Who is better for a Sagittarius man? A Sagittarius woman or a Gemini woman?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Easha23000us on Monday, October 18, 2021 and has 58 replies.
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What are your experiences?
It depends…

Which one is the wife/gf

Which one is the side chick??
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?
I saw Sagittarius Man/Gemini Woman couples more than ones. Sagittarius Man/Woman couples never.

Posted by stardustmop

I don’t think I’ve ever seen either match in real life.

gem woman I was with was aloof. we were together for a year, 8 years ago. she still tells me she was in love with me and still loves me. Wouldn't have guessed it from her actions, didn't ghost but left town and never reconnected. Not enough passion for me. definitely great friends at least in her eyes, she's a pillow princess but gorgeous.

sag woman i was engaged to when I was 22. absolute fun....threesomes, nsa, had a live in girlfriend.... no deep connection. she cheated, then I cheated, then she caused a whole bunch of mess. still loves me to this day and I hate her.
Posted by Maxian

Gemini will keep Sag man on his toes. Sag and Sag would become pretty boring.

So I guess Gemini for the win...
Posted by hellosaggy

gem woman I was with was aloof. we were together for a year, 8 years ago. she still tells me she was in love with me and still loves me. Wouldn't have guessed it from her actions, didn't ghost but left town and never reconnected. Not enough passion for me. definitely great friends at least in her eyes, she's a pillow princess but gorgeous.

sag woman i was engaged to when I was 22. absolute fun....threesomes, nsa, had a live in girlfriend.... no deep connection. she cheated, then I cheated, then she caused a whole bunch of mess. still loves me to this day and I hate her.
This was such a rollercoaster to read lol
Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more
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This is absolutely true!
All my relationships are roller coasters lol. I secretly like a little drama.... not crazy though

I think I've short termed relationship(ped) every sign in the zodiac.

Posted by hellosaggy

All my relationships are roller coasters lol. I secretly like a little drama.... not crazy though

I think I've short termed relationship(ped) every sign in the zodiac.
Which sign do you considered to have the best bond with?
Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more
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Hey you. Nice to see you back!

And yup so true. There is a certain amount of stability in the freedom you give a Gemini, once a person understands their needs.

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.
Posted by nanobotz

I’m not attracted to sag men at all, but then again I’m on the Taurus cusp of Gemini with a cap moon. My best friend is a sag man. Completely platonic and would never be anything otherwise. A lil too flakey and immature for my tastes.

What sign is his girlfriend? If you know.
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more

Hey you. Nice to see you back!

And yup so true. There is a certain amount of stability in the freedom you give a Gemini, once a person understands their needs.

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.
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Boooring?!? you think I'm boring @saggurl88
Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by hellosaggy

All my relationships are roller coasters lol. I secretly like a little drama.... not crazy though

I think I've short termed relationship(ped) every sign in the zodiac.

Which sign do you considered to have the best bond with?
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looking through my phone/timepro app to see:

soul matish

Scorpio (I have four scorpio placements)

Aquarius (hate to admit it, but its like a constant game of cat and mouse but its an amazing friendship)





any sign where the sex is fun and not routine.... I hate routine.
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more

Hey you. Nice to see you back!

And yup so true. There is a certain amount of stability in the freedom you give a Gemini, once a person understands their needs.

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.

Boooring?!? you think I'm boring @saggurl88
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You're basically my astro twin -You know you're the only Sag I love boo boo.

You could never be boring my little love muffin Love
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad
I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more

Hey you. Nice to see you back!

And yup so true. There is a certain amount of stability in the freedom you give a Gemini, once a person understands their needs.

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.

Boooring?!? you think I'm boring @saggurl88
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That's what she said...Lol! Besides, you would choose a Gem over a Sag, now would'nt you?
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.
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That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.
Posted by nanobotz
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by nanobotz

I’m not attracted to sag men at all, but then again I’m on the Taurus cusp of Gemini with a cap moon. My best friend is a sag man. Completely platonic and would never be anything otherwise. A lil too flakey and immature for my tastes.

What sign is his girlfriend? If you know.

Aquarius Sun/Libra moon
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Typical air....SMH.
I guess Sag women are not checking for Sag men either...
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.
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FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more

Hey you. Nice to see you back!

And yup so true. There is a certain amount of stability in the freedom you give a Gemini, once a person understands their needs.

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.

Boooring?!? you think I'm boring @saggurl88

That's what she said...Lol! Besides, you would choose a Gem over a Sag, now would'nt you?
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I'd take Gem over Sag yes... depending on placements... GEM with the on/off switch is a PITA... unless she's worth it most of the time.
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Wizardz2
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by Wizardz2

Gemini woman . Two sags together would be a bit one-dimensional and emotionless and not enough attachment to keep them together

And you believe that a noncommittal Gemini woman would attach to a Sag man better?

Geminis commit it's just that people don't let us go hot and cold and do our thing. We're committed underneath but they look too much on the surface and get fearful and once you do that you will push the Gem away. Sags don't care, they just want to have fun and if you say no to them they will go have fun with someone else so that frees the Gem so she doesn't have to worry and she'll want to be with him more and more

Hey you. Nice to see you back!

