people they get nothing at the end, like for real.
I kinda feel that’s what I deserve, but the thought of fucking everything up eventually makes me wanna die fr
I knew that you were a libra rising before you even mentioned it. Lol that’s one of libra risings biggest problems to overcome… our indecision, our people-pleasing and our fear of hurting other peoples feelings or making the wrong decision. Pair that with your codependent cancer placements (I have libra asc and cancer moon, so I get it) but that combination complicates relationships because you want to keep everyone happy and doubt your own ability to make the right decision. I would look more into this if I were you, as this crippling fear of “making the wrong choice” often pops up in all areas of our life until we learn from it. M
I don’t like the fact that the Taurus/Aries blocked you simply because you wouldn’t stay though. That’s manipulative and super ewww. I get it, you guys are young, but if you would have given in, that would have shown him that you’re weak and lack boundaries. I’m glad you resisted and it most likely made you more attractive to him even if he won’t admit it now.
But regardless, the goal isn’t even about winning the attention or being attractive to him, the goal is to tap into your intuition to sense what is the best decision for you, and trust yourself enough to make that decision , even if it hurts the feelings of others. As long as you move with integrity (not cheating, not manipulating, not lying, etc) then you will know you made the right choice in the moment and can have peace in knowing that, even if someone’s feelings are hurt in the end. That’s just a natural part of relationships, sometimes we are the ones who are disappointed and sometimes we are the ones who disappoint others. Just move with integrity and you won’t have to expand
Posted by MelanthoI think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).Posted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she to expand
Posted by Melanthothey are definitely not the right guys for it lol, quite the opposite. besides I highly doubt I can function in a poly relationship, I’m very possessive and every little shit triggers me, I’m just good at not showing itPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she to expand
Posted by alphabetmafiaWell you can’t really be possessive of 2 men then. And you can’t have a boyfriend and also want a second chance with another different guy. It doesn’t make any sense at allPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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they are definitely not the right guys for it lol, quite the opposite. besides I highly doubt I can function in a poly relationship, I’m very possessive and every little shit triggers me, I’m just good at not showing itclick to expand
Posted by Melanthocouldn’t have said it better, this is exactly how I ended up where I am. I’ve also had issues with Libra bf not being affectionate enough, we’ve discussed this and he said he’s just not the touchy type, now he’s kinda trying. and I get it, people are different, I wasn’t ready to throw the whole relationship away because of different love languages, but then Taurus came around and he’s completely different, pretty much compensates all the things I miss in my current relationship. with that being said, I can name a bunch of things my bf is better at, so it’s a tough choice really, they both combined is the only way to fulfill everything, but I know it’s not an optionPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned it
Yeah, I don't really like that Taurus wonky behaviour.
She doesn't want a local side piece, she wants her LDR to become non-LDR and eventually grow into a family. Though it's a good idea for @alphabetmafia to read in on polyamory and sort out her feelings if that could be something for her, but I think because Libra is not there and unavailble she's just looking kind of for a "replacement" for comfort and security. Could be wrong about to expand
Posted by Melanthono, I’ve felt like this before while dating/situationships, but this time I’m actually in a committed mono relationship so it’s a different situationPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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they are definitely not the right guys for it lol, quite the opposite. besides I highly doubt I can function in a poly relationship, I’m very possessive and every little shit triggers me, I’m just good at not showing it
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Some poly people experience those things as well (called 'transition') especially after having lived mono-normative mostly. But if you read up on it and try to detangle from it, it could work.
Is this the first time you experience feelings for multiple people?click to expand
Posted by Melanthohonestly if my bf had an emotional affair, I’d rather not know. as long as he doesn’t cheat, because that’s a dealbreaker and I must know that happened. but catching feelings for someone outside your relationship seems pretty common, it’s up to you what you decide to do, and if you’re staying and just quietly moving on, then I don’t think you’re obligated to tell your partner. I know this may sound shady, but what can you gain if you tell them, they can’t make your feelings vanish, telling them can trigger trust issues and make it a lot worse… that’s my opinionPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned it
Yeah, I don't really like that Taurus wonky behaviour.
She doesn't want a local side piece, she wants her LDR to become non-LDR and eventually grow into a family. Though it's a good idea for @alphabetmafia to read in on polyamory and sort out her feelings if that could be something for her, but I think because Libra is not there and unavailble she's just looking kind of for a "replacement" for comfort and security. Could be wrong about this...
