Aries are wimps

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by scorpion_rising on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 and has 51 replies.
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So I set up a topic on Aries. Blasting them to see how tough they were. No response.
I visited the board today to see if our friends had any fire. Topic was banned. Feelings got hurt. I kinda feel bad for lashing out at them, but it was really just a test.
Now I know. But I kinda always did since my brother and sister are both Aries.
Bottom Line: I'm only gonna play nice outside the Scorpio board. I'm just gonna reserve my venom for you guys.
You know Rox.
Aries are just blowhards. They talk like they're all tough, but they don't really have the core evil that we do. And I'm not saying this to talk smack. It's true.
They just flame out after they have their surge, but we brood over our anger and let it boil to a dangerous rage. Makes us sturdy.
My brother and sister are a perfect example. My sister still has a nasty tongue, but I know I can verbally destroy her if necessary. But I'll never do it because I did it once and she was just deeply hurt for a long time.
My older brother used to like to beat me up. Then I whipped his ass at a certain age. And he never came back for more.
They're just bullies. Let 'em flame out and they'll return to normal. We on the other hand....
From the ones I have encountered, they are example is a thuggish looking aries girl at work....always needing to be centre of attention and constant flattery was required...I only once had it out with her in the middle of the office, oouldn't care less whether I got sacked in the process but she needed to hear a few things..the cold harsh brutal truth..something they don't handle well..brutality..although they are meant to be kings of blunt.
So anyways..after that the stupid cow didn't shout or boast anymore in front of fact it was all curteousy and respect..They just need to be bought down a peg or two, then like I said before..silence will inevitably prevail....silence is a great thing..
They are compassionate souls deep down me thinks...
Theres one thing you don't rile up..and thats the Scorpio Rising temper...
MM, they are so blunt because they have no self-control. They need to immediately let out their anger.
They can't keep their anger inside and brood on it dangerously because their constitution can't handle it.
Anger and rage ultimately weakens a person's health and core being, and if you're gonna hold it in you, you got to be strong enough to deal with it.
Aries aren't. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just what they are.
And what we are.
I love my brother and sister. Our family was no more dysfunctional than anyone else's.
I do think signs matter. I can see how my Gemini cousin would react to the same treatment differently than I would.
If I weren't a Scorpio, i might have it in me to be the peacemaker when I was young if you know what I mean... Or at least be adorable so that they wouldn't do it.

Yes...well we do have a habit of killing ourselves occasionally...we're just sick like that..
But yes we do have immense self-control of the emotions...
I remember one Aries girl in the office...getting all worked up cos she couldn't figure out the system...she's mad at herself..but she decides to shout and scream and blame the I am showing her what to do in my calm controlled way and she's going into one, talking over me and generally I got to the point where I couldn't take anymore of the bullshit (tolerance levels are quite low for that kind of thing) so I just stared at her and said "do you want my help or not..cos quite frankly I have better things to do in my time then to listen to you in my ear..I have a weak eardrum and you are making it worse". She looked at me in total astonishment and sat down...I couldn't be bothered at this time so walked off...the next day she came up to me and apologised for her irrational behaviour and told me she was having a bad day. I said well everyone has those but you don't see them ranting and raving across the room do you but apology accepted...This all said accompanied by my killer smile of course.
It has to be their need to get out of their system whatever it is they want to say without listening or thinking...its blurrrted straight out..then they think and its like..oh wait a minute..i actually meant that.
Well duh!
But they are fun....To each their own and all that....I am sure we are hated just as much as the next
I don't think anyone is more hated, feared, or maligned more than Scorpios.
Seems like everyone on these boards have had a bad experience with one or many.
Yeah there is a plaque I saw once somewhere:
Scorpio - Wanted by God, hunted by man
Seems appropriate really....
Oh did I mention we also had HUGE egos?
Trust the virgo to over analyse...Sheesh...give that brain of yours a rest...
Or perhaps there were none around at the time topic was posted...they aren't known to jump at topics..give it time..they come...
passionate emotions will inevitably get a response from another passionate soul unless you are a virgo..
Yesterday, I tried to explain to my Virgo pal (the DJ) how the intuitive mind works. It's very hard to explain, and it's entirely different from the logical deductive process. I was able to only relay part of it. It was quite humorous seeing her try to follow me in her left-brained way.
You can only really sense it. You can't break down it.
If you can't trust my views on Aries, based on my interactions with my brother and sister, then that's certainly your prerogative.
But think about one thing: you are on an astrology board, aren't you?
Right thats to bed....this cold weather makes one pee a lot more...or maybe I am just getting old..
"there's a severe lack of backbone at dxp these days."
Rox, you're the best. Don't leave.
If you do, we'll get Mikey to send you more sexy shower pics.
I need not hide my intentions, as I stated them very clearly with my first post. If you read it again, I was merely to trying to incite trouble and see some Aries responses. I wanted to see how sharp and nasty they could be. I obviously failed in that endeavor.
I was not trying to hurt anyone.

