are Sag men known to cheat?
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
What are they like when they do cheat? I'm becoming a little suspicious about my bf he goes out all and everynight after work and on the weekends most of the time he never comes home but to change for work and leave again. He always has his phone with him he never leaves it hanging around always face down like he doesn't want me to see anything even when he has to go to the bathroom he takes it with him.and when. Icomplained about this girl he always texts that likes him and i'd ask him if I could see what their talking about he always says no we shouldn't have to look at each others phones I offered my phone up faster than he did I said here you can see my texts my facebook anything matter of fact keep it for a day and he said no. There Is more to the story about this girl but I don't feel like telling it. Everytime I ask him what he did that night he never really tells me all he says is hang out, he never tells me anymore what he does when he hangs out. I tell him everything, who tried talking to me, what I drank what bars I go to who I was with etc...
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Not sure. Possibly, theyre seen as roamers and carefree so they might be cheaters. They also get bored easily.. that doesnt mean your bf is cheating though. There is also more to astrology than just sun sign. Maybe hes just a private guy. How long have you been together?
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Does he ever ask to you to go with him? I understand that men im general need their space but to continuously leave you home every night is crazy. Maybe he doesnt know youre bothered by it.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
In general*
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
Posted by lovelivelife11
What are they like when they do cheat? I'm becoming a little suspicious about my bf he goes out all and everynight after work and on the weekends most of the time he never comes home but to change for work and leave again. He always has his phone with him he never leaves it hanging around always face down like he doesn't want me to see anything even when he has to go to the bathroom he takes it with him.and when. Icomplained about this girl he always texts that likes him and i'd ask him if I could see what their talking about he always says no we shouldn't have to look at each others phones I offered my phone up faster than he did I said here you can see my texts my facebook anything matter of fact keep it for a day and he said no. There Is more to the story about this girl but I don't feel like telling it. Everytime I ask him what he did that night he never really tells me all he says is hang out, he never tells me anymore what he does when he hangs out. I tell him everything, who tried talking to me, what I drank what bars I go to who I was with etc...
girlfriend, all the signs r there.Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Does he ever ask to you to go with him? I understand that men im general need their space but to continuously leave you home every night is crazy. Maybe he doesnt know youre bothered by it.
He knows I have a problem with it but he says he works second shift all week and wants to have some free time. He has weekends off but still he's started going out late on the days he have work he gets off at midnight comes home or sometimes doesn't come home and then goes out again to wherever. And then calls me in the morning acting like he wants to see me knowing I do go to school in the morning and work the same shift as him at the same job but we never see each other at work. And then its the same thing everyday. Even on the weekends I don't really get to hang out or see him as much as I want to and then one day we went out to lunch which I were so excited for he may a big deal about me taking long to eat I thought that time was supposed to be our time to hang out and have at least part of the day to us but he made a big deal about the one to 1 1/2 hour we were out eating lunch. I asked him if he had something to do or somewhere to go and he said no its just he doesn't like to sit in the same spot for too long he has to move around O__o I didn't understand because I thought he would want to be around me. And then when I said that we could just go he said no finish your food but I'm like you were just complaining about me taking too long and now you want me to finish my food O___o I was confused and irritated but somehow I made him mad/irritated because I was mad/irritated.Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
Btw he asked to go to lunch and our lunch had lasted and hour and when I told him my brother wanted to go out to eat after he had asked me to go to lunch he says oh you can go with your brother if you want we don't have to go to lunch and I said no we can go to lunch because he had asked first and I never really get to hang out with him. And when he cut our lunch short he said aren't you supposed to be meeting your friend because me and a friend were going to the mall to go shopping later after that but I wasn't in a rush because she was still sleep from working.he says he likes his space I guess
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
hell yes! especially the young ones.
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
Sounds like the beginning of the end.
