How would you take this......

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by BeautifulLocs on Thursday, April 18, 2013 and has 38 replies.
I am dating a Pisces with a Taurus Moon. In my mind we are still dating. One day we were sitting out back his house talking and he stated that I was no longer company but when I asked him "If I am no longer company than what am I?" He said "You know what you are, I don't have to tell you" I never said anything I guess you can say I got stuck trying to figure out what the hell he meant. Another comment he made was "You think you live here" I don't know if he was joking or why he even said it so I never answer and he never said anything either.
A week ago he cursed me out for wasting food and we got into our first arguement. He does not WASTE ANYTHING and was upset with me when I threw some food away that he gave me when I told him I was not hungry. It ended when he said "I will never buy your black ass anything else to eat" and I just said "Fine I will eat before I come over, so quite talking about it I heard you already" Now I'm getting upset because he keeps talking about it. Finally he stops and we go to sleep. The next day he mentioned something about it again and I said "Oh gee are you mad at me again" he said "No" I said "good" and just like that we both let it go.
We been dating for 3 months almost and I still only see him on the weekends. Normally on Thursday's he would say what he is going to get for us to eat on Friday when I get there. I wonder if he is going to get me something to eat? LOL
awe that was actually pretty cute. He really likes you, no need to worry or try to figure out anything at this point, just take it as it is for now.
Thanks @ Jess
Yea I believe he really likes me probably way more than I like him. I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird.
Posted by Stinger Baby
okay, he went a lil too ham on the food.... chill pill dude. but yeh, he may still be liking you alot. just watch out for those temper patterns. sounds a lil bit controlling...... how you gonna get mad because the lady isnt hungry? i know you dont waste, but still, chill the f*** out.
one day at a time is all i can say.

I though so to and he was getting on my nerves becasue he kept going on about how people in Africa are starving and I am wasting food, just going at me over and over. It's this side of him that gets on my nerves sometimes and I get upset and just go on him teling him to shut the hell up already I got it "you don't like to waste food!" LOL
He was calm when he said it, it took him a minute of not saying anything to me for about 10 minutes then he got in the bed and started telling me how he felt about wasting food. I knew he did not like wasting food, I did pick through it and I told him I did. He said I should not have eaten it. But then I'm thinkiing "If I don't eat the food is he going to jump on me for not eating it?" I felt pressured. He has this thing where he does not want to do anything that will make him look less of a man....paying for stuff we do, feeding me etc. I tell him all the time I'm not tripping off that but this is who he is.
I like him a lot as well.
How old is he? He Bitch like a female. He's one of those whiny Pisces males, okay in the beginning, gets old real quick after the honeymoon period is over.
The riddle talk would send me through the roof but that's just how Pisces males are, they can never be straight about anything unless it pertains to something they don't like.
Are you a Scorpio? He's going to work your last nerve by the 9 month mark, you'll probably dump his wimpy ass.
He cursed u out only 3 months in (plus u ONLY see each other on the weekends)over food?? I wouldn't put up with that disrespectful shit from nobody! You give him too much control especially with him telling U what he's buying to eat for the both of u on Fridays!
Posted by tiki33
How old is he? He Bitch like a female. He's one of those whiny Pisces males, okay in the beginning, gets old real quick after the honeymoon period is over.
The riddle talk would send me through the roof but that's just how Pisces males are, they can never be straight about anything unless it pertains to something they don't like.
Are you a Scorpio? He's going to work your last nerve by the 9 month mark, you'll probably dump his wimpy ass.

