Living a Life That doesn't fit the stereotype

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Katness on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 and has 118 replies.
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I'm a scorpio woman absolutely frustrated that I feel men solely look at me as a sex object rather than a person with feelings and a sense of self. I'm absolutely thrown off when guys tell me I'm sexy. I can't seem to cover it up, and while I appreciate being attractive, I'd rather be told I'm beautiful than, in essence, fuckable.
I don't get it. When a guy that I'm seeing shows interest and excitement in me, and asks for skin revealing photos, gets them...and then tells me he masterbated to them....and then begins to act all strange...and distant...I can't help but pour over everything I did that could have fucked things up. Damn Saturn in the first house....fuck.
No the images weren't of me nude, they were of a photoshoot I did of a costume I made, all one could see was my belly and legs....just an f.y.i.
I'm a scorpio woman absolutely frustrated that I feel men solely look at me as a sex object rather than a person with feelings and a sense of self. I'm absolutely thrown off when guys tell me I'm sexy. I can't seem to cover it up, and while I appreciate being attractive, I'd rather be told I'm beautiful than, in essence, fuckable.
I don't get it. When a guy that I'm seeing shows interest and excitement in me, and asks for skin revealing photos, gets them...and then tells me he masterbated to them....and then begins to act all strange...and distant...I can't help but pour over everything I did that could have fucked things up. Damn Saturn in the first house....fuck.
No the images weren't of me nude, they were of a photoshoot I did of a costume I made, all one could see was my belly and legs....just an f.y.i.
Which one?
Life is so hard for you.

But I get it. Develop a resting bitch face and they'll back off.
Nah, I just want a man that treats me right and that I can love up. There are too many riches in my heart to bury them for a bunch of pirates to theive...
I just want an honest man who when he holds me I can feel the live he has for me in his heart, and eyes I can swim in for days.
One more time.

Which one?
It's hard being attractive and intellegent at the same time sigh guys are so intimidated by us that they want us sexually bc outside the bedroom we will beat them in success treetrunk that only a real man want all of me & not put off by my confidence and success
Those associated with Scorpios
I gave them to a man I had already been intimate with, not prior.
So, you're saying you don't suck people's blood, you don't sparkle in sunlight, you don't dress goth, and you don't have satan on speed dial? Geez, boring much?
Posted by FrostAndBite
Well a dude who has pools of love in his eyes and holds you with his heart can also masturbate to your picture. Their not mutually exclusive necessarily.
However he should see a doctor for why his eyes are so watery and his heart being outside his chest. Those things sound rather dangerous.

Yes, on the former....I agree. I was just thrown off and started dissecting myself when he became distant as if I had done the wrong thing by sending them to him....that Saturn....or maybe it's my leo moon in the self-confidence can spin a 180.
And in regards to the second paragraph...Ha! smile
fwiw, most heterosexual males see females as sex objects -- sign agnostic.
Posted by Montgomery
One more time.

Which one?

You know...that all scorpios are about is sex, and that we carry a big stinger that flys around stinging for fun.
I have a Virgo Asc. so my scorpio energy is filtered. I have the energy but feel more is accessable with a monogomous partner. Having short flings made me feel empty, not alive. So as a Scorpio, at least in my case, the main focus isn't on sex...but on connection.
The other stereotype I am referring to is that of the well-known stinger. I tend to sting myself long before others, and was condutioned in a verbally abusive household, vowing to refrain from being hurtful even as a teenager. I just start to well with tears, turn my head, and walk away. It's taken me a good length of time to just now finally realize how much my emotions get stirred with imagination in the negative sense. I've been stinging myself for years.
Posted by Montgomery
One more time.

Which one?

