We have been dating 6 months liked each other for a year. Everything was great until I asked him about why he lied about a woman that brought him a gift. The lie was silly and as a follow up I asked him if there was something he needed to sort out I would take a step back and I would wait and I also asked if he slept with her. He didn't answer (she came to the house). Anyway I thought that was the end of it. He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it. I explained to him that I didn't need.to.search that the lies he told.me highlighted all of the inconsistency. A week later he broke up with me saying he couldn't look at me not knowing if he could trust me. I highlighted that ive never shown any insecurities never searched through his things. He said he would live to try again but can't. He also let me know that he very much loves me and.so does.his children.
I was heart broken and I mean real pain. How does he find it so easy to walk away I was in the process of.moving to his state to start our life together. I moved my pet from my state to his.
He ignores my txts and.calls and acts.as though I dont.matter. Some of my clothes are still in his home he said I can leave them there as they aren't in his way and he will look after my pet until I sort myself out.
I'm so emotional right now I can't think straight can you guys tell me what happened
Signed Up: Nov 24, 2015 Comments: 740 · Posts: 4439 · Topics: 16
I am Piscean; so I can respond. I am so sorry this happened. Being Piscean you have to remember that we use our wet fish tail and slap you on your face with it. It is our way of also informing you that we are "swimming away" and once you had us, we will NOT return back to you. Just think about this...if you've gone fishing, and you are ready to release the fish from the hook, the fish squirms, wiggles, pops out of your hands, lands back on the water, and swims away....forever! Hence the saying, "We are the one that got away!"
This is your Piscean. Yes, my sixth sense tells me he DID cheat on you. When a man (regardless of his zodiac sign) becomes DEFENSIVE (like he did when you asked him if he slept w/that girl), their voice gets louder, they bring up other issues to put the blame on you, etc., this to me is a red flag that you were right from the start, and they are defensive (lied, and yes, he did sleep w/her).
Yes, Pisceans can easy "swim away" from a relationship because he finds faults in the relationship and will want to go somewhere else where he can start "fresh". Sorry. cyber hugs!
PS: Give him time. He's pissed (even though you didn't do anything; in other words, he's sulking). Don't stay where you are not wanted. Send him a message and tell him, "Yes, it's over. I would like to pick up my clothes, etc". Pisceans don't like to talk about it because there is really NOTHING to talk about, and they DON'T want you to beg them back, to "change", to go to counseling, etc. When we have made up our minds NO one is going to change it for us and our other philosophy is "You cannot make me stay where I am not wanted."
Yep at first I felt like he was trying to manipulate me. He broke up actling like he wanted me to admit to what I didnt do. Then he told me about his exs going through his things. I told him he cant punish me for what others have done. I felt like he was insecure which is why I let a lot of things go. He recorded my conversations. He has security cameras and used those to monitor me.
And what I dont understand is he is quite a bit older than me he is in his 50's. We never argued. We had so much fun. Oh and he kept saying that this issue is always going to come back up. I kept asking him what he was talking about. Again it led me to believe he has issues with his previous relationships and I was being judged on those.
I think its because it was so sudden I was with him the day before in another state. Its only been two weeks since we broke up i txt everyday since and he just ignores me. I really loved him. All.of this is out of the usual to me ive never really had a break up affect me so badly. I think it.maybe because I didnt see it coming. It shocked me that he didn't want to try or talk and the cut off was so harsh and final. I feel like he wanted to teach me a lesson. With my txt he did answer and say I need to stop trying to push his buttons. I said im not! im telling you im hurt and trying to work through it.
I've decided not.to.contact him until im ready to collect my pet and my clothes. Its just so painful. I dont really trust people but I trusted him.
When he was breaking up with me he was telling me that he loves me and asked if I know that and do I believe him. He kept repeating it but told me he can't look at me and wonder. When I was listening to him I thought this was part of his manipulation technique.
Im really trying to figure out why im so tormented by this.
But the dog!?!?? She needs to get her dog back... I wouldn't trust leaving it there!
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Hi boo. This is one thing that would tear me up, not the person who is incredibly wrong doing, but I wouldn't just take my pet over there though. Considering that you have your own place you take the animal with you on the ride there in a carrier fastened with a seat belt the day you go. Or pet extra for the flight offering pet friendly air lines. The day you go.
