Do all Scorpios feel unloved without sex?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by True_Scorp on Thursday, July 16, 2009 and has 25 replies.
I know our sign tends to be more sexual, but I'm wondering?
Do any other Scorpios feel like their world is crashing in and their
mate does not love them if they don't have sex at least 2-3 times a week?
I feel like I'm emotionally drained or something?
Any thoughts or ideas?
Well, I am a Scorpio and am married to a Leo.
He is extremely busy and stressed out and by night fall has nothing left for me.
It's very frustrating. I was just wondering if I am just being too unrealistic
with my sexual expectations since I am a Scorpio and we tend to have high sex drives.
I am like that. First love of course....but I need physical also.
Scorp sex rules.
Posted by True_Scorp
I know our sign tends to be more sexual, but I'm wondering?
Do any other Scorpios feel like their world is crashing in and their
mate does not love them if they don't have sex at least 2-3 times a week?
I feel like I'm emotionally drained or something?
Any thoughts or ideas?

Wait, a minimum of 2-3 times a week? You need this? Well the only logical question to ask you here is, do you have a sister?
"Wait, a minimum of 2-3 times a week? You need this?"

Is that an abnormal expectation? I think 2-3 times a week seems average and realistic to me. *shrug*
I'd be really suspicious if my guy didn't have time for me. Maybe try to spice things up a little? Get some naughty lingerie? Tap into his fantasies and go from there. It usually works wonders. smile
well if you guys normally have sex 2 to 3 times a week and then all of sudden you dont...i would think that hes cheating...but thats just aries thinking.
Posted by Gingerscorp
"Wait, a minimum of 2-3 times a week? You need this?"

Is that an abnormal expectation? I think 2-3 times a week seems average and realistic to me. *shrug*
I'd be really suspicious if my guy didn't have time for me. Maybe try to spice things up a little? Get some naughty lingerie? Tap into his fantasies and go from there. It usually works wonders. smile

everyday is average to me
Thanks for the advice. He's not cheating, I know for certain. When we do have sex it is earth moving.
We are both passionate lovers.
My question was in a nutshell am I being unrealistic with my expectations of wanting sex more frequently.
Our frequency has always been the same. I would prefer every day but have settled for 2-3 times a week.
He does have low testosterone which doesn't help matters.
His job is very stressful, I know I work with him.
If I could just chalk it up to me being a Scorpio who wants sex too much then I think it would be easier to swallow.
Oh and by the way, Cancer guy, I do have a sister, she's a Gemini and a bitch. We are complete opposites. Sorry, can't help you there.
Posted by Gingerscorp
"Wait, a minimum of 2-3 times a week? You need this?"

Is that an abnormal expectation? I think 2-3 times a week seems average and realistic to me. *shrug*
I'd be really suspicious if my guy didn't have time for me. Maybe try to spice things up a little? Get some naughty lingerie? Tap into his fantasies and go from there. It usually works wonders. smile

No, but only if you're talking from a mans point of view. I'm sure many of us think 7 days a week should be average and realistic. But hey, if you want sex 2-3 times a week, minimum, I would make time. In fact, I would leave the office early just so I could come home and let you tap into my fantasies all afternoon long if you wanted to, and visa versa. The question I have is, how crazy are you willing to get, and will you tell me what you REALLY want and not hold back????
Well, I have never had a problem telling him what I want.
I usually just do it or make him do it.
He says I'm a nympho, but I don't think I am.
I've tried to get him to go in closets and stuff at the office but he's chicken.
I even dragged him into the mens bathroom one time but he was too nervous.
When we had our own office we would do stuff during the day, but now we are surrounded by morons all day
pulling us in every direction.
I'm encouraging him to finish his internet business sites so we can quit our mortgage careers and work from
That would solve everything.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
I was married to a Cancer for 8 years.
We rarely fought and the sex was less than desirable.
He was an introvert and I am an extrovert.
He was not passionate at all, but my LEO is very passionate.
He's an extrovert and very sexy.
If you are counting the orgasms then we're probably above average.
I just wish he was passionate more often.
Posted by True_Scorp
Well, I have never had a problem telling him what I want.
I usually just do it or make him do it.
He says I'm a nympho, but I don't think I am.
I've tried to get him to go in closets and stuff at the office but he's chicken.
I even dragged him into the mens bathroom one time but he was too nervous.
When we had our own office we would do stuff during the day, but now we are surrounded by morons all day
pulling us in every direction.
I'm encouraging him to finish his internet business sites so we can quit our mortgage careers and work from
That would solve everything.