LMAO Yes, I am Scorpio with a Sag Moon he is 48yr old Pisces with Taurus Moon
My sons father is a Pisces, dated him for six years we broke up for 6 years and dated again for 3 months. He was to insecure, never believe a thing I said and he was abusive so I had to leave or he would have been dead and I would have been in jail. Today we are the best of friends and he still ask me out on occassions. Last time he took me out was 2 years ago for an early birthday present and he surprised me when he said "Why we never got married? I still Love you" I looked at him and said "I don't want to talk about that, we are better off as freinds and that's how I want to keep it" I decided I should go out with him again.
I am familiar with pisces and their ways but this one feels a little different. It's been about 3 months now and he has worked my nerves on a few occassions and when he see that I am really upset with him he makes it a point to try and calm me down and apologize. I only see him on Friday and Saturday, mainly because I don't care to see him on the weekdays I have to get up early for work and he does to, plus our hours are different.
LOL "Wimpy Ass"
Chill, He sends me a text every Thursday or before and ask me what I want to eat or he may have a taste for something and if I want something else then he will get me what I want, we have been doing this since we started dating. No big deal. Trust me he don't have no control over me and I don't think he disrespected me at all. We have our moments but they are resolved just as quick as they are started. NO ONE CONTROLS ME! I have major issues with control but If I did something that I know someone don't like then I have to take the beef for it. He stated how he felt we talked about it and now it's over. Well he get me what I want to eat tomorrow? Hell I don't know nor do I care I will eat before I go see him. I've watched him long enough to know that him not feeding me is just his way of trying to make me feel bad for throwing his food away is fine with me. I know how to pick my battles and this was not one that I wanted to win. I thought it was pity but he did'nt that is his issue with food not mines but I know how to handle it in the future
Read my message to Tiki and you will know why I only see him on the weekends. Sweetheart I have a life and it does not and will not revolve around him. I don't like to go out during the week because I have to get up to early and I want my space so I will continue to see him on the weekends when I have time or make the time.
First off u came on here asking "how would you take this"...obviously u know something isn't right, then u state the communication isn't well with his comments about u "not being company" & u asking "what am I then?" Etc etc...But he has no problem arguing in DETAIL for HOURS, along with cursing & saying "I will never buy your black ass anything else to eat"..U need to chill not me, I know how to handle men, no man is ever gonna get away with not communicating correctly, you obviously have no problem with his lack of communication skills, who cares if u choose to see him only on wkends. The problem here is his mentality, good luck with everything!
I realized that night that It was a trigger for him. He grew up in the projects and thinks I grew up with a silver spoon. That issue was small to me but it let me know that this is something that he takes to heart. I won't waste food that he buy's for me in the future. He text me today and said he has a taste for beef ribs. i just said "are you going to the same place to get like before? he never responded lol I'm just going to go over his house on a full stomach and not say anything about eating unless he ask me. LOL
You seem to enjoy him irregardless of his quirks, as long as it's the weekends I don't see an issue but get serious with him you might just go to jail LOL.
Posted by tiki33
You seem to enjoy him irregardless of his quirks, as long as it's the weekends I don't see an issue but get serious with him you might just go to jail LOL.

His quirks are not that bad, I'm sure he may thinks mines are. I have OCD moments when I am at his house. I don't have the energy to see him doing the week. Spending Friday, Saturday and going home on Sunday evening is enough for me right now. I'm in no rush to get serious. No I'm not going to go to jail, back then I had no control of my emotions. Today, I have major control I will walk away before I do something that will hurt me as well.
Posted by MissGummyshoe
Posted by BeautifulLocs
I realized that night that It was a trigger for him. He grew up in the projects and thinks I grew up with a silver spoon. That issue was small to me but it let me know that this is something that he takes to heart. I won't waste food that he buy's for me in the future. He text me today and said he has a taste for beef ribs. i just said "are you going to the same place to get like before? he never responded lol I'm just going to go over his house on a full stomach and not say anything about eating unless he ask me. LOL

He might be embarrassed that he made a big deal about it. In the same circumstance, I would be more likely to respond the way he did,
but only because I'd be fighting back tears. It may sound (or be) over-reactive, but growing up in the projects or poor in that way, it leaves a mark.
Since you didn't mention any other situation where he a short-fuse or carping, I'm willing to bet that it's just one of his triggers.
Let us know if he has beef ribs waiting for you. Winking If he does, wrap them up and put them in the fridge! Lol.
This was our first arguement before this, everthing was cool. We are still getting to know each other so there may be other things that may come up. It's all how you handle each situation. I don't like to argue or fuss alot. I will let you know how it goes tonight. LOL