And yup so true. There is a certain amount of stability in the freedom you give a Gemini, once a person understands their needs.

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.

Boooring?!? you think I'm boring @saggurl88

That's what she said...Lol! Besides, you would choose a Gem over a Sag, now would'nt you?

I'd take Gem over Sag yes... depending on placements... GEM with the on/off switch is a PITA... unless she's worth it most of the time.
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Why am I upset about this??
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea
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FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing
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LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.
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You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅

Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.

You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅

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What is happening?
Probably depends on the man…
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.

You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅


What is happening?
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Huh? Nothing- Which is typical of 2 Sag lol

We both have relationships. There is nothing happening at all. Just teasing and having some fun smile

What's going on with you? Why are you asking about a Gemini? Did you find out your guy is talking to someone else?
I wouldn’t trust either 😂😂 oh but opposite way since I’m female. But of course it all depends on the placements. 😊

Sag men don’t ever go anywhere for me. I’ve dated 3. Only a couple of dates for all of them.
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.

You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅


What is happening?

Huh? Nothing- Which is typical of 2 Sag lol

We both have relationships. There is nothing happening at all. Just teasing and having some fun smile

What's going on with you? Why are you asking about a Gemini? Did you find out your guy is talking to someone else?
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No.. I am a member on Facebook of the We love Sagittarius group.. And I notice that the majority of Sag men are coupled up with Gemini women, and they speak very highly of them. Just looking for tips to keep my Sag man from getting bored.
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.

You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅


What is happening?

Huh? Nothing- Which is typical of 2 Sag lol

We both have relationships. There is nothing happening at all. Just teasing and having some fun smile

What's going on with you? Why are you asking about a Gemini? Did you find out your guy is talking to someone else?

No.. I am a member on Facebook of the We love Sagittarius group.. And I notice that the majority of Sag men are coupled up with Gemini women, and they speak very highly of them. Just looking for tips to keep my Sag man from getting bored.
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Girl I would think your Leo moon would be enough! lol Leo moons on any sign have hard enough challenges as it is.

It's nice that you're looking ahead though. I'm the same way. I like knowing what I'm up against and what I can work on to better myself and the relationship. I have no issues challenging myself and changing.

I think most Sagittarius are willing to make efforts like this. I'm glad we aren't closed minded when it comes to the greater good and our wants and happiness.
Posted by nanobotz
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by nanobotz
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by nanobotz

I’m not attracted to sag men at all, but then again I’m on the Taurus cusp of Gemini with a cap moon. My best friend is a sag man. Completely platonic and would never be anything otherwise. A lil too flakey and immature for my tastes.

What sign is his girlfriend? If you know.

Aquarius Sun/Libra moon

I hate to say it, but Gemini women will steal a Sag man from an Aquarius...Not all, but I notice some..

Typical air....SMH.

I think sag/aqua is happening more than gem/sag and sag/sag
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Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.

You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅


What is happening?

Huh? Nothing- Which is typical of 2 Sag lol

We both have relationships. There is nothing happening at all. Just teasing and having some fun smile

What's going on with you? Why are you asking about a Gemini? Did you find out your guy is talking to someone else?

No.. I am a member on Facebook of the We love Sagittarius group.. And I notice that the majority of Sag men are coupled up with Gemini women, and they speak very highly of them. Just looking for tips to keep my Sag man from getting bored.

Girl I would think your Leo moon would be enough! lol Leo moons on any sign have hard enough challenges as it is.

It's nice that you're looking ahead though. I'm the same way. I like knowing what I'm up against and what I can work on to better myself and the relationship. I have no issues challenging myself and changing.

I think most Sagittarius are willing to make efforts like this. I'm glad we aren't closed minded when it comes to the greater good and our wants and happiness.
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Absolutely. But I am nervous because my Venus in Scorpio rears her ugly head every now and again. I am trying to incorporate some airy Gemini traits, to keep him on his toes...
It’s opposite
Posted by Truemara

It’s opposite

What is?
I've never dated a Sag. FOMO!!!
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.

You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅


What is happening?

Huh? Nothing- Which is typical of 2 Sag lol

We both have relationships. There is nothing happening at all. Just teasing and having some fun smile

What's going on with you? Why are you asking about a Gemini? Did you find out your guy is talking to someone else?

No.. I am a member on Facebook of the We love Sagittarius group.. And I notice that the majority of Sag men are coupled up with Gemini women, and they speak very highly of them. Just looking for tips to keep my Sag man from getting bored.

Girl I would think your Leo moon would be enough! lol Leo moons on any sign have hard enough challenges as it is.

It's nice that you're looking ahead though. I'm the same way. I like knowing what I'm up against and what I can work on to better myself and the relationship. I have no issues challenging myself and changing.

I think most Sagittarius are willing to make efforts like this. I'm glad we aren't closed minded when it comes to the greater good and our wants and happiness.