Signed Up: Oct 29, 2014 Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428 Because the heart and mind makes us do stupid things. When ever there is inconsistencies there are red flags no matter what. So there were red flags before all this and sometimes we ignore thinking we can talk it about with them and see and do better.
But sometimes we can't change them sadly. So there was things that weren't right but still tried. And snooping has gotten me hurt them most. Because people do want to listen to the mouth of a prospect of interest.. And trust but actions a whole story itself.
if I knew something was right to me I shouldn't have to question much unless there is doubt no matter what our placements our in our chart or real life stories and experiences.
Signed Up: Oct 29, 2014 Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
My pet is my child lol. But I would not just pack stuff up unless I did the whole investigating a person if you have to. Don't do that though haha. That means you had that instinct already something wasn't right and guess what you found out and if you didn't you would be trapped.
It would take a miracle to make me move to a guys house because I have my own and they should to and then established in a relationship make the move. But nowadays you got to protect yourself
No you guys are misunderstanding. I took my pet there from a different state because I was on the process of moving he didnt break up with me until.I left to go back to my state where im working etc. Thats why my clothes were left there to. Thats why I was confused. He let me leave my clothes and pet and then.broke up with me. I asked him why he didn't say before I left but I.just fihured he didnt want the confrontation in his home.
I would never have left.my pet if I knew he was going to break up with me
It wasn't a easy decision to.move state but we spoke at length. I also.said I wouldn't move in with him I would get.my.own place and.then.eventually move in together. We had a lot of long terms.plans together so me.moving was the most sensible thing to do.
Signed Up: Mar 31, 2016 Comments: 22 · Posts: 200 · Topics: 1
Posted by Angie35scorp Yep at first I felt like he was trying to manipulate me. He broke up actling like he wanted me to admit to what I didnt do. Then he told me about his exs going through his things. I told him he cant punish me for what others have done. I felt like he was insecure which is why I let a lot of things go. He recorded my conversations. He has security cameras and used those to monitor me.
You should collect your evidence and press charges.
Posted by Angie35scorp Yep at first I felt like he was trying to manipulate me. He broke up actling like he wanted me to admit to what I didnt do. Then he told me about his exs going through his things. I told him he cant punish me for what others have done. I felt like he was insecure which is why I let a lot of things go. He recorded my conversations. He has security cameras and used those to monitor me.
? Why are you sad about this? He sounds like a lunatic. You dodged a massive bullet.
He was trying to manipulate you, survey you, control you and then HE CHEATED ON YOU. Without trust, you have nothing. He cannot trust, that's his loss... Not yours.
Lol... You should be celebrating right now that you are finally free from him. I'm confused how knowing this about him isn't enough to dislike that man - he is no good.
I'd be crying for the kid though, he is an innocent by-standard in this mess?
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Never trust a lunatic. Lunatics will attempt to ruin your life and all that is important to you. *Caution*
Signed Up: Oct 29, 2014 Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Posted by Angie35scorp It wasn't a easy decision to.move state but we spoke at length. I also.said I wouldn't move in with him I would get.my.own place and.then.eventually move in together. We had a lot of long terms.plans together so me.moving was the most sensible thing to do.
Everyone wants to do this some point in their life and is this the first time doing this moving in together with someone though? Now you know protect your health and investigate at a distance from now on. Lol this guy's a jerky and not for you at all..
Worst of all I paid to bring here there. I had to fly and bring all of her stuff. Now he doesn't want me to even visit my pet. Even though we agreed I would be visiting every couple of weeks until my time is up down here. It was that serious of a commitment that I had my own place but the lease ran out so instead of me signing another year lease I am now sharing with a friend because I was meant to move within a couple of months. We spoke about this the entire time and he agreed the entire time. Instead of me.sharing I could have just leased another place of my own. Had my pet with me and been living happily. Even renting I didnt look in the state im in I found a place in his state and was in the process of sorting out the rental paperwork.
You guys have really helped me to see things clearly. Like I said I was in an emotional blur. Now having to find somewhere to live etc. I just couldn't figure out what actually happened it all happened so quickly and sometimes when your going through it you cant tell what the hell is going on.
Signed Up: Oct 29, 2014 Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Yeah we get into stuff but it will make you stronger later. To experience this now.
Curious what kind of pet btw?
And okay at least you have a roommate for now but be careful seriously. I did the whole live together with my ex years ago. Now I have my own and keep blissful. And still go through meeting people like sneaky and unexpected shit coming at me or you. Good luck. But guess what you'll have your own again and take lots of time.