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Girrlll, either he??s already cheating or he??s about to, because you are not a challenge to him. But most importantly because, You are NOT putting your foot down. Where is your back bone??? If he doesn??t come home it??s because your allowing it. I??ll tell you what, he needs to come home and not find your azz there, I bet you??ll get his attention then! Or better yet, turn your phone off for half of the day and say it was dead. You have to let him see and KNOW, that you have a life of your own. Sagittarius men are always out looking for a new adventure, something fresh new and shiny, the trick is you have to make him feel like he??s dating someone new, all the time when really it??s you all wrapped up into one woman. Like one day you can be his homie play sports, have a drink and just chill all day in yall basketball shorts. The next day you can be his little fiery vixen that can??t get enough of him and won??t take no for an answer, the next day change your hair style , and hair color, switch up your lingerie and things like that. Show him the many different parts of your personality. One part of your personality that you need to get in tune with and introduce him to, is the ???no-bullshyt allowed?? part of you, that part will make him respect you.
When you don??t stand up for yourself and what you want men will see it as weakness, and if they don??t see any repercussions behind their actions they will think it??s allowed, and you are just nagging. You have to be fearless of losing him. Recognize what he wont do, there is ALWAYS someone out there, that will. Make him remember you are the prize, not him. And he??s a sagg so I know he has a smart azz mouth. You will need to learn to be firm and ignore his little outburst
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Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
Posted by Wynter
Sounds like the beginning of the end.
I love the way wynter talks. She puts things so simply. Def sounds like he's cheating and even if he isn't if he can't go out of his way to make you the least bit comfortable in your time of need.
he's a doucheSigned Up:
May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
Yup, he's about to pull the plug.
Are you dating my ex haha? You described him to a T! I think all the signs are there too, mine broke it off with me and a week later I found out he was seeing another girl.
I'll never go near another Sag again.
Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
I had a discussion with him about the girl I thought he was getting a little close to and he basically said idk why you think that I'm interested in this girl and that I'm cheating on you, and then he denied that he was showing the girl more attention at work always talking to her even in front of me but whenever she's not around he'll show me a little attention but I can tell when somethings different about him. He's starting to give this girl more attention then he called me crazy and weird because I noticed it and confronted him about it. Just recently I found out that he took 2 days off in may this month and this girl also had the same days off and I know this because our supervisor puts the names of people who have days off on a calender. I asked why he had the day off because he never told me about it usually he tells me when he takes days off and what for but anywho he told me he just wanted an extended weekend and that it was also a holiday weekend (memorial day) then just today I asked him if his family were doing anything for the holiday and he had no clue. Ugh I feel like such a stalker but this girl put on her twitter page that she were going to south beach in about 1 1/2 weeks from now and that she had a good boyfriend so I'm like almost 2 weeks from are the days they both took off of work. And just a few days or weeks ago he told me that him and some friends were thinking about taking a trip.....
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
Him and his friends were going to take a trip but he didn't know where to I'm bummed out because I'm like you can take a trip with your friend but not with me and he said we are going to do something you need to learn to chill out and I said ok whatever. A few days later he out of the blue says I know what we can do for your bithday and that he wanted to do something for me this weekend (which was last week) but he didn't know what....(We end up going out to eat) and then he also say we can go to las vegas but he knows I wanted to go to a beach...but anywho we haven't planned anything and my birthday is in july. And then just a few days ago he asked me who I was texting and I told him it was a guy friend of mine and I told him his name and he flipped out on me he was saying "soooo your texting guys now? And I said he's only an old friend of mine" (he's really funny and fun to be around and I just figured I should text him and see what he's up to) but anywho he flipped out on me told me to go live my guy friend who I'm not attracted to in any way shape or form told me I had to live somewhere and I started crying and telling him I would never hurt him I just thought it was ok for me to text my old guy friend since he has a mixture of friends and girls he texts including the one I think he's talking to then he says your only doing this because of that girl and then he stormed out of the house then 30 minutes later he sends me a text saying were not breaking up chill out" it really pissed me off!!!
