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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
I sometimes find that my non stop mind gets overwhelmed. im always looking for a hobby to enjoy with in moments sometimes im bored of it and am on to the next... i can never seem to finish anything i start. i sometimes just feel sooooo bored with life i want something to happen. i love change and if there is nothing going on im not happy... with Work i get bored really easy been in the same field for 14 years but have moved companies about every 2 to 3 years in that 14 years... sometimes all this moving, thinking, bordom gets to me..
I over think everything. im very sensitive to other peoples emotions they can litteraly effect my life negativly is someone close to me is having a hard time or moody..
how do you guys cope with all this or am I alone here? maybe its not Sag traits and just me being bat crap crazy lol.
I for one am the same way and its been that way these last couple months and its good to know that I'm not the only one.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
I have to surround myself with different people to alleviate the boring. My friends dont get it, so I have to lie to them to spend time with other people. New people n new experiences make me feel alive.
Seeing the same people makes me depressed.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
I did when I was younger. Restlessness comes from thinking...trying to force answers that only will be revealed in time. It also comes when one's spirit doesn't have a sense of direction.
Essentially not being able to make a choice. We are afraid of fate. Making a choice means change and leaving certain things behind. While we have many talents, there is one purpose for which each Sag is here for. When you make a choice and stick to the plan, you get focus and direction, then the restlessness and overthinking gain clarity and peace.
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
how in the world do i gain clarity and peace lol. these past couple months i have been a mess. i have been to doctors as i thought maybe there is a physical problem with me... my mind is faster then my body. im normally so very happy go lucky everything rolls off my back but not now... maybe cause im getting old lol. I just so badly want to find my place in this world.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
I just came from a holiday party with tons of wallflowers and I wouldnt change my sign for the world. I love being a sag. Its like a license to laugh 24/7.
I need no excuse to dance, I hear a beat and im gone. Shit I think I could dance a whole song in my head.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
Bwahahaha. But in short, seriously let one of my arrows stick and I will finish it to the bitter sweet end.
scorpio and earth placements help with the ability to focus.
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
LOL at DMV im the same way im always the first one on the dance floor and often dance to the own tune in my head my bf just shakes his head at me with a little smirk on his face... i would not change my sign either i love who i am i just wish i had a direction i cant seem to find my place what i enjoy or who i am. I hear people of our sign are artsy, like to write and create.... im not that at all!! but hells ya i love to dance to sing and make a fool out of my self if it gets people laughing either at me or with me im all for it.
My wife's a Sag, it difficult to keep up at times. My wife told me the other day, she likes "change" and I like "consistency". Good way of putting it.
But I do keep up. At times, you have to take it easy on your partner. Sometimes it's good to stand still and take it all in. My wife is learning this.
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
I do take it easy on him i give the man the world. my little vent that started this thread is my way of getting out my frusteration do i do not take it out on him. i never fight or argue with him. in fact we never fight or argue we step away and discuss later. i am just hypersensitive to his moods when he is introverted and just wants to get stuff done i take it personally that i did something wrong.
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
lmao Sage eh!! huh if only it was that easy
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
I understand completely where you're coming from. What happens is we spend a great deal of time "retiring." Jupiter is the planet of retiring. But we end up spending the latter part of our lives working to catch up. Also, a bunch of bad stuff happening comes from up doing to much but not paying attention to what the Universe...the Divine is trying to show us. The direction he wants us to go. It's like I said, we need to realize we aren't meant to lead a carefree life where things just fall into place and we rely solely on luck. We make the mistake of pushing our luck. Fate will have its way and the longer we resist the harder it gets. But fate doesn't mean we lose our freedom, it actually adds to it. Especially in the love department. Instead of having to handle everything ourselves and be controlling, that energy is freed to devote to something that is for our purpose...our fate.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
i think other people can become overwhelmed by us even more so
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Sep 03, 2013Comments: 13 · Posts: 892 · Topics: 47
I find it extremely hard. I believe it's cause of my placements, and cause some people for get me. I'm very One day I will find balance; till then I'll post a warning sign on my back it will read "Proceed with Caution."
Does anyone else here struggles with their Moon sign as a Sag. My moon is in Virgo; and it's the most annoying thing ever. I want to fly, but my moon sometimes brings me back down to Which is not all that bad, but I tend to over think things a lot!
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Sep 03, 2013Comments: 13 · Posts: 892 · Topics: 47
My Virgo moon does the The only times I really feel the effects of it, is during a new and full moon. I'm very cautious, and introverted then. Once it's gone, I'm back to normal.
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Sep 03, 2013Comments: 13 · Posts: 892 · Topics: 47
Oh yeah; and it can be both a blessing and a It's the time when I'm most emotional; yet guarded, most creative and also depressed(sucks), yet that little bit of emotional depression makes for awesome writing, especially when I listen to music. I'm a homebody as well, which I love cause I get to just relax when I have the time.
It's good; but it can sometimes be a drag.