
This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by softy on Monday, March 27, 2006 and has 21 replies.
My dad just told me that the he picked out my name when I was born.....He said he chose it because it was a song that was out at the time by the OHIO PLAYERS...which I know anything about...Anyways does anybody else think they might know.......Not that u care or anything,,,,just wondered if anyone was familair with that group
By the way guys...I can spell...My keyboard is just crummy and always getting stuck.
Red hot mama does sound like me...But no....
LOL...You are so creative DB......I guess no one knows....Ha-ha-ha-ha Rumplestilkins MY NAME!!! Ask me agin and I'll tell ya the same!!!
OMG well at least we know yer name is not FOPP.
Are you precious???
*schoene looking at DB looking at softy in new light with a hawk cawing in the distance* THIS is really wierd
LOL...NO....Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe no one has gotten it,,,its actually pretty simple....Hmmmmm,,,,,,,It fits me perfectly...and its a great oppurtunity for a guy to run a lame line, when I tell them my name...They usually say something like "You sure are"
I'm about to get in the shower...maybe by the time I get out....someone will know my name,,,HAHAHAHAHAHAH.....Until then my friends...
HEE-Heee ...No...its actually kind of common
Kenny G is the """WINNER"""
I agree...I've heard it all
I meant I have heard some CRAZY out of this world names.....
Thank you SB..I downloaded the song..just to hear what my daddy was listening to and thinking...and the sond has a sweet melody to it
The guy that works at my local video store is named Lunchbox. I wish my parents were that creative. (Ha-ha not really)
Thanks Kenny G....I had fun looking for the song myself and listening to it...I think it is neat to know what your parents were thinking when they named you...
LOL...He probably really wondered "What the hell they were thinking"