Wow. I mean.... HOT!! Maybe he needs to work out more, build up the testosterone or something. I have to work out 4-5 times a week to feel good. My ex girlfriend pulled me into a bathroom once a few years ago, it was the only one on the floor in this office building we walked into, and when we opened the door to leave there were several people in line sort of smirking and staring. We ran out of there quickly. I've never had the nerve to shut the office door at work and throw a girl up on my desk though, but I'm not against it, but it is busy as hell in my office so it might have to be hers...
Cancerguy your a trip!
I know what ya mean about the people waiting outside the door.
I did get him to stop at a gas station once and go into the bathroom.
I had him so worked up he had no choice. Ah! Those were the good ole days.
Some elderly couple was waiting outside the doors.
I smiled when I walked out, they of course looked shocked.
As soon as we got in the parking lot we ran to the car laughing and took off like bats out of hell.
Thanks No1delete2!
He was working out and he was also getting testosterone shots.
He was an animal for about a week after the shot and then it would fizzle out till
the next shot.
He hasn't been working out because of his hectic work schedule and he skipped the
shot 3 months in a row. Why, I don't know.
I think he's a keeper, too even though all astrology compatability charts say
We are both too stubborn to give up on our relationship. Besides we both have been
through a divorce caused by affairs and do not want to repeat that mistake.
Gingerscorp, I like your style .
I have tons of lingerie and toys.
I keep it spicy, he's just always soooo tired.
I think I need to just accept that more than 3 times a week is not going to happen.
Ooooh another Scorpio woman/Leo man pairing! those lions..
I went through the same thing with my Leo about 3 years into the relationship...It's nothing..Sagigoat said it are just at different levels in the relationship and the stamina levels may be varying...It will correct itself I am sure. Try to be a bit more understanding though because obviously being a leo it will hurt his pride a lot if you ever mention in anger that he is unable to satisfy you blah blah...that's not a very nice thing to hear from someone you are with!...
Thanks missmorals.
I love my lion and hate to think we are doomed.
I love his grandness, how he demands attention when he walks in the room.
People say we are a great couple.
The fights get a little heated but they are starting to be less frequent.
We've been together over 7 years and have learned to give and take, very hard for both of us.
So Leo's and Scorpio's can have a successful relationship?
That's good to know.
He hasn't been tested for the androgen levels.
I agree with sagigoat about elieviating some of his work load.
I've been trying very hard to do so.
We work together as a team and I do what I can but he is the
mastermind and unfortunately it's all in his head.
We have a 4 year old together and he takes a lot of my time as well.
I'm hoping this is just a phase that will pass in time.
Thanks for all the advice guys, I don't feel so abnormal now.
And you have a kid too? You really DO have surplus energy!
I'm a Virgo seeing a Scorpio guy and I LOOOOOOOOOVE it!!! Every time I'm wondering if he's ready - he IS! smile
As for your question - you AREN'T without sex. Do you seriously feel unloved? How do you think HE feels? He is overworked, knackered and has a kid, and you are making demands of him and he isn't able to always meet them.
Do you think you could do anything to make HIM feel more loved?
Posted by No1delete2

SAV: I'm a Virgo seeing a Scorpio guy and I LOOOOOOOOOVE it!!! Every time I'm wondering if he's ready - he IS!
That's because he knows You're Ready - we have no poker face!
Cool to see the VW & SM pairing is as sexually compatible as the SW & VM...

I'd never dream of trying the pokerface! I have Scorpio rising! lol I was celibate for over 13 years vefore this, so I have Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much time to make up!
Just to throw in a little extra to mix it up a bit...
You mentioned your man works hard and is stressed out. Hows his diet and exercise? Both impact sex drive big time, especially if work's being a pain.
Did you just draw that on the fly? That's awesome smile
Posted by ScorpAscVirgo

As for your question - you AREN'T without sex. Do you seriously feel unloved? How do you think HE feels? He is overworked, knackered and has a kid, and you are making demands of him and he isn't able to always meet them.
Do you think you could do anything to make HIM feel more loved?

Yep - as I said before almost derailing the thread with my self-restraint... Winking
(I LOVE being bothered by my Scorpio guy!!! I have Scorp Rising too remember!)
Perhaps they feel scorpio i saw he had sex with his best friend' girl friend. They are excellent in manipulation but are par below the sense of moral