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
I know you guys are telling me to get out of the relationship but I really want to catch him in the act he acts like mr goody 2 shoes and that he can do no wrong, everything is owed to him, he's above everyone, he's always right I'm always wrong he's really narssicistic or however you spell it lol he blames me for everything and always making me feel bad get mad when I don't respond to him quickly I feel like im walking on egg shells around him worried that he's going to yell at me for something or tell me I'm doing something wrong critiscize me in some way
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
Co I confronted him about the post she put on her twitter and someone mentioned his name and said that he was an angel I asked him why was she putting his name and BF (boyfriend) in the same sentence? All he kept saying was why are you snooping on this girls page??? He was going off on me so mad...I said that's not the point why did this girl mention your name and BF in the same sentence? All he was worried about is that I was on the girls twitter page so now he told me I need to move back with my mom. I'm just thinking out of respect for me he should have asked the girl why she mentioned his name and BF in the same sentence? Why is she putting photos of him on her page? If he's saying he doesn't know why she's doing it he needs to address her about it instead of getting angry with me about snooping on her page. Right? If it was me he would have flipped out on me and gotten so angry like he is now
He's seeing someone else. Cannot blame him for his actions if you are hurting yourself in the process of keeping him around. Switch up the scene, disappear with backbone (as PinkLibra mentioned), it invovles playing a game, or staying in a hearbreak. Or all together, leaving without looking back with someone else treating you as the princess & woman you should be treated in the near future. Staying involved will lead more of a heartbreak, because he's already playing the game as the coach before you got in. To him, you're another one passing by, as this girl he's speaking with is the next one in line. Both of you two girls are getting played. This is direct to make you see what you cannot see. Though, you only choose to see what you want to see when others are saying to look somewhere else. No one can change your mind. Only you decide what you want for yourself to give up to what it's worth.
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
He said when we first met that he would never cheat on me he would never hurt me he said that he would be better for me so I don't understand why I'm being treated this way... But anywho I caught him cheating on me with that girl and he apologized to me over and over he said he was sorry he didn't mean to hurt me he said that he loved me he cared about. Me and that he had respect for me he just made a mistake and he said that they never had sex which I think is a lie and he said that he was taking his frustrations about his ex out on me and that he was sorry. He said he doesn't want me out of his life he said he doesn't know what he wants but he doesn't want me to leave him he said he wanted a future with me he said that I was his girlfriend and that he didn't want her like that.... But ever since then he still invites the girl to his house she still spends the night and he still shows her more attention at work.... Just recently she posted something on her twitter and referred to him as her boyfriend I confronted him on it and he said I thought you promised me you wouldn't snoop and then he said I told you don't worry about that just relax and chill out and be cool ok he said I was his girlfriend he wanted a future with me.... But his words don't mean anything to me I don't know why all of a sudden he's acting this way towards me. And then he said well you went through this with other guys you've dated and you stayed with them and that Also I should just stick with him even though he is cheating.... He's 32 years old and I'm 21 he should know better...
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
He also used the excuse that he's always been in long term relationships and that when he first met me he was getting out of a 7 year relationship with hs ex and that he never has the chance to get out there and date and basically do what men do best which is sleep around.... But I don't see why tht is so important...
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Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
And also he keeps saying "if I didn't want you I'll tell you" your the only one I want a future with , I care about you and I love you..... I really don't know what to do or say...
Signed Up:
Jan 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 16
Posted by lovecatt
Are you dating my ex haha? You described him to a T! I think all the signs are there too, mine broke it off with me and a week later I found out he was seeing another girl.
I'll never go near another Sag again.
