I am dating a Pisces with a Taurus Moon. In my mind we are still dating. One day we were sitting out back his house talking and he stated that I was no longer company but when I asked him "If I am no longer company than what am I?" He said "You know what you are, I don't have to tell you" I never said anything I guess you can say I got stuck trying to figure out what the hell he meant. Another comment he made was "You think you live here" I don't know if he was joking or why he even said it so I never answer and he never said anything either.
A week ago he cursed me out for wasting food and we got into our first arguement. He does not WASTE ANYTHING and was upset with me when I threw some food away that he gave me when I told him I was not hungry. It ended when he said "I will never buy your black ass anything else to eat" and I just said "Fine I will eat before I come over, so quite talking about it I heard you already" Now I'm getting upset because he keeps talking about it. Finally he stops and we go to sleep. The next day he mentioned something about it again and I said "Oh gee are you mad at me again" he said "No" I said "good" and just like that we both let it go.
We been dating for 3 months almost and I still only see him on the weekends. Normally on Thursday's he would say what he is going to get for us to eat on Friday when I get there. I wonder if he is going to get me something to eat? LOL
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
awe that was actually pretty cute. He really likes you, no need to worry or try to figure out anything at this point, just take it as it is for now.
Thanks @ Jess
Yea I believe he really likes me probably way more than I like him. I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
How old is he? He Bitch like a female. He's one of those whiny Pisces males, okay in the beginning, gets old real quick after the honeymoon period is over.
The riddle talk would send me through the roof but that's just how Pisces males are, they can never be straight about anything unless it pertains to something they don't like.
Are you a Scorpio? He's going to work your last nerve by the 9 month mark, you'll probably dump his wimpy ass.
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Jan 23, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 326 · Topics: 12
He cursed u out only 3 months in (plus u ONLY see each other on the weekends)over food?? I wouldn't put up with that disrespectful shit from nobody! You give him too much control especially with him telling U what he's buying to eat for the both of u on Fridays!
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Jan 23, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 326 · Topics: 12
First off u came on here asking "how would you take this"...obviously u know something isn't right, then u state the communication isn't well with his comments about u "not being company" & u asking "what am I then?" Etc etc...But he has no problem arguing in DETAIL for HOURS, along with cursing & saying "I will never buy your black ass anything else to eat"..U need to chill not me, I know how to handle men, no man is ever gonna get away with not communicating correctly, you obviously have no problem with his lack of communication skills, who cares if u choose to see him only on wkends. The problem here is his mentality, good luck with everything!
I realized that night that It was a trigger for him. He grew up in the projects and thinks I grew up with a silver spoon. That issue was small to me but it let me know that this is something that he takes to heart. I won't waste food that he buy's for me in the future. He text me today and said he has a taste for beef ribs. i just said "are you going to the same place to get like before? he never responded lol I'm just going to go over his house on a full stomach and not say anything about eating unless he ask me. LOL
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
You seem to enjoy him irregardless of his quirks, as long as it's the weekends I don't see an issue but get serious with him you might just go to jail LOL.
"Let us know if he has beef ribs waiting for you. If he does, wrap them up and put them in the fridge! Lol."
I did'nt get the beef ribs lol He was outside talking to a neighbor when I got there,so he introduced me to her I stood out there for a few minutes listening to them talk about yard work and then I went in the house walked in the kitchen and saw Pizza!! I don't care for Dominos but I was little hungry so I took a slice and sliced it in half and ate it I figure if I got hungry again I will eat the other half. LOL
When he finally came in the house he complementing me on how good I look and how he noticed I am toned up more and why he likes me so much he got up kiss me, smacked my ass and said "Im glad to see you women". I just smiled and said Thank You!
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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
"In my mind we are still dating."
"I just don't want him to assume we are something other than dating then that would make me feel weird."
"LOL "Wimpy Ass""
"I have to get up to early and I want my space so I will continue to see him on the weekends when I have time or make the time."
So he's a weekend fuck buddy then. Good for you! What I highlighted above shows clearly you are too good for him to be more. I'm sure he knows it too and it all works for you both.