scorpion_rising: "I don't think anyone is more hated, feared, or maligned more than Scorpios."
WTF?! Dude, have you spent much time on the Virgo Board? The non-Virgo posters outnumber the Virgs by about 10 to 1 (the Virgs are off doing constructive things), and the hate & malignity is thicker than pudding...
Fear? Yeah, you Scorps probably are the most feared - at least by those with enough sense to see y'all are nucking futz, and may go off like Mad Max at any given moment with little to no warning...
The Aries folks I know are harmless, thin-skinned, Me First / Only!, blow-hards - but not wimps as I understand the term...

If you created a thread, I hate you guys on the Virgo Board, we'd respond: GET IN LINE, ASSHOLE!!

"The thread got deleted."
Yes, but it might not have been flagged for deletion by ARIES posters...
It could be part of some hidden anti-Aries agenda...
Has anyone tracked Roxi's activities today???

Roxi: "given up caring also."
Damn woman! Don't do you ever stop caring - it's why we love ya!

"not that i can remember at least."
Uh-huh... a legal disclaimer, perhaps??
Let them make their own mistakes...even though they'll never learn.
My conclusion on Aries ppl.

Actually, it was YOU who got your feelings hurt. You actually took the time to create a thread about your topic beig banned. lmao
"So there all you Aries bashers!"
I resent this comment. We are equal opportunity bashers; we bash everyone including ourselves.
Thanks for keeping it real.
For Lady_M :
If you "really" learn, you don't lead again. And If you lead, you let others "learn".
We aren't best in everything but we do it best what others simply can't do.
And I don't think Aquas are way too different.
I have dated one Aries however, I cant judge just by one person. He took me lots of places and introduced me to his friends(I was not in like with them). Any is almost everything I wanted, I thought I found it in him. Turns out there was something laying in the darkness.
We had planned to go out after work and I called him during my break to reconfirm everything. He then informed me that he made plans with his friends and I could come along. I told him that I thought that it would be our time together. He told me it would be fun so, I asked what we would be doing... He said "I don't know what you will be doing but, we will be getting drunk." He also mentioned that as a rule, if someone is passed out it is the duty of the person who is not drunk to take care of them. I told him that I was not going to see him that day. He told me that if I didn't accept his friends that I didn't accept them. I was shocked because that was a side of him, I never knew could exist. We didn't speak to the next day and I told him that he needed his own identity... We talked and ended the conversation on good terms.
After that, I thought everything was squared away however, I didn't hear from him for days. Come to find out, he was married and his soon to be ex wife was living in another state. I confronted him and he told me that if it was that important, I would have asked him if he was married. He told me that he was right to side with his drinking buddies over me because they were there for him and I was not. After that, I received nasty text messages, he even wrote a blog on about me and even threatened me. I found out some dirt on him and let him know that I knew it... He then left me alone.
A year later, I received a text message from him apologizing to me for not telling me he was married, he really was separated and the month his divorce was finalized. He didn't mention the other hateful things he did to me. He wanted to pursue a friendship or stay in contact. I still chose not to have anything to do with him.
That was my one and only Aries relationship...
Scorpio men seem to be on the effeminate side - biatchy like something I haven't noticed in Aries males conversely I've come across only too thin or too fat/obese Aries girls so in my experience Scorpio women are sexier more naturally womanly, that ALV damn she was one of a kind pure Aries Mars energy you guys might find her pictures google 'bartsha, porn.' Not that Scorpio males can't be masculine although the masculinity seems to be more original in the Aries sign.
yeah joe, i agree, there's been something rather feminine about most of the scorpio men i've known. aries men have a masculine force but it's excessive. the aries men i've known are so backwards with their "masculine" selves, claiming they have the right to be in control, that being aggressive and forceful is the way to get things done... ugh. one particular aries man i had the misfortune to be involved with wanted to have everything done his way and if i didn't do as he ordered he threw fits and tantrums. he was so unbelievably dramatic and pathetically attention starved he would turn the slightest situation into a huge scene. everything was about him, how hurt he was, how great he was, what he needed mattered most, he was never able to put himself aside for ONE SECOND. and he was so damn proud of his "strength" at being a man. how he could "defend" and "protect" me if necessary, except he was all talk and would aggravate situations with people and then back off. he was such a man in fact that he would beat up on me to prove it. he was extremly destructive with no self-control.