I want to second this! and hell yes mine was cheating. A year and a half after I left him and he has been doing plenty to change his ways and win me back. Not that I wouldnt take him back or date another Sag but I KNOW until they say and ACT on being ready to settle down and be with only you... you are just on a roller coaster ride.Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
So I was right he was dating/talking to the girl. After lying and lying to me he dropped the bomb on me he told me he was dating her and told me to leave him and her alone after getting mad at me for posting on my twitter that he told me he loved me. I cryed and cryed and cryed I cursed him out and told him I hate him. He told me to stop before I say something I didn't mean but I didn't care I called him every name in the book and cursed him out some more. After that a few weeks pass and he calls me and tells me he apologises for saying what he said to me and putting me through so much and said that he doesn't want to lose me and that he loved me as a person (whatever the f*ck that means) he also said I don't know what's going to happen in the future and if we'll be together weeks months or a year from now blah blah. ever since that he texts me and call me every now and then and comes to see me but he's still dating the girl. He told me I didn't have to talk to him because of how hard it would be for me but me not wanting to let go said it was OK for him to call and text but I'm not still over what he did to me I still cry about it almost everyday. I'm trying to move on and stop thinking about it but its so hard. If I would have known this was going to happen to menu wouldn't have talked to him and I told him that. He told me he's not expecting/asking me to wait on him and he said that if I move onto someone else he would understand. I just want to forget about this whole situation and move on I'm tired of crying and being depressed about it. A part of me wants him to hurt as much as I did and the crazy thing about this is his ex girlfriend before me left him for another guy and he was going to propose to her she left him and he never seen it coming his mom told me he cried to her about it I dont understand why he thinks its OK to hurt me after the same thing has happened to him. I want to move on but I still want him. I don't know what else to do. I'm not looking to date anyone else for a while but I have been texting other guys and talking to them on Facebook butbi can't bring myself to actually dating and being in a relationship with someone else anymore.
Signed Up:
Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
Posted by lovelivelife11
I had a discussion with him about the girl I thought he was getting a little close to and he basically said idk why you think that I'm interested in this girl and that I'm cheating on you, and then he denied that he was showing the girl more attention at work always talking to her even in front of me but whenever she's not around he'll show me a little attention but I can tell when somethings different about him. He's starting to give this girl more attention then he called me crazy and weird because I noticed it and confronted him about it. Just recently I found out that he took 2 days off in may this month and this girl also had the same days off and I know this because our supervisor puts the names of people who have days off on a calender. I asked why he had the day off because he never told me about it usually he tells me when he takes days off and what for but anywho he told me he just wanted an extended weekend and that it was also a holiday weekend (memorial day) then just today I asked him if his family were doing anything for the holiday and he had no clue. Ugh I feel like such a stalker but this girl put on her twitter page that she were going to south beach in about 1 1/2 weeks from now and that she had a good boyfriend so I'm like almost 2 weeks from are the days they both took off of work. And just a few days or weeks ago he told me that him and some friends were thinking about taking a trip.....
I wanna beat both their asses for you lolSigned Up:
Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
Posted by lovelivelife11
He said when we first met that he would never cheat on me he would never hurt me he said that he would be better for me so I don't understand why I'm being treated this way... But anywho I caught him cheating on me with that girl and he apologized to me over and over he said he was sorry he didn't mean to hurt me he said that he loved me he cared about. Me and that he had respect for me he just made a mistake and he said that they never had sex which I think is a lie and he said that he was taking his frustrations about his ex out on me and that he was sorry. He said he doesn't want me out of his life he said he doesn't know what he wants but he doesn't want me to leave him he said he wanted a future with me he said that I was his girlfriend and that he didn't want her like that.... But ever since then he still invites the girl to his house she still spends the night and he still shows her more attention at work.... Just recently she posted something on her twitter and referred to him as her boyfriend I confronted him on it and he said I thought you promised me you wouldn't snoop and then he said I told you don't worry about that just relax and chill out and be cool ok he said I was his girlfriend he wanted a future with me.... But his words don't mean anything to me I don't know why all of a sudden he's acting this way towards me. And then he said well you went through this with other guys you've dated and you stayed with them and that Also I should just stick with him even though he is cheating.... He's 32 years old and I'm 21 he should know better...
wait this is the second time he's cheated on you?Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
No the first and got only time we had only been dating for a year and a half....
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Aug 13, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 252 · Topics: 22
They only cheat when they don't love you. So it's a double-loss. Get the hell out of this relationship. It's not going to get better.
Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
@arielle83 (and others) its so crazy because everyone looks at him like he could do no wrong his family his friends everyone! Unless there's a side of him that everyone else has seen that I havent. He's supposed to be this faithful loving caring guy and yea he was in the beginning but he changed and I think its because of his past relationship his ex gf of 7 years cheated on him for another guy and got pregnant by the guy, she never told him she was leaving and he was going to propose to her.