Known him for a couple of years...shes a cat...we have always liked each other but we both had things.going.on and when we touched base we connected so quickly like I had known him all of my life.
I'm looking forward to getting my cat back I miss her. I just wish he was honest I would never have left her up there. Shes so far away and like I said he doesn't want me to visit her at all so now I just got to work on getting myself back together and getting her back. Its been a huge waste of time.
A quick update he txt me and I txt him back he said he wants to be friends. I said ok. Then the cheeky arse asked me to find him.a flight. I'm good at finding flights and I used to do that when we were together. His actions do show me that he is trying to emotionally manipulate me but now I feel as though I see things more clearly I feel as though im getting back to myself.
Signed Up: Jun 25, 2012 Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
Posted by Angie35scorp We have been dating 6 months liked each other for a year. Everything was great until I asked him about why he lied about a woman that brought him a gift. The lie was silly and as a follow up I asked him if there was something he needed to sort out I would take a step back and I would wait and I also asked if he slept with her. He didn't answer (she came to the house). Anyway I thought that was the end of it. He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it. I explained to him that I didn't need.to.search that the lies he told.me highlighted all of the inconsistency. A week later he broke up with me saying he couldn't look at me not knowing if he could trust me. I highlighted that ive never shown any insecurities never searched through his things. He said he would live to try again but can't. He also let me know that he very much loves me and.so does.his children.
I was heart broken and I mean real pain. How does he find it so easy to walk away I was in the process of.moving to his state to start our life together. I moved my pet from my state to his.
He ignores my txts and.calls and acts.as though I dont.matter. Some of my clothes are still in his home he said I can leave them there as they aren't in his way and he will look after my pet until I sort myself out.
I'm so emotional right now I can't think straight can you guys tell me what happened
You were too direct when you called him out on his bullsh*t. Perhaps you should have just went along with the lie and deflection. I'm not sure why anyone seeking a healthy relationship wouldn't.
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2015 Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Posted by Angie35scorp We have been dating 6 months liked each other for a year. Everything was great until I asked him about why he lied about a woman that brought him a gift. The lie was silly and as a follow up I asked him if there was something he needed to sort out I would take a step back and I would wait and I also asked if he slept with her. He didn't answer (she came to the house). Anyway I thought that was the end of it. He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it. I explained to him that I didn't need.to.search that the lies he told.me highlighted all of the inconsistency. A week later he broke up with me saying he couldn't look at me not knowing if he could trust me. I highlighted that ive never shown any insecurities never searched through his things. He said he would live to try again but can't. He also let me know that he very much loves me and.so does.his children.
I was heart broken and I mean real pain. How does he find it so easy to walk away I was in the process of.moving to his state to start our life together. I moved my pet from my state to his.
He ignores my txts and.calls and acts.as though I dont.matter. Some of my clothes are still in his home he said I can leave them there as they aren't in his way and he will look after my pet until I sort myself out.
I'm so emotional right now I can't think straight can you guys tell me what happened
He didn't break up because you aren't trustworthy. He broke up because he is the untrustworthy one. If he had nothing to hide why get so defensive when the person you are in a relationship and should be on equal terms with discovers your hiding communication with another women? This is suspect.
He's flipped the script and made this about you being 'untrustworthy' when he's the one who is two-timing. This is what cheaters do. Let this manipulative fuck go.
Signed Up: Jun 25, 2012 Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
Posted by Angie35scorp Yep at first I felt like he was trying to manipulate me. He broke up actling like he wanted me to admit to what I didnt do. Then he told me about his exs going through his things. I told him he cant punish me for what others have done. I felt like he was insecure which is why I let a lot of things go. He recorded my conversations. He has security cameras and used those to monitor me.
Signed Up: Jun 25, 2012 Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
So if he was monitoring you then he would have proof of you snooping, right? Why you're even entertaining this bullsh*t beyond the effort required to drink a glass of your best wine is beyond me.
Signed Up: Jun 25, 2012 Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
Posted by Angie35scorp I think its because it was so sudden I was with him the day before in another state. Its only been two weeks since we broke up i txt everyday since and he just ignores me. I really loved him. All.of this is out of the usual to me ive never really had a break up affect me so badly. I think it.maybe because I didnt see it coming. It shocked me that he didn't want to try or talk...
About what exactly? Where the cameras are? How he plans to use the footage he recorded?