You know...that all scorpios are about is sex, and that we carry a big stinger that flys around stinging for fun.
I have a Virgo Asc. so my scorpio energy is filtered. I have the energy but feel more is accessable with a monogomous partner. Having short flings made me feel empty, not alive. So as a Scorpio, at least in my case, the main focus isn't on sex...but on connection.
The other stereotype I am referring to is that of the well-known stinger. I tend to sting myself long before others, and was condutioned in a verbally abusive household, vowing to refrain from being hurtful even as a teenager. I just start to well with tears, turn my head, and walk away. It's taken me a good length of time to just now finally realize how much my emotions get stirred with imagination in the negative sense. I've been stinging myself for years.
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by Katness
I gave them to a man I had already been intimate with, not prior.

That's a bit weird still but if you are tired of being seen/treated this way for a while maybe you should look inward as to why men see you this way first.
Maybe you attract the wrong kind of men for you. Either accept that and move forward or reevaluate what you say or do draw in the garbage.
I seem to attract the pretty and crazy ones myself. I would say that I must be me giving off that vibe that they are safe with me and so they flock.
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oops, my above comment was meant in response to this post, my thumb misfired.
Gurr, okay I accidentally erased it. Poop.
What I had said ...was that this guy is actually quite different than any guy I have dated before.
I had written to him regarding what I felt like was happening, in as uncharged of a way as possible, and told him I was deleting the photos. He asked me why...and when I explained, he pointed out that he was in a funk and then in some unexpected way got me to laugh at my own insecurities. He isn't garbage, he's just confusing sometimes because I am just getting to know him and being that he's human...he has the capacity to be completely different than anyone I've met.
when I find myself getting flustered and spinning myself into self-defeating imagination I have to catch myself...look to the sky and to the earth and recognize...oh, right. I'm not the one in control here. I let it all go, and take a breath, knowing that everything happens for a reason, and that everything is in motion. When I let go of the certainty, and open up to possibility, the charge seems to change. This one has surprised me time and time again, so I'm actually coming to think he is a rare breed.
I'm refining my dating questions..
are there guys out there who aren't into porn? It seems the lot of them have been socially conditioned.
I find it strange that I can be dancing in layers of flowing fabric, no skin revealed except for my hands and face, in the same room with a girl on stage in a club who has tape for pasties on her breasts and is wearing a g-string, but I get approached, and stopped to be told I'm sexy.
I realize men think it is a compliment, but I've done a survey of women who are nice to look at and they are all in aggreement that they don't appreciate it and it actually pisses them off to be told that by some random guy.... the exception are strippers, which the compliment feeds their ego and in their hope, their wallets.
So no, I don't think I "attract" it. I've been "attracting" this type of energy before I even hit puberty, It's absurd to even consider that children do anything to attract that, I had my defenses up early.
Guys just don't get what it's like to be a girl. Even girls can be bred differently. I was always shamed for getting unwanted attention, so I've covered myself well...but I still would like the freedom to express my full capacity within a relationship, and think that is what is fair. I love it when my partner tells me I'm sexy...strangers..not so much. But I'm not every girl. There are some that thrive hearing that and take it well, I'm just isn't a compliment to me when it comes from a random dude, I(we) have much more to us than just that.

Posted by Whatu
Yeah, Its destroying an entire generation. You will know when you have found one though.

