Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
There is usually thought or feeling behind an artist's work. The one on top is supposed to represent a feeling of hope. Surrounded by a blue atmosphere (sadness) the face and eyes are still looking up. Both paintings have a window which was meant to represent blind escape meaning that the way out is so close but not seen which is why in both paintings they look the other way.
Why do they look nearly exactly the same, as in the pose, expression? Is this to say that this sadness, yet, window and eyes of hope that was felt ages ago are still present from one pic to the next? Why can you not see the way? What is it you're trying to convey as to the reason for escape? Fascinating .. thanks for sharing, Scorpius
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
Only a few. I was messing around with Flash and a movie editing programme. I was just learning how to coreagraph the animation to the music. The song was called "While the city sleeps" by "MC900ft Jesus" if you want to buy it.
Sure you were, uh-ha, of course ... Not going to have a fuck-resistance contest with you now, no matter how deep-throated you are ... forget it. :: struts away ::
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
"You're gay? wow that's too bad, cuz if that's really you, you're kinda cute." No I'm not really gay hahaha. Antibling, neither of them are from photoshop. I don't know how to use photoshop. The one of the bottom was done in Flash actually. The top one was a painting.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
Yes I drew it and then painted over it. Canvas paintings and oil pastels are my favourite to do. I play music too would you like to hear some? I love piano.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
Or get your profile deleted. I've made a couple profiles and had to have them deleted because I admitted things that no one should really know. I emailed you the piano one and I made the other with FL Studio if you like rock & roll. Did that all by myself but it was computer generated. That one's under the "Intrests" section in my profile.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
Roxi told me that people sometimes put on a face when they're on dxp. But I think that it just sounds different because when you type, you can't hear people's expressions or tone.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
I guess that's a perspective thing, the voice. It's difficult to picture it. When I first called Roxi (without knowing it was 4 dollars a minute) I thought she had a middle eastern sounding accent but it turned out to be very thick British one.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
I used to DJ for a radio station but only for less than a week because I only played the music I wanted to listen to and they wanted me to follow a playlist.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
I can't stand country. Every other song is about losing your wife or Ford. I don't know why the two are even in the same catagory, wives and Fords. I've never met any other girl who likes techno. I like that too. But mostly Jazz and Blues. I had the electrician install system for my old house that was loud enough to shatter windows but it was made for ambiance noise. That way there could be Jazz playing all through the house. Makes for a very romantic setting too.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
What are you getting your degree in? Going by your sign (Virgo) I think you're best suited for some kind of inspector. I had an ex-girlfriend Virgo who was really picky about being clean. She was cheating bitch though.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
I know a girl who had gotten a degree in management and she now manages four targets. She makes quite a fortune but is in her late 30's. I learned a few things from her for my business too. Are you going into management to manage a hotel? There's big money in that too.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
She taught me that you should use your primary job as a secondary source of income. Meaning that take only what you need to survive financially from that job you want and then use the rest for investments. You can never go wrong with property.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
And in this day in age the education is number one for getting a job unless you find some other illegal way of coming up with the right amount of capitol to start your business. That is the only way that there will never be a limit to your money, a business.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
That would be an intresting topic wouldn't it? You know, my favourite speaker was Martin Luther King Jr. He said that if a law conflicts with a moral you must break that law.
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
I like a person who can talk about those kinds of things. But isn't it more factual than philosophical, this topic? Even the lord can forgive a murderer so what does it take to actually be a bad person? And whose morals are we to go by since all of ours are so different?
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