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"Let us know if he has beef ribs waiting for you. If he does, wrap them up and put them in the fridge! Lol."
I did'nt get the beef ribs lol He was outside talking to a neighbor when I got there,so he introduced me to her I stood out there for a few minutes listening to them talk about yard work and then I went in the house walked in the kitchen and saw Pizza!! I don't care for Dominos but I was little hungry so I took a slice and sliced it in half and ate it I figure if I got hungry again I will eat the other half. LOL
When he finally came in the house he complementing me on how good I look and how he noticed I am toned up more and why he likes me so much he got up kiss me, smacked my ass and said "Im glad to see you women". I just smiled and said Thank You!

"In my mind we are still dating."
"I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird."
"LOL "Wimpy Ass""
"I have to get up to early and I want my space so I will continue to see him on the weekends when I have time or make the time."

So he's a weekend fuck buddy then. Good for you! What I highlighted above shows clearly you are too good for him to be more. I'm sure he knows it too and it all works for you both.
Posted by LetltB
"In my mind we are still dating."
"I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird."
"LOL "Wimpy Ass""
"I have to get up to early and I want my space so I will continue to see him on the weekends when I have time or make the time."

So he's a weekend fuck buddy then. Good for you! What I highlighted above shows clearly you are too good for him to be more. I'm sure he knows it too and it all works for you both.

LMAO I don't have a title for it. He ask me sometimes to come over after work and I tell him no. I talk to him every day some days all day via phone or text. If I wanted to see him on the week days I can. The main reason I don't is because our work hours are different. He has to be at work at 7:30 and I have to be at work at 8:30 he gets up at 5am to workout and get himself ready for work. I lose about an hour and half of sleep when I am at his house on the weekedays which is why I don't go over there. I have clothes and stuff over at his house, my own bathroom and he tells me all the time "I think I live there" lol I am being very selfish with my time.
take, take, take... and he gets the privilege of your time... and you're even being stingy with that. What a lucky guy!
He doesn't like wasting food... so instead of maybe appreciating his point of view, and why he may have it... and have some empathy and understanding how something like that may affect a person... you're going to go there on a full stomach and try and "prove" something. Instead of just NOT WASTING food because it is important to him. And perhaps his feelings should be important to you too. But if all he is, is a weekend fuck... then why would you care about his feelings? I think I answered my own question.
Anyway...If you think the blow up was bad... you can compare it to the coldness you'll receive if he starts getting sick of your selfishness. Keep lapping up the free food, compliments, your own bathroom and place to stay on the weekend... with a smile and a "Thank you."
But I'm sure you'll see it as, "What's his problem?"
Posted by shellshocker
take, take, take... and he gets the privilege of your time... and you're even being stingy with that. What a lucky guy!
He doesn't like wasting food... so instead of maybe appreciating his point of view, and why he may have it... and have some empathy and understanding how something like that may affect a person... you're going to go there on a full stomach and try and "prove" something. Instead of just NOT WASTING food because it is important to him. And perhaps his feelings should be important to you too. But if all he is, is a weekend fuck... then why would you care about his feelings? I think I answered my own question.
Anyway...If you think the blow up was bad... you can compare it to the coldness you'll receive if he starts getting sick of your selfishness. Keep lapping up the free food, compliments, your own bathroom and place to stay on the weekend... with a smile and a "Thank you."
But I'm sure you'll see it as, "What's his problem?"

Posted by BeautifulLocs
Posted by shellshocker
take, take, take... and he gets the privilege of your time... and you're even being stingy with that. What a lucky guy!
He doesn't like wasting food... so instead of maybe appreciating his point of view, and why he may have it... and have some empathy and understanding how something like that may affect a person... you're going to go there on a full stomach and try and "prove" something. Instead of just NOT WASTING food because it is important to him. And perhaps his feelings should be important to you too. But if all he is, is a weekend fuck... then why would you care about his feelings? I think I answered my own question.
Anyway...If you think the blow up was bad... you can compare it to the coldness you'll receive if he starts getting sick of your selfishness. Keep lapping up the free food, compliments, your own bathroom and place to stay on the weekend... with a smile and a "Thank you."
But I'm sure you'll see it as, "What's his problem?"