Which one ...a good guy, or a porn addict?
I gotta agree, it's hard to feel bad for you when you're handing out pics to guys you're just dating and not in a committed relationship with.
That's all you, honey. That was the first thing that came to mind when I read your initial post.
*facepalm* Sorry, but don't be an idiot about that one. You're 35, not 21. Don't be so naive. You're giving them the green light to objectify you.
However, I can relate to the rest. I've had a similar problem as well- a lot of unwelcome attention from guys. I started joking less with guys and being less open about my actual personality because it attracted fucking freaks. My thing is talking shit and joking around like one of the guys, which includes dirty jokes and the like. I get along with guys pretty well because of this. However, when I got into my 20s, it started getting me attention I didn't want. For some asshats, they saw it as an open invite to ask for sex like it was no big deal. Talk about insulting.
All in all, guys are fucking idiots, tbh. They think with their dick, they approach women in the most retarded of ways, and then are baffled or become jaded when women look at them like they just crawled out of a sewer. They just don't connect the dots, and nevermind that our society is constantly telling them it's okay to objectify women.
You claim to "cover" yourself from head to toe, but you don't exactly explain with what. I've seen women cover themselves from head to toe, in stilettos, skinny jeans, and a snug, long sleeve top that still accentuated their curves. Guys are still going to ogle that shit even though it's "head to toe" coverage, so to speak.
I think you just need to reevaluate what you could be doing without realizing it. It may not even be intentional, but like I said, guys are fucking freaks and the strangest things will give them the green light to be a total creeper.
Also, consider the places that you go to. Some are just cesspools of freaks. It's like how silly bitches complain about not finding quality guys, when their main hang out spots are bars and clubs.
Might I add, that it is total bullshit that you have to think like this, but we live in a stupid ass rape culture that promotes this type of behavior from guys. It's sad that we have to stop and think about what we're doing, what we're wearing, where we're going in order to feel semi safe around the general population. We have to think about all this dumb little shit if we don't want some asshole bothering us by eyeballing us like a piece of meat, approaching us in creeper fashion, and saying inappropriate things. Some guys just do not have any tact or self control.
And you're right, guys won't ever get it. It's why I get absolutely pissed with guys on this site who attempt to tackle some of the dating issues women present. They don't know or even begin to understand how we have to approach things. Just because THEY aren't like that doesn't mean some other jerk isn't.
Again, emphasizing the point of WHERE you go, as well. You're going to have a high volume of douchebaggery at "hook" up spot- aka bars, clubs, etc.
You may want to reconsider where you're meeting guys.
Posted by Katness
I'm a scorpio woman absolutely frustrated that I feel men solely look at me as a sex object rather than a person with feelings and a sense of self. I'm absolutely thrown off when guys tell me I'm sexy. I can't seem to cover it up, and while I appreciate being attractive, I'd rather be told I'm beautiful than, in essence, fuckable.
I don't get it. When a guy that I'm seeing shows interest and excitement in me, and asks for skin revealing photos, gets them...and then tells me he masterbated to them....and then begins to act all strange...and distant...I can't help but pour over everything I did that could have fucked things up. Damn Saturn in the first house....fuck.
No the images weren't of me nude, they were of a photoshoot I did of a costume I made, all one could see was my belly and legs....just an f.y.i.

Does it really matter what you sent? Any man who asks for "skin revealing photos" is obviously looking for one thing. You agreeing to do so is what puts you in the position you are complaining about.
Posted by Katness
You know...that all scorpios are about is sex, and that we carry a big stinger that flys around stinging for fun.
I have a Virgo Asc. so my scorpio energy is filtered. I have the energy but feel more is accessable with a monogomous partner. Having short flings made me feel empty, not alive. So as a Scorpio, at least in my case, the main focus isn't on sex...but on connection.
The other stereotype I am referring to is that of the well-known stinger. I tend to sting myself long before others, and was condutioned in a verbally abusive household, vowing to refrain from being hurtful even as a teenager. I just start to well with tears, turn my head, and walk away. It's taken me a good length of time to just now finally realize how much my emotions get stirred with imagination in the negative sense. I've been stinging myself for years.

You don't speak for me, that's for sure. ..and yes, you are stereotyping with astrology instead of upbringing and life experience.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
I gotta agree, it's hard to feel bad for you when you're handing out pics to guys you're just dating and not in a committed relationship with.
That's all you, honey. That was the first thing that came to mind when I read your initial post.

Posted by aurora
something about your body language and general behavior is giving the men the impression that they can approach you and treat you the way they do. ask your friends, i'm sure that it's pretty obvious to anyone but you.
for instance, what do you do when semi drunk horny random guy tells you that you are sexy?

