Do you get like this.....

I hear that Taurus get possessive/demanding when in relationships. Is this true? Do you want to control the relationship...

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Hotgal78 on Monday, April 28, 2008 and has 74 replies.
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"i was thinking more mature chicks have a clearer definition of what they want, instead of me having to guess."
I do not think that it has to do with age with regards to expressing vocally your wants and desires. There are those that do not and will not know what they want in a relationship even when they hit 50. I will say that it seems like the Taurus men discussed in this thread may say one thing (talk about relationship and future) and do another (refuse to commit for whatever reason).This is the type of behavior that keeps the other person guessing people.
Perhaps maybe allluv, GEG and I are just dealing with immature male bulls who don't know what they want or maybe aren't as compatible as first thought to be.
Hmm, is it a big deal for a Taurus guy to talk to his mother about someone that he met and is talking to but isn't dating yet?
And what does "Do I have you?" mean? (same scenario) Is that a form of control?
"Learn one thing ladies, its ok to say no to a Taurus. They will probably fume and stampede off, but they won't hurt you."

Excellent advice MIA...One thing that I have noticed with Mr. T is that he will fume and get mad if I say no to something he wants. He may even take it as far as not wanting to speak to me for a day or two while getting over it, but he does get over it and is his normal self when done. I stand my ground as well, so while he is not speaking to me while he is fuming, I leave him alone to process his feelings.
Overdo what? Say no to what he wants or leave him alone to process his feelings?
oh man, he's gonna walk all over you hotgal.
"oh man, he's gonna walk all over you hotgal."
ip_freely, how so?
I compromise at times, but I do stand my ground but I am not and will not be the "yes" person for his every wish. It just won't happen.
because i don't think a taurus only wants someone that simply holds their ground. it's trademark infringement and he's gonna take your ass to the people's court sooner or later
Would a Taurus become less interested if the girl has a very strong personality?
I'm a cancer and sometimes this Taurus throws me off and constantly speaks with double meanings.
He has me crazy, as I see all yours do too. :]
If you come on too strong from an emotional standpoint they will back away.
No no none of the like.
I am confident (as he explained it yesterday, he also said it was playful) and I was just wondering because personally I wouldn't mind, but I'm not a taurus.
I spent some time with another taurus at a club thing (he is a friend) who no matter how many times I made it clear that I didn't want anything with him and I even told him to go dance and have fun he would come back.
Honestly, it was very flattering and I can honestly say I have never before met guys like these.
I have seen the annoyingly aloof aquas, clingy libras, and the weird sags, but I must say you
Taurus men are fascinating!
Yes that's what I'm afraid of.
I wanted to know, how do you honestly know they are interested?
Lmao yes I would think so.
It was a very general question mercinaries smile
Taurus men are so hard to read. I am a libra that is smitten, I mean smitten with a Taurus.
I can't stop thinking about this guy and I don't know him very well!! we text and email, he approached me first but the communication we do have is very dry. I mean he will call me beautiful or sweetie etc...wants to fly me out to see him (we live in different states)but he never gives me anything solid. I want to know this guy, but I don't know how to approach him. He is a musician and kind of famous which is another reason why I am a little scared of him.
I hate games, but I don't want to scare him or push him away either.
Hotgal78 4/28/2008 4:56:33 PM | ip:

I hear that Taurus get possessive/demanding when in relationships. Is this true? Do you want to control the relationship? If you feel that your mate may not be fully into you would you try to do things to change that? Even things that one may consider controlling or demanding?

Hmmmm. Well I have Venus in Taurus and Moon in Taurus and I can be pretty possessive and very jealous. I don't act on it and get all crazy all the time though. I'd say it was worst when I was younger. I think Taurean men get a little more intense.
You don't even have to do anything for me to get jealous.
The other day my boyfriend had very bad stomach poisoning and was in the hospital. He was telling me about the nurse who gave him a tiny bowl of soup.
He said he was real hungry but he couldn't eat a lot because they wouldn't let him. I immediately snapped back with what did she like you or something?
He was like huh? LOL.
Sad but true.
Ms. pisces go suck P-Angels toto.

Yes Lucky star.
That's why I never understood why they are opposite signs.
I think they can be alike in many ways.

I tend to attract Scorpios a lot.
I think they are the only ones who understand my intensity and jealousy LOL.

He just expects things to go his way and when they don't he gets mad and then becomes distant and silent.

They like to throw tantrums. They can be drama kings/drama queens.
Complicated - I have to agree with 25th. I think the Taurus/Cancer thing can work, we have a lot of similar traits, however it can be work. I've been dating one for 6 mths we're still not official yet, he's with me every day and acts like we're in a deep committed relationship, gets jealous (though he says he just kidding) if he thinks I'm giving my time to someone else. It's crazy, but a lot of fun most of the time. Don't give worry about being alone, just focus on having fun, then who knows you just might meet someone.. Being alone and content is better then being half with someone and stressed?
"Being alone and content is better then being half with someone and stressed?"
Holla!!!!.......Church!!!!! Preach!! I second that allluv!!!!
Complicated - Think positive of yourself and what you have to offer in a love relationship and you will see results.
Think of it like the boomerang effect ? The vibes/thoughts/feelings you send out into the would will come back around to you (as far as results)......

?I'm just destined to be alone forever.?
Oh no you didn't!!!! Girl lift ya head up.....Dontcha know ?one man don't stop no show?!?!????lol.. HIS loss is another man's GAIN!!! If this particular man is not into you, there will be others who will be....
Life is too short to dwell on on closed chapters. It is time to move onto the next chapter or better yet a new book altogther.
Good luck & keep ya head up!
I'm also a cancer female in love with a taurus male. I hurt him and now i'm trying to win him back but i know it will take time, if its even possible too win him back.? The hard thing about it is that we have a child together so we speak often. Of course things were good in the begining. Things are slowly getting back to where they were before he felt betrayed or in his words "f***ed over". I've gotten his friendship back, but not his heart.
WOOOOOW allluv72, my b-day is also July 22nd!! When is your taurus man's b-day?
Lisa, my T bday is 5/7... Good luck with winning his heart.
Still dealing with the Taurus/Cancer back and forth. It is like a dance (15 steps forward 10 steps back). When I pull away he comes a chasing and when I am there I feel ignored because he knows I am there. Well such is
Correction > 5 steps forward 10 steps back