Fifty shades of Grey and Scorpio men ..

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by SunTauVenGem on Thursday, July 25, 2013 and has 34 replies.
They are so damn sexy,complicated,intense , controlling , addictive... Hot & Cold...umm delicious...
The majority of guys I've dated are scorpios, there's something so hot about them omg. When things are good between us it's greaaaaaat but when shit hits the fan, omg no hahaha. Opposites tho!
I will be their submissive any day ! ...* drool * No need for contract..
I go up the roof ...then hit the ground real fast a sky rocket ! ! The pain is worth it ! hot and cold comes with a package...
..* drooling *
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by SunTauVenGem
I will be their submissive any day ! ...* drool * No need for contract..
I go up the roof ...then hit the ground real fast a sky rocket ! ! The pain is worth it ! hot and cold comes with a package...
..* drooling *

Change your panties, girl!
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Panties !! .. and what is it about Scorp males and oral sex..seriously? OBSESSIVE much >
^^^ Giving !!
Scorpios are supposed to be dominant ....but you like to service your partner in bed >< ..totally OBSESSED with pleasing your significant other in bed.
I am not complaining but it contradicts the controlling nature of yours.. Winking
Sometimes when I read these threads I feel like I live with the anti-Scorpio male. lol.
I went down this list:
sexy- yes
intense- yes
complicated- not really
controlling- sometimes, but honestly I have been with more controlling men.
addictive- yes
hot and cold- no.
He is delicious. lol.
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by SunTauVenGem
^^^ Giving !!
Scorpios are supposed to be dominant ....but you like to service your partner in bed >

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Posted by capgirl69
Sometimes when I read these threads I feel like I live with the anti-Scorpio male. lol.
I went down this list:
sexy- yes
intense- yes
complicated- not really
controlling- sometimes, but honestly I have been with more controlling men.
addictive- yes
hot and cold- no.
He is delicious. lol.

..I am curious to see which sign you were with ( controlling) ?
hmmmm too delicious for my liking Winking !
Posted by SunTauVenGem
Posted by capgirl69
Sometimes when I read these threads I feel like I live with the anti-Scorpio male. lol.
I went down this list:
sexy- yes
intense- yes
complicated- not really
controlling- sometimes, but honestly I have been with more controlling men.
addictive- yes
hot and cold- no.
He is delicious. lol.

..I am curious to see which sign you were with ( controlling) ?
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Posted by Nemesis
Posted by SunTauVenGem
I will be their submissive any day ! ...* drool * No need for contract..
I go up the roof ...then hit the ground real fast a sky rocket ! ! The pain is worth it ! hot and cold comes with a package...
..* drooling *

you sound brainwashed ....
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^^ spot on ~~
Posted by capgirl69
Posted by SunTauVenGem
Posted by capgirl69
Sometimes when I read these threads I feel like I live with the anti-Scorpio male. lol.
I went down this list:
sexy- yes
intense- yes
complicated- not really
controlling- sometimes, but honestly I have been with more controlling men.
addictive- yes
hot and cold- no.
He is delicious. lol.

..I am curious to see which sign you were with ( controlling) ?

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..Ex Cap of mine was possessive and controlling as hell.. Scorp does it his way though..He likes to be " the man" and he is the only guy I allow to be " the man " allow him to " lead " the way. . not so much...rules or can't go out or do this as such..they cherish their space and expect their partners to be able to stand on her own two feet if need be.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by SunTauVenGem
I will be their submissive any day ! ...* drool * No need for contract..
I go up the roof ...then hit the ground real fast a sky rocket ! ! The pain is worth it ! hot and cold comes with a package...
..* drooling *

you sound brainwashed ....

Sex-washed more likely...
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My venus in Gemini is running wild.....
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by capgirl69
Sometimes when I read these threads I feel like I live with the anti-Scorpio male. lol.
I went down this list:
sexy- yes
intense- yes
complicated- not really
controlling- sometimes, but honestly I have been with more controlling men.
addictive- yes
hot and cold- no.
He is delicious. lol.