It doesn't happen that much anymore because I avoid the places those guys are. I don't go out much because the energetics in this city are all whack. When I do go out and this happens...I tell them that I'm there to dance, which is true. I dance for myself, it's my healing process, not my route to attract men.
A typical outfit. Drapey Palazzo dance pants, layered with gauchos, top being some tank or flowing shirt.
I have five planets in scorpio, as I said earlier, Ilas much as I try, I cannot cover up the enegy I was born's energy.
Even when I was a go-go dancer years ago, I didn't dress like the ones now, they are underpaid strippers. I quit dancing for promotors and venues when they suggested I wear less clothing.
I actually still think that at one point I might have to poke a guy in the eyes for staring and teach him a lesson because guys will stare, and stare, and stare, act goofy, and then say the most degrading things that make you wonder about "why doesn't your brain tell you that what you're doing is wrong and that is no way to treat a human being? I am more than just body parts. Hel-lo!"
Its because their brain works way too different. U gotta just get used to it. Maybe even embrace it if you can hold off being repulsed. Some can do that. I find its very difficult for me.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Katness
I find it strange that I can be dancing in layers of flowing fabric, no skin revealed except for my hands and face, in the same room with a girl on stage in a club who has tape for pasties on her breasts and is wearing a g-string, but I get approached, and stopped to be told I'm sexy.
I realize men think it is a compliment, but I've done a survey of women who are nice to look at and they are all in aggreement that they don't appreciate it and it actually pisses them off to be told that by some random guy.... the exception are strippers, which the compliment feeds their ego and in their hope, their wallets.
So no, I don't think I "attract" it. I've been "attracting" this type of energy before I even hit puberty, It's absurd to even consider that children do anything to attract that, I had my defenses up early.
Guys just don't get what it's like to be a girl. Even girls can be bred differently. I was always shamed for getting unwanted attention, so I've covered myself well...but I still would like the freedom to express my full capacity within a relationship, and think that is what is fair. I love it when my partner tells me I'm sexy...strangers..not so much. But I'm not every girl. There are some that thrive hearing that and take it well, I'm just isn't a compliment to me when it comes from a random dude, I(we) have much more to us than just that.

Why do you call yourself a 'girl' when you are 35 years old? You're a grown woman, not a girl. And generalizing strippers as compliment hungry in relation to their wallets is completely false. Strippers don't give a fuck what men think of their beauty, most of stripping and lap dancing is about energy and confidence, not beauty. I used to strip back in the day and most girls I worked with hated the male species and were lesbians or bisexual. Trust me, the stripping game does not put men in an attractive light. They are just a client in which a service is supplied. After that life chapter I felt repelled by men and didn't give a fuck what they thought of me as a woman or how attractive they thought I was.
And maybe you shouldn't be sending random men pictures when they ask for something more revealing? I mean I wasn't born yesterday and neither were you, judging by your adult
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I was one too back in the day. I quit after a few years because I was a better dancer than a stripper.
I don't hang out in bars, or hook up spots. I used to go to clubs for the music, but stopped going because of the crowd many years ago due to the douchebag factor.
And no, he isn't a random dude. He's a guy that I'm seeing.
P.S. I didnt say I was a victim. My point was that while I'm a scorpio and we have this stamp from society that we are oober sexual and venomous, ironically I've always been offended by that...mostly because I don't want that attention from the douchebag who finds the need to stop me from dancing to tell me I 'm sexy. And by dancing, no I don't twerk, I am more of a artful interpretationalist, a modern dancer. I could care less if anyone is in the room, I'm there for me.
Check. smile
I am new to this site and figuring out the kinks.
They only have enough blood to operate one thing at a time. If the brain in their pants gets the blood, the one in their head won't work.
Posted by MoonArtist
They only have enough blood to operate one thing at a time. If the brain in their pants gets the blood, the one in their head won't work.

