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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
Why are you following his order about your cat and other stuff? Go get it lady. Not unless he is away.
Yeah cat favorite pet of most Scorpios.
I have that too when I was young.
He said he wont be around hes in a different state to so dont want to waste the airfare
Go get your cat back then
You love(d) him and he played you. I would feel very insecure myself.
Don't let him get away with this any longer. Get your stuff together and move on to better things. You've got this!
Just a quick update: He has agreed I can collect my cat in a couple if weeks or whenever I want. It was like pulling teeth he was ignoring me for a long time. Now hes agreed I no longer contact him. I've realised he loves being the one to ignore me so I just don't give him the opportunity to. When he sends me pics and videos of my cat I just say....she looks well thank you. Thats it.
Right now I have to focus on finding somewhere to live. As like I said I'm sharing with a friend as the plan was to move to his state in a couple of months. I'm looking forward to being on my own and concentrating on me.
I'm still hurt but not in the fog.
Thank you all for helping me.
Is anyone here I need some urgent advice. I went to collect my cat and he is not home. I've called a billion times but he hasn't answered I've left loads of messages nothing his son hasn't come home either I'm not sure what to do. Can I call the police even though he's not home? I'm in the USA but I'm British and I am not sure how it works out here
UPDATE: So it turns out he has been in a relationship with a woman for the past 12yrs. They split 2yrs ago but as far as the woman was concerned they were trying to work things out. She has 1 child for him and shes pregnant again. She told him she was pregnant a few days before he finished with me.
Found this out this weekend. His daughter called me asking sooo many questions eventually she told me what was going on shes so upset he's having another child he has quite a few.
I don't feel upset. I feel vindicated if you like. He really tried to make out that I was a bad person. Coming on here some people said it was my fault and my character that caused what happened to happen.
In fact he's just a lying cheat. Nothing to do with me.
I'm guilty of just being naïve.
I don't know if his behaviour is typical of a Pisces man.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
So, you couldn't get anyone's attention on your other thread ... so you decided to try this one and see if you can get anyone to bite, to come entertain you with your continuing ridiculous story that revolves around you being a victim.
You're not a victim, nor a martyr .... you're just an attention whore, trying to drum up more pity by pretending to be an innocent bystander to circumstances.
the truth is ... you're at fault for all of it. You're not naïve .. you're stupid.
Update: so the woman that he's been having a relationship with called me today! She found me on Facebook apparently she found something with my name on it left in the house she didn't go into details. Sooooooo here comes the good part!! He was literally telling us exactly the same things about moving buying a house etc. The difference was he dumped me before it came into reality and she was about to move in with him!! When I was staying with him he was picking fights with her so she wouldn't call or talk to him. We spoke about time lines and it turned out he did a great job hiding us from each other ...I was even impressed at his organizational skills!!
So I think this concludes my question of what happened. Oh I almost forgot there is a 3rd woman that the first woman met I'm just unsure how far he went with her.
Like I said I came here to find out about pisces men not that I learned a whole lot about them on here but when I was reading around some people never concluded their experience. If anyone in the future reads this we they will understand from beginning to end what happened. They may be in a similar position. So if your not interested don't read it! Move swiftly along!