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couldn’t have said it better, this is exactly how I ended up where I am. I’ve also had issues with Libra bf not being affectionate enough, we’ve discussed this and he said he’s just not the touchy type, now he’s kinda trying. and I get it, people are different, I wasn’t ready to throw the whole relationship away because of different love languages, but then Taurus came around and he’s completely different, pretty much compensates all the things I miss in my current relationship. with that being said, I can name a bunch of things my bf is better at, so it’s a tough choice really, they both combined is the only way to fulfill everything, but I know it’s not an option
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It is an option. You can get everything your heart desires, just probably not with these two people. Most likely you will have to start from scratch and figure out if polyamory could be something for you because your wants and needs are not going to be met by one person. Also not being fully honest with the Libra is a red flag in itself... you really want to have a committed long-term relationship with someone where you cannot share everything that is on your mind?click to expand
Posted by MelanthoI guess I’m just fine with my partners having secrets as long as they’re not crossing the line. in terms of fidelity gotta discuss boundaries like what counts as cheating and the rest is grey area. that’s how I personally view relationshipsPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by MelanthoPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned it
Yeah, I don't really like that Taurus wonky behaviour.
She doesn't want a local side piece, she wants her LDR to become non-LDR and eventually grow into a family. Though it's a good idea for @alphabetmafia to read in on polyamory and sort out her feelings if that could be something for her, but I think because Libra is not there and unavailble she's just looking kind of for a "replacement" for comfort and security. Could be wrong about this...
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couldn’t have said it better, this is exactly how I ended up where I am. I’ve also had issues with Libra bf not being affectionate enough, we’ve discussed this and he said he’s just not the touchy type, now he’s kinda trying. and I get it, people are different, I wasn’t ready to throw the whole relationship away because of different love languages, but then Taurus came around and he’s completely different, pretty much compensates all the things I miss in my current relationship. with that being said, I can name a bunch of things my bf is better at, so it’s a tough choice really, they both combined is the only way to fulfill everything, but I know it’s not an option
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It is an option. You can get everything your heart desires, just probably not with these two people. Most likely you will have to start from scratch and figure out if polyamory could be something for you because your wants and needs are not going to be met by one person. Also not being fully honest with the Libra is a red flag in itself... you really want to have a committed long-term relationship with someone where you cannot share everything that is on your mind?
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honestly if my bf had an emotional affair, I’d rather not know. as long as he doesn’t cheat, because that’s a dealbreaker and I must know that happened. but catching feelings for someone outside your relationship seems pretty common, it’s up to you what you decide to do, and if you’re staying and just quietly moving on, then I don’t think you’re obligated to tell your partner. I know this may sound shady, but what can you gain if you tell them, they can’t make your feelings vanish, telling them can trigger trust issues and make it a lot worse… that’s my opinion
Can't agree with any of it I'm afraid. It doesn't make to expand
Posted by nanochipI agree!!! I had a Taurus man give me a 6 date limit and by then he said we had to have sex, and so I told him date 5 would be our last.Posted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned itclick to expand
Posted by saggurl88I had a feeling he’s moving to get away from me since he said I’ve hurt him and all that, also told me ‘I hope you live happily ever after when I’m gone and I won’t bother you with my shit anymore’ mid conversation. and his moving plans were so sudden, right after getting a promotion I know he wanted, so it makes no sense. and if I suddenly decided I want to start something, maybe he’d stay, he still has time. but I highly doubt I am going to make up my mind, besides who knows what he’s thinking rn, maybe he’s taking the ‘not talking to me ever again’ decision very seriously and I won’t be able to get him back even if I tried
He blocked you for not staying over at his place and he's moving?
Let him go!
What would be the point in sleeping with him or starting up something if he is moving in 2 months aways?
Unless you're trying to scratch an itch, I wouldn't bother. It's a waste of body count.
Seems like he's trying to hump and dump and is mad that his admirations aren't paying off in a timely manner.
Posted by saggurl88LOL I too once thought about dating a cap/scorp moon man, who presented me with a similar expectation. Except his was 2 dates…. TWO! I’m thinking that he is not even that charming to be expecting sex on date number two or else it’s over. We were in the talking phase, so that for me was what it took to be done. Years later he messaged me out of the blue, stating that I never took him seriously and we would have been great together. All I can think about was his ridiculous behavior. Very unattractive and unreasonable to me. I find out he actually married an Aquarius woman recently (small town back in AR), and all I can think about is the surprise that a woman accepted these terms 🤣 Men out here are bold and these expectations work for them somehow. No thanksPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned it
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I agree!!! I had a Taurus man give me a 6 date limit and by then he said we had to have sex, and so I told him date 5 would be our last.
Then he randomly hit me up and told me he was marrying his best friend, and so I said congrats and blocked him and then he stalked me on social media and tried to add me that way.
Men and games just to get some pussy lol
I can't stand thirsty ass to expand
Posted by __ixi__I am 100% confident he will be back and he may apologize/blame her on the low.