I've heard that part of the reason why she left was because he couldn't have kids. I don't know how true that is. But he did tell me he couldn't have kids. I know that it does bother him he just acts like it doesn't like he doesn't care.
3 months after she left him he started dating me.
I still care about him but I just don't want to go through all of the BS. Especially if he doesn't know what he wants.
Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
And another thing, we both act alike, he said he used to be like me, shy, quiet and reserved so its not like we have nothing in common the only thing that makes us different is that he likes to party and have fun, i do to, but I'm more of a homebody. He said he liked me because Im pretty and also because I'm not cocky about it and I'm very humbled. He stills says it.
I don't understand if he's supposed to be dating someone else why does he ask me if other guys try to talk to me or why everytime I tell him I'm going out with someone (to eat or a bar etc...) That it has to be a guy im meeting or going with...he says things like "so whats his name" and i say uuum HER name is....and shes my friend and he'll say oh.....
In my personal experience with a Sag, they will not cheat but hardly ever commit. What I mean by that, is they will let u know upfront what they're intentions are and if you agree to the FWB, then if you ask him about being with other women or if there are others beside you, he will give you an honest answer. My mother is also a Sagittarius and she's so blunt that I want to sometimes kick her in the stomach_??? but I still love her more than life itself!!!! The Sag that I've been stuck on, I've been dealing with his drama for almost 4 years and he has always been honest with me even when I wish that he hadn't! Now we have not transcended to the BF/GF stage, but from what I know about him, he will most likely leave me alone before he would cheat on me if we ever get there.
Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
Even after the break up he's talked about marriage to me hes mentioned it whiles we were together also. I thought it was weird that he mentioned marriage to me especially if hes supposedly dating someone else....he says I'm a perfect girl he just doesn't know what he wants I never made him feel like he couldn't be free and do his own thing...I never complained about anything except for what was going on with him and the girl he cheated on me with...
Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
Sun Sagittarius
Moon Taurus
Mercury Sagittarius
Venus Sagittarius
Mars Capricorn
Jupiter Libra
Saturn Libra
Sun cancer
Moon Aries
Mercury Leo
Venus Leo
Mars Leo
Jupiter Leo
Saturn aquarius
Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
His ascendent is Virgo, my ascendent is cancer
You want the honest answer?
Between PURE cancer or PURE Sag [ notice I said PURE not SUN Sign ]
Sagittarius wins in ANY Category... Especially loyalty and honesty
I know I'm probably hurting your sensitive AF feelings.. but hey it's true
Seriously.. I honestly pray every day to god or the reason of existence
That heavy / pure true Yangs.. Never get trapped by YIN... seriously
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 1142 · Topics: 24
Number one him texting a girl that likes him is a problem. If he was really into you he wouldn't have time for that. Are you two living together? Maybe the living arrangement works for him and that is why he is staying. How's your sex life with him? He'll stay and continue to behave that way as long as you let him.
Signed Up:
Sep 15, 2011Comments: 34 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 24
Well the situation is crazy and it makes me look so stupid...I feel stupid...we live with each other from august 2012 to April 2013 after I saw him in bed with the girl I moved back with my mom and then for months after that he would constantly lie about what was going on between him and the girl and I would constantly cry and complain about it to him we all worked together so it hurt me so much to watch him everyday he did this in my face everyday interact with this girl laugh and joke with this girl he went to florida with her and swore it was a group trip bit it was just him and her he bought her flowers a few times and swore to me that it was nothing and that I needed to stop complaining and worrying about it hes done so much with and for her and not for me....he got so tired of my complaining that he just came out and said he was dating her and that I needed to leave him and her alone....a few weeks passed and he calls me and apologizes for what he said to me and what he did to me....then he mentioned something to me about getting married but I didnt take him serious. And then on I've been talking to him he'll text me and call me he'll come over to see me or I'll go to his house rarely because he's still seeing that girl and she lives with him now for almost a year. Every time I ask him if she's someone he really wants to be with he never says yes he never gives me an answer.