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ya, keep laughin. you got this, right?
I GOT this
We are over the wasting of food. I did it I apologized and now it's over.
As for me constantly taking from him I don't he always wants to give to me especially if I by him anything beer, food etc., he always wants to pay either all of the bill or half of the bill. He thinks that I will talk bad about him if he is not doing his MANLY duties?????? (His Issues)
Last night he told me "I need some help cleaning my house, how much would you charge me" my response was "I would not charge you anything because I care and I don't mind helping you" then I said What do you need done? The rooms, basement kitchen? He insisted on wanting to pay me finally I said "ok find what every you want to give me is fine with me just know that I would have done it for free" I then told him "I would do one room at a time just go to the store and buy all Lysol products" his response was "Mmmmm" lol I am not out to take from this man, I am invested in this friendship just as much as he is.
When he was giving me compliments it was after I gave him a hug and said "I missed your crazy ass" we both laugh and he just started complimenting me.
If he blows up at me again it will not be over some wasted food.
Posted by BeautifulLocs
I GOT this

Last night he told me "I need some help cleaning my house, how much would you charge me" my response was "I would not charge you anything because I care and I don't mind helping you" then I said What do you need done? The rooms, basement kitchen? He insisted on wanting to pay me finally I said "ok find what every you want to give me is fine with me just know that I would have done it for free" I then told him "I would do one room at a time just go to the store and buy all Lysol products" his response was "Mmmmm" lol I am not out to take from this man, I am invested in this friendship just as much as he is.

Well, maybe he wants to pay you as a friend and has Mon-Thurs night chick(s) coming through and needs the place tidied up a bit. No big deal right? If that's the case and you find out, what you said earlier...
Posted by BeautifulLocs
Thanks @ Jess
Yea I believe he really likes me probably way more than I like him. I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird.
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...shouldn't be a problem, and being paid to clean for him won't be either. He gets what he wants, you get paid for spending the weekend screwing and cleaning. Like I said the other day...GOOD FOR YOU! All is good!Big Grin
Posted by LetltB
Posted by BeautifulLocs
I GOT this

Last night he told me "I need some help cleaning my house, how much would you charge me" my response was "I would not charge you anything because I care and I don't mind helping you" then I said What do you need done? The rooms, basement kitchen? He insisted on wanting to pay me finally I said "ok find what every you want to give me is fine with me just know that I would have done it for free" I then told him "I would do one room at a time just go to the store and buy all Lysol products" his response was "Mmmmm" lol I am not out to take from this man, I am invested in this friendship just as much as he is.

Well, maybe he wants to pay you as a friend and has Mon-Thurs night chick(s) coming through and needs the place tidied up a bit. No big deal right? If that's the case and you find out, what you said earlier...
Posted by BeautifulLocs
Thanks @ Jess
Yea I believe he really likes me probably way more than I like him. I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird.

...shouldn't be a problem, and being paid to clean for him won't be either. He gets what he wants, you get paid for spending the weekend screwing and cleaning. Like I said the other day...GOOD FOR YOU! All is good!Big Grin
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I'm not sure if you are being funny or serious so I am going to LOL at your comments.
On a serious note, I don't want his money is the point I am trying to make. I have 2 jobs and a healthy saving account. I would do it because I like him and I care and want to help. He was the one that approached me with this so I won't say another word to him about it if he really wants my help then he will let me know.
I'm being neither. I'm stating that based on all you shared with us, that if he has women coming in and out monday through thursday night or friday morning that should NOT be a problem with you. He's asking you to clean, he wants to pay you and if he does pay you and you considering him a just a weekend fwb, it's all good. Right?
You are making big accusations and taking this way out into left field, Where you get women coming in and out mon-thurs? I don't know how you came to that conclusion. As for his house needing to be clean I don't look at it no more than him confiding in me and asking for some help. I am the women he is dating I don't see the problem in helping him.
I believe you are also missing my point as to why I only see him on weekends. Again, our work schedules are about 2 hours difference. We are not at a point where I have a key and can stay in his house when he gets up 2 hours before me to get ready for work. I get up and go home at 5:30am. I am the one losing about an hour and half of sleep and it knocks my schedule off not his. So NO I will not be at his house on the weekdays
When I see him on Friday around 7pm I am with him until Sunday around 5pm. That is a lot of time being spent together. He's not complaining about it so I don't see the big deal. If he wants me to come over during the week then all he has to do is ASK me which he does and I either tell him yes or no. As for FWB? No I don't think so what we have go deeper than that. FWB don't include you spending the whole weekend with someone. FWB you go get sexed up and you leave. That is not us. I may not know what we are at this moment but I know for sure we are NOT FWB.

