First times..........

OK, let's spice up this board a bit. Let's talk about our first times. Being scorpios, did you have to have your first t...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by juwanapla on Friday, July 27, 2007 and has 94 replies.
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btw my would be father in law has a sinus blockage problem from childhood and so does his younger daughter(pluto's sis). but i won't dare suggest your remedy to them capygirl.haahaa
but she said after sex.
On that subject I do think a lot of sinus problems are psychological. Doctors often cannot find a cause.

hmm,he is a leo,she is a libra.
must be a psycho problem,it was bound to happen.Tongue
oh but she is unlike the libra chicks i know of. she was actually one libra i got very fond of,and got along with.
what a miraclesmile
oh that guy sneezes at anything,even at an aeroplane.haahaa
still not satisfied.Tongue
Aren't Aquas suppose to get along with Libras. And isn't like every other dictator an Aqua?

in theory they might get along,but in my case,i can't stand most librans i has been like that for me.i am practically allregic to librans,male or female,whatever.
so for me this theory of aqua and libra getting along does not work.
btw what does it have to do with dictatorship?
i am pretty dictatorial with people around me,but thats for their own
"Oh yes indeed!" said the Duc, "unnumbered are they who absolutely cannot bear the instant when the illusion is shattered. It seems as if one's pride suffers when one lets a woman see one in such a state of feebleness, and disgust would appear to be the result of the discomfiture one experiences at such moments."
"No," said Curval, whom Adonis, kneeling, was frigging, and whose hands were wandering over Zelmire, "no, my friend, pride has nothing to do with it, but the object which is in the profoundest sense devoid of all value save the one our lust endows it with, that object, I say, shows itself for what in truth it is once our lubricity has subsided. The more violent has been the irritation the more this object is stripped of its attraction when this irritation ceases to sustain it, just as we are more or less fatigued after greater or lesser exertion, and this aversion we thereupon sense is nothing but the sentiment of a glutted soul whereunto happiness is displeasing because happiness has just wearied it."
I'm saving myself Tongue
Afterall I am a Virgo ((lol))
That cracks me up. "I'm saving myself." How romantic!!!!!!!
I'm saving myself for that one man that can make me feel like no other. The man that will marry me and make me a good husband. The man that will eventually leave me for a younger woman and take my dog. A man that will skip town and skip out on child support. A man that will choose beer and football over me and the kids every sunday. Yes....I am saving myself!!!!
Ho Hm.....This board is so lonely on Sundays....
I am NOT a thread killer!!!!!
"I am NOT a thread killer!!!!!"
It must be very hard to admit that Tongue
"I'm sure it is totally possible, but I think that may signify that I am having sex with someone I am not in love with, meaning I am never comfortable enough to do that."
Subconciously it is a fear of losing control, of someone else having that kind of power over you. Your afraid to open up sexually and you are probably more motivated to be the one pleasing and not the pleas-er.
I had a similar situation where I only came when I was on top and after the girl came. I had to satisfy her before I would let myself be satisfied. It first started as an inability to come quickly and I would usually only come if the sex lasted several hours. I was able to overcome that later but the problem still existed in that I would hold it back until I could tell my partner was completely satisfied then I would switch up the position/angle/tempo and could make myself come. I was always primarily focused on each sexual experience being completely satisfying to my partner, I later learned that the satisfaction for a lot of women, especially in a relationship comes from them satisfying you also.
More recently, I have learned to open up sexually and for the first time am with someone that can make me come on top, and from head which has never happened previously. Whenever I was getting head I was thinking about how I would rather be pleasuring the girl instead of her pleasuring me. I also always had a inclination towards and maintained a dominant position in sex. As I gained more experience I could make a girl come for the complete duration of the experience including full body orgasms but realized that I need to allow myself to be pleasured as well.
"What happens if a guy can't come..does he really frustrated? At himself or at the situation? Does that mean he's not capable?"
Typcically it means that they are too focused on the situation and the pleasure of their partner and are actually fearful of relinquishing that control to allow themselves to open up.
My first time was with a chick named 'Diana' & it was pretty good. We made out on the school bus in the parking lot when it was lunch time..Hahaha, good times.
"that sounds like haiku notso"
it does!
Hey Nicodemus, how you doin'? I read that your post yesterday. I think I dreamt about you last night. So, what's your number?
*wiggles eyebrows at Nic*
See I don't even make sense. You got my mind thinking..
i don't see it happening.