In humility and honesty, none of us can truly tell you if he will return and even more candidly, I think the situation with the Taurus is a non-starter so long as you have significant loose ends tangling in the breeze.
Astro won't be predictive in the least as to what exactly will happen here...what will likely be more insightful is an analysis of your and his behavioral patterns and the larger context of your and his situations.
Ultimately all I can say to this is act in a way that is in alignment with your values and play the game towards the outcomes you want for yourself. If you don't want a LDR then you need to address the fact you are in one. If you don't want to be deceitful then be honest. So on 'n' so forth.
Posted by saggurl88The audacity of him.Posted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochipPosted by MelanthoPosted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences
Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.
I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned it
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I agree!!! I had a Taurus man give me a 6 date limit and by then he said we had to have sex, and so I told him date 5 would be our last.
Then he randomly hit me up and told me he was marrying his best friend, and so I said congrats and blocked him and then he stalked me on social media and tried to add me that way.
Men and games just to get some pussy lol
I can't stand thirsty ass to expand
Posted by alphabetmafiaThat sounds like emotional manipulation.Posted by saggurl88
He blocked you for not staying over at his place and he's moving?
Let him go!
What would be the point in sleeping with him or starting up something if he is moving in 2 months aways?
Unless you're trying to scratch an itch, I wouldn't bother. It's a waste of body count.
Seems like he's trying to hump and dump and is mad that his admirations aren't paying off in a timely manner.
I had a feeling he’s moving to get away from me since he said I’ve hurt him and all that, also told me ‘I hope you live happily ever after when I’m gone and I won’t bother you with my shit anymore’ mid conversation. and his moving plans were so sudden, right after getting a promotion I know he wanted, so it makes no sense. and if I suddenly decided I want to start something, maybe he’d stay, he still has time. but I highly doubt I am going to make up my mind, besides who knows what he’s thinking rn, maybe he’s taking the ‘not talking to me ever again’ decision very seriously and I won’t be able to get him back even if I triedclick to expand
Posted by saggurl88ok well if you put it that way then it starts making sense, thanksPosted by alphabetmafiaPosted by saggurl88
He blocked you for not staying over at his place and he's moving?
Let him go!
What would be the point in sleeping with him or starting up something if he is moving in 2 months aways?
Unless you're trying to scratch an itch, I wouldn't bother. It's a waste of body count.
Seems like he's trying to hump and dump and is mad that his admirations aren't paying off in a timely manner.
I had a feeling he’s moving to get away from me since he said I’ve hurt him and all that, also told me ‘I hope you live happily ever after when I’m gone and I won’t bother you with my shit anymore’ mid conversation. and his moving plans were so sudden, right after getting a promotion I know he wanted, so it makes no sense. and if I suddenly decided I want to start something, maybe he’d stay, he still has time. but I highly doubt I am going to make up my mind, besides who knows what he’s thinking rn, maybe he’s taking the ‘not talking to me ever again’ decision very seriously and I won’t be able to get him back even if I tried
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That sounds like emotional manipulation.
Think about it~ Is it that easy to up root your life and move just because you don't get your way with 1 person? It's been 3 months of whatever you guys were doing and no intimacy.
He's not moving because of you, don't fall for that B.S.
He either planned it all along or is telling you that so he can have what he wants sooner.
Don't let him guilt you into giving up your body. It's your body. You don't have to give in to his emotional thirst trap.
If he can stop talking to you over this, is he really worth your time?
He's pressuring you way too much and you should call him out on to expand
Posted by DMVI guess they really love the chase. this is not the first Taurus/Aries Venus combo I’ve been involved with, not even the second either, I’ve met like 5 of them I think and they all were pretty much like this, the only difference is that this one actually admits he’s sad and hurt. his Pisces Moon talking probably
I had a Taurus sun, Aries Venus be absolutely driven insane by my desire not to affirm him and his feelings.
I would treat him like he was disposable because I didn’t see a future with him. But the mere thought that I was not falling to pieces over him made him upset.
One night he came over to my house and I was busy but he insisted trying to get laid. He was borderline ignored and got incredibly upset that I wasn’t jumping his incredible bones. He tried so many techniques but I was so unbothered. I can help you here and there. Why don’t you love me dmv?! Do you love me?! DMV: crickets.
He storms outta my house and slams the door.
I laugh
He calls a few days later saying how he can’t believe I’m not into him and if I could just tell him that I love him. Apologizing for storming out
I hang up and he starts staking me on Facebook.
I saw him out at a party. Gave an eyebrow wave and that ticked him off lol.
He came over again, pleading some ridiculous story about why I should love him.
I always ignore. Especially in public
He STILL calls me