Posted by BeautifulLocs
Thanks @ Jess
Yea I believe he really likes me probably way more than I like him. I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird.

Posted by BeautifulLocs
I believe you are also missing my point as to why I only see him on weekends. Again, our work schedules are about 2 hours difference. We are not at a point where I have a key and can stay in his house when he gets up 2 hours before me to get ready for work. I get up and go home at 5:30am. I am the one losing about an hour and half of sleep and it knocks my schedule off not his. So NO I will not be at his house on the weekdays

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How am I missing your point? I'm quoting everything you've said, and felt about this man. He likes you more, than you like him (your words) you define whatever it is as a friendship, (your words) and just because you have a key and spend the weekend doesn't mean squat. Hence why I said you shouldn't have a problem if he's screwing a different girl everynight from Sunday @ 7:30pm to Friday morning before you arrive. You are friends. That's it. Plain and simple it's a weekend fuck buddy session, and good for you.
Posted by BeautifulLocs
When I see him on Friday around 7pm I am with him until Sunday around 5pm. That is a lot of time being spent together. He's not complaining about it so I don't see the big deal. If he wants me to come over during the week then all he has to do is ASK me which he does and I either tell him yes or no. As for FWB? No I don't think so what we have go deeper than that. FWB don't include you spending the whole weekend with someone. FWB you go get sexed up and you leave. That is not us. I may not know what we are at this moment but I know for sure we are NOT FWB.

Why would any man complain with this situation? Good for him too..I said that as well. I hate to break it to you though, but the feelings you shared, how you speak down about him, and the repeated "friendship" description you provide is nothing more than a FWB. What's the fuss? You said you don't like him as much as he likes you. (and trust me he KNOWS that) You also said you didn't want to things to go further or it would get weird. So why are you contradicting yourself now for? You aren't exclusive to might have weekends reserved, but that don't mean shit. Reread how you spoke about this man again. We are all on the outside looking in at is what it is.
Also I didn't come to any conclusions at all. THIS is what I said:
I'm stating that based on all you shared with us, that if he has women coming in and out monday through thursday night or friday morning that should NOT be a problem with you.
So then I take it you WOULD have a problem IF he was seeing women from the time you leave Sunday until you arrive on Friday then?
Posted by BeautifulLocs
I GOT this

Last night he told me "I need some help cleaning my house, how much would you charge me" my response was "I would not charge you anything because I care and I don't mind helping you" then I said What do you need done? The rooms, basement kitchen? He insisted on wanting to pay me finally I said "ok find what every you want to give me is fine with me

Looks like you GOT a third job, too! You're doing great! You would have done it for free... but you'll take his money all the same. Now you work for him.
The way you talk down about this guy if comical. If you think you're one step ahead of this Pisces... you really have no clue how you've just positioned yourself.
Posted by BeautifulLocs
He was outside talking to a neighbor when I got there,so he introduced me to her I stood out there for a few minutes listening to them talk about yard work and then I went in the house walked in the kitchen

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Maybe the neighbour is/will be holding down Tues - Thurs? It's not a coincidence you mentioned her in your post... Trust that!
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Well @BeutifulLocs I'm happy you seemed to have met a nice guy you get along with. Why we gotta always put negative thoughts into people's minds on DXP? Maybe they are happy and having fun in the moment? It happens. *shrugs*

