who were you in your Past life

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ~devil's_the_name~ on Saturday, June 2, 2007 and has 82 replies.
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this is a tribute to yummymummysmile

What were you in your past life?
You were ... a Persian King.
#FFFFFF;" href="http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz_176.html">'What were you in your past life?' at #FFFFFF;">QuizGalaxy.com

ok so where are the women of my harem ehh?bring it on!
one is not enough darling.plus with the trend of me being left alone,i promise i will not disturb anyone,if get my harem back,and then certain people can keep working peacfully.Tongue
you know that now its too late complain.haahaa
**evil grin**
have you forgotten something ehh?Tongue
btw i love your picture,so very you.Tongue
did you like mine?Winking

good,better be prepared.haahaaTongue
ok babes,have to go now,you enjoy your faff time.see youTongue
hehe....u know i like it...

offcourse i do,but you know courtesy is always nice.Tongue
bye mooi(haahaa)

What were you in your past life?
You were ... the guy Shakespeare REALLY ripped off.
#FFFFFF;" href="http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz_176.html">'What were you in your past life?' at #FFFFFF;">QuizGalaxy.com

let the show begin...
who were you ladyM
is your being in my harem a long shot?Tongue
"is your being in my harem a long shot?"
its got a good distance on it Tongue
I was waiting for the show between you and clio to begin TongueTongue
clio and i have a love-hate relationship
hate >>clio
i don't know seriously what is with her.i was just being a normal friendly guy with her.i must say she is one highly temperamental virgo girl
She is definitely a character. I think its the way she shows her "love".
Its not giving me my reading/..I dunno why.

What were you in your past life?
You were ... a can of peas.
#FFFFFF;" href="http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz_176.html">'What were you in your past life?' at #FFFFFF;">QuizGalaxy.com

then it must be that only>>you were infact in my harem
Had I enjoyed myself I would've remembered Tongue
no no.
you must have,it is the other way round.when you enjoy it,you don't remember,if you don't enjoy it or suffer a lot in past life,then you remember,to fulfil the karma.Tongue
wow, who knew life as a can of peas was so exhilarating smile
chuck the peas,i think my interpretation was better.Tongue
hehe, I bet you do. Was I happy then ??
A can of peas eh?
Well I always knew I had some great ideas and have this bubbling rage when people look at my paper in the present...I knew it...
I'm a genius you all.
If you say so Clio.
I do say so...you can o' peas.
I'll do it again.

What were you in your past life?
You were ... an unknown victim of Jack the Ripper.
#FFFFFF;" href="http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz_176.html">'What were you in your past life?' at #FFFFFF;">QuizGalaxy.com

oh boy...it hates me Sad
From can o' pea to victim....
hehe, I bet you do. Was I happy then ??

you must have been very happy,as you don't remember anything
*le sigh*
that is one of my fears, dying one of those gruesome deaths...like being chopped up and thrown in some woods...things of that nature.
"you must have been very happy,as you don't remember anything
*le sigh*"
Thank You Winking
i am telling you ladyM,chuck that test already
In spirit of LadyM's second try...I shall go too!

What were you in your past life?
You were ... the Soviet Union.
#FFFFFF;" href="http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz_176.html">'What were you in your past life?' at #FFFFFF;">QuizGalaxy.com

Can of peas.
Can o' peas.
clio,you died a painful death then
haha, a communist is fitting of her.
Okay Okay devil...as you wish smile
In my case, all I had to do was slap her around a bit before she finally warmed up to me.
And that is why I left you...
Packed my suitcase and let. You never knew how to love me...treat me like the woman I am!
I pawned our love ring and a impounded your car and I'll let the next one know that you
were no bigger than my finger...so much for the Scorpio and Virgo love...Nutso broke it
with me. And to think she promised to love me until death do us part!
LiAR! She used to stay out all night drinking and leaving me home with the kids....
Okay Okay devil...as you wish

aaah yes, finally you submit Tongue
"aaah yes, finally you submit "
only to a fellow aqua, never to a scorpio Tongue
Nutso, is Linden Hills nice?
I wanna come pay you a visit...get my money.
And Lady M was a can of peas in her past life...sad but true.
only to a fellow aqua, never to a scorpio

so you forgive my semi-scorpioness?
sad...but true...
"so you forgive my semi-scorpioness?"
as long as you leave it for the bedroom...
as long as you leave it for the bedroom...
You lot are disgusting! There might be pisces and libras about!
as long as you leave it for the bedroom...

i try.
but alas,i don't think it works much though.more like armtwisting myself.haahaa
clio,resign yourself to the feeling,don't swin against it.you will feel betterTongue
"I don't need you to submit, M. You unwillingly obey my will."
count to 10 and breath when you feel the scorpioness coming on in public.