and i don't remember who mentioned about everyone needing attention, yes people do like attention but some are attention whores. i'm not the kind of person who goes around expecting people to cater to my every whim and constantly attend to my needs and wants, and i certainly don't throw fits if i don't get my way. aries people have the characteristics of children. they are kids in adult bodies: no restraint/self-control, need to be catered to constantly, temper tantrums etc. i would never date an aries man again. as for aries women, i don't generally have issues with them except i have never gotten to the point where i feel comfortable with them, almost as if there's something preventing our friendship, something barrier we can't break. aries and scorpio are two strong signs and the pairing is probably too competative. there's no give or take with aries, they have to be the dominant ones and will not relent, scorps are naturally dominant as well but can recede and support their loved one/friend if they know that they have strength in their own areas and are respected for it. aries won't respect scorpio because they feel threatened.
Why blast the mighty Aries?
I love em. Wimps or not.
No really ..they are in a class by themselves and dont worry they will BUCK..just sit back and watch =D hehehe
It's true, underneath the talk I am a wimp, sigh. What I don't get is why you were testing all of us aries, we're generally pretty straightforward, you don't need to do too much prodding to see how we work, and poking at our barely evolved and impressionable souls just doesn't seem fair when clearly scorpios can outmaneuver us easily. At any rate I hope the Scorpio I am seeing does not view me in such a disdainful light, or maybe I do, it makes him more of a challenge.
They sure are a bunch of wimps. they are so loud and always want to have centerstage and act like they're tough but when you catch them alone they are a bunch of punks.
"act like they're tough but when you catch them alone they are a bunch of punks."
Same with most of the population of the human race.
"but when you catch them alone they are a bunch of punks." ....correction...Whimps not punks. lol
This is so true for an aries that I know. Tries to act all big and bad, and tough, when alone....a whimp. And a crybaby.
push an aries strong enough and you will me i am an aries and can recall 25 times where over little disses did nothing but when ppl kept pressuring and insulted me they got it and were scared(not gonna lie been in many fist fights and never lost)...ur talking to somebody who told even my workplace bosses to stfu and not insult me without getting fired and throwing yea u scorps think that but i dare u scorpios to push aries hard i dare u 2 meet me in person right now...or better yet give me a time and location cause id like to see u tell me that aries are wimps....the wimps are scorps...suicidal manipulating aries r gon party while yall r gonna b thinking bout burrying yourselves in the netherworld....oh boy now im gonna get stung by the scorp oooh scarry...wha u guys gon put in that sting? e40's excessive fat? scorps can't fuck with aries
u want an aries reaction well it can get even worst since im in a pissed off mood...missmorals ur an ugly byotch hope u approach that aries again and push her long enough so she can do that aries thing where we lose complete control and go from 0 to +360 in a second...the person who created this topic is a completely ignorant n doesn't know aries ish...scorp vs aries man dat ish is like britney spears vs mike tyson!!! well scorpio rising did that get enough attention out of u??? Good i hope it did now go back to yo stupid pathetic lives!!!
the usual most pathetic way a scorpio could come back...try to play shit down and diss with pictures...f that happy scorpio get yo mind out ya ass n say sumthin...oh wait u gotta plan cause u wanna sound slick
oh no wait, scorpio could even come back with a 1 word phrase....actually y don't I let u borrow my scissors with which I cut paper so yall can cut your wrists...after all aries are generous like that
whats with all the pictures....seems happy scorpio is very insecure and its her ony way of coming back....i bet your next posts are all gonna be pictures....hell i wouldn't be surprised if this thread turned into an art gallery
hahah, way to take an internet post too personal. awh.

...oh this thread is like a year old.
f this the scorpio is takin 2 long to talk back...longer than a court process....but wats the point since the next post is either gonna be 1. a picture 2. a multiple choice question 3. the equation of a line such as 1a + 1s=? 4. a histogram 5. a depressing music playlist(mostly evanescence) 5. a riddle 6. an incest porno clip since u scorpios are so desperate for sex that ud even do it with yo cousins n family members...still wanna f????
lol nah jus tired of aries being underestimated...its just to show what aries is capable of doing when they are really pushed n i dun mean like little pushes i mean really piss off an aries and then will talk
Posted by justcuriousxo
hahah, way to take an internet post too personal. awh.

Yea, good laugh eitherway
Why hasn't this fucking thread die yet?
Ever see a what happens when a Golden Eagle versus a Ram? Look it up on YouTube.
ever seen what happens in real life? between a "golden nightingale" and an actual ram and not some mountain goat which represents the caps u idiot....
mr nice: are you implying aries don't listen????? LMAO!!!