you'd have to get through alcheme first.
lol. Maybe all the chicks on the libra board.
Where is scorplady? I thought for sure she'd spill her guts out on this thread.
Sounds like he was an immature scopio and insecure.
Was your first time perfect or did you guys 'just do it'?
hey JP....what is going on
My first time was a damn TRIIIIIP.
I was 15 and everybody in the apt. complex wanted him but he wanted me. We used an empty apt. as a Club house it had a mattress and a dresser and a stuff in it. We also used that space to play "Spin the Bottle" We this guy was like a black Fonzie...he wore his cigs in the sleeve of h is t-shirt and he had his jeans cuffed like fonzie and he called his penis the "Mighty Mobilizer" and that it was....except for the first time we did it I skipped school and we went to the club house first...well the "Mighty Mobilizer" would not function...LMAO
So he went home to ask his brother why the Might Mobilizer would not work and his brother said that he was to excited....LMAO....well the next day I skipped school again and went to his house which was on the first floor, I lived on the third floor. Well, the Might Mobilizer finally rosed to the occassion and it was exactly what he said it was "The Mighty Mobilizer"
I ran into him about 10 years after I had graduated at blockbusters...he knew all about my high school years what school, he knew about me running track I was so shock. He met my son and said that he was supposed to be his...I met his son but little did I know that his mothers name was the same as mines.
Well we dated for a few months and he asked me to marry him he met my family and all then one day we was at his house just chillin and I wanted to sex him just to rekindle the Might Mobilizer and he told me NO and I said why and he said that he was scared of me. I never got an answer why and I have not seen or heard of him since.
So my first time is a memory that I will cherish always....I love him so.
Hey SL. Sorry it took me awhile to get back to ya. I've been on the phone. I knew you wouldn't let us down. Your first time sounds alot like mine. Was he older? My first kept tabs on me through my high school and adult years. Like he was interested,but not interested enough to get back together. I guess they knew us to well, huh?
No shit AM. All of us horny teens. That I was. I think I was hornier than the boys. I just didn't let them know. Then they would have been on my like flies on shit.
on my: on me
"I knew you wouldn't let us down"
I was on a much needed vacation....You know I got your back girlfriend

"Your first time sounds alot like mine. Was he older?"
He was a high school drop out he did manage to go to school the first day only to have me skip school with him. Damn he had me good I skipped school a lot to be with him and just continue enjoying the "Mighty Mobilizer" I guess you can say I got whipped at such a young age...hahahahahah
"I guess they knew us to well, huh?"
Well if any man has any sense he had better know

No shit AM. All of us horny teens. That I was. I think I was hornier than the boys. I just didn't let them know. Then they would have been on my like flies on shit.
And as I sit here thinking I can't help but smile and laugh cuz the memory of him is such a joy....
You know what the old saying says
"You will always love your first love"
And I believe because I do still and will always love the man that bust my cherry.
I got whipped at such a young age...hahahahahah"
That is one thing I can proudly admit. The only man that whipped me is the man I have been with for the last 8 years. I was never whipped by any other man. That is one thing that I hated. When my girlfriends would get these idiotic boyfriends, lose their cherry to them then cry when the guy dumped them. I was always the one helping them get their self esteem back. That's when I started to think of men as selfish bastards. I have yet to change my opinion.
"That is one thing I can proudly admit. The only man that whipped me is the man I have been with for the last 8 years. I was never whipped by any other man. That is one thing that I hated. When my girlfriends would get these idiotic boyfriends, lose their cherry to them then cry when the guy dumped them. I was always the one helping them get their self esteem back. That's when I started to think of men as selfish bastards. I have yet to change my opinion. "

Well JP I have yet to achieve that again.....I think I am doing all the whipping know.
Yea I have always been the one also to help my gf regain their self esteem also...and it is bad when you have gf's that says to you "why they can't get a man" how the hell do you answer tha
"That's when I started to think of men as selfish bastards. I have yet to change my opinion."
Some of them still are especially the arrogant ones.
Wait a minute.......
Merc, are you gay?
Yea I have always been the one also to help my gf regain their self esteem also...and it is bad when you have gf's that says to you "why they can't get a man" how the hell do you answer that"
They can't get a man because they have let men lower their self esteem in the past. So they are probably affraid of every man that tries to get close.
This may seem sad, but I have always gone into relationships with an open mind. But if I notice that they are even capable of using me, I use the shit out of them then dump them. I have always been the user and manipulator. That way I will never be one of the weak women I have always despised.
Do I sound like I'm talking out of my ass now? LOL
"This may seem sad, but I have always gone into relationships with an open mind. But if I notice that they are even capable of using me, I use the shit out of them then dump them. I have always been the user and manipulator. That way I will never be one of the weak women I have always despised."
Actually, you make perfect sense to me. I can only remember doing that (ONLY)once to someone -- this is after I found out he was using me.
After it was all said and done ... haha, I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would Big Grin I'm just afraid of karma :O But if I think about it -- I was the karma, so maybe I have nothing to worry about smile
howzit going sweety? with the cop that isTongue
Hello Devil smile
Actually, I haven't seen the scorpio since Thursday night -- we didn't get a chance to talk because my boss was discussing office matters with me. Honestly, I would've prefered to talk to the scorpio after I saw him, but I couldn't leave my boss Sad
oh anticlimaxTongue
there will be better times ahead i am sureWinking
Thanks Capsweety. I don't feel like a user. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't like that in all relationships. I was just cautious. And I was the karma, too. Winking
So DN, what was your first time like? Did it have to be perfect, or did you just go for it?
So DN, what was your first time like? Did it have to be perfect, or did you just go for it?

i have already written about it,its in the back pages if would like to read about it.although there's nothing grand about it.i did not have a perfect one.more like a stupid one.the one i would like to forget about.haahaa
anyway,i atleast gave someone a perfect a
Copy and paste, I'm to lazy to look.
You gave someone the perfect one huh? Does she agree?
Copy and paste, I'm to lazy to look.
You gave someone the perfect one huh? Does she agree?

even i am feeling lazy to find it now.and as i am not feeling well.pardon me madameTongue
and yes,she agrees on this,even though it did hurt and all that jazz,but still,she says she would not have it any other
How sweet! I have a toothache now, thank you!