Signed Up:
Apr 09, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 4200 · Topics: 67
take, take, take... and he gets the privilege of your time... and you're even being stingy with that. What a lucky guy!
He doesn't like wasting food... so instead of maybe appreciating his point of view, and why he may have it... and have some empathy and understanding how something like that may affect a person... you're going to go there on a full stomach and try and "prove" something. Instead of just NOT WASTING food because it is important to him. And perhaps his feelings should be important to you too. But if all he is, is a weekend fuck... then why would you care about his feelings? I think I answered my own question.
Anyway...If you think the blow up was bad... you can compare it to the coldness you'll receive if he starts getting sick of your selfishness. Keep lapping up the free food, compliments, your own bathroom and place to stay on the weekend... with a smile and a "Thank you."
But I'm sure you'll see it as, "What's his problem?"
I GOT this
We are over the wasting of food. I did it I apologized and now it's over.
As for me constantly taking from him I don't he always wants to give to me especially if I by him anything beer, food etc., he always wants to pay either all of the bill or half of the bill. He thinks that I will talk bad about him if he is not doing his MANLY duties?????? (His Issues)
Last night he told me "I need some help cleaning my house, how much would you charge me" my response was "I would not charge you anything because I care and I don't mind helping you" then I said What do you need done? The rooms, basement kitchen? He insisted on wanting to pay me finally I said "ok find what every you want to give me is fine with me just know that I would have done it for free" I then told him "I would do one room at a time just go to the store and buy all Lysol products" his response was "Mmmmm" lol I am not out to take from this man, I am invested in this friendship just as much as he is.
When he was giving me compliments it was after I gave him a hug and said "I missed your crazy ass" we both laugh and he just started complimenting me.
If he blows up at me again it will not be over some wasted food.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
I'm being neither. I'm stating that based on all you shared with us, that if he has women coming in and out monday through thursday night or friday morning that should NOT be a problem with you. He's asking you to clean, he wants to pay you and if he does pay you and you considering him a just a weekend fwb, it's all good. Right?
You are making big accusations and taking this way out into left field, Where you get women coming in and out mon-thurs? I don't know how you came to that conclusion. As for his house needing to be clean I don't look at it no more than him confiding in me and asking for some help. I am the women he is dating I don't see the problem in helping him.
I believe you are also missing my point as to why I only see him on weekends. Again, our work schedules are about 2 hours difference. We are not at a point where I have a key and can stay in his house when he gets up 2 hours before me to get ready for work. I get up and go home at 5:30am. I am the one losing about an hour and half of sleep and it knocks my schedule off not his. So NO I will not be at his house on the weekdays
When I see him on Friday around 7pm I am with him until Sunday around 5pm. That is a lot of time being spent together. He's not complaining about it so I don't see the big deal. If he wants me to come over during the week then all he has to do is ASK me which he does and I either tell him yes or no. As for FWB? No I don't think so what we have go deeper than that. FWB don't include you spending the whole weekend with someone. FWB you go get sexed up and you leave. That is not us. I may not know what we are at this moment but I know for sure we are NOT FWB.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
Also I didn't come to any conclusions at all. THIS is what I said:
I'm stating that based on all you shared with us, that if he has women coming in and out monday through thursday night or friday morning that should NOT be a problem with you.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
So then I take it you WOULD have a problem IF he was seeing women from the time you leave Sunday until you arrive on Friday then?
Signed Up:
Apr 09, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 4200 · Topics: 67
^^^ maybe Intrigued, but she doesn't have to say it to the Pisces for him to "catch it".
Water signs should NEVER underestimate each other. She's going to get blindsided by her own actions and you bet she's going to be heartbroken. All the writing is on the wall but she'll be scratching her head, wondering what happened... and blaming HIM!
Well, I have met guys who don't like wasting food, but either way, i make it v clear to them that I am trying to lose weight & eating more than I can will ensure I work out more the next day to burn it off. I am better off not eating than working out double. If they don't like to waste food, they can eat it, I have absolutely no issues.