Sad but true.
Well, you cant control the compliments you get. At least you get them. consider the opposite. man could only like you because of your personality. for shame.
Yes, when my Dad learned that was what I was doing to earn a living his concern was that I would begin to despise men. It did allow me to pay off my college tuition though...and find some life long friends which has its weight in gold.
It may not be sign specify, and as you point out all women get this deal with this crap while men blame us for attracting it by the way we dress.
I have numerous other traits that are creative and inspiring, it has just proven frustrating to be pegged as something solely because of my sun sign. Lots of women are/have been strippers that aren't scorpios. Winking
And I'd even argue to my death that every single person has some light/shade of scorpio in them even if a planetary body doesn't sit in that sign. Astrology is such an interesting study.
Mind ya'll I am comfortable with my sexuality, as much as people want to dissect and point fingers at one another it just goes to show how difficult effective communication is. Perhaps thats why I have all these planets in Scorpio in my house of communication...Saturn is transitting all of them right now.

Note: There is no reason to defend myself to people who misconstrue what I have said.
Many subjects have been touched on in this thread and I've seen several instances of people blasting me for things I didn't even say. Pish. People often choose judgement over understanding and while I don't expect anyone to understand completley, I would appreciate it if you didn't put words into my mouth. That's some b.s.
My whole point was, hey...we aren't just here as sex objects and most of you told me I attracted it subconsciously, that's bullshit. Our society conditions men, rapists get clearance based on one guys interpretation by what she was "asking for" by what she was wearing, but the trends lead women to dress like that. It's all a bunch of b.s. Grow up. You have pictures painted of me that aren't real and you can't even see how that blinds you from hearing what I'm saying. Hooray for the stereotype...I repeat...pish.
Posted by FrostAndBite
Most women are continuously and repeatedly sexually objectified throughout their lives. It's not sign specific. Find a way to deal with it that you feel comfortable with. Some women choose not to give a shit, some use humor to deflect, some react scathingly or blunt to men to bring men down a peg, there's a myraid of ways to deal. Find a process that feels natural to you.

Posted by Katness

Note: There is no reason to defend myself to people who misconstrue what I have said.
Many subjects have been touched on in this thread and I've seen several instances of people blasting me for things I didn't even say. Pish. People often choose judgement over understanding and while I don't expect anyone to understand completley, I would appreciate it if you didn't put words into my mouth. That's some b.s.

Well, in fact you did go into defense mode and it was you who changed the subject repeatedly with an attempt to spin from the initial post and subject. Nobody is putting words into your mouth, you are attempting by changing the subject to do that to the readers here, not to mention throwing rapists into the mix. Talk about escalation. Bottom line, you state:
Posted by Katness
He isn't garbage, he's just confusing sometimes because I am just getting to know him and being that he's human...he has the capacity to be completely different than anyone I've met.
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You later tell us you screwed this same guy and felt justified in sending him the pictures. Most women don't behave this way with someone they don't know. WHY? Because of the same reaction this guy shared when he received your pictures. You made yourself out to be a sex object by your actions. I'm not judging you, I'm telling you that you don't get to complain about men in general because of a choice you made with one particular man or men in general. You didn't appreciate his behavior afterwards, and then go on a rant that all men are like this. NOT TRUE!
Posted by size zero superhero in danger, girl.
that's all i'm gonna say for now Tongue

Posted by pathfinder
fwiw, most heterosexual males see females as sex objects -- sign agnostic.

Right. The first thing a guy thinks about when he sees a woman is sex.
Just sayin'
Posted by Katness
Posted by Montgomery
One more time.

Which one?