We're just normal guys really :/
Well, the good ones are.
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I agree. Mine is just a normal guy. lol. He is the best ever. Even my mom makes comments when she sees him- he gives the best hugs and he helps out.
Posted by geminicandle
But isn't this with every guy though?
I don't think it's Scorpio particular. Not for me personally, at least.
If I like a guy and like our sex, it has nothing to do with their sign, lol. Come on people...

lol. I agree.
The more I love them, the more I want them.
Posted by SunTauVenGem
^^^ Giving !!
Scorpios are supposed to be dominant ....but you like to service your partner in bed >
I am writing the following with the underlying assumption that the scorpio man is in a relationship with the woman and its not a fling/one night stand.
Making love for a scorpio man=expressing his emotions w/o emotions and feeling truly close to his partner.
They please and give their 100% only if they want to,and more often than not the lady is nice enough to deserve it.Scorpio men don't *waste* it on everyone.
The 'dominant' part of his personality is kept aside and he turns soft and giving.That is not to say he can't/won't dominate again/later or is weak.
He gives because *HE CHOOSES* to give.
Posted by geminicandle
Even though I hate dating Scorpio guys with passion and I really don't like their personalities, I gotta admit sex was pretty amazing.
These guys don't fuck around, they fuck you until you die, see the stars and then some!
I miss sex with my ex...sigh...poor me:/

well they are the master when it comes to the bedroom.. *sigh* so adventurous..! Hard to resist really !
Posted by Scorpvenus
Posted by SunTauVenGem
^^^ Giving !!
Scorpios are supposed to be dominant ....but you like to service your partner in bed >
I am writing the following with the underlying assumption that the scorpio man is in a relationship with the woman and its not a fling/one night stand.
Making love for a scorpio man=expressing his emotions w/o emotions and feeling truly close to his partner.
They please and give their 100% only if they want to,and more often than not the lady is nice enough to deserve it.Scorpio men don't *waste* it on everyone.
The 'dominant' part of his personality is kept aside and he turns soft and giving.That is not to say he can't/won't dominate again/later or is weak.
He gives because *HE CHOOSES* to give.

got to take it while you can really Winking !
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I didn't like those books. Found them to be repetitive and the characters were lacking depth. The S&M? Meh. Child's play.
I'm not commenting on the relation to a Scorpio male. I'm dealing with the cold end of one now and it sucks.
Posted by tw1nk1e
I was the dominant one with my Scorpio ex anyway. -shrug-

imao..!! They secretly like being submissive in bed I find!
Posted by Herself
I didn't like those books. Found them to be repetitive and the characters were lacking depth. The S&M? Meh. Child's play.

OMG yes. No charcater development at all. Make me care about these idiots. And the sex was weak---but I guess it was "out there" for some.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by Herself
I didn't like those books. Found them to be repetitive and the characters were lacking depth. The S&M? Meh. Child's play.

OMG yes. No charcater development at all. Make me care about these idiots. And the sex was weak---but I guess it was "out there" for some.
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It was entertaining...that is all >
Posted by SunTauVenGem
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by Herself
I didn't like those books. Found them to be repetitive and the characters were lacking depth. The S&M? Meh. Child's play.

OMG yes. No charcater development at all. Make me care about these idiots. And the sex was weak---but I guess it was "out there" for some.

It was entertaining...that is all
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Mildly. I was quite surprised when I heard news reports that men were reporting that they were getting more sex from their wives and there was a huge spike in baoding balls. Like seriously? Do people really need a book to give them persmission to be more sexual?
I swear I was more interested in Grey??s background story. I wanted to know how he became who he was. Those snippets were the best part---not that I am excited about hearing about child abuse, its more about the psychology of it--how he developed concepts of love, trust, control, relationships, because of the abuse. While most women were soaking their panties I was thinking "what's with this guy?--wow that's twisted. I want to know more!"
That's just me.
^^^^ you are just being a typical Scorpio .smile going into great depth of things .. I see it on a surface level .. I understand why these books are not scorpions cup of tea. They are way too simple. The sex scene are good but not great or amazing. Im more into the character of Mr Christian .. Do you not agree it is similar to scorpions n cold.. Sexy charming yet mysterious but loving ..controlling yet giving ..!! Possessive yet needing his own space!
Posted by SunTauVenGem
^^^^ you are just being a typical Scorpio .smile going into great depth of things .. I see it on a surface level .. I understand why these books are not scorpions cup of tea. They are way too simple. The sex scene are good but not great or amazing. Im more into the character of Mr Christian .. Do you not agree it is similar to scorpions n cold.. Sexy charming yet mysterious but loving ..controlling yet giving ..!! Possessive yet needing his own space!

Other signs have all those traits as well.
Cancer, Pisces. At least the ones I've encountered.

His birthday is June 18 ... Just FYI lol
I can't believe I just looked that up..
Posted by Herself
His birthday is June 18 ... Just FYI lol
I can't believe I just looked that up..

LOL! There ya go.
I all signs have a little edge and darkness inside. Some are just willing (and want) to go there.
*think.... *sigh*