Why would you want to be with someone you feel lies to you, doesn't trust you? The cheating...meh I'm not jumping on that train just yet. Especially because of this:
Posted by Angie35scorp He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it.
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So, his son happened to be going through his messages when he was playing? Idk, most kids play games, the don't open the imessage app for fun. And out of all of the messages on his ipad, his son happened to open the exact messages you needed as proof of his cheating? Gurl bye.
Regardless, neither of you seem to trust each other, so I'm not seeing how loving this relationship was.
Posted by Angie35scorp I think its because it was so sudden I was with him the day before in another state. Its only been two weeks since we broke up i txt everyday since and he just ignores me. I really loved him. All.of this is out of the usual to me ive never really had a break up affect me so badly. I think it.maybe because I didnt see it coming. It shocked me that he didn't want to try or talk...
About what exactly? Where the cameras are? How he plans to use the footage he recorded?
Why would you want to be with someone you feel lies to you, doesn't trust you? The cheating...meh I'm not jumping on that train just yet. Especially because of this:
Posted by Angie35scorp He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it.
So, his son happened to be going through his messages when he was playing? Idk, most kids play games, the don't open the imessage app for fun. And out of all of the messages on his ipad, his son happened to open the exact messages you needed as proof of his cheating? Gurl bye.
Regardless, neither of you seem to trust each other, so I'm not seeing how loving this relationship was.
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No his son didn't I told pisces that we were having difficulty with the ipad his son downloaded an attachment to one of those games they play about a 101 paged opened mostly of those advert things but everytime we closed 1 another opened and they weren't age appropriate so I closed it I think I could of put it on stand by and told his son we will have to wait for his dad to come home and fix it. But I didn't see any messages and I.know this is going to sound naive but I didn't really think he was cheating I just thought I better ask to make sure. I also asked him all of this before myself and his son was fiddling on the ipad. Which he could have checked the time frame on his video footage if he wanted to. The lie was so blatent and so silly nobody would have had a problem in questioning the logic. I think he got caught out and just flipped the script he even said he trusts me ...well then how does that work? Then tells me about his ex going through his things.
And you know the worst thing the scorpio in me if I had thought to be honest would have looked lol but I was so focused on his son and I trusted him that I.didnt even think to. Plus lets be honest I'm not stupid enough to snoop and leave the exact page open with the woman I'm questioning him about. He was gone for quite a while so I really wouldn't have had to rush. I wish I did look now though at least I could have seen what he was hiding
I forgot to tell u all that when he finally answered why he lied he said it was because he thought I would probably accuse him of cheating. Now that made no sense to me because I have never been that way inclined even when to be honest is should have. He was getting calls at 3am and I never questioned him he told me who it was and that was the end of the convo I didn't feel insecure with him I felt settled.
Posted by Angie35scorp I think its because it was so sudden I was with him the day before in another state. Its only been two weeks since we broke up i txt everyday since and he just ignores me. I really loved him. All.of this is out of the usual to me ive never really had a break up affect me so badly. I think it.maybe because I didnt see it coming. It shocked me that he didn't want to try or talk...
About what exactly? Where the cameras are? How he plans to use the footage he recorded?
Why would you want to be with someone you feel lies to you, doesn't trust you? The cheating...meh I'm not jumping on that train just yet. Especially because of this:
Posted by Angie35scorp He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it.
So, his son happened to be going through his messages when he was playing? Idk, most kids play games, the don't open the imessage app for fun. And out of all of the messages on his ipad, his son happened to open the exact messages you needed as proof of his cheating? Gurl bye.
Regardless, neither of you seem to trust each other, so I'm not seeing how loving this relationship was.
No his son didn't I told pisces that we were having difficulty with the ipad his son downloaded an attachment to one of those games they play about a 101 paged opened mostly of those advert things but everytime we closed 1 another opened and they weren't age appropriate so I closed it I think I could of put it on stand by and told his son we will have to wait for his dad to come home and fix it. But I didn't see any messages and I.know this is going to sound naive but I didn't really think he was cheating I just thought I better ask to make sure. I also asked him all of this before myself and his son was fiddling on the ipad. Which he could have checked the time frame on his video footage if he wanted to. The lie was so blatent and so silly nobody would have had a problem in questioning the logic. I think he got caught out and just flipped the script he even said he trusts me ...well then how does that work? Then tells me about his ex going through his things.