You know...that all scorpios are about is sex, and that we carry a big stinger that flys around stinging for fun.
I have a Virgo Asc. so my scorpio energy is filtered. I have the energy but feel more is accessable with a monogomous partner. Having short flings made me feel empty, not alive. So as a Scorpio, at least in my case, the main focus isn't on sex...but on connection.
The other stereotype I am referring to is that of the well-known stinger. I tend to sting myself long before others, and was condutioned in a verbally abusive household, vowing to refrain from being hurtful even as a teenager. I just start to well with tears, turn my head, and walk away. It's taken me a good length of time to just now finally realize how much my emotions get stirred with imagination in the negative sense. I've been stinging myself for years.
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I'm a sun and venus scorpio. I love sex, but that's not what I'm all about. I only sting people when they fuck with me. Otherwise I'm an angel. I can go years without sex, so this doesn't apply to me. Is it because my mars and rising is capricorn? Idk.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
All in all, guys are fucking idiots, tbh. They think with their dick, they approach women in the most retarded of ways, and then are baffled or become jaded when women look at them like they just crawled out of a sewer. They just don't connect the dots, and nevermind that our society is constantly telling them it's okay to objectify.

Posted by Katness
I'm a scorpio woman absolutely frustrated that I feel men solely look at me as a sex object rather than a person with feelings and a sense of self. I'm absolutely thrown off when guys tell me I'm sexy. I can't seem to cover it up, and while I appreciate being attractive, I'd rather be told I'm beautiful than, in essence, fuckable.
I don't get it. When a guy that I'm seeing shows interest and excitement in me, and asks for skin revealing photos, gets them...and then tells me he masterbated to them....and then begins to act all strange...and distant...I can't help but pour over everything I did that could have fucked things up. Damn Saturn in the first house....fuck.
No the images weren't of me nude, they were of a photoshoot I did of a costume I made, all one could see was my belly and legs....just an f.y.i.

Kat, from my experiences, anytime I've been called sexy by someone I was dating it always ended up being about sex. Anytime I was asked for pics, again, it ended up being about the sex.
If it basically starts out this way, it won't change to a meaningful relationship.
As a Scorpio Woman I have come to understand that although I have a certain appeal I cannot allow that to be front and center. I have to downplay it and walk away from anyone that focuses on it. If what I want is about long-term Love and Commitment then the beginning of a relationship really has to reflect that from both people involved.
Posted by Impulsv
I did t read whole thread. But seriously It does come from our own perspective. If I feel all men want me for this I'll notice it more thus proving my theory. It's a belief system society imposes but it is false. Until we tear down those belief systems we are trapped to believe it in our interactions with other.
Yes it exist but the other exist as well. Which one do we wanna focus.
N if I dress sexy that's fine men will look and I can take or leave their advancements. But we can focus on all they want me is for my body or maybe their is more but we are not looking or observing due to set mind set.
It is the energy we chose to be in.

Yes, this! My sister experienced the same thing, but with creepy sex stalker types: guys who would masturbate in their car near her, guys trying to look up her shorts while in line at a store (literally on their knees looking up her legs). She started changing her energy to ignoring them, to not seeing them and she doesn't attract them.
Posted by starlover
Posted by Noreallynow
Posted by rockyroadicecream
All in all, guys are fucking idiots, tbh. They think with their dick, they approach women in the most retarded of ways, and then are baffled or become jaded when women look at them like they just crawled out of a sewer. They just don't connect the dots, and nevermind that our society is constantly telling them it's okay to objectify.


hahaha x 2

I don't think many men are taught how to treat women though, so they literally are clueless, so simplistic and therefore go on to make fools of themselves at times

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Like Aqua last night.... 9 voice mails, 20-30 text messages and stalking last night. He had close to two years to get real with me. Two Years.... ?? Shut the fucking door already. There are too many Men that will TAKE (advantage) rather than realizing it's goodness and then are confused when it's gone.
For all of them there is POF/Zoosk/Match/ etc.... have fun with that.
My rant for the day. Smug
I am really amazed at the Scorpio women here complaining about men & being a victim of cat calls, lines and out of line questions. I'd expect responses like this from Libras or Gemini's. Not Scorps.
Since when does a Scorp woman allow themselves to be a victim of a jackass or two?
Posted by FixedWater
Like Aqua last night.... 9 voice mails, 20-30 text messages and stalking last night. He had close to two years to get real with me. Two Years.... ?? Shut the fucking door already. There are too many Men that will TAKE (advantage) rather than realizing it's goodness and then are confused when it's gone.
For all of them there is POF/Zoosk/Match/ etc.... have fun with that.
My rant for the day. Smug