Well if this guy knew how she talks down about him and how she really feels, I'd venture to say, he'd kick her ass to the curb.
However, with that said, and her feelings she shared so openly with us toward him it's no different if a guy talked about a woman who cared so much for him and he talked down about her. Oh no siree..we'd have drama threads out the ass here. Wait a minute...WE DO! lol..
That's why I said she should have no problems IF he is screwing someone from
Sunday - Friday morning. She has no say either way if he was. It's a "glorified" FWB
At least she's getting a roof over her head, food served and money to clean.
Friends fucking=FWB. Last time I checked. No matter's all good..she's happy and he's happy. Now where do you get negative out of that?
Posted by shellshocker
If you think you're one step ahead of this Pisces... you really have no clue how you've just positioned yourself.

My thoughts exactly, and WHY I'm clarifying things now to avoid the drama thread later, cause he knows, and it's actually HIM who is on the lucky end of the stick.Winking
Just watch..
^^^ maybe Intrigued, but she doesn't have to say it to the Pisces for him to "catch it".
Water signs should NEVER underestimate each other. She's going to get blindsided by her own actions and you bet she's going to be heartbroken. All the writing is on the wall but she'll be scratching her head, wondering what happened... and blaming HIM!
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Half that shit she's been saying about this guy is "protection" talk. I wouldn't take it as seriously as some of you do. I bet she doesn't say any of this shit to the Pisces--I would be willing to bet she doesn't even mean half of it. She's being tough-guy Scorp. We all do it.
She'd probably be heartbroken if this didn't work out. Read between the lines. Its all an act.

Speak for yourself. I don't do the fuck buddy thing, I don't play games either. If I'm with a man it's because I have a great deal of feelings for him and will openly share that. It's a glorified FWB any angle you want to twist it. I don't fuck my friends.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
I tend to keep a lid on my true over the top lovey dovey gushing feelings until later when the relationship is established.

Keeping a lid on your feelings is different than talking down about someone, and thinking you are fully in control of a relationship.
On Pisces being empathic, they are. But these guys are in their 40s/50's. Really depends on how much shit a Fish is willing to take whether he'll wait out her "act". How old does she have to be before she starts being accountable for herself?
He's already started maneuvering with the chatting neighbour and paying her to clean. tick tock, tick tock
Posted by IntriguedScorp
So when you are in the beginning of a relationship, and you are talking to your friends, you don't pretend to be less madly in love then what you are feeling? Just in case it doesn't work out?
Maybe that's my Leeb Venus talking. I tend to keep a lid on my true over the top lovey dovey gushing feelings until later when the relationship is established.
LIB, seriously some people just date on the weekends--or am I insane?
Maybe you are right--I guess time will tell.

Leeb scorp venus. (night and day) I can't play those games with guys. If I'm into someone, I'm going to let him know. I'm not an ass about it and do what half the women here in dxp land do (text to death, call, e-mail, chase him down etc..) In fact I let the guy know right up front..I don't chase, but I like you. If they like what they see, they'll call, if not..oh well. I get that people date, and I understand that. This one? Forget it..I'd bet my house, though if she found out he's seeing others, shit's gonna hit the fan. Suddenly, she'll have feelings for him..(she won't tell us though lol)
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Well that's all we hear on the Fishy board--empathetic empathetic--they know what you are thinking!
LOL Not true, eh?

Yes.. fishies are empathetic and sympathetic for sure! However, mainly to those who have good souls, don't feel like it's a chore to be with them/us, or play games. The rest...look the eff out..and GOOD LUCK!Winking
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Well @BeutifulLocs I'm happy you seemed to have met a nice guy you get along with. Why we gotta always put negative thoughts into people's minds on DXP? Maybe they are happy and having fun in the moment? It happens. *shrugs*

FYI I have Libra in Venus and the Pisces Venus is in Pisces
Well, I have met guys who don't like wasting food, but either way, i make it v clear to them that I am trying to lose weight & eating more than I can will ensure I work out more the next day to burn it off. I am better off not eating than working out double. If they don't like to waste food, they can eat it, I have absolutely no issues.