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Okay, so what was written in the message(s) that "confirmed" what you knew? I'm curious. You clearly read them to "confirm" his cheating.
Signed Up: Aug 07, 2013 Comments: 14265 · Posts: 5321 · Topics: 61
Posted by Angie35scorp We have been dating 6 months liked each other for a year. Everything was great until I asked him about why he lied about a woman that brought him a gift. The lie was silly and as a follow up I asked him if there was something he needed to sort out I would take a step back and I would wait and I also asked if he slept with her. He didn't answer (she came to the house). Anyway I thought that was the end of it. He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it. I explained to him that I didn't need.to.search that the lies he told.me highlighted all of the inconsistency. A week later he broke up with me saying he couldn't look at me not knowing if he could trust me. I highlighted that ive never shown any insecurities never searched through his things. He said he would live to try again but can't. He also let me know that he very much loves me and.so does.his children.
I was heart broken and I mean real pain. How does he find it so easy to walk away I was in the process of.moving to his state to start our life together. I moved my pet from my state to his.
He ignores my txts and.calls and acts.as though I dont.matter. Some of my clothes are still in his home he said I can leave them there as they aren't in his way and he will look after my pet until I sort myself out.
I'm so emotional right now I can't think straight can you guys tell me what happened
I'm going to share my experience--and this is just my experience--with a Pisces in a similar situation. In my experience, if he lied about it, he's trying to spare your feelings. in my case, my suspicions were true by his own admission later on and in fact worse than i thought lol and had i gotten out THEN i might not have suffered as much for as long as i did with him. I would say do as he says. sort yourself out, get your pet back, and don't settle for a man who doesn't trust you. I'm not a snooper either bc frankly I'm scared of what I'll find. I just don't. I also respect PRIVACY. If he doesn't believe you, it doesn't set a good framework for a solid relationship. trust your Scorpio spidey senses--know a piranha when you see one and STAY AWAY. this is not to say all Pisces are like this but you have to find a healthy one--mine wasn't at least...
Signed Up: Jun 25, 2012 Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to defend this guy at all. There are clearly a few things that highlight why he's not the best person for you. However, this whole "I didn't do anything" just doesn't quite sit with me, because I'm sensing (based on your words) you did go through his stuff.
He cheated and that sucks and I'm sorry you're hurting, but I don't jive with justifying poor behaviour (aka violating someone's privacy) to find "proof". If you don't feel you can trust someone, you really shouldn't be with them. Simple. I'm not looking through anything for any reason.
Granted, I can distance myself quite easily from someone if they give me pause, regardless of how many loving months we been together so...
Signed Up: Aug 22, 2013 Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
I believe what your instinct is telling you. You are a scorpio. You have to master that first instinct and your laser mind can dig up truth even without words. Use it. Lies can be great and looks truth but your instinct wont lie. Listen to it. I've bewn with that situation. I can suggest.
1. Send a msg with No drama that you are going to send a messenger to get your stuff so he needs to meet that mssgr where he can drop your stuff. Ultimatum. Dont negotiate with him. If he is ignoring that msg counter attack to his house full force.. lol I did that. I am very tough dealing an a.s.s.h.o.l.e.
2. Stop convincing him. Stop talking about feelings. Deactivate your emotions so that your brain will function.
3. Convince yourself that there is a guy who can treat you right. So stop begging his mercy.
4. Dont focus on what had happened. It was meant to be. Therefore,stop blaming yourself or him.
5. Hang out with friends. Or do sports that can divert your attention. Always be courageous in overcoming trials. Always love yourself. Prioritize yourself.
I like it when the man dump me. That is very challenging to me. My first defense when the guy dump me "I dont talk". I listen first. Then plan moving out. Grant his request. No talks at all. Stop negotiating if he calls it quit.
The thing is that would make perfect but the lie was so silly and blatent that I didn't have to look.
Ok ...so the item was on the side board in the kitchen it had a name on the lid so I asked him where he got it from I liked it. He said he got it from.a fund raiser. So I thought when did he go to a fund raiser. I asked him again and he said they were selling it door to.door again I thought if kids are selling things door to door why would it have the kids name on the lid. That didnt make sense. So I asked him. He said it wasnt the kids name on the lid its his middle name. So I said why would they be selling it door to door and it have your name on it so.I asked him if he ordered it and he got it delievered.