Absolutely. But I am nervous because my Venus in Scorpio rears her ugly head every now and again. I am trying to incorporate some airy Gemini traits, to keep him on his toes...
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A Leo Moon and Scorpio Venus!??!! I'll pray for you lol

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Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Easha23000us
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by hellosaggy
Posted by Easha23000us

Also, Sag men, What characteristics that a Gemini woman possess that makes you fall in love with her as compared to the Sag woman? I notice that when a Sag man discuss a Gemini woman, he calls her his queen and beautiful, and is head over heels. But when referring to a Sag woman, he just states that she is fun, and that she gets himSad

I would say the Gemini I dated, I liked her because she's fun and she got me.... it's that dual personality that's a drag. Sex was eh tooo.

the sag..... its like you are both the same.... its really like a good friend that you can do anything with.... no depth really there, both are looking for adventure.... so you got an instant buddy to do things with, but no teeth....at the same time its light and fun.

That sounds boring. lol I'mma have to take my love back 😏 Light and fun adventure is for friends.

FWB! grrrr yeah baby yea

FWB on my terms only lol Fucc yo FWB!!!Laughing

LMAO. I luv you... sexually....not emotionally...that's too committal.

You love me in both way mutha fucca! Quit playing- Virtually of course Winking

I'm still friendzoning you and saying Gemini is better for Sag! Tongue 💅


What is happening?

Huh? Nothing- Which is typical of 2 Sag lol

We both have relationships. There is nothing happening at all. Just teasing and having some fun smile

What's going on with you? Why are you asking about a Gemini? Did you find out your guy is talking to someone else?

No.. I am a member on Facebook of the We love Sagittarius group.. And I notice that the majority of Sag men are coupled up with Gemini women, and they speak very highly of them. Just looking for tips to keep my Sag man from getting bored.

Girl I would think your Leo moon would be enough! lol Leo moons on any sign have hard enough challenges as it is.

It's nice that you're looking ahead though. I'm the same way. I like knowing what I'm up against and what I can work on to better myself and the relationship. I have no issues challenging myself and changing.

I think most Sagittarius are willing to make efforts like this. I'm glad we aren't closed minded when it comes to the greater good and our wants and happiness.

Absolutely. But I am nervous because my Venus in Scorpio rears her ugly head every now and again. I am trying to incorporate some airy Gemini traits, to keep him on his toes...

A Leo Moon and Scorpio Venus!??!! I'll pray for you lol

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A hard knock life huh?
Posted by geminiflyby

I've never dated a Sag. FOMO!!!

What does FOMO mean?
Fear Of Missing Out
"But I am nervous because my Venus in Scorpio rears her ugly head every now and again. I am trying to incorporate some airy Gemini traits, to keep him on his toes..."

I think you should just be you. Not sure what airy Gemini traits you want to add. Do fun stuff together. Surprise him!
Posted by geminiflyby

"But I am nervous because my Venus in Scorpio rears her ugly head every now and again. I am trying to incorporate some airy Gemini traits, to keep him on his toes..."

I think you should just be you. Not sure what airy Gemini traits you want to add. Do fun stuff together. Surprise him!

The art of keeping him on his toes....And getting into his head. Gemini women are good at that.
Neither... I would say a pisces or aquarius woman. Based on the surface of what the sun signs are like sag needs someone who allows them to be free to explore but still need to have a support system. Since sags tend to be internally emotional more than outwardly they need someone who can allow them to break down those walls. I would say virgo but... because sag and virgo can both be stoic/strict in some regards in life it can be difficult to be vulnerable. Then again depends on their whole chart and the person's experiences. Sag women or gemini it just depends, if its strictly sun I would say neither. Pisces and aqua because if its sun based they're a bit more open and carefree which can tolerate someone who requires space to roam.
Posted by saggurl88

Answering Op's question-I think Gemini women are better suited for Sag Men as well. I find most Sag men to be boring and non committal. I don't find Geminis to be this way. Geminis are very upfront about their feelings, so things progress and get deeper then surface level.

I agree with you about Sagittarius Men, but I remember one Sagittarius man who made me laugh.

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Posted by virghost

Neither... I would say a pisces or aquarius woman. Based on the surface of what the sun signs are like sag needs someone who allows them to be free to explore but still need to have a support system. Since sags tend to be internally emotional more than outwardly they need someone who can allow them to break down those walls. I would say virgo but... because sag and virgo can both be stoic/strict in some regards in life it can be difficult to be vulnerable. Then again depends on their whole chart and the person's experiences. Sag women or gemini it just depends, if its strictly sun I would say neither. Pisces and aqua because if its sun based they're a bit more open and carefree which can tolerate someone who requires space to roam.

I've known a lot of Virgo girls with Sags guys. You're right about this pair.
Sag men with Sag women.. if you're going the Mercurial route Virgo with Sag not with Gem.. for relationships that aren't strictly platonic. Sags and Gems go good together when it's not sexual or romanticles.. too much happening and it comes across as 'game playing' on either/both sides because there's not much of an anchor for the space-case-iness..

Idk, my thoughts smile lol