See? Now this has the same tone as the OP. The only reason why 9 voicemails, and 20-30 text messages arrived last night was because YOU made the choice to allow it. So in actuality, you are NOT a victim of stalking, nor do you get to complain about it until you exhaust all efforts (obvious efforts) to block him..which you should have done two years ago OR after the first voicemail and first text arrived last night.
OMG the burden of beauty!
OP, you sound highly insecure and you may have an overinflated ego. This is not a Scorpio issue, virtually every woman has these types of issues; the only difference is some women know how to carry themselves as grown women (as opposed to little girls). Every woman that has high sexual energy and who is in tune with this energy, knows how to carry it and also to use it to tame men (not to get them to view you as a sexual toy or a quick release). Look at those type of women who TRULY have incredibly high amounts of sexual energy and knows how to direct it; they tend to mesmerize men in a way that causes men to give her the UTMOST respect and devotion. These are the type of women you see controlling very powerful men, the type that men will fight other men for, the type that men show respect and good behavior in order to earn time with her. It's all in how you are exuding that energy; you may be coming off as an easy catch. In my opinion, anyone that sends pics like that (professional or nonprofessional) to man asking to see some skin is begging for any type of attention they can get. If you do this type of thing, I can only imagine what sort of behaviors or subtle messages you send to people in your day to day life. Don't confuse high sexual energy with low self esteem, the need to be loved or your desire to be sought out for and wanted.
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Impulsv
I did t read whole thread. But seriously It does come from our own perspective. If I feel all men want me for this I'll notice it more thus proving my theory. It's a belief system society imposes but it is false. Until we tear down those belief systems we are trapped to believe it in our interactions with other.
Yes it exist but the other exist as well. Which one do we wanna focus.
N if I dress sexy that's fine men will look and I can take or leave their advancements. But we can focus on all they want me is for my body or maybe their is more but we are not looking or observing due to set mind set.
It is the energy we chose to be in.

Yes, this! My sister experienced the same thing, but with creepy sex stalker types: guys who would masturbate in their car near her, guys trying to look up her shorts while in line at a store (literally on their knees looking up her legs). She started changing her energy to ignoring them, to not seeing them and she doesn't attract them.

Crazy!! I'm glad your sister doesn't attract those anymore! That is freakin disgusting!
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Every once in a great while she'll change her energy to make sure it wasn't all in her head and the roaches start crawling out of the woodwork. It really is about the energy.
Posted by LetltB
Posted by FixedWater
Like Aqua last night.... 9 voice mails, 20-30 text messages and stalking last night. He had close to two years to get real with me. Two Years.... ?? Shut the fucking door already. There are too many Men that will TAKE (advantage) rather than realizing it's goodness and then are confused when it's gone.
For all of them there is POF/Zoosk/Match/ etc.... have fun with that.
My rant for the day. Smug

See? Now this has the same tone as the OP. The only reason why 9 voicemails, and 20-30 text messages arrived last night was because YOU made the choice to allow it. So in actuality, you are NOT a victim of stalking, nor do you get to complain about it until you exhaust all efforts (obvious efforts) to block him..which you should have done two years ago OR after the first voicemail and first text arrived last night.
click to expand

There is no blocking option on cell phone with my carrier, and my phone itself doesn't have that option either because it's old. I have recently been considering changing my number but I have had my phone number for many years and do not really want to give it up, and so had put it off.
He knows where I live and its completely out of character for him to do the stalker routine. He just wants a shag without commitment, how was I to know he'd do this?