Thats how we got to where we are. I didnt have to snoop the lie was stupid. If he had said oh my friends son had a fundraiser and I ordered this I wouldnt have thought twice about it. Because of the 3 different stories I was forced to question him. Which ive never done before because I never felt he had lied to me.
Signed Up: Aug 22, 2013 Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
You are fine. Nothing wrong with that all questions. I do that with my bull too. We know how to spot a lie. Our minds really accurate in analyzing. He is just a liar. Defensive so he broke up with you so that you'll gonna blame yourself.
One more thing....ive been having dreams about him nearly everynight and I don't normally dream or if I do never that often about the same.person. Is it possible I've connected with him on a different level if so how can I cut that connection?
Yep I sort of don't understand why he would want to be friends with someone who he distrusts so much and hes happy to look after my clothes and cat. Surely if he believed I did what he accused me of he would want rid of me asap! Maybe friends is just a polite way of saying no hard feelings. I know he took the coconut when he then asked.me.to look for his flight like I was his girlfriend. It almost felt like a test to see what my reaction would be.
Signed Up: Aug 12, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
You're a Water Sign, just like the your fellow Scorpios who are giving you GREAT advice in regards to your dilemma.
Your emotions are fueling your decisions. You're psycho-analyzing the obvious.
You're rejecting your intuition and looking for pieces to a puzzle that doesn't exist.
I'm pretty sure you relished at the idea that this Pisces man loved you so much that he monitored you with cameras and videos because he did not want to lose you, or risk that idea of you ever hurting him some day.
This probably gave you a sense of emotional security.
But this wasn't love. Never was. It was planting a seed in your head that he was always a victim.
The exes were never present to defend themselves. You really don't know what happened with his exes.
Guilty people point the first fingers.
He was defintely GUILTY.
But here you are, blaming yourself, which is exactly what he wanted you to do.
Set the relationship on HIS terms, all eyes you, and all blind eyes on him.
In a battle of the wills, this Pisces has more staying power.
He's not the one who is emotionally invested, you are. He knows this.
He will use it as leverage.
The 'let's be friends crap, leave your pet over here crap.'
Call him out on his B&llS**t.
Get you stuff.
F% ck being friends, does it really matter when the other individual has a cruel agenda?
You are right I am the only one invested. I didn't think he was recording because he loved me I just thought he was insecure.
I'm going on a trip to see my mom after which I'm going to get my things from his home and my cat. He acts as though he doesn't want me around the house but I will be getting my stuff.
I have a vengeful streak which I'm trying not to give in to because I don't want to waste my energy. Im going to use the next couple of weeks to chill out and refocus. I don't think I need to verbalise that I don't want to be friends I think my actions will show him. I think I need to stop entertaining him.
I'm so frustrated with myself I never act like this over anyone I let my guard down too soon.
Another update this man is screwing with me he sent me a simple txt ...love you... what on earth??? I think I need to just cut him off my mental health is at stake if I entertain him
Signed Up: Aug 22, 2013 Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
Posted by Angie35scorp Another update this man is screwing with me he sent me a simple txt ...love you... what on earth??? I think I need to just cut him off my mental health is at stake if I entertain him
Because he just realize you are not a fool OR he just realize you don't react on what he says and and thinking you are still cool. I know that calm exterior of a scorpio there lies the raging volcano going to erupt. An angry Scorpio willing to die and die with honor. We don't know the word defeat. We keep fighting till we get the victory. The battle is real for us. And we rarely forgive of betrayal.
We get even. We don't want that disrespect and betrayal just pass by. Revenge will takes place but takes time planning to make it succeed.and I am sure he will be wounded and you're gonna be satisfied after that. Omg. I did that as well during my 20's to 30's. But Angie, if you can overcome that madness, do it lady. The Eagle scorp will rise above of that hatred, anger, revenge thing. They soar high and heal themselves with forgiveness and compassion. That dark energy will only hurt your soul even if you succeed the revenge.
I won't be seeking revenge I have to sort my.life out. I keep thinking hes trying to manipulate me. Hes not allowing me.to collect the cat in the month of October so I have to wait until November. I'm a little hurt by it all because I miss her ive never spent longer than 2 weeks away from her and it November will be the 3rd month
We have been dating 6 months liked each other for a year. Everything was great until I asked him about why he lied about a woman that brought him a gift. The lie was silly and as a follow up I asked him if